Legend Of The Mythological Genes

Chapter 145: Domineering suppression

Chapter 145: Domineering suppression

Translator: Lordbluefire Editor: Lordbluefire

“8th dueling platform, Feng Lin vs Feng Yue!”

The new combat list had appeared.

Feng Lin walked toward the a.s.signed dueling platform. From the start of the ranking compet.i.tion to now, sixteen rounds were already held. There were no weaklings among those who remained.

This time, Feng Lin’s opponent was another interstellar cultivator with vitality stats over 30. However, despite his muscular physique, he had a face filled with trepidation and solemness when he was facing Feng Lin. He could feel a great pressure from Feng Lin boring down on him.

This was his instinct as a cultivator which allowed him to faintly sense the suppression due to a great disparity in vitality stats. No matter what he did, he couldn’t relax.

However, as an interstellar cultivator, how would he shy away from a battle?

Feng Yue directly stared at Feng Lin as he spoke, “Feng Lin, you are very strong! Unimaginably powerful. However, I will defeat you!”

“Sure.” Feng Lin smiled and nodded. He could sense the vigorous battle intent from this opponent. Only with this would things be interesting!

“Shaking the mountain!”

Feng Yun stomped on the ground as he charged forward, transforming into a blurred shadow that instantly closed in. His fists were like hammers that wanted to crush everything before him.

His punch force broke the air, causing a thunderous boom with an astonis.h.i.+ng aura.


The s.p.a.ce suddenly trembled. The center of Feng Lin’s brows flashed with a silver light as mental energy ripples instantly gushed forth. However, it felt as though it had slammed into a steel board, Feng Lin wasn’t able to hypnotize this opponent.

Feng Yue’s eyes were still clear. Moreover, his heart contained an unshakable conviction and his will was like iron. This was the reason why it was extremely difficult to shake his mental state.

Things were truly getting more and more interesting!

Feng Lin couldn’t help but smile.

Although his mental gene was strengthened to the max, it was after all only a basic-tier gene. The disparity in tier made it tough to affect true interstellar cultivators.

It was only possible if his mental gene evolved into a higher grade spiritual-type gene.

Since the mental hypnosis was unable to work, this meant that other abilities granted by basic genes were also useless.

Seems like I have to reveal some of my true capabilities…

Feng Lin wasn’t shocked but was joyful instead. From the start up until now, all of his opponents crumbled before his mental hypnosis. Things were truly too boring.

Now, there was finally an interesting opponent!

But how much excitement would this opponent be able to generate? He would only know after they exchanged blows!

Staring at the ferocious punch of his opponent, Feng Lin didn’t mind it at all. One of his hands formed into the shape of a palm as he casually swiped it over.

The skin of his palm had the characteristic of jade, emitting a faint l.u.s.ter of light.

This seemingly ordinary-looking palm struck out with a speed that was not slow and not quick. It was as though it had transformed into a large net that blocked the variations of his opponent’s punch. It gave off a calm and immensely wondrous feeling.


With a light pat, all the ferocious waves of energy in the air calmed.

Feng Yue’s immense strength behind his punch was completely dissipated by this single palm strike.

“Eh?” The demonically handsome young man surveyed Feng Lin’s transformation.

Is he finally going to display his true strength?

Hmm, even his body is turning into a jade-like substance. What gene is that?

A body-strengthening type gene? What are his other abilities?

A look of interest appeared on his face as he stared at Feng Lin.

“What?” Feng Yue was shocked. How could his punch that incorporated the entirety of his strength was so easily blocked by his opponent?

Since his attack had failed, he naturally desired to retreat.

Feng Lin put on a smile that was not a smile on his face. He reversed his palm and grabbed out, holding on to both Feng Yue’s fists, not letting him retreat.

Feng Yue’s countenance turned red as he exerted all his strength, doing his best to struggle free.

However, he soon discovered that Feng Lin’s strength was extremely startling. His palm was like an iron hoop that tightly locked his both hands, not allowing him to struggle free.

This Feng Lin looks so weak and skinny, why does he have such great strength? Could he have awakened a body-strengthening type gene?

During combat, despite the questions in his heart, how could he have time to ponder them?

Despite being at a disadvantage, this Feng Yue had rich combat experience. With a twist of his body, his feet stomped the ground as he leaped up into the air. He then unleashed a chain of kicks, aiming for Feng Lin’s chest.

Right now, Feng Lin could only release his grasp. His palms acted like a palm-leaf fan and created an airtight defense before him, blocking all the kicks from Feng Yue.

“Collapsing the mountain!”

Feng Yue escaped his predicament. Now that his hands were free, he instantly placed them before his chest and portrayed the ‘Tyrant Hitting Cauldron’ fist stance. His fists seemed capable of collapsing mountains and launching out a storm of punches.

Feng Lin’s palm drew a circle before his chest, revealing no flaws in his defense, completely blocking them all.

“Ai?” He suddenly felt that something was wrong, a look of puzzlement flashed on his face.

This Feng Yue was powerful. As his fists continued launching attacks, his punches only grew heavier and heavier.

After ten punches, his punch force was already three times stronger than the first punch.

Wasn’t this a little too illogical?

When a human’s strength reached the limit, it would be extremely difficult even if one wanted to upgrade it by a little, let alone three times.

Feng Yue’s force in his punches grew even heavier; there seemed to be a rising trend to it.

This person only has a vitality stats around 30, how is it possible that his strength is higher than mine? Feng Lin didn’t believe this.

The great disparity in vitality stats wasn’t something that could be mitigated by this kind of explosive-momentum attacks.

Feng Lin blocked another punch. To his surprise, he discovered that the strength level of his opponent hadn’t changed; it was the same as the beginning. However, the force in his punch became heavier and heavier, his fists were akin to iron hammers.

At this moment, he sensed the ripples of an extremely familiar energy in the air.

Gravity gene?

Feng Lin remembered that this was a kind of high-grade primeval gene. It allowed the user to control the formless gravity to suppress others or directly increasing his might, reinforcing his attacks. Such an effect was truly not bad.

Clearly, Feng Yue was using large amounts of gravity power to reinforce his punches. Every time he punched out, his fists would be like huge hammers smas.h.i.+ng their way toward Feng Lin.

The more gravity he used, the heavier his punches would naturally be!

After discovering the truth, Feng Lin no longer had any interest to waste time. His hands instantly formed gestures.

Flipping Sky Hammer Imprint!

Both of his hands were like hammers from the legends as they smashed downward.

Despite Feng Yue being as immovable as a mountain, he couldn’t help being knocked aside.

Although Feng Yue’s punches were heavy, the strength used to unleash them remained the same. How could he resist attacks that exceeded his strength by three times?

With just a light block, Feng Yue’s entire person was flung through the air and slammed onto the ground below the dueling platform.

“Feng Lin, victory! Time taken: one minute.”

The monitoring A.I. announced the result.

“What? Even Feng Yue has lost?”

“Feng Yue’s vitality stats is at 32.6, but to think that he could only persist for one minute!”

“That last move used by Feng Lin seemed extremely profound. What kind of martial arts is that?”

Everyone couldn’t help but feel a sense of dissatisfaction. It wasn’t easy for them to finally see Feng Yue act. But how could the battle end so quickly?

His opponent was completely suppressed by him, and Feng Lin’s capabilities were only revealed slightly.

That wondrous move he had used was only for a split second; thus, it was tough to see clearly what its origins were.

Feng Lin slowly walked down the platform and cast his gaze at the surroundings. He discovered that only about forty people were remaining in the ranking compet.i.tion with the vast majority of them being interstellar cultivators.

But those who could truly pose the slightest threat to him were only Feng Li, Feng Jinpeng, and a few other geniuses of the clan that were on their levels. But then again, they would only be able to pose the slightest threat to him.

If he continued fighting like this, how long would it take before the compet.i.tion was concluded?

Feng Lin was growing impatient. His brows twitched as he tried to think of a simple, effective, and better idea.