Legends Of Varlaurea: The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 34

Emperor Lam"s idea had worked, the next morning, a Brocade Cloak Guard came and inform him that Kwanjobo will meet him at a forest outskirt, 2 hour velelis ride from Fon Chu, to the south. As arranged, that night, Emperor Lam accompanied by 10 Brocade Cloak Guards roweling their velelis to the forest till midnight. Cold is the night breezes, next to the warm fire, Emperor Lam sat and watch the moon rose high above, "oh, how bitter the fate of an emperor" he thinks, the more power you held, the more carefully watch your back, you must. More caution, you must, with every shadow in the night. The elder brother, he had love and respect all his life, now conspiring to kill him, countless thoughts, countless dark visions flooded his mind. After Prince Suk Nin, who will be next? Who"s dagger he must watch next? He wondering. In that melancholy, a poem came to his mind, he murmuring it, a poem of the loneliness of those who wear a crown.

When midnight come, from the bushes in the forest, a low croaking voice sounded "wajam! Emperor of Varlann." Amid those bushes Kwanjobo and his brothers appeared and striding toward Emperor Lam, stood before his majesty, they remove their hat, hand on their chest, politely bow.

"my heart rejoices because of this meeting, may I reintroduce myself, I"m Kwanjobo as you had known, my brothers-in-mind also called me "the Wise Elder"." The Kwanjobo turn to the Orc on his right, the one that Emperor Lam recognized is the intruder from before. "this is Ngbambe "the Few Word", you had meet him before." Ngbambe silently bow. Then Kwanjobo turn to the Orc on the left, an Orc with a rounded face, wide nose, a quite big afro, and the most muscular of the three "this is Olunwa "the Strong Arm"".

"wajam! Emperor of Varlann, it"s an honour to meet you." Olunwa place his hand on his chest and bow. "sorry, about the door. At that time, I can"t think of any way to give a strong message."

"we are the disciples of Ochwesi, the spider G.o.d of tales and wisdom in speech. It"s an honour to meet you." Kwanjobo said, and the three of them bow again.

"likewise gentleman." Emperor Lam interlock his finger in greeting. "then, all of you crossed those treacherous lias to Varlann to retreat what were stolen by my brother, what were those objects are? what kind of danger does they pose? And how can I help?"

"this, I"m afraid is for you ears only, Your Majesty. These matter cannot be known by too many people" Kwanjobo said looking at the accompany Brocade Cloak Guards.

Thinking for a second, then Emperor Lam told the guards to stand away from them, when the guards had retreated, Kwanjobo lowed his voice enough for just the four of them to heard.

"those were stolen is a choker and a book." Kwanjobo said.

"that"s all?" Emperor Lam said with a little confuse.

Kwanjobo smile, said "those were not just any normal book and choker. The choker was an ancient artifact, day back when the Old G.o.ds still walk among mortals, it possessed the mystical power of the Old G.o.ds. Those who obtain the choker, possess the ability to persuade anyone to follow one"s ideology. And the book is many time more dangerous, it contains the ancient magic spells of the Old G.o.ds, the secrets able to waken the "Abandoned Old G.o.ds" from their slumber, and open a way for them to return to the mortal world. I am sure, that, like us, Emperor of Varlann, you had heard the tales of the "Abandoned Old G.o.ds", tales of the disasters and atrocities caused by them, and what would happen if they"re to return."

"the…the Abandoned Old G.o.ds? were… they not just legend? folk tales?" Emperor Lam surprise, skeptically re-ask about what he just heard. Those words really stumped him, because everyone on Varlaurea continent known those are just legends and myths of the bygone age.

Hearing that Kwanjobo, smile again, reveals his marble white teeth "yes, they"re real, they"re real like you and me are real. The existence of them and those artifacts are the reason why I do not wish for too many people to know. The disciples of Ochwesi has safeguard those artifacts for hundreds and hundreds of years in secret, to keep those powerful objects from the eyes and ears of those who with dark intension. So then, do you have any lead about them?"

Thus so, Emperor Lam retold the current situation, and the coup d"état plot of Prince Suk Nin, hearing that Kwanjobo shake his head and sigh.

"the throne… oh, the throne, what a dreadful object it is, it can cause brothers to betray each other, to willingly soak their hand in the blood of their kin like this, my condolence, Emperor of Varlann. I think everything is clear, your brother wish to use the power of the choker of Ochwesi to convince others to join his coup d"état plot, and I afraid he will not content with just the throne of Varlann." Kwanjobo said "with such heavy heart, I must say, your brother must be stop."

"worry not, I already had leads on my brother whereabouts. And my son already investigating those leads" Emperor Lam said

"that"s good, but lord Crown Prince have no idea know what is he facing with, it"s would be best if we all go there and give him aid, if not, I afraid the consequence will be unimaginable." Kwanjobo said.

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