Level Up Legacy

Chapter 695: Last Request

Chapter 695: Last Request

"According to this story, it seems that the guilds hold just as much power as the seven families," said Arthur as he tapped the table. "Although I know how powerful they are, I always a.s.sumed they belonged to the seven families."

"It depends on the guild master, but it"s a bitter fight in the shadows," Mr. Tate answered before taking a sip from his water. "All t.i.tans have a force backing it, whether it"s of common origins or divine. Their relationships are like an alliance."

"It sounds like the seven families created the guilds to control the common awakeners if that was the case," said Arthur. Mr. Tate bitterly smiled and nodded.

"Master Azkavan once explained it to me after the incident with your father. Before the split, not many people had abilities. Those who did were all descendants of the Ancient Blood. From those awakeners came the guardians, wielding unimaginable might to create kingdoms and stop the calamities."

Arthur frowned as he heard that explanation. Although he spent a lot of time with Gaia and received some understanding over the past, he didn"t know what the Ancient Blood was. Furthermore, it was safe to a.s.sume that not even Gaia knew about it.

"However, after the split, the awakeners increased. An awakener became common whether one had ancient blood or not. This strengthening of the common blood resulted in the Theocracy of Shon and the formation of guilds. The former was created by commoners, while the divine blood created the latter."

"It was the safest method to strengthen themselves and keep the common blood within control," said Arthur. "This is why Glory List is created, and the t.i.tans are given so much authority over the world."

"It is almost scary how much you resemble him," said Mr. Tate. Arthur frowned, and the man laughed. "I know you hate him, but you cannot deny that he is your father. He was a fast learner too."

"My greatest motivation is to be unlike him."

"That is a great motivation." Mirani grinned as he placed the tray aside and tried to stand. "I want to get some fresh air. We can keep talking as we do."

Arthur nodded and rose from his seat. Then, he led Mr. Tate toward the flower field that Tiara created. It radiated with life and healing power, making them feel as if they were in paradise.

"After I became the guild master of a C-rank guild, several visitors came to my house. All of them were invites from renowned guilds worldwide, and I received an offer from three t.i.tans."

"You were a big shot, Uncle Mirani." Arthur whistled, and Mirani laughed heartily before his coughing fit. Then, after calming down, he continued.

"Dragonir was the highest-ranking t.i.tan. At that time, I wanted to refuse the offer because of their reputation for being cruel. However, a certain man talked me into joining them."

"And that man is…?"

"The current guild master and Heir of Thiria." Mr. Tate stopped and crouched beside a flower. "He used a very persuasive method. All he did was give me a single file. It was about the guilds that refused to work under Dragonir."

"What about them?"

"They were destroyed. At that time, it was better to bend than break. This happened a long time before I met Seref. That man has yet to become the guild master, but he was an Astra-ranker. He was no older than twenty-five, and I met him ten years ago."

Arthur opened his eyes wide at this revelation. A twenty-five years old Astra-ranker ten years ago meant he was much stronger. It might even be possible that he was at that legendary rank.

"You made the right choice."

"I also believe it to be right. However, you don"t enjoy that choice. The guilds aren"t going to throw you an olive branch even if you were powerful. You are a ticking time bomb endangering their relationship with the seven families."

"And Dragonir will use this chase Ascent because we proved a nameless guild is better than them." Arthur carried a smug expression. "A t.i.tan Guild seems no different than a child throwing a tantrum."

"We return to our roots." Mr. Tate plucked the flower from the ground, and another grew in its stead. "Fascinating."

"Dragonir has no method of finding us."

"I hope so, but as I heard, they never lose track. Expect the worse from your enemies and betrayal from your friends." Mr. Tate said the last line with bitterness. Arthur knew that his father"s actions hurt more than just their family. "I know the reason you came to see me. However, I would have to decline. I would offer you advice as much as you need, but this guild is yours. It will never be truly yours if you make others lead it."

Mr. Tate then walked back. His rejection of Arthur"s unsaid offer left the young guild master thinking. A cold breeze swayed the flower field, and a woman appeared beside Arthur.

"An interesting man," said Tiara while standing beside Arthur. "Are you sad that he wouldn"t be a part of your guild?" asked the princess, but Arthur shook his head.

"I never wanted to make him a criminal. This matter aside, how is your stay in our stronghold?" Arthur asked. He had a slight fear about someone from the seven families being so close, but this was the deal he agreed upon.

"Although I overstayed, all of you have been very kind," said Tiara shyly. "I can tell that if I stay here any longer, it would be an intrusion into the privacy of your guild."

"I didn"t mean to imply that," said Arthur with a smile. "I think most people here don"t think of you as the enemy. I never did. As long as you feel like staying, then you should stay."

"I"m grateful, Arthur," said Tiara as she lightly touched his forearm. "However, it"s time that I leave. I still have one request before I do."

Arthur glanced at her hand and then at the fortress in the distance. The mansion didn"t have many windows, but he could tell someone was watching them. However, the gaze soon disappeared.

"If this is farewell, then it deserves a parting gift." Arthur smiled and nodded. Tiara grinned, showing a sweet smile before letting go of his forearm. "Request away, Elven Princess."

"I want you to meet my mother," Tiara said while skipping steps, and Arthur paused before his smile vanished. He wasn"t angry, just speechless. "She is the woman who has been waiting for you all her life. I wish to grant her that."

"Why would she wait for me?"

"You are the man in the prophecies, after all. You are… the Seika of Living Beings." Tiara walked down the path toward the exit. Arthur stood there rooted in his spot after hearing the name she called him.

"Regardless of how you know this name, this sounds like a trap. After all, this differs from hosting a member of the seven families."

"Then refuse, Seika," said Tiara with a wave of her hand. "This is a request of mine." Tiara turned with a smile. "It"s not an order nor a payment for my services."

Arthur watched the princess walk down the path until her figure was too far. She would be waiting for him at the end of the flowerbed, and she expected him to accept.

"The Queen of Janea," muttered Arthur. He had seen her in the World Summit, and she seemed to radiate life and wisdom. However, such a woman wanted to meet him instead of killing him?

The seven families were after him, and Lyari"s descendants wouldn"t be any different. However, Arthur grinned and walked after Tiara. He wasn"t going to coward away because he had questions.


The deep forests of Janea stretched until the Great Blood Ocean, bordering the northern borders of Ilios and the north-eastern borders of the Yalveran Union. These rich forests stretched for hundreds of acres with no routes available inside them. However, Janea didn"t need that.

"I heard of flying islands," said Arthur as he looked around. "I even heard of inverted mountains. However, I never heard of rivers in the sky."

The two were sitting inside a small boat made of plants, allowing the current to carry them above Janea. Arthur could see endless trees and vegetation covering the deepest valleys of the highest mountains.

"We call them Life Paths, and they are the main transportation methods of Janea. The world doesn"t know much about us because we refused entry from outsiders."

"I"m an outsider."

"Maybe to every nation, but not mine." Tiara smiled as she pointed with her slender white finger toward something in the distance. "We reached the Sun Palace."

Arthur followed the direction she was pointing in, and his eyes widened with surprise. The Sun Palace was a befitting name of the giant mushroom in the distance. It was crystal clear and reflected sunlight throughout Janea.