Level Up Legacy

Chapter 700: Under The Veil

Chapter 700: Under The Veil

Layla peered over the rocks ahead of them. It seems they split the path into many. After making out that no one was around, she jumped from the boulder to land beside the person who saved her.

"Um… Miss Ai?" called Layla with hesitation. The woman was watching a bunch of flowers that grew out here. She was humming to herself while healing the wilting ones back to health. "I"m sorry to ask this, but how come you are here?"

"What do you mean?" asked Ai while tilting her head to the side and looking at Layla. Although she couldn"t see her face, Layla fidgeted under her stare.

"This place is restricted to fifty people only. I met all of the others, and you weren"t there. How come you appeared here…?"

"You mean this dungeon," nodded Ai as she stood. "I didn"t enter from the same entrance as all of you. I came from the other side."

"The other side?" asked Layla with confusion. "Are you…"

"I"m from Alka, the other world," said Ai as she walked toward her. Before Layla could process it, she was holding her hand. Her soft fingers squeezed Layla"s calloused hand. "You seem very reliable. Can you take me to the nearest city?"

"I can"t do that anymore… the Land of Trial has no exits. A warrior either dies or comes out from the other end." Layla stared at the hand holding hers. They were milky white and soft.

"Then, let"s go out from the other end," said Ai casually, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Well, unless you came here to die."

"Maybe… another time," Layla tried to pull her hand away in a fl.u.s.tered manner. Ai let go but seemed disappointed. Then she laughed sweetly before gesturing toward Layla to lead the way. "Before that… you said you came from the other world? Are you an invader?"

"I"m not waving a sword, am I?" Ai tilted her head again. "An invader is more menacing than me. I"m just a healer with a purpose."

"And what is that purpose?" asked Layla as she brought the hand that Ai touched toward her chest. It seemed she was self-conscious rather than angry.

"I came here to find a friend, nothing more. I don"t want to hurt anyone or make an enemy. I just want to find that person before he forgets about me."

"Oh," exclaimed Layla with slight disappointment. She opened her mouth several times to ask, but her face turned red just thinking about it. "Is he… is he… your lover?"

"Oh no, far from it!" said Ai, waving her hands frantically and staggering back. She tripped on a stone, but Layla swiftly pulled her hand to stabilize her. "Thank you… this person is just my benefactor."

"I see," nodded Layla with a smile before letting go and scratching her nose. "It doesn"t matter because I plan on leaving this place alive. I would be more than happy to protect you while doing that."

"Then I will heal you from behind, Miss Layla!" Ai raised her two fists in front of her and shook them. Layla smiled and nodded before leading deeper into the Lands of Trials.

The subsequent trial was in a giant arena where she fought against ogres. The one after it was a river that she had to cross. At every step, Ai proved more valuable than being a burden. Her healing seemed to be infinite, and Layla was able to fight as if she would throw away her life. But, then, she would enjoy the kind healing of Ai, who didn"t hesitate to chat while the two sat.

Half of the trials ended before she knew it, and Layla found it enjoyable. Then, finally, night descended while they were finishing another trial where Layla had to climb to a bird"s nest while enduring the relentless attacks of flying monsters.

After she finished the trial with a body riddled with lacerations, Layla returned to Ai carrying the key to the door. However, Ai seemed more worried about her injuries rather than delighted, and the two built a camp for the night.

"I have to ask, Miss Ai," started Layla while watching the woman heal her wounds. "What kind of friend is worth crossing worlds just to meet?"

"A friend I have never met." Ai placed her hands on the wounds, and they disappeared. "I left my religion to meet him, but he gave me so much more than that."

"He gave you something without meeting you?" wondered Layla aloud. "May I know what he gave you, exactly?"

"A life, I think?" said Ai with uncertainty. She stood up after finishing the treatment and sat on the other side of the fire. Layla watched her curl her legs against her body and watch the flames from behind the veil.

"I want to see… how you look like." Layla regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. She saw Ai flinch when she heard them, and she didn"t say anything more. "I"m sorry. I was just curious. If you are reluctant to show me, just ask me to shut up."

"You are a kind person, Miss Layla. However, I think what"s behind this veil would change how you treat me. It might be pity, and it might be disgust. The only person who didn"t was that friend I told you about."

"I would not…." Layla began to persuade her but closed her mouth. "I understand. Please feel free to show me when we know each other more. At that time, you would know that my actions aren"t influenced by what"s underneath the veil. Right?"

"We will see how it goes," said Ai with what Layla discerned as optimism. "I have a question too. You told me you paid your savings for this place, and I saw how much you"ve hurt yourself. Is there a reason for this suffering?"

"In this empire, strength is sacred. It is the most important thing for every awakener and citizen. This trial can only be pa.s.sed by the strong. Once a person does, he can join the Holy Knights."

"Is that your dream?"

"Far from it. I loathe those bunch more than monsters. However, a Holy Knight gets special privileges. One of them is a request from the emperor. I want to use that to save the man who raised me when I was no more than a war prisoner."

"Is he imprisoned by the emperor?"

"He was until recently. He is scheduled to be executed along with the rest of the traitors in a few days. Anyone who showed a different opinion from the empire was arrested."

"It sounds like a terrible place to live in," said Ai with surprise. "How come you never left this empire if it"s this unjustly?"

"I have no other place to go, and the man who raised me is the same. However, the empire isn"t always like that. It"s this particular subject that made it react in such a way. After all, it would lead to an uprising."

"A subject?"

"That is right. A few guilds and knights wanted to join the man who opposed the rulers: Arthur Silvera. But unfortunately, it was seen as a sign of treason and became punishable by death. Although most nations criminalized the guild, it never reached the point of execution."

"The one who opposed the rulers…" repeated Ai after her. "It seems I came to the right place. Since you have been risking your life to get me out of here, I"ll help you save that man."

"You already saved me once, and there is no need for…." Layla was smiling as she replied when she heard a sound from their side. Although they tried to hide between two boulders, it was still an open s.p.a.ce around them. "Who is there?"

There was no answer from the darkness, and Layla grabbed the hilt of her sword. Her eyes peered through the night, but she couldn"t see anything within tens of meters.

"Miss Ai, please come and stand behind me. There is someone or something here." Layla suggested before a pebble fell from above. She snapped her head upward to see a shadow jumping above the boulder.

"Die!" shouted the figure as he slashed toward Layla. Since it was behind her, Layla was unable to parry the attack. However, it was too dodge because she noticed it late.

"How did I fail to feel their presence even when they are so close?" lamented Layla as she tried to make the sword strike her shoulder instead of her neck. "I need to kill him even if I die. Otherwise, he will go after Miss Ai."

"Reverse," said Ai in front of her while raising her hand. Layla froze in s.p.a.ce while staring at the woman, and so did the a.s.sa.s.sin. "Reopen."

"AAAAA!" roared the man behind her as Layla felt something liquid fall on her back. The man fell into the fire and started burning, his screams echoing within the valley. The ground was dyed with blood as he flailed around to extinguish the fire. Layla stood there rooted in place.