Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1187  Honoring Their Love

Chapter 1187  Honoring Their Love

The blinding light faded, replaced by the soft, pearlescent glow that defined this extraordinary place. Arthur blinked, adjusting to the luminescent walls shimmering with intricate, swirling patterns. A delicate, unfamiliar floral scent hung in the air.

Beside him, the prince stirred, exhaustion etched on his pale features. Yet, his eyes, when they opened, burned with a mix of wonder and relief.

"We… we did it," the prince whispered, his voice frail. "The Sanctuary…"

Arthur knelt beside him, the cool, luminescent floor tingling beneath his touch. "It is complete," he confirmed, marveling at the manifestation of the prince"s extraordinary love. However, a pang of guilt cut through his awe. The sanctuary pulsed with life, but the prince seemed drained of his own – frail, his features almost translucent.

"At what cost?" Arthur murmured, his words heavy in the hallowed s.p.a.ce.

The prince reached out, his touch cold and insubstantial against Arthur"s arm. "The price was always known," he said, a bittersweet smile touching his lips. "To build this haven… it"s worth more than a thousand lifetimes. She will find it, someday."

Arthur glanced toward the desolate island outside the sanctuary, recalling Mister White"s weathered features and the sorrowful strength in his voice. A pang of guilt washed over him. Had he unknowingly played a part in the prince"s tragic fate, despite his best intentions?

"And you?" he asked, his voice thick with concern. "What of you?"

"I remain here," the prince replied. His form flickered, translucent edges shimmering in the strange light. "Bound to this place, its source and keeper."

Arthur"s heart sank as realization dawned. "You are… fading."

"But never truly gone." The prince"s smile was tinged with an otherworldly serenity. "This sanctuary is built from my love for her. When she finds this place, she will feel it… perhaps even hear my whispers amidst the echoes."

"You bear her mark," the prince noted, his gaze fixing on the Forget-Me-Not in Arthur"s hand. "Your connection to this story is deeper than it appears." His eyes, shimmering with unshed tears, held a mix of confusion and wonder.

"Why?" he whispered. "Why did you help me, knowing the price I would pay?"

Arthur paused, then said, "Because your love deserved to be honored. Your sacrifice… it should not go unrecognized. I couldn"t let you bear this burden alone."

A flicker of warmth touched the prince"s spectral eyes. "You have a kind heart," he murmured. "Though, I wonder what brought you here, to this hidden island… and what part you"ll play in the chapters yet to unfold."

Arthur"s words about Diana, spoken with such unwavering love and conviction, brought warmth to Cyrian"s spectral eyes. A smile, more radiant than any Arthur had witnessed thus far, touched the prince"s lips.

"Your Diana," he mused softly, "she sounds like a force of nature…a perfect match for such a devoted echo as yourself."

Cyrian"s form wavered, the opalescent outlines blurring and shimmering with a heightened intensity. A sense of finality hung in the air.

"I feel my essence merging with the very heart of this place," Cyrian said, his voice growing ethereal, almost carried by the currents of energy weaving through the Sanctuary. "Soon, I will be the walls, the beacon... the Tower of Yearning itself."

Though a pang of loss tightened Arthur"s chest, understanding blossomed within him. This was Cyrian"s final act, a culmination of his extraordinary sacrifice. He stepped closer to the fading prince. Cyrian, despite his spectral form, held a strange, vulnerable beauty in this fading hour.

"You will not be forgotten, Cyrian of Yalen," Arthur said with unwavering conviction. "This tower, this sanctuary... it will speak of your love and courage to all who dare seek it out. And I," he vowed, "I will carry your story beyond this island."

Cyrian"s smile widened, filled with a bittersweet peace that transcended sorrow. "That knowledge gives me more solace than you may ever know, Arthur. May this tower I have become offer a glimmer of strength to the weak, of guidance to the lost... May it be a testament that even the most impossible yearning can leave an enduring mark upon the world."

His form pulsed, then shimmered like moonlight on water, the edges dissolving into the luminescent heart of the Sanctuary. His spectral eyes, fixing on Arthur"s, held the serenity of one who fulfilled his destiny despite its cost.

With a final, radiant glow, the last vestiges of Cyrian"s form faded into the opalescent heart of the sanctuary. Yet, as he vanished, a tremor ran through the walls themselves, as if infused with echoes of his farewell.

The shift back to Eggs Dungeon jolted Arthur from his rest. Sarohan, his features etched with concern, and Koby"s eyes narrowed in focus, stood beside him. The weight of what he"d witnessed on the island thrummed through him, altering the very air around them.

Sarohan spoke first, his voice a low rumble. "What happened, my lord?"

"A lot," Arthur replied, surprised by the calmness in his voice. "Because of him." Explanations would have to wait.

His eyes fixed on the transformed image of the hidden island – now a miniature celestial garden, teeming with the echoes of a love that transcended time. He turned toward Mister White, a desperate plea burning within him.

"There is one final piece," he declared. "One final memory. The woman the prince loved, the reason for the sanctuary…she"s out there. Waiting."

"It will be our last stop," said Mister White as he looked at Arthur with understanding. "I will take you there, to hear her story as well, to see the mutual sacrifice this love has caused."

Arthur stared at the old man for a few moments, and then raised his head toward the sky. Because of his intervention, the Tower of Yearning has been created hundreds of years ago. He could not explain it, but he already told the prince.

Their stories were similar, making Arthur unable to ignore the profoundness of their love. He had to do something while traveling to Yalen, and carrying her last message to the Tower of Yearning was the least he could to help them.