Level Up Legacy

Chapter 873 Bloodline Order

Chapter 873 Bloodline Order

If Osian was a colossal mountain before, he became a sharp spear after a.s.suming his stance. A ferocious expression appeared on his face as his muscles seemed to rest in their optimal state, ready to strike together.

Flashing through Lyle"s mind were the countless possibilities of his death. One wrong step, or one rash decision, was all it took for Lyle to die. The man in front of him has transcended the realms of men and reached a state of semi-omnipotence.

"It seems you are sharp enough not to rush forward," said Osian with a grin covered by his beard. "If so, then I shall take the first step. Time is valuable, right?"

The old man"s muscles contracted, and mana gathered around him in a whirlpool. Joseph stole mana, but his control was flimsy, using it like a kid wielding a knife. However, that same knife turned into a world-ending weapon in the hands of martial experts like Osian.

"Zenith Art, First Trace," muttered Osian, looking like the sculpture of an angry G.o.d. His aura exploded to rip apart his simple attire, revealing the chiseled muscles that no ordinary old man can have. "Come!"

After shouting, Osian bolted forward to leave behind a trace of destruction. He was faster than sound, reaching Lyle before his shout ended. The burst of speed left Lyle unable to react as Osian appeared beside him, striking his ribcage.

Shattering sounds echoed throughout his body as his ribs broke down to pieces before Lyle was sent flying toward the palace. However, Osian was not done, as he reappeared above the young man to kick him in the chest, slamming him to the ground.


As the air got kicked out of his lung, Lyle felt like his body was about to burst like a bubble. His head was spinning from the impact, but even in his moment of haziness, he managed to dodge slightly left, ensuring that the plunging attack didn"t strike him.

The foot struck the ground beside his face and broke down the floor as the air pressure sent him flying and rolling on the ground. Lyle managed to catch his breath and steady himself as dust covered the battlefield, trying to understand what was happening.

"If you indeed carry my blood, then I am unable to take your mana like others," said Osian as he stood in the middle of the battlefield. "However, bloodline restraints can be broken through spiritual energy. Our souls are far stronger than our bodies, kid."

As blood leaked from his mouth on the ground, Lyle realized it was the obvious result. After all, it didn"t make sense for his mother"s blood to protect him from their abilities while hers worked to erase their memories. Averie has also transcended her bloodline restrictions.

"There is still one thing you failed to overcome," said Lyle as he tried to stand, but his head kept spinning. However, even with his mouth filled with blood, he grinned like a madman. "Just like your son, you overestimate yourself."

"I have learned my limits long ago, kid. You have no chance to win against me, not in this lifetime. Your only hope would be the creator arriving to save you."

"Your fear of him stinks, old man," said Lyle with a smile as he picked up his sword from the ground. "Even if he doesn"t arrive, I will end things here."

"This is why the rebellion will fail," said Osian as he placed his hands behind his back. "Your strength is far too lacking. You are one of three leaders, but your strongest has yet to arrive here."

"…less talk and fight me, old man," said Lyle as he raised his sword. However, Osian looked at him with complicated eyes before sighing and offering his hand. The gesture made Lyle pause as the sounds of battle grew louder.

"You are too talented to throw away your life here. Join my family, and if you truly carry my blood, then you will claim your rightful place as my heir," Osian offered his hand toward Lyle, who stared at it silently.

Although his bones were broken, his clothes tattered, and flames burning his life away, Lyle had never thought about giving up on this fight. There can only be two outcomes: fulfilling his revenge or ending the nightmare.

"I would rather lose every limb I have than join your blood-stained family," spat Lyle with rage as he raised his sword at Osian. "I am here to end the countless years of injustice suffered by my people."

"You are a liar too, Lyle Mantra," said Osian with a smile, his hand still offered toward Lyle. "Joseph might have borrowed the lives of the citizens, but you were ready to end all of them just to kill him. You don"t care about the citizens or your people."

"I don"t want to hear who I am from a man who slayed millions," said Lyle as he was about to take a step forward, but stopped when he realized that Osian turned to look in a different direction. He was staring at the crater"s edge, where a woman stood with her flute.

"It has been a long time, Rain," Osian said, and the words made Lyle rethink everything. "I never imagined seeing you here again after disappearing for so long."

Rain was silent in response, but a single glance at her face told Lyle that something dark was hidden in her expression. She wasn"t her cheerful self but stared at Osian with a blank expression.

"Are you still looking for a man who can give you the strongest child?" said Osian with a smile as he retracted his offered hand. Then, he turned toward Lyle. "This woman who has been helping you all this time… is mine."

"What is he talking about?" asked Lyle with confusion, but Rain stared at him with a sad expression. "Tell me this is a trick. Tell me this is a lie."

"She cannot even deny it," said Osian with a laugh. "I have full control over her. I brought her to Ilios thirty years ago; she has been mine ever since. It seems that the Bloodline Order is still there but can only be accessed if she is close to me."

"Bloodline Order?" muttered Lyle with confusion. However, Osian didn"t answer and only raised his hand toward Rain. Then, an ominous glint surrounded his arm as it reached toward Rain.

Lyle watched as the woman seemed possessed, starting to struggle before she started walking toward Osian. A red flower appeared on her heart, connected to the ominous glint surrounding Osian"s arm.

"She is still my puppet until now," said Osian with a grin. "Isn"t this one of your comrades, kid?"

Rain walked to stand beside Osian, her fists clenched and shaking. Osian stood beside her with a grin as he stared at Lyle"s confused and shocked expression.

"You trusted this one quite a lot, haven"t you?" said Osian with a laugh. Then, he raised his hand to grab her chin and turn her face toward him. "If you are the strongest, you can get anything, even the most beautiful women. Grant me strength, Rain."

Then, Osian kissed her as Lyle did, and his aura exploded with vigor and strength. Rain closed her eyes with a pained, disgusted expression as a teardrop fell from her eye.

Osian caught her expression and tear, and it seemed to make him furious. Then, in a rage, he struck her with the back of his hand to send her flying several meters. Lyle stepped forward, but Osian stomped on the ground.

"There is no winning today against me," said Osian with rage. "I have the strength that rivals G.o.ds, two calamities aiding me, and arrays that can grant me infinite mana! Join me, or die!"

Rain was on the ground, shaking. It was the first time that Lyle saw the confident and teasing Rain act in such a manner. However, she couldn"t even let out a word of resistance, even when he treated her in such a way.

"After seeing this, I changed my mind," said Lyle after taking a deep breath. "I will kill you first, then your son, and then your grandson. But you will die the most horrible death of them all, b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"…I see," said Osian with disappointment and an unimpressed face, then he raised his hand toward Lyle. "Let me show you something interesting and what happens to those who oppose me."

Osian raised his right hand toward Lyle and clenched it. Then, Lyle could feel his body levitate as gravity suddenly disappeared. In a hurry, he tried turning into the wind, but Osian raised his left fist, reusing the gravity he absorbed to pin him in place.

"After this day, the world will learn that Osian the Invincible is the one who will conquer the world," said Osian with a grin as he walked toward Rain. "And for those who betray and oppose me, the only fate awaiting them is death."

Lyle struggled to break free as Osian arrived beside Rain, but it was useless. Even when he was behind her, Rain didn"t run or fight. Instead, Osian kicked her, making her lie on her back, before strangling her with his foot.

"You have been a useful tool, but it seems you are already broken. It is time for you to retire."