Level Up Legacy

Chapter 628: Against The Odds

Chapter 628: Against The Odds

A series of explosions came one after the other, each shaking the city and telling the citizens that this day was becoming bleaker by the second. Oren gritted his teeth as he heard the explosions, knowing that the enemy had just appeared throughout the city instead of just Avarice.

"A calamity-level warning. Please seek the nearest shelter if no monsters are nearby, or wait for help if there are monsters. A calamity-level warning…."

The announcement rang throughout the city to tell the citizens of the catastrophe in Kera. A calamity was akin to a world-ending creature for normal humans, and they weren"t wrong. That earlier attack destroyed most of the city, even though Amelio did not attack himself.

"Maybe that was his true strength, rendering attacks useless and reflecting them on the enemy. Furthermore, he realized I had dual abilities even though most people didn"t notice."

Since his Mana Affinity was not an active ability but a pa.s.sive one, most people thought his fire was unique at most. However, Amelio could tell that Oren had two powers, and he asked him about "the outsider."

"Did he mean Art?" considered Oren as he ran through the streets, victims either hurrying to shelters or helping others out of rubbles. However, he marched forward. "Arthur is the only person in this world who can give abilities. If that Amelio is targeting him, I need to contact Arthur…."

Oren took out the bracelet from Arthur over a year ago. It was used for communication in case usual means couldn"t be used. Then, he began a connection.

"…it is not reaching," frowned Oren as he stopped to gather his breath. "Is Arthur in a dungeon or a different s.p.a.ce?"

That was the only explanation that Oren could think about. Since his brother was unreachable, then he needed to be the one to protect their mother, even if it killed him. After wearing the bracelet on his arm, Oren rushed forward.

"Kikikikiki," a monster"s screech came from the side before a figure appeared in front of Oren. It was a giant mantis that had scythes-like arms. "Kakaka!"

"An insect?" Oren gritted his teeth before his flames appeared on his hands. Then, he threw the fire at it, but the monster jumped high in the air before diving toward him with an attack.

Its speed was far faster than Oren could catch up to, and it slashed his shoulder. However, Oren used that fraction of a second to grip the mantis" neck with his flaming hand.

"May the heavens show you mercy," muttered Oren before his flames exploded from his hand, turning the mantis into ashes. The wound on his shoulder was deep enough for his clavicles to show, making Oren feel dizzy. "These monsters… are strong."

Under the tutorage of Melania, Oren fought against monsters that were a bit over his level. This was possible because of the dungeons" floors" strict segmentation, giving humanity a fighting chance.

However, in a free-for-all battle against the monster, an unfortunate encounter with a strong monster can mean death. And as he was considering that, Oren spotted such a monster on the far end of the street.

"What the h.e.l.l is a Minotaur doing here?" muttered Oren with despair. "This myth-tier monster needs a power deme-ranker to take down. If such a monster is roaming free in the city…."

The amount of destruction that awaited Kera was immense. Oren could imagine the next scene, which sent chills down his spine. Then, his fear kicked in as the Minotaur"s red eyes turned toward him.

"I need to run…" his whole body began shaking as the feeling of imminent death took over him. "I need to…."

As he was formulating a plan to bypa.s.s the giant of a monster, Oren saw it turn in a different direction and walk away. His relief almost made his body crumble to the ground, and he turned to look at where the Minotaur was heading.

It was a part of the rubbles, and especially those of what used to be an apartment complex. The destruction was so immense that Oren was sure a mana beam had struck this building. However, two kids were trying to pull an adult from under the rubbles on the far end of the complex.

Their faces were covered with tears and snot as they pulled on the limp arm, whose body was hidden under mountains of bricks. There was no way in the world that this adult was alive, but the two kids cried as they tried to save him.

The Minotaur was heading toward them, as it seemed to have deemed them a weak target that he could start with. Maybe it knew that these were the weakest of humans, and its s.a.d.i.s.tic instincts told it to attack them.

Oren stared at the scene without being aware of the sounds around him. The fear from earlier was gone and was replaced with a cold calm that almost froze his heart. Then, he took a step toward the monster while pulling his giant sword from the storage ring.

An arm reached out toward him and held him back before his friend"s face appeared in front of him. Kody was dusted and injured as he stared at Oren before staring at the Minotaur.

"Where were you going?" asked Kody, who seemed to have seen Oren earlier. "I was running through the streets looking for Selena and you, and here I find you. That monster is at the myth-tier, Oren."

"…" Oren was silent as he held Kody"s hand and removed it from his shoulder. Then, Kody managed to see Oren"s other shoulder, which had a giant wound on it.

"…you f.u.c.king idiot," spat the giant man. "You wanted to fight a myth with that wound? On your own? Do you want to die?"

"There are times when even my cowardice has no place," said Oren before he started walking again. "Selena was going to my house, so you should find her there."

Kody stared with blood gushing from his head without attempting to stop Oren anymore. Even though Oren knew that Kody was right, there were times when he couldn"t look away.

"Being a dead hero holds no merits! Instead of two bodies, there would be three if you fight that monster!"

"It was never about the odds or how impossible it is," muttered Oren as he dragged his greatsword toward the Minotaur heading toward the two kids. "It is about how we fight against them."

"It was about surviving, Oren!" shouted Kody behind him, and Oren could tell that the giant man was heading toward him. "Selena is waiting for you to return!"

"Please, Kody," Oren turned toward him, and the man stopped in his tracks. "Please take the kids and run as I distract the monster. No other awakeners are around, and no one but us can step up for this."

Kody looked shaken before he gritted his teeth and nodded. Oren felt grateful before he carried his greatsword and sprinted forward. The fear from earlier was hidden somewhere, replaced with the urgency to reach the monster in time.

"Huff," the Minotaur huffed through its nostrils as it stood behind the two kids. The sound made the two flinch and turn around before falling on their lower backs with shock.

"Ahh…" a confused and scared scream leaked from the younger boy, whose older brother tightly hugged him while staring at the monster.

"Don"t come closer! Go away!" shouted the older-looking boy while hugging his brother. The monster glared at them before reaching its giant hand toward them, covered with dark brown fur.

Oren realized he was too far from them and decided to attack now. His greatsword made a clean slash across the air before sending flames spewing at the monster. Since it was distracted, the fire struck the right side of the Minotaur and engulfed it.

"Kody, now!" shouted Oren before rushing toward the Minotaur, holding his giant sword with both hands and slashing at the Minotaur"s neck.

Kody rushed past him and grabbed the two kids before bolting away. Oren"s greatsword connected with the monster"s neck, but it couldn"t slice its skin open. The difference in strength was terrifying to behold from the first encounter, and the Minotaur was glaring at him.

"Don"t be so mad, dear," Oren smiled as he landed on the ground in front of the Minotaur. Standing in front of the giant was akin to standing in front of a building. Its towering height was even larger than the skywalker from earlier, and Oren couldn"t even cut through its skin. "Let us…"

Oren felt that he was. .h.i.t by a train as a crushing impact struck his chest. His eyes failed to see the attack, but it sent him flying through the street, crashing into a building, and coming out from the other side.

The impact of crushing into several walls and destroying them made Oren lose consciousness, and the final impact made him snap out of it. After waking up a street away, Oren found his torso caved in and his arms falling limp to the side.

"Cough, cough, cough," tried Oren to breathe before he coughed blood, and the coughing continued. As he tried to make out what was going on, a figure towered over him again. It was the Minotaur, staring down on Oren.