Level Up Legacy

Chapter 414: Crystallizing Poison

Chapter 414: Crystallizing Poison

Just like how the couple described the monster, it was a humanoid with the face of a woman and nine serpents protruding from its back. The nine-heads looked at Arthur with caution, interest, and anger. The woman"s face, however, was stoic.

"Who summons I, Ruler of Seas?" the woman aloofly asked as she took measured steps toward Arthur, who was still sitting beneath the tree.

"I don"t think I hold an ident.i.ty that interests you," Arthur began floating before his feet touched the ground. "However, I may be capable of helping you."

"Help I with?" the woman squinted her beastly blue eyes at him as she looked around.

"I know that you aren"t mindlessly commanding the monsters to attack humans. There must be a reason. I"ll help you if you leave the river and stop attacking humans."

"Naive human," the monster spat. "Do you think that you are an equal of I?" it seemed pretty rageful about the fact that Arthur invited it here.

"And, you chose to ignore my words," Arthur looked at the monster with interest. Despite studying Monsterpedia back at college, he couldn"t recognize this monster.

"For I need not help from your race," the monster hissed, and the countless serpents glared at Arthur as they inched closer.

"Even if it means losing your child?" Arthur said, and the monster flinched before its rage arrived.

"You are one of those who...!"

"I didn"t take your child, but I know that you are not a mindless monster. So I"ll help you as long as you retreat."

"Lies!" the monster roared as water gathered beneath its clawed feet to make it float. "Humans invaded my home and took my child, and you are asking for I trust?!"

Arthur studied the wrath of the monster, and it seemed genuine. The fact that it saved Aether and apologized while mercilessly killing adults was enough for Arthur to conclude the reason for its rage. Humans took the monster"s child, and it was trying to retrieve it.

"I have no reason to fool you, Ruler of Seas," Arthur placed his hand on his heart. "I was tasked with killing you, but I met a child who lost his leg. Its tale told me that you have mercy within you, so please let me say what I have."

Arthur knew that since the monster learned their language, albeit its robotic manner of speech, then he would be capable of convincing it. As the monster seemed to recall Aether, it calmed down somewhat.


"You have lost many of your followers, and many humans died as well. However, those you are killing aren"t who took your child. They are innocent people with children of their own, traders of the sea, and the sailors of your domain. Their rulers are those who took your child for their scheme, and your rage is what they desire."

"I..." the face of the woman was frowning, "understand not. Why would they want my rage?" it seemed genuinely confused at the ploy at hand.

"Your attacks are cutting off the trade routes that lead to a city they despise. So I expect that it hasn"t been long since your child was taken. Since that"s the case, I can help you find it."

"I understand," the monster descended back to the ground. "I wish not for war as well, but there is something that you misunderstand."

"Please tell."

"My child was not taken for such petty reason, although I refute not that it can be for such reasons as well. My child possesses a unique power: for its tears of joy raise the dead, and its tears of sadness kill all without a trace."

"Are you saying that its tears can be used as a poison?"

"A poison that cannot be seen, smelled, nor tasted. A poison that is the same as spring water but beyond deadly. Whoever drinks it not only dies, but their power crystallizes."

"Their power... crystalizes?" Arthur muttered as an ill-forbidding feeling seized his heart. "How can that be?"

"My child rules over crystals, and it can turn anything into them," the monster said sadly. "For such a power, humans have always tried to take it away. But, this time, I failed."

Arthur"s mind raced as his earlier conjecture seemed like foolishness now. If that child truly has such abilities, there might be something more than simply hindering his city from growing.

Why would anyone need the ability to poison someone and turn their power into a crystal? There was only one man with an ability coveted by the high-echelon of the kingdom.

"King Solomon is in danger," Arthur realized that Solomon"s ability to inscribe runes into artifacts was known as the reason he ascended the throne.

"I believe you understand what complications my child might bring to the world," the monster seemed aware. "However, I don"t know where it was taken to, and I"m weaker on land than I am in the sea."

"That"s why you were cutting off the trade routes," Arthur realized. "You wanted to force them to return your child by hindering the economy, but that"s not giving any results."

"And for that, I decided to meet you," the monster said sadly. "I saw your ability to control my followers, and I believe you can help me retrieve my child."

"You were ready to strike a moment ago,"

"For I didn"t know if this was a trap to control me," the monster shook its head. "That child is he alright" it seemed to be talking about Aether.

"He"s missing a leg, but he now dreams of flying."

"Ah, humans," the monster sighed. "Most of us try to survive, but you humans and your subraces seem to be seeking something more, something that always ends up with dying."

"That"s our hamartia," Arthur smiled, but the monster seemed confused about the word. "It is the flaw that will lead to our tragic end."

"I see," the monster looked back at sea. "I shan"t retreat just yet, but I will cease my attacks and hide in the river. If you can promise to bring my child back in a week, I will retreat and wait."

"I understand," Arthur nodded. "I"ll look into it. Does that mean that all monsters will disappear?"

"No, for I do not rule them all. However, your ships will go unhindered."

"That"s a relief since I still want to level up," Arthur sighed.

"Stop making up words, human," the monster shook his head and returned to the water. "I"ll be waiting for you."


Arthur brought down his hand, and the armed crocodile"s head split in two. It roared as it fell, and he absorbed its stats.

[1 Stamina Stats Point has been absorbed.]

[You have leveled up!]

His level finally reached 42, and the pace was driving him crazy. Arthur never knew that he would need to kill so many monsters before he levels up just once. After he reached 40, he needed to raise one percentage of experience almost ten times more than before.

After three days of mindless hunting, the only thing he could be proud of was his stats. The number of monsters and their variety allowed him to raise most of his stats above 290 points. 

[Scholar Guardian"s Legacy]

[Level: 42 (0%)]

[Legacy Points: 26]

[Stats Points: 32]

[Strength: 291]

[Agility: 300]

[Stamina: 293]

[Perception: 230]

[Mana: 248/300]

[Abilities: Beginner Runes Wordsmith (62%), Useable Runes: 26]

[Skills: Lesser-Mana Breathing Skill (F – 65%), Poison Strike (F – 39%), Camouflage (F – 26%), Earth Mastery (D – 69%), Bladeless Wind Storm (D – 89%), Shadow s.p.a.ce (D – 45%), Monster Claws (D – 67%), Iron Skin (D – 55%), Wings of Wind (C – 99%), Goblins Lord (Unique – 10%)]

[Arts: The Art of Creation – Part One, Basic Dagger Art (98%)]

His growth was embarra.s.sing, as most of his skills were still the same. It couldn"t be helped because he was in Alka, where danger didn"t allow him to level up or train. However, Arthur wanted to reach the Vetus rank before returning to Hidden City, or at least max his stats.

As he was about to look for more monsters, Arthur felt a presence descend from the sky. He looked up to see a blue flame falling toward him like a meteor, and Arthur knew that he had been found.


The flame roared, and Dia"s voice seemed to bespoke her infinite rage. As Arthur waited for her attack, he tried to shield his body with spiritual energy lest she breaks a few bones.

The princess landed in front of him, and it was disastrous. There was a loud explosion as the ground caved in beneath them. Dia seemed to be bent on striking him, and she rushed forward.

"I should just accept this with a smile," Arthur sighed as he didn"t try to resist. However, the attack never came, and he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He looked down on Dia, who was hugging him and hiding her face in his chest with shock. This wasn"t something he expected.