Let's Raise My Female Cousin Who Woke up from Vegetative State after 10 Years into a Meat Slave!

Chapter 11

Episode 12 (Magical girl cosplay, paizuri)

「Mifuyu-chan, are you awake?」

「A, sou-chan! Ehehe, I"ve already awaken」

10 days have pa.s.sed since when I decided to have s.e.x with Mifuyu-chan daily

As my expectation, Mifuyu-chan became addicted to s.e.x, because she demanded frequently yesterday, we had s.e.x 4 times

Mifuyu-chan"s stamina hasn"t recovered that much so she was gasping when the 4th time ended, but even so she seems to love s.e.x

To oppose Mifuyu-chan"s overflowing s.e.xual desire, I also took supplements like zinc,… but in this manner, perhaps I would die during s.e.x someday

Well, it"s like that, today I also visit Mifuyu-chan"s room in the morning

「Sou-chan, shall we have s.e.x before breakfast? Today, I"m fine with back ♡」

We did it thoroughly yesterday, and yet it"s just after she woke up, such amazing s.e.xual desire as ever

As if she knows I love b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she"s rubbing her own b.r.e.a.s.t.s covered by the see-through babydoll to show off and tempt me

I pinned down my desire of wanting to answer her invitation, and made her eat the not-cooled down breakfast first

I want to have s.e.x, but I wanted her to eat the delicious breakfast I made after all

「Mifuyu-chan,  s.e.x would be after breakfast」

「Muー……. Haai」

Then as usual, I feed Mifuyu-chan her breakfast

After having my own breakfast and finishing tidying up the cutlery, I returned to Mifuyu-chan"s room

「A, Sou-chan! Mufufu……let"s have s.e.x♡」

「……It"s fine, but the contiunation of the anime, you won"t watch it?」

「Un, it"s fine!」

Right after I entered the room, Mifuyu-chan took her eyes off the TV and invited me

Displayed on the TV is Mifuyu-chan"s favorite anime 『Card chaser Anzu』, but before I knew it, she has fallen in love with s.e.x

(A magical girl can"t win against d.i.c.ks, huh……)

I feel like the usage is somehow different, but I recalled the phrase seen on the Net

Then at the same time, I remembered "that will arrive very soon"

Mifuyu-chan seems to be a huge fan of 『Card chaser Anzu』 so I tried to order one, but I wonder if she likes it



「A, a guest……?」

The entrance"s chime resounded at the best timing that made me wonder if they read my mind

「I"ll go for a while」

Leaving those words, I left Mifuyu-chan who had a slightly disappointed face and went toward the entrance

Such perfect timing. It must be "that thing" I ordered

「Mifuyu-chan,  I"ve let you wait……Yoisho」

「Un, welcome back……Sou-chan, what"s that?」

While holding the cardboard box, I open the door with my leg and enter Mifuyu-chan"s room

The cardboard box I"m carrying isn"t heavy, but it"s relatively large

Mifuyu-chan also looks with great interest

「Yoisho……fuu…… Mifuyu-chan, this is a present for Mifuyu-chan」

「E……Present!? Uwaa……! R, really?」

「Un. Then, I will open it」

Placing the cardboard box next to the bed, I break the tape and open it

Mifuyu-chan is excited *wakuwaku* as her eyes sparkle *kirakira* with expectation, wondering what would come out of the box

「Yoshi, it"s opened. Then, look…… Mifuyu-chan"s present is……」


I opened the box lid, took out what"s inside and spread it before Mifuyu-chan"s eyes

「……!! T, this is……Anzu-chan"s costume!?」

Right, the thing I ordered was 『Card chaser Anzu』"s magical girl cosplay clothing

The size is for adult as expected, but even so, it was reproduced with faithfulness to the anime with delicated details

The cost was quite high, but just by looking that the picture, I understood that the workmanship was good so I tried purchasing

「Waa……! Waa……!」

Mifuyu-chan"s surprised face immediately brightens up, she delightedly grasps both hands before her chest

She becomes slightly teary just by seeing it, she"s really happy from the bottom of her heart, huh?

If she"s this happy, it"s something that worth paying

「Mifuyu-chan, why don"t you try this?」

「Un! Anzu-chan"s clothing, I will try it!」

While feeling pleasant at Mifuyu-chan nodding her head vigorously, I put the clothes down for a moment and take off Mifuyu-chan"s babydoll

Then while nicely support Mifuyu-chan"s body, I took the clothes and made her wear it

Putting clothes on a person with weak body is quite a heavy labour, but if it"s for Mifuyu-chan"s smile, I will muster all my strength

After the clothes, it"s the white gloves and knee socks, red boots, ribbons and hat

After a long time, the change of clothes finally completed

「Waa……! Waa……! Sou-chan, amazing! I really look like Anzu-chan!」

Mifuyu-chan is in high spirit

This is also natural. Mifuyu-chan"s figure is completely the figure of Hinomoto Anzu, the protagonist of 『Card chaser Anzu』 itself

The presence of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s are emphasized too much, but in that case, I can also feel the appeal of her cuteness so I don"t mind

Mifuyu-chan is excited, but because of the advent of the gorgeous magical girl in the usual Mifuyu-chan"s room, my heart is also throbbing *dokidoki*

「Mifuyu-chan, wait a sec. I will fetch the camera」

Such cute magical girl appearance, I must preserve it permanently with video camera

Leaving my room holding the video camera, I immediately returned to Mifuyu-chan"s room

「Mifuyu-chan, hora, look here~」


When I immediately startup the video camera and turn the lens to her, Mifuyu-chan makes a peace sign despite her shyness. Cute

After that, I took the pictures of various signature poses on Mifuyu-chan"s bed, everything was stored in the camera

Mifuyu-chan herself is a beauty and the clothes" workmanship is also perfect, so no matter what angle, the cuteness is overflowing

Mifuyu-chan also made various poses in high spirit, so it"s good that I bouth the costume. I"m completely satisfied

――However, the healthy photographing ends here

「Fuu……then, Mifuyu-chan」

After pausing the photographing, I changed my mood and called out to Mifuyu-chan

As if sensing my changed mood, Mifuyu-chan looks at me with a curious face

「Mifuyu-chan, just like that, lift up your skirt and show me your panties」

「??? Un, understood」

Mifuyu-chan who doesn"t have s.e.xual knowledge doesn"t seem to understand why I used such serious tone to instruct her

However, in accordance to my words, she raises her skirt to show me her pantsu while sitting in the gym sitting posture  (google this posture  体育座り)


From the inside of the white pannier, Mifuyu-chan"s erotic, pure white pantsu can be seen ( pantsu carries an exact opposite of the cute magical girl costume, a highly sensual pantsu

That figure just further proves Mifuyu-chan"s body is certainly that of an adult, the feeling of seing something one must not see is really strong

I took Mifuyu-chan"s photos from various range and angle, then got close to her next

「Since it"s tight, why don"t you take out your b.r.e.a.s.t.s too?」

「E? U, un……」

While continuing taking picture with one hand, I unfasten the ribbons and b.u.t.tons of the chest part with the other hand

It"s hard since I can only use one hand, but when I thought about the b.r.e.a.s.t.s before completely undoing all the b.u.t.tons, the hardship is worthwhile

Eventually, I successfully undone  all the b.u.t.tons of the chest part

(Oo……! A bare-breasted magical girl……!)

From the opened magical girl costume, Mifuyu-chan"s beautiful, huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s are exposed *purun* like spilling out (purun = sfx for something jelly-like)

Of course, there"s no bra given along with the costume, so her nipples and the whole b.r.e.a.s.t.s are in full view

From such a fancy magical girl costume, such adult b.r.e.a.s.t.s become exposed, the fact that the magical girl is just a woman after all is exposed, my head becomes dizzy

「Uu……don"t make Anzu-chan have such appearance……」

Mifuyu-chan is slightly troubled, but that expression is nice too

Using the video camera, I thoroughly record Mifuyu-chan"s lewd magical girl figure

It"s already decided that this footage will be permanently preserved

「Mi, Mifuyu-chan, just like that, why don"t you hold my d.i.c.k between your b.r.e.a.s.t.s……!?」

「Your d.i.c.k……? Perhaps, paizuri?」

「Oo, nice! We only have s.e.x recently, so shall we feel good with your b.r.e.a.s.t.s occasionally?」

「Un, understood……a, but, won"t Anzu-chan"s clothing be dirtied?」

「Of course not! Because all the s.e.m.e.n will go inside Mifuyu-chan"s mouth」

I immediately take off my clothes and straddle onto the lying Mifuyu-chan"s stomach

Of course, I pay attention not to put my whole body weight onto her

(Uwaa……this scene, it"s bad……!)

Mifuyu-chan has completely changed into a magical girl, but her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are exposed, moreover there is a meat stick thrusting toward her

The slightly remained fancy atmosphere is destroyed by the meat stick"s grotesque, it"s already and obscene scene

Still holding the camera, I put the meat stick inside her cleavage and instruct her

「Mifuyu-chan, put both hands near your b.r.e.a.s.t.s and hold the d.i.c.k」


In accordance with my instruction, Mifuyu-chan sandwiches my meat stick with her voluptuous b.r.e.a.s.t.s

The meat stick is buried inside the cleavage, anything but the root can"t be seen

At the same time, a soft, wrapped sensation is transmitted from my meat stick

It has been a while since the last paizuri, but this embacing feeling is magnificent

「Yoshi, Mifuyu-chan. Just like that, try to press your b.r.e.a.s.t.s against the d.i.c.k and tease it. Mifuyu-chan can also do whatever you want」

「Un. Nsho……nsho……」

「Oo, good. Anzu-chan trying to do a paizuri is extremely cute」

「nsho……Anzu-chan also, do paizuri huh……? nsho……」

「Of course! In fact, Anzu-chan also loves pleasurable things」

「Ehee~! So it"s like that!」

The heroine of the anime for children, more over she"s also a primary schooler, can"t be that lewd, but Mifuyu-chan is deceived by my appropriate lie

Maa, if the magical girl grows to adulthood, she will have s.e.x. The only problem is to do it soon or late

However, Mifuyu-chan believed such a lie, she began kneading her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with enthusiasm while humming the theme song

(This, if I sell this enthusiastically, it will sell quite well) (これ、マニアに売ったらかなり高く売れるだろうな……)

The footage of a big breasted beauty enjoying paizuri simple-mindedly in a magical girl costume, it"s not easy to obtain one

If it"s AV, there may be some works like that, but I"m sure there"s no AV actress that can behave like a pure child like this

While surrendering myself to the pleasure of having my meat stick stroked softly, I continue to take Mifuyu-chan"s pictures

The act of recording such an indecent figure hightens my excitement, and together with that, my meat stick also gets closer to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n

Honestly, the stimulus from Mifuyu-chan"s paizuri isn"t enough, but the situation itself compensates for that

I don"t know whether Mifuyu-chan noticed I"m getting closer to my limit or not, but she pressed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from both sides to its limit, moved it up and down, matching the song

Perhaps she vaguely understands this is the most effective way to make me e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e, but since she does it innocently like a child,  that really makes my excitement uncontainable

In the blink of an eye, my meat stick is on the verge of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n

I also move my waist to make it reach the limit faster, and shout to Mifuyu-chan

「Mifuyu-chan, it"s coming! Hora, a~n!」



Dopyururu! Dopyuu! Dopyuu!

Moving my meat stick to Mifuyu-chan"s widely open mouth with one hand, I shoot the s.e.m.e.n inside without holding back

Pointing the camera"s lens properly with the other hand, I don"t forget to record Mifuyu-chan who is offering herself as an oral s.e.m.e.n toilet

I stroke my meat stick to shoot all the s.e.m.e.n outside, rub the s.e.m.e.n sticking at the tip of the meat stick against Mifuyu-chan"s tongue, then eventually get off Mifuyu-chan

「nku, nku, nn……」

Mifuyu-chan drinks the s.e.m.e.n as if natural

I continued to point the camera"s lens at Mifuyu-chan and opened her mouth when I thought she finished drinking it

Then, I properly record that the large amount of s.e.m.e.n from a while ago has disappeared

「……yoshi, Mifuyu-chan, to always drink it properly, you are such a good girl. But is s.e.m.e.n unappetizing?」

「Ehehe……It is, but somehow, I like it, the smell that makes my head go blank♡」

Love drinking s.e.m.e.n, it seems like Mifuyu-chan has become lewder than my expectation

Not just her own pleasure, she also knows to service delightedly, that also isn"t in my expectation

(Then, I must reward this lewd magical girl with my d.i.c.k, huh……!)

I laughed wholeheartedly in my mind, then while continuing taking pictures with the camera, I reached my hand to Mifuyu-chan"s body

Episode 13 (magical girl cosplay, pseudo rape)

While setting up the camera, I slowly rub the b.r.e.a.s.t.s pushing out from the magical girl"s costume

The softness and elasticity I have been enjoying with my meat stick for a while, right now are being enjoyed again by my palms

「an, nn……!」

Without showing disliking behavior, Mifuyu-chan leaks out erotic voice

She also has the adult-like painful expression, it looks like the previous s.e.m.e.n-drinking had completely flipped her switch

Perhaps, she intuitively noticed that I intended to have s.e.x with her after this?

「Hyan! Afuu!」

Flicking her nipple with my finger, I make Mifuyu-chan"s body spring up *bikubiku*

Mifuyu-chan"s legs which are hidden by the soft skirt bended painfully, destroying the child-like air from the cute white kneesocks and red leather boots

Mifuyu-chan seems to really love having her nipples touched

After taking the picture of Mifuyu-chan being immersed in the pleasure of having her b.r.e.a.s.t.s played for a while, I move to her legs

Next, I will caress her secret place

「Mifuyu-chan, bend your knees and open your legs」


The lying face up Mifuyu-chan spreads her legs into M-shape as I told her.

If it"s the usual short babydoll then the panties will be completely visible, but even though the magical girl costume she"s wearing right now is just the skirt, her panties is nicely hidden by the soft white pannier and couldn"t be seen

However, it"s like saying 『You must not see past this point』 and make me excited

*gokuri* I swallow my saliva, slowly prepare the camera and lift her skirt and the pannier

From inside the white pannier, the adult-like pure white panties appears slowly

I thought about this a while ago, but this sort of adult thing appearing from fancy costume is truly erotic

The white kneesocks create a zettairyouiki, the only visible skin of the thighs also has really high score (zettairyouki aka absolute territory is the exposed skin between the kneesocks and the skirt) 

Moreover, the crotch part of the panties is soaked with love juice, the "seeing something I must not see" feeling becomes stronger

I lifted the hem of the skirt and pannier and rubbed the soaked part on her exposed pantsu


While her body trembles *biku* a little, Mifuyu-chan is gasping absentmindedly

It’s just slightly, but she is moving her waist and rubbing her secret place against my finger

When I stripped off the pantsu and exposed her secret place, there was already a heavy flood coming from her p.u.s.s.y

「Sou-chan……p.u.s.s.y, painful…… Your d.i.c.k, please♡」

The stimulus from my finger seems to be insufficient already, Mifuyu-chan says so to beg for insertion

However, this is the rare magical girl cosplay, you may as well not having ordinary s.e.x and instead, doing play that is a.s.sociated with this costume

Nonetheless, what is the play suitable with this clothing?

(Magical girl, magical girl…………nn, what"s it?)

After being troubled slightly while caressing Mifuyu-chan"s secret place with my finger, a seemingly good idea finally flashed in my head

Mifuyu-chan can even do it, and she would be aroused by the pleasure too

Turning the camera to Mifuyu-chan"s face, I told her about it.

「Mifuyu-chan, because right now you are wearing Anzu-chan"s costume, you must have s.e.x as Anzu-chan」

「Ee? A, as Anzu-chan……?」

「Un. I will take all pictures with the camera, so let"s do it properly. If you can do it, I will stop the pistoning immediately」

「Uu……I understood……」

Right, since she"s cosplaying, we should have a roleplay play

It may not be the cla.s.sic standard, but with this, the great fan of the anime Mifuyu-chan can also do it, such a good idea (定番といえば定番かもしれないが、これなら作品の大ファンである美冬ちゃんにもできそうだし、良いアイデアである)

Of course there"s no way the anime would have a scene where the heroine is having s.e.x, but I will leave it to Mifuyu-chan"s imagination

If it"s the ecchi-loving Mifuyu-chan, surely it will feel good

Besides, acting as her beloved anime heroine to have s.e.x, it"s quite pervertedly interesting

「U-n, etto, ettoo……」

Mifuyu-chan is doing her best imagining Anzu-chan"s s.e.x scene

It"s a challenge, but Mifuyu-chan turns her head, looking around

Eventually, as if her imagination ended, she nodded *un*


「S, stop!」


Mifuyu-chan"s word of refusal suddenly flew out

I was surprised by the abruptness, yet continued to set up the camera in bewilderment

What in the world is this?

「T, the d.i.c.k of a bad person like you, don"t put it in!」

(!!! Don"t tell me, this is……!)

Despite using harsh words, there"s a slight acting-ish remained in her tone, so I finally noticed her intention

Hearing about Anzu-chan"s s.e.x scene, for some reason Mifuyu-chan imagined the scene where Anzu-chan is raped by the villain

It"s a development I couldn"t predict at all

However, I immediately grinned and followed Mifuyu-chan"s acting

Occasionally, such a play is interesting.

「Kukuku……Look, I will make you feel good immediately. Are you happy?」

「I, I"m not happy at all! Don"t put it in……! Don"t put, noooooo!」

With a slightly rude manner, I take off my shorts and immediately penetrate her in missionary position

If it was the usual, I would slowly insert while paying attention to Mifuyu-chan at the beginning, but since I rape her this time, I push my meat stick till its root in one go

「Aa! The d.i.c.k is! C, cruel♡」

The seemingly dislike voice leaks out from Mifuyu-chan"s mouth

But that voice is obviously erotic, the delightful sensation is strong

Just like real rape, I began the violent pistoning

「Ora, ora! Anzu, it feels good, right?」

「nn! ku! Haa! N, no♡ no♡」

Without thinking about Mifuyu-chan at all, I only indulged in the pleasure, but Mifuyu-chan is letting out loud, puffing voice despite having a hateful face

……Mifuyu-chan didn"t have a rape desire, right?

While properly recording despite having such doubt, I leave myself to the pleasure and hasten my waist"s movement

I will mate and pump all of my s.e.m.e.n inside this lewd magical girl

「Aa! The d.i.c.k is *zubozubo*♡  Anzu, is fallinggggg♡」

My arousal is increasing due to the s.e.x with different mood than usual

I also notice Mifuyu-chan"s gasping voice is somehow louder than usual, she seems to be excited similar to me

I attack Mifuyu-chan with words incessantly

「Horahora, your p.u.s.s.y is soaking. Try saying it feels good」

「Noo! Although it"s bad, it feels goodddd♡」

It seems like the heroine inside Mifuyu-chan"s head is succ.u.mbing easily, her shameful voice becomes louder

(Even magical girl can win against d.i.c.ks, huh……? It"s not a misuse this time)

When I thought about when Mifuyu-chan prefered s.e.x than watching  『Card chaser Anzu』,  I remembered using similar words

Surely right now, this magical girl is being penetrated by a meat stick and is falling due to the pleasure, it completely matches the words" meaning

(Then as the proof of defeat, I must do it inside huh……!)

As the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n is close, I hasten my waist"s movement for the last spurt

My head is filled with the desire of filling the deep inside of this magical girl with s.e.m.e.n

「A, a, a, a! s.e.m.e.n is coming! A bad person"s s.e.m.e.n, is coming inside my p.u.s.s.yyyy♡」

As if noticing I"m about to c.u.m, Mifuyu-chan continues to act while being delighted

Although it"s just acting, being told 『a bad person』 make my heart hurt a little, but with the "I will break this magical girl" self-suggestion, it becomes a material to increase my excitement

「Oraora, I"m coming, coming……!」

「Aa! Don"t! Don"ttt! I"m also, coming from a having a d.i.c.k inserted forciblyyyyy!」

Mifuyu-chan"s voice informs her limit

While being careful not to miss the timing to take the picture of the moment Mifuyu-chan climaxes due to the creampie, I begin the final attack with my on-the-verge-of-c.u.mming meat stick

Get impregnated!

「Aaa! Don"t don"t! c.u.mming! Cu! Aaa, c.u.mminggggggggggggggggggg!!!」


Doku! Doku! Doku!

My meat stick pulses greatly as s.e.m.e.n is being released vigourously from the tip

At the same time, her v.a.g.i.n.a is also constricting rhythmically like wringing my meat stick, the s.e.m.e.n is being drunk by her uterus completely

「Aa……♡ Aa……♡」

It"s Mifuyu-chan"s enraptured voice

Perhaps the feeling of her uterus being filled with s.e.m.e.n is being transmitted

Just like that, until my e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n was over, I continued to take the picture of Mifuyu-chan receiving my s.e.m.e.n

Wearing the opened magical girl costume, the figure of Mifuyu-chan who is immersedin the afterglow is also coupled with the artistical lewdness

「I had taken it really nicely, right?」

「Un! It"s almost completely like Anzu-chan!」

After finishing removing the s.e.m.e.n sticking onto our clothes after s.e.x, I"m lying next to Mifuyu-chan using my arm as pillow

Then, holding the video camera with the other hand, I watched the recorded footage from a while ago with Mifuyu-chan

「Oh, this one. This pose is cute right?」

「Un, this one is the pose at the end of the opening!」

「Hee~, is that so? A, this pose is also nice」

Completely different from the rape-ish play a while ago, we are telling our impression about the video nicely

Despite aware that we look like a flirting couple from the outsider"s perspective, I still enjoy the conversation with Mifuyu-chan

「Oh, this pose is the finisher, right? It"s really cute」

「Ehehe……Is, is that so? A, this pose is……」

The footage is still at the beginning so it"s not extreme, but Mifuyu-chan"s magical girl figure shown on the screen is too cute so naturally, my tension increases

Perhaps feeling happy with my reaction, Mifuyu-chan happily explains the poses

(Aa, somehow, this is nice……)

By getting excited together, a hard-to-describe, warm sensation filled my heart

Such a mysterious sensation

Perhaps this is the effect of the peculiar despondency after e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n (sage mode), I don"t want to stay like this forever.

The naked Mifuyu-chan"s b.r.e.a.s.t.s are still completely bare, but it"s not on my mind at all



When I don"t know what to do with that strange sensation inside my chest, Mifuyu-chan, who perhaps noticed that, calls out to me

When I took my eyes off the video camera and looked at Mifuyu-chan, she has already been staring at me

Those eyes look like crying, yet similar to a smile, they have such mixed feelings

Unintentionally, I gaze at Mifuyu-chan"s face and am unable to take my eyes off.

Then inside those eyes, I felt like there"s an illusion of Mifuyu-chan taking a deep breath. Then right after that, she slowly opened her mouth

「Sou-chan……thank you」


「Right now, I"m happy」

After conveying such thought to me, Mifuyu-chan"s expression became loose immediately, she smiled *fufu* and rubbed her cheek against my arm pillow

The mood a while ago has disappeared completely, it"s completely like a fickle illusion

……however, the words she told me with a serious tone, right now they are still remained in my ears

Surely, Mifuyu-chan conveyed her own happiness

(Is that, so……happy……huh……)

The strange, warm sensation I"m having from a while ago

Perhaps, Mifuyu-chan also had such feeling

Then, it became such admirable words

「I"m also happy. Mifuyu-chan」

In order not to lose to Mifuyu-chan, I also show my feeling through words

To those words, Mifuyu-chan nodded *un* happily from the bottom of her heart

After that, we rushed into the love scene, the aroused me and Mifuyu-chan rushed into the second match as if natural

This time, there was no such things like pseudo rape, it was just normal s.e.x but perhaps because of the overflowing feelings, it felt too good and we easily reached the limit

Perhaps, both me and Mifuyu-chan like the love-love s.e.x is more than the rape-ish play

Maa, even so we are still excited from the rape-ish act so we would do it again in the future

Afterwards, Mifuyu-chan took a bath. After cleaning her body, she returned to the babydoll form and went to sleep

Then, holding back my regretful feeling, I left the room and headed to the kitchen

To be honest, I wanted to keep the happy feeling from a while ago and flirt with Mifuyu-chan forever, but unfortunately it"s time for lunch

「Yosh, let"s make a delicious meal today too!」

Changing my feeling, I took out the ingredients and quickly began cooking

By recalling Mifuyu-chan"s smile, I think I can finish everything easily not matter how much time it takes