Legend Of The Mythological Genes

Chapter 492: Creation Cells

Chapter 492: Creation Cells

Translator: Lordbluefire Editor: Lordbluefire

“Creation cells?” Upon seeing the fanatic look on Kennard’s face, Lin Feng silently contemplated.

In truth, even without Kennard saying anything, Lin Feng could sense that this ball of meat wasn’t so simple through his spiritual perception. It looked round but contained boundless lifeforce, and its energy fluctuation was terrifying.

Wind, thunder, fire, water…

Its aura was sometimes like a violent wind, sometimes like a galloping thunder, and sometimes like a blazing fire or the ice-cold rain…

This meatball wasn’t a combination of a lump of different cells. It was like an even more primeval lifeform that contained the origins of countless transcendent paths, seemingly contained limitless possibilities.

Now the sources of all transcendent paths were combined together and it became in a state somewhat resembling chaos.

Lin Feng’s spirit force kept scanning it, and he could sense secrets of countless mythological genes within, which symbolized the absolute starting point.

Genetic potential +800, +920, +890, +860…

With just a glance and a spirit force scan, Feng Lin’s genetic potential began to surge explosively before the increase gradually slowed down.

Creation cells?

Lin Feng was extremely shocked.

The cells of the creation G.o.d that contained the starting point of all mythological genes?…

Daring to give this such a name… the creation cells were undoubtedly the greatest achievement of this research lab!

He had to obtain a sample of the creation cells!

Feng Lin’s heart that had always been as calm as water, now had huge waves churning within.

His spiritual instinct told him he had to obtain the creation cells no matter the price. This might be an unprecedented opportunity for him on his path of mythological cultivation.

Creation cells?

What was the heart monkey?

It was a divine creature formed from the spirit.

Feng Lin was walking on the Sun Wukong Mythological Path. Therefore, his spirit senses were incredibly sharp.

His spiritual instinct would naturally be exceptionally accurate.

Although this feeling wasn’t based on facts, Feng Lin could instantly tell that this meatball was a miraculous object that would be of great help to his cultivation. He must obtain it at all costs.

Although he wanted it very badly, Feng Lin’s expression didn’t change. He simply smiled. “Creation cells? You are saying that this tiny meatball is the cells of the creation G.o.d in the legends? Are you not too audacious?”

His tone was filled with doubt and mockery.

Kennard giggled, “Although it’s audacious to name it like that, there’s no doubt that this is genuine.”

“Oh?” Lin Feng allowed interest to show on his face.

Kennard continued in a low voice, “The universe is limitless. There are many mythological systems namely, Huaxia Mythology, Norse Mythology, Western Mythology…Each mythological system contains countless secrets and riddles of the paths leading to transcendence. Although the vast majority of the information we have now is fragmented, it’s not difficult to discover that there’s a major common point throughout all myths and legends.”

He paused, but he didn’t purposely act mysterious. His voice involuntarily turned heavy.

Feng Lin’s heart clenched. He instinctively felt that he was about to hear the greatest truth of this gene origin laboratory. He naturally had to listen closely.

“Witches and Angels from Western Mythology. Immortals, Deities, and Buddhas from Huaxia. The Nymphs of Maya. Amun and Pharaohs of Egypt… Backtracking through the long river of time, you will discover that at the origin, chaos was everywhere. That was the most original state where there’s no s.p.a.ce, no time, no beginning, and no end. From there on, G.o.ds appeared, splitting the heavens and earth, creating the world. These referred to the creation G.o.d in all mythologies! Clearly, in the ancient primordial era, regardless of which race, all had the knowledge that the universe sprang from chaos; this is a fact. The only thing different was the ident.i.ty of the G.o.d of creation. The most famous names for the G.o.d of creation was Huaxia’s Pan Gu, Almighty G.o.d of the West, Chaos of Greek Mythology, Lord Brahma of Hinduism, and Atum of Egyptian Mythology—all mythology sprang from the same source. The so-called creation G.o.d was nothing more than the physical manifestation of chaos. Hence, no matter how different the various mythological systems are, they all originated from chaos. Thirty years ago, after I understood this theory, I began to use vast numbers of large-scale A.I.s to perform billions of mythological genes simulations using the most basic mythological genes. And after countless failures, I finally managed to combine them into the most original cells. I named them as the creation cells! The cells of the creation G.o.d! Although they resemble a meatball and don’t display any attributes, they had the ability to evolve and transform into countless attributes. As long as I input the data to control them, these creation cells are truly like the G.o.d of creation, capable of creating all lives in the world. They can instantly transform into various mythological forms and this… is none other than the greatest achievement of my research. Do you know why my laboratory is called the origin gene laboratory? It is because our ultimate goal is to pursue the ultimate source of mythological genes and to decipher the secrets behind all mythologies!”

He lifted his hands and spoke complacently. A look of madness could be seen on his face.

When Feng Lin heard his words, his external expression was calm, but he was deeply shocked.

Although this Kennard was a mad man, he couldn’t help but admit that this man was truly an extremely rare and genuine genius of the genetic field!

He could even successfully create something like the creation cells. No matter how his personality was like, just this achievement alone made him worthy of respect.

To a scientist, one’s accomplishments and one’s character were two separate things.

But now, this was only a one-sided story by Kennard. As to whether would it be as powerful as he said, Feng Lin still needed to witness it personally before he could confirm it.

“Is the creation cells truly as powerful as what you said? Can it transform into countless mythological forms, and are your words not too much of an exaggeration?” Feng Lin spoke, his face was filled with intentional disbelief.

“Whether this is true or not, you will know when you see it!” said Kennard in a low voice. His fingers began to tap rapidly as he inputted data.

Very soon, in that cultivating device, the creation cells started to change.

The meatball was like a chicken egg that continued to squirm as it rapidly grew larger.


A powerful heartbeat rang out from within.

Chaos was like a chicken egg!

A mythological creature that had been nurtured for a long time seemed to have awakened within the egg.


A frenzied roar rang out suddenly.

The meatball changed rapidly, transforming into a devil cloaked in fire. This was a Balrog with black horns on its head. Although it was only at the height of a human, its features were extremely fiendish and malevolent, radiating a terrifying aura.

Bang bang bang!

The instant the Balrog appeared, it frenziedly began to beat on the transparent alloy wall. The flames burned with more intensity, wanting to incinerate everything.

“Balrog of western mythology?” Feng Lin’s eyes narrowed.

But things hadn’t ended yet!

Kennard continued to input information. At the next moment, the Balrog melted and went back to the shape of a chicken egg. After that, a tiny person was born.

Her figure was dainty and her countenance beautiful. Long jade-green hair flowed down, reaching her waist; her ears were pointed. This was none other than another mythological creature of western mythology. An elf!

They were born with transcendent abilities and had a great affinity with nature. They were known as the seeds of the world’s fortune and blessed with grace and beauty, enjoying lifespan as high as 1,000 years.

An aura that was one with nature radiated from it. The elements of wind, fire, water, wood, and metal—all sorts of nature energy began to flow toward her like birds flying back to their homes in the forest. The flows of energy were extremely docile and coiled around her like obedient pets.

The creation cells were the source of all genes. It seemed that it could truly transform into the various mythological creatures with each having their unique abilities.

This thought surfaced in Feng Lin’s heart.


An intense roar of a dragon rang out.

The beautiful elf turned back into a chicken egg.

After that, a head with deer antlers and a face resembling an ox with a beard appeared…

The moment it appeared, it shook its head and tail. Its long sinuous body continued undulating. Eagle talons, fish scale, the body of a python…

When this mythological creature appeared, it brimmed with an innate air of divinity, as though nothing could blaspheme it.

A divine dragon of Huaxia Mythology?


‘Chaos was like a chicken egg’ refers to the time when Pan Gu split open heaven and earth and created the world: the heavens and earth were mixed together with chaos and resembled a chicken egg.