Level Up Legacy

Chapter 403: Aquamia

Chapter 403: Aquamia

As Arthur stared at the princess"s lonesome back, the image overlapped with Emma"s figure in his memory. Yet, somehow, it felt wrong to feel this way, and Arthur had to shake his head. 

"What name do you want me to call you?" 

"Ma"am sounds good," she said thoughtfully, and Arthur nodded before he paused, staring at her weirdly. "I"m joking!" 

"I believe you, ma"am," Arthur said with sarcasm, and the princess seemed to regret making that joke. 

As their chatter carried them through the hours, a rider from ahead shouted to alert the others of their arrival. Arthur and Dia peeked out of the window and looked at Aquamia, which had an array of ships lined up beside it. 

The Lo and Ho Rivers ran close to the city, surrounding it. The wide rivers led to the great oceans that linked the different parts of the continent, making them of vital importance to the livelihood of Freda"s citizens. 

Countless ships rode the river to the city of Aquamia, making the city the focal point of maritime trade. The city itself was mostly made of wood and bridges the linked the harbor, the dock, and the city. 

Countless seagulls flew above the city, and it seems that the trade also brought diversity, as the wooden houses were built in different styles and decorations. As they inched closed to the city, Arthur could feel the cold breeze of the water. 

"We have reached Aquamia," Big Bear rode beside them. "To make sure that we are received properly, we"ll send an envoy ahead." 

"How about you let us walk around the city a bit?" Arthur suggested, and the vice-captain seemed apprehensive. He looked at Arthur, then at Dia, seeming to hold back his words. 

"I"m sorry, Seika, but the Knight of Courage warned me about leaving you alone. The last time they did in the city of contracts, you kidnapped a dwarf and fought against Captain Francis," Big Bear seemed to be in awe rather than in fear. 

"Well, that"s how I got Manager Gruen. Wouldn"t it be beneficial if I grabbed another one?" Arthur said jokingly, but Big Bear agreed after a while, revealing his bandit-like mindset. 

"If that"s the case, then I can"t possibly hold you back," Big Bear said before riding off. "We"ll send you ahead to enjoy the city, and I"ll tell the marchioness that you have a business to attend to," the man said before pulling the reigns, but Arthur hurried to remind him. 

"Keep it a secret from Manager Ma!" Arthur leaned back with a weak smile, and he could feel Dia"s shocked gaze at him. 

"Your followers are... unique?" 

"You don"t have to sugarcoat it," he laughed. "I know I"m leading a bunch of weirdos; the only problem is that I like it," a smile couldn"t help but appear on his lips. 

"I told you. You are fit to rule," she said with a victorious expression, and Arthur didn"t know how she managed to understand that from his words. 

"I never wanted to rule. But, I was forced to it," Arthur leaned on the window. "It was the only way to convince Solomon that I was worthy of being his advisor."

"And then what?" 

"Then..." Arthur paused as he couldn"t say that he wanted to know how Solomon got to the trial a hundred years from now. "Then, I will build a better kingdom before I leave." 

The mention of him leaving seemed to dampen the mood, and Diana went silent. She didn"t question why he wanted a better kingdom, as if they both knew that was a lie. Arthur never had such aspirations because he was simply unrelated to the matter. 

As he listened to her quiet breathing, he wondered how it would all end. This chapter of his life was a long but momentary one, and this was by no means his real life. He was not the Seika, he was Arthur Silvera, and his life was back on earth. 

As they got close, the two wore cloaks to hide before Arthur teleported them into the city. The fishy smell of the market struck them the moment they appeared beside each other in the alley. 

"Is this what you wanted?" Diana laughed before pulling him into the crowd. "I heard that this city is known for its colorful pearls, and I want to see them for myself."

"For a necklace?" 

"Just because I"m a girl?" the princess laughed. "I want the dwarf to make me a sword, and a few pearls from the sea might work to enhance my powers." 

"Well, of course, you want a sword," Arthur sighed as he pulled his cloak forward to hide his face. They pa.s.sed by the countless vendors who sold sea creatures that he never saw before. A few sold ancient treasures picked up from the sea, but Arthur knew they were nothing more than wet rubbish. 

"Excuse me," the princess stopped by a vendor. "Do you know where they sell sea pearls?" 

"Ah," the melodious voice of the princess dazed the bald man, and he seemed to be overwhelmed. "They are in the western harbor, missy! How about you take something as a gift?" 

"No, that would be unnecessary," after getting her answer, the princess pulled Arthur toward the west. "Since he said west, this should be the way." 

Despite sounding convinced, and as it was logical, Arthur could feel that they entered an area where they should not. Crooks and pirates were sitting around drinking, and they stared at Arthur and the princess with puzzlement when they saw them. 

Of course, the clothes the two wore were clean, so they didn"t exactly fit in. Despite the dangerous area, the princess seemed carefree, but Arthur understood that strong people didn"t care much. 

The only fear he had is that some would be foolish enough to block her path, as they would end up as popsicles underwater. Unfortunately, and true to his fear, a group of crooks soon blocked their path with rusty knives and daggers.

"Hand over your money, now!" the dusted man who had dark bags beneath his eyes threatened as he gestured to his friend to seize the princess. 

"Wait!" Arthur hurried to step in, and the crook mistook the target of Arthur"s words. Dia"s hand was surrounded by a frosty layer and ready to turn the thieves into stone statues. 

"Hand over your money, and we"ll let you go," the crook seemed to gain confidence because of Arthur"s shout, not knowing he escaped death by the breadth of a hair. 

"Why are you stopping me?" Diana looked at him with confusion. "We don"t have time to waste, and no one would kill if this trash disappeared." 

"That"s not the only thing you need to consider," Arthur sighed, as he found himself to be the logical person today. "These people are just hungry; can"t you see how thin they are? A stick would have more muscles than them."

"Hey, that"s rude," the crooks protested. 

"Man, look at yourselves. If you want to rob someone, make sure you don"t look halfway in the graves. What the h.e.l.l are you holding, idiot?" Arthur turned to one of them, who was holding a sandal. "Are you going to slap me to death with that?" 

"There"s a lack of weapons..." 

"Just shut up," Arthur sighed as his eyes turned golden. "I want you to be better. Work hard to support your family, and do so through honorable means. As long as you work hard, life will turn your way." 

His aura of creation surrounded them, and the crooks looked in a daze before throwing their weapons. Then, finally, they bowed to Arthur as they apologized in unison. 

"We apologize for our misconduct!" the crooks ran away after Arthur waved his hand. He turned to find Dia staring at him weirdly. 


"When that n.o.ble threatened my life, you killed him without a second thought despite the consequences. These men tried to do the same, so what"s the difference?" 

"Well, these are just hungry men fallen within despair," Arthur shook his head as he stared at their departing backs. "If not for a series of illogical events, then I would have been the same as them." 

Arthur could almost envision it. If he didn"t find that job with Yuran, he wouldn"t have had a choice but to restore to other methods, ones that went against his conscience. 

"So, intentions matter," Diana nodded with understanding before looking at the alley, and her eyes sharpened. A dozen or so people wearing black surrounded them, and even Arthur could tell that these people were on another level altogether. 

"Who are you?" Arthur asked with confusion, as these people seemed to be on par with knights, but they looked like pirates. When he asked them, the group looked at each other before shaking their heads. 

"We ask you to stay here for a few minutes," a young man from the group said. "Someone wishes to meet you," he said but didn"t elaborate further.