Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

"This is not your concern, Wayne."

Mentioning a pot that doesn"t boil*.

[*T/N: Chinese idiom meaning to touch a sore spot or to poke at someone"s weak point]

Su Shi answered the other party in a light voice. He was a bit sullen, his expression sinking in an instant.

From the start, Su Shi hadn"t wanted to specialize in combat, because he found it too exhausting. So he placed his skill points into other areas of expertise. When he was first flung into this world, he was almost returned right back to the main s.p.a.ce due to the artillery barrage that filled the sky.

With his current paltry amount of experience points available to him, he couldn"t even afford an elementary combat upgrade package. The system had gifted him with a [Life-Saving Gift Package], which had the effect of increasing his combat prowess in the case of emergencies. Unfortunately, the effects only last three seconds each time. And buffering actually took thirty days.

Matched up against the protagonist"s skills, once those three seconds have pa.s.sed, he will surely miss the gentle treatment of only being held hostage.

Hearing his reply, Wayne"s pupils shrunk and his eyes revealed a tinge of sadness. Unknowingly, the arm holding Su Shi hostage loosened some more.


Su Shi couldn"t help quirking up an eyebrow.

At the same time that Wayne"s voice sounded, there was a sharp alarm warning Su Shi that the protagonist"s life was threatened.

Right now, there was an arm wrapped around his neck and there was still a gun pointed to his head. This hard level task of being able to threaten the protagonist"s life couldn"t possibly be him at the moment.

If it were some other threat…

The door of the medical room was suddenly opened and Su Shi"s pupils shrank. He did not hesitate to activate the three-second special effect and suddenly threw himself into Wayne.

In three seconds, the wrist was turned down and the elbow was folded. The momentum was fast and the action was fierce.

Wayne did not counterattack, nor did he have time to counterattack.

The person whom he just held hostage seemed to trip and stagger forwards a few steps, powerlessly falling atop his body. The arm that knocked him away so forcefully fell down limply. Blood seeped out, dying his line of sight in red.

"Lowry, who told you to shoot?!"

The lieutenant rushed over and caught the tottering marshal in his arms. There was a severe look of coldness in his eyes.

The sharpshooter who charged in through the door looked confused. He looked at the marshal that he"d accidentally injured. He stuttered and tried to explain. "Th- the guards heard voices, said the prisoner had bad intentions… The senior colonel told me to come and rescue the marshal…"

"I wonder when did you stop listening to my orders and decided to arbitrarily act on your own?"

The piercing pain of his wounded shoulder turned his eyes a deep black. Su Shi slowly released a breath. His voice was low and gentle, but Lowry"s face still turned pale as sheet.


The senior colonel rushed in and was scared by the situation in front of him. He hurriedly explained, "We were worried for your safety, Marshal…"

"Worried about my safety so you decided to shoot him. Do you people know what his life means?"

The thick, dark cloak masked most of the blood. Su Shi took another deep breath and straightened his body, calmly looking at the subordinates in front of him.

A sharpshooter was no problem, but the senior colonel was Terence"s confidant. He must find a reasonable explanation for his behavior.

Many people in the Terence government were aware of Daniel"s iron fists and superior capabilities. The senior colonel was somewhat panicking. He fearfully took a step forward. "Marshal, you are the jewel of the empire, no matter how important the prison is, he is still not worthy of you-"


Su Shi interrupted him. He lowered his line of sight and said, "Is it because the royal family have given up their power for such a long time that you have forgotten their influence in the country? Have you ever thought that if the second heir to the royal family died in the hands of the government, how many people would step up and rebel?"

His tone was not too severe, but cold sweat was already beginning to emerge on the senior colonel.

The Canta Empire was under the reign of a tyrant. Although the royal family had no real power, they were still the core of the national belief. In the current situation, if they had killed Wayne, they may have sparked a national uprising.

The Terence government was powerful and awe-inspiring. Any member with even a little bit of status would not put the royal family in their eyes. He was too eager for the honor of meritorious service, but he had forgotten that the situation was no longer as optimistic as before.

Marshal Daniel not only saved the prisoner, but also saved his life.

The look of the senior colonel changed a little. He suddenly stood upright. "Marshal, I was too reckless, please punish me!"

"Go receive penalty yourself ba, whatever amount you feel is right, just tell them directly."

Su Shi was losing quite a lot of blood, and black spots dotted the edges of his vision. He gave the senior colonel a simple answer, wanting to step out, but found that his legs have long ran out of strength.

"Let"s treat your wound right here right now, Marshal."

The bullet had gone straight through. In the brief moment of delay before treatment, a lot of blood had already flowed out.

The lieutenant forced the nearly unconscious marshal to sit on the examination table. The medical staff rushed in to tend to the shoulder wound.

The guards wanted to take Wayne away, but Su Shi stopped them. They obeyed and withdrew from the door. Then they separated a distance and faithfully kept watch at the end of the corridor.

After the lesson from last time, Su Shi did not glance at Wayne at all. He only leaned on the lieutenant and closed his eyes quietly.

Wayne looked at him, and his tight fists loosened increment by increment. In the depths of his eyes burned a blaze of fire.

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