Level Up Legacy

Chapter 169: Long Time No See

Chapter 169: Long Time No See

"Quite the battle." Miko"s voice came from behind Arthur as the screen was covered with water vapor and lightning. He simply offered her some chips without turning her head. 

"Yeah, she"s a tough opponent." Arthur smiled. "Sadly, her runes weren"t strong enough." As the arena cleared, only Yurirl stood on stage and Mulan was on her knees. 

"Arthur Silvera and Yurirl win!" 

The host announced and Arthur stood up from his seat. He turned to Miko and asked her. 

"Are the preparations ready?" 

"Yes, although I doubt that they would be enough." 

"I know I haven"t shown you my best before, but can you trust me on this one?" Arthur asked helplessly. "If they"re not enough, we can just run away." 

"Why don"t we run away now?" Miko asked with a knowing smile. 

"I… still haven"t received my reward." Arthur coughed in embarra.s.sment. "You should leave since Yurirl is coming over." 

"You"re a lot colder than before." Miko pretended to be upset and disappeared when a knock came on the door.

"Arthur, here you go." Grandmaster Kiren came in and handed him a list. "Choose one artifact and three materials. You can write your bank account number over here for the money transfer." 

"Greetings, grandmaster. Alright. How much money am I getting?" 

"… You partic.i.p.ated without knowing?" Grandmaster Kiren looked at him, speechless. "It"s fifteen million for the first place." 

"Woah." Arthur was taken aback. "The a.s.sociation is generous." 

Arthur went through the list of artifacts carefully. Each one explained the artifacts" consumption and function. These were genuine artifacts so the one he chooses is like learning a new rune. 

Arthur spent five minutes before he chose the artifacts and the materials. The grandmaster who was waiting for him looked at him, speechless. 

"Are you sure you want to take such a decision hastily? These artifacts are genuine, so they would help you in your research." 

"Yes, thank you for the advice. I"ve already had an artifact in mind, you see. When am I going to receive them?" 

"After Mulan finishes the two challenges, the award ceremony should begin. Please sign here." 

Arthur read what he was signing and it was a confirmation of his choice. He signed the doc.u.ment the moment Yurirl came inside. 

"Greetings, grandmaster." Yurirl bowed. "A pleasure to see you in good health." 

"Oh, little one. It"s been a long time since I saw you. How is your master? Is he still as reckless?" 

"Reckless, yes." Yurirl laughed. "Sadly, he"s just as old now." 

"A bitter thing what happened to him. Who would"ve thought he"d run into a legendary-tier monster in Alka?" 

"Yes, but my master says he"d beat its a.s.s one day." 

Grandmaster Kiren laughed heartily before excusing himself. Only Arthur and Yurirl were left in the room. 

"Congratulations on becoming the champion." 

"Thanks to you, Sir Yurirl." Arthur exaggeratedly bowed. "I"m sorry for all the trouble you"d have to go through." 

"Well, my master says publicity is good." Yurirl touched his chin. "He also says that my handsomeness helps." 

"Yurirl, I"m more amazed by the second with your ability to tell jokes." 

"… I wasn"t joking." Yurirl frowned. 

"Sure, sure." 

The two sat again for the last time as they watched Mulan challenge Emma. In the end, Emma lost against Mulan and became third place. The ranking has been set as the following. 

1. Arthur Silvera. 

2. Mulan Keri. 

3. Emma Agard.

4. Carlos Beva. 

5. Leonard Leran. 

6. Lily Green. 

7. Abraham Galan. 

"Everyone, the award ceremony will be starting soon! Please grab your best drinks and make yourself comfortable!" The host announced as the staff members ran to place a platform on the arena. 

"This will be the last time we sit like this, Yurirl." 


"It was nice to meet you." 

"Why are you talking like one of us is dying?" 

"I"m always prepared to die." Arthur mimicked Yurirl"s tone and face. Yurirl nodded with a pleased expression. 

"I"m glad you have the right mindset." 

"I was kidding, I"m not ready to die. That"s why I work to survive. You know, I think it"s a lot more difficult to try to live than being prepared to die." Arthur said with a smile. The host announced that the top ten rankers should come to the stage. 

"Those words…" Yurirl muttered as the two of them were following the staff toward the stage. "The one you just said." The cheering of the fervent cheering of the crowd grew closer with every step. "They remind me of someone." 

"Are they no longer around?" Arthur asked as he saw the light at the end of the hallway. 


"Well, I"m sure they wanted you to live your life to the fullest then." 

Yurirl stopped and Arthur had to stop as well. He turned to look at the young swordsman and found his eyes to radiate such a light and longing that it almost broke him apart. There was sadness, guilt, and cues of his torn self like his clenched teeth and tightened fists. Yurirl"s chest heaved as he mouthed out every word slowly. 

"I"ll bring them back, no matter what." 

Arthur looked at him quietly and nodded. The swordsman let go of a breath and resumed his walking and Arthur tagged along. 

The basked in the sunlight, cheers of the crowd, and the admiration of millions who chanted their names. 

"Yurirl, I know we haven"t met for long." 

"I know." 

"Nonetheless, I consider you as a friend." 

Arthur didn"t receive a reply and he walked unhurriedly amid the flickering colors towards Jumana who stood in the middle. Yurirl followed after him and stood behind him as he stopped in front of Jumana. 

"A genius is born today," Jumana spoke and the audience quietened. "Arthur Silvera. Your name will forever be remembered by future generations." 

"Thank you, grandmaster." Arthur bowed.

"Here"s your reward." Jumana presented him with a ring. She then left the dais as lights began to surround Arthur. The hundreds of thousands of people chanted his name. Yurirl stood by his side on the platform. 

The platform then began to rise as Arthur felt an itch in his finger. He looked at the runic ring that was bronze in color and watched as it began turning a deep shade of golden jade. A single word was craved on it next to the Runes Apprentices Cup. 


"Cham… pi… on. Cham… pi… on." The crowd chanted and their chants shook the arena. The rest of the rankers started ascending the stage as each other rings glowed silver. 

Arthur looked at the people cheering for him and even felt amazed at how far he had reached. A couple of months ago, he was fired from the Lime Time agency because he was a non-awakener. Now, he can make the artifacts that he used to dig for their shards. 

This was his time. However, he could already feel their impatience. They were lurking around the stage. Arthur looked at the hooded person standing beside Leonard. 

Their eyes met and Arthur grinned. He could feel the unease this person felt and as he expected, darkness started to pool underneath the Ender. Mummers spread in the crowd like wildfire and it seems that even Jumana realized something was wrong. However, it was too late. 

Several people jumped from the stands as they began transforming into hideous creatures resembling the crazed prince. They stood at different sides and pooled their darkness. It rose in the air in a dome shape as it sealed the arena from the outside. 

The raised platform"s lights flickered before it crashed to the ground. Arthur and Yurirl jumped in time and landed in front of the hooded person. 

"You still look at me like that…" 

A voice that was all familiar came from underneath the hood. Arthur finally connected the dots and realized why he sensed this person was familiar. 

"You think you"re superior. You"re the reason I"m like this. You"re…" The hooded person started shouting and allowed his hood to fall off. 

Underneath, there was a beautiful face that has been ruined by many scars that leaked of the black substance. With fully black eyeb.a.l.l.s and blood leaking from them, he looked at Arthur with so much hatred. 

"Oh, it"s Tyrin." Arthur raised his brows. "Long time no see, how are you doing buddy? Did you adopt a new skin routine?"

"You…" Tyrin"s face twisted in a terrifying frown as his body trembled in anger. "You don"t fear death?" 

"That goes for you." Arthur"s smile disappeared. "Haven"t you guys learned the lesson from last time?" 

"Keke, don"t dream of escaping again." A grin broke on Tyrin"s face as a different voice came out from him. 

"You"re schizophrenic bro?" 

"Shut your mouth. It"s time that you die." Tyrin"s face contorted in pain before the same process that happened to prince Alfred began. As if the man was being unpeeled from the inside, something else replaced him. 

"I"m glad Ori can"t see this." Arthur sighed in his heart in sadness for his friend. As he watched the Ender descend, he spoke to Yurirl. 

"Yurirl, I"m sorry for getting you into this. It seems I only bring you trouble."

"Well, you almost killed me once before. I didn"t know you had something with the Nether beings." Yurirl pulled a translucent blade from nothingness. "I"ll hear what you have to say later." 

"Oh," Arthur laughed as a mask manifested in his hand. "I"m afraid that won"t be the case. Can I ask you for a favor?" 


"Protect Emma for me. She"s a dear friend, after all. Tell her I"m sorry for disappearing too. She could keep the million she owes me as a gift." 

"What about you?" Yurirl asked as he took his stance. The Enders were approaching them with their hideous shapes. They had long legs that were made of the bones of their medium and giant wings protruded from their backs. 

Tyrin, or what used to be Tyrin, seemed to be the most powerful of the group. He howled in rage as he launched himself at Arthur. 

The dome was separating them from the outside world and all of the Enders were aiming for Arthur. Arthur could already sense runes trying to break into the dome as they spoke. Smoke began rising as it obstructed everyone"s vision. 

"I"ll be going all out against these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds." Arthur put on his demonic mask as he snapped his fingers. "It"s showtime." Giant pillars of light appeared all over the arena and broke through the dome of darkness.