Legend of the Maestro

Chapter 3

Hiding in a corner of a rubbish heap were 2 mechas lying in ambush. About 100 metres away, there were five Hundred Devoured Rats digging through the rubbish for food, yet still on their guard and paying attention to every minute movement and sound. Ye Zhong attentively evaluated the area, then discussed quickly with Mu Shang. Ye Zhong carefully controlled Wen Ni, utilizing obstacles on the way as hiding spots, and slowly approached the five Rats. When Ye Zhong was about 20 metres away, he stopped and signed with relief: still, no mistakes till now. As he was just about to prep himself, a sudden gush of wind blew from Ye Zhong towards the Hundred Devoured Rats. d.a.m.n, I"m screwed! With all the strength and speed he had, Ye Zhong dashed towards the Hundred Devoured Rats.

Wen Ni was like a bullet that was fired out from the barrel whizzing right at the Rats. Unfortunately, it was too late, the Hundred Devoured Rats with the sharp sense of smelling could detect danger from the wind just pa.s.sing by, and ran off in different directions.

Without panicking, Ye Zhong controlled Wen Ni in clutching one Rat. If the Rats managed to sneak into the rubbish heap, the probability of catching one was close to nil. Ye Zhong ignored the other four and just held on to the one that he had got.

The wind was blowing; his blood was boiling, as if it was burning. He could see the world slowing down. He was so worked up, that every breath he took consumed all of his strength. His chest moved up and down rhythmically with every puff. Just exhaling could have burned up his nostrils, as if he was breathing fire, and not air.

As the gap between himself and the Hundred Devoured Rat shortened, Ye Zhong"s hands still gripped firmly, but he started to regulate his breathing.

All of a sudden, Wen Ni thrusted at the Rat with a dagger. "Tzing!" The dagger plunged deep into the ground three metres away from the Rat"s head. The Hundred Devoured Rat desperately tried to escape again, on its way heading straight into the dagger, a blood gushing scene was expected.

The Rat abruptly contorted its body weirdly; it"s heavy front limbs stomped on the blade as if it was blunt. It concentrated its strength on its limbs, distributed the force skilfully, thus remained unharmed. It had surprised those that were watching it. The Rat"s eyes gleamed as if it was congratulating itself on its successful getaway.

However, before it could finish its own little celebration, a powerful surge of wind whizzed towards it. Even without its sharp nose, it would have had known the immense strength that was hidden in this wind anyway. The breeze blew through the dense spikes on Wen Ni"s knee joints making such a frightening sound. If one had gotten hit, directly by this knee, no creature could have lived to tell the tale.

Those that could have survived on this dump planet were not meek, so even if the Rat was in such a hopeless state, it wouldn"t have gone down without a fight.

Its body curved up like an archery bow, and halted there. When Wen Ni"s knee almost struck its face, its front limbs" scales erected, and drew on the momentum to dash towards Wen Ni"s neck like an arrow that was just shot from a bow.

"Thud!" its front limbs were pierced through, and those sharp spikes penetrated its soft fuzzy abdomen. There were deep slashes on its hind legs as well, even its bones could be seen.

On this dump planet, sustaining such serious damage meant that the surviving odds were close to zero. However it wasn"t what the Rat was concerned about, it only cared about beating the opponent in front of it, regardless of how insignificant its attack would be.

A chilling light emitted from its toothy mouth, it had a lot of sharp teeth that could have grinded many different kinds of metal easily, thus, it had believed that it could have totally left an everlasting mark on its opponent.

Such certainty acted as its beacon of hope, ignoring its own crisis, the Rat focused all of its energy. It wholeheartedly thought that that would have been the most powerful attack in its life.

The closer it got to the enemy"s neck, the more hysterical the Rat got. Just one second, no, half is enough! With a mere half second, it would have had struck the most momentous and phenomenal attack in its life.

It eyes sparkled. The fire within burnt brightly.

However, just in the blink of an eye, that fire was snuffed out completely.

A dao blade, without any sound nor warning, swung out from below, and smoothly sliced the Rat into two halves. Blood and entrails spurted out, splashing the rusty crimson ground.

Ye Zhong finally regained his composure.

Looking up, he could see Mu Shang standing still not too far from where Ye Zhong was. A Hundred Devoured Rat was hanging on top of a three-meter t.i.tanium pole. Mu Shang"s fighting method was much simpler and more precise. From the location that Ye Zhong was originally at, one Rat had freaked out and ran away mindlessly, thus was defeated by Mu Shang without even having a chance to fight back.

Ye Zhong waved at Mu Shang "Hey", then picked up the 2 halves of the Hundred Devoured Rat.

Ye Zhong contentedly told Mu Shang "How was it? My skills wasn"t bad at all, right?"

Mu Shang coldly evaluated "Completely terrible!"

-What? - that surely outraged Ye Zhong - Completely terrible? Were you even looking?

It had always hurt his pride whenever someone had harshly criticised his best features.

However, Mu Shang didn"t go easy on him "Except the fighting technique that could have barely reached the intermediate level, your flying and shooting techniques and tactical planning were particularly crude. Insufficient data regarding your actual combat experiences, thus, no comment."

-That"s impossible! – Ye Zhong"s eyes opened widely in disbelief.

Mu Shang shrugged, looking rather comical "Of course not, the probability of a wrong valuation is 0.03%"

Unable to accept it, Ye Zhong disputed, "You definitely envy my technique, so you bashed me deliberately"

-Non-existent capability - replied Mu Shang

-Then it"s because of the old mecha I control. Hahaha, definitely so! Let me take over you sometime

Mu Shang paused for a while, and asked with a tone sounding rather odd "There were thirty-one gaps, how could you have known that that one Rat would have run off from my location?"

-Hihi, aren"t I superb? It"s intuition – Ye Zhong boasted.

-Intuition? - Mu Shang"s electronic eyes sparkled - Inadequate data, unable to calculate

Ye Zhong snorted and sneered "Calculate? It wouldn"t be intuition if you could calculate it"

Mu Shang replied "There is a low probability that could happen."

-What? You meant it was just coincidence? Or luck? Let me tell you …. -Ye Zhong was throwing a tantrum.


The two shadows elongated under the sunset. The top of the transferring station"s tower above Ye Zhong"s house could be seen from a long distance. It was like a sign, always pointing to the direction of Ye Zhong"s house.