Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Daniel, do you want to shoot me?"

Wayne whispered softly. His expression calmed down. His tone even held a hint of mild gentleness.

Of course Su Shi didn"t want to pull the trigger.

The occupation of the high-end bureau was very detailed. Su Shi was not a high-level fighting type. He was not familiar with the use of firearms. He didn"t have the confidence that he could shoot a bullet to just graze Wayne"s hair to scare him.

If he misfired, that one bullet would cost him thirty thousand experience points.

He couldn"t afford to pay. Not uh.

The alarm for directly threatening the protagonist"s life sounded in Su Shi"s head, making his mind spin. It"s not like he could say: "oh sorry, I pointed the gun at the wrong person." He just took the gun away.

After hesitating for a moment, Wayne suddenly exploded into motion. He s.n.a.t.c.hed the gun from Daniel"s hand, and ruthlessly pulled him in front of him. He pushed the muzzle up against Daniel"s temple.


The lieutenant stepped forward and shouted nervously. A murderous aura covered his entire body. His gun was pointed at Wayne"s forehead.

Wayne didn"t move. A faint pain was spreading silently from his chest.

After closing the distance between them, Wayne could clearly feel that Daniel"s breathing was shallow and short, and his stance was too weak, almost like an ordinary person who had never been trained.

But it was impossible for Daniel to not have received training.

Daniel was one of the top graduates from the Imperial Military Academy. He was once at the peak of countless people. Even if Wayne was the opponent, Wayne did not necessarily have complete confidence in his victory.

The only reasonable explanation was that the other person"s body has indeed reached the point where it was unable to cover up the weakness.

Wayne"s gaze grew even deeper as he quietly stared at the other person"s paleness.

Was it because Daniel"s body had been so bad that he was unable to dodge that shot, or was it because he was shot that he became so weak?

No matter which one was the answer neither was what he expected.

He couldn"t continue thinking about it anymore.

It would seem that Daniel now had a considerable say in the government run by Terence. It was not only military operations, but also political maneuvers and the implementation of government orders have gradually relied on the young marshal who was deeply trusted by the president.

If Daniel were indeed a traitor, as long as he was eliminated, at least half of the government operations would be paralyzed. It would be far more effective than scattered a.s.sa.s.sination attempts on the enemy.

If the other party did indeed have unspeakable difficulties, then even if he continued to investigate further, it would only ruin the other party"s painstaking efforts.

Whatever the case, now was not the time to explore the truth.

"Yes, I am very disappointed. I was not able to personally avenge teacher and get rid of this glorious imperial marshal…"

It was clearly a disdainful sneer that was no different than usual, with a penetrating coldness that left behind a hidden wound.

The misunderstanding level finally stopped falling, and when he heard those familiar cold words, Su Shi discreetly let out a sigh of relief.

"Put down the gun, Wayne!"

Even if he understood the marshal"s painstaking efforts, protecting the marshal"s life was still his first priority. The lieutenant took another step forward and his tone revealed a faint killing intent.

"Nathan, you first put down the gun."

This hot potato was getting hotter and hotter. Su Shi had a terrible headache. He knitted his eyebrows and then opened his mouth to speak. He took a deep breath and then held onto Wayne"s wrist. "You want to hold me hostage in order to escape. This is really the dumbest thing I have ever seen you do. Wayne, there is strict security just outside this door. Do you think you can really hold a gun at me and escape beyond ten meters?"

The body that was pulled into his arms was so thin that it was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Although Daniel held his wrist, it was clear that there wasn"t much strength in the grip. He did not make any attempt to break free.

The ice-cold hollow of Daniel"s palm was pressed against his wrist bone. Wayne didn"t know if Daniel was unwilling to exert strength or if he simply wasn"t strong enough. The power behind Daniel"s grip was so light that it made Wayne"s heart feel sour.

The lieutenant turned the muzzle of the gun away from Wayne and stepped back a few steps, but his eyes still threatened with sharp vigilance.

Wayne remained unmoved. The gun in his hand was pressed firmly to Daniel"s temple. His arm was still wrapped tightly around the youth"s neck. "My life in exchange for yours. That"s not too bad, wouldn"t you say?"

Hearing his words, sparks of fire nearly shot out from the lieutenant"s eyes. "Wayne! Marshal, he clearly-"


Su Shi shouted for the lieutenant to stop. He finally understood Wayne"s purpose for seizing him. He felt his stomach sinking. "Wayne, what exactly is it that you want to do?"

Wayne was truly worthy of being the protagonist selected by the plot. It was obvious that the man has been seriously injured and tortured once, but the arm around his neck was still very strong. He almost couldn"t breathe.

"I just want to figure out one thing."

Seeming to be aware of Su Shi"s discomfort, Wayne lessened the strength in his arm inconspicuously, and whispered into his ear.

Wayne"s warm breath hit the sh.e.l.l of Su Shi"s ear. The chest behind him was strong and wide, and because the arm had relaxed its strength a little, it had moved slightly downward.

If one ignored the gun, it would look like a very scandalous hug.

"Daniel, why did your body deteriorate to this degree?"

Author"s Corner

Gong: You have changed. You were not so weak before.

Su Shi: Shut up. =_=