Level Up Legacy

Chapter 789: Wrath

Chapter 789: Wrath

A rare scene unfolded inside the City of Sealights, where the waves always rolled. An eerie quiet replaced the usual sound of waves. .h.i.tting the city"s ports. Inside the public square, where countless boulders lined and blood rivers flowed, two men opposed each other.

Ca.s.sius was still snickering when he suddenly sensed something that made him uneasy. It was a familiar feeling, raw and ancient. When he looked at the outsider, the latter had his eyes closed.

"Have you lost your mind?" asked Ca.s.sius before raising his hand. A boulder rose from the ground with bodies still glued to its bottom. "You think looking away would make it easier?" asked Ca.s.sius again, but no answer.

Then, with rage and pride, Ca.s.sius brought the boulder down. However, before it smashed the outsider into nothingness, the feeling returned; a creature was watching him. The boulder stopped midair as Ca.s.sius stared at the outsider.

The young creator closed his eyes, but two blood tears flowed from their sides. It was a typical scene for a man who witnessed everything, but it made his blood freeze. He long forgot about such a sight from a time when he had an equal.

"There must be something wrong," said Ca.s.sius. "That being died together with the creator, and both have disappeared from the world. In this place, why would he…?"

Ca.s.sius decided to go against his instincts and bring the boulder down. It whistled in the air as it flew toward the outsider, who stood still. Before it reached him, the man opened his eyes full of blood tears.


The sky rumbled above them, and Ca.s.sius raised his head toward the source. At that moment, a streak of black lightning tore the sky in two before descending toward the creator. It struck the boulder on its way, turning it to nothing.


Ca.s.sius was pushed back by the lightning striking the creator, and his eyes squinted to see from the otherworldly mana. This familiar feeling and black lightning made it unquestionable.

"You… should have perished!" shouted Ca.s.sius in confusion toward the black hurricane"s center. However, there was no reply. Instead, the black lightning formed a humanoid monster around the outsider, which raised its head toward the sky.

The monster bellowed toward the sky, howling with a deep and beastly roar. Its cry tore the world apart, separating what it aimed toward and what it spared. Ca.s.sius could feel his heart tremble in the presence of this ancient feeling.

Since the beginning of time, there has been one sin that turned humans into monsters. Pride was the vanity of humans, envy was their selfishness, and so on. Every sin could be human, except for one, which made its carrier more of a monster than anything.

"However," muttered Ca.s.sius as he tried to steady himself in the face of the unexpected arrival of his ancient creature. "This sin should have died in the Battle of G.o.ds. What is it doing… inside the creator?"

His confusion knew no limits, and Ca.s.sius decided to kill the anomaly before they met their end. It seems that the creator has also lost his mind since there is no golden mana surrounding him anymore. There was nothing but….

"Wrath!" shouted Ca.s.sius toward the sin that not even he could communicate with, a creature that wanted nothing but destruction. "You should have perished thousands of years ago!"

A sin was hard to kill, but it was possible. The one who killed the creator while also dying at the same time was none other than the Sin of Wrath, Ageless Breaker. Ca.s.sius failed to understand how the creator was also the person who carried the Sin of Wrath.

It didn"t matter now. Ca.s.sius could feel the sin targeting him, making his blood freeze again. If the Sin of Wrath were in his prime, Ca.s.sius would have feared for his life. However, since he seemed unstable, it was a chance to kill the fear in its bud.

Ca.s.sius raised all of the boulders, and all of them flew toward the black lightning. However, before any of them reached the target, bolts of lightning struck the boulders before a figure rushed toward the Sin of Pride.

The humanoid monster destroyed the buildings around it while rushing toward him, and the claw s.n.a.t.c.hed Ca.s.sius"s throat. The Sin of Pride stared with shock as the pair of blood eyes installed fear into his heart.

"Ca…ss…ius…" spat the ancient monster with a wrathful voice. Ca.s.sius could feel his neck being crushed by the calamity, which raised him like a stick and threw him toward the ground.


The Sin of Pride body slammed to the ground, but he was unharmed. Instead, he clapped his hands for the ground to turn into a bowel that held him and closed. It was to ensure that the calamity would be unable to attack him again, but it was futile.


After another blood-curdling scream, the Sin of Wrath landed on the manipulated ground. It brought its arms downward, destroying everything in its path. Ca.s.sius gritted his teeth as his control over the ground was gone, and it turned into nothing but rubbles that sought to bury him.

"I need to leave this place," thought Ca.s.sius before he tried to create a tunnel he could use to escape. However, before he started levitating beneath the rubbles, a black-lightning claw pierced through the rocks and grabbed his neck again. "d.a.m.n beast!"

Ca.s.sius gathered his man in his fist to strike at the monster. As the Sin of Wrath pulled him from the ground, Ca.s.sius. .h.i.t its chest with all the mana he could master. However, the black-lightning absorbed the attack as if it never existed.

This was the reason that the Ageless Breaker could defeat the creator. His wrath sought to break everything, making all magic attacks against him useless. Ca.s.sius again wondered what brought the calamity here.

"Listen to me, Eragon!" shouted Ca.s.sius as he struggled in the calamity"s grip. "The creator is using you against me! This is not what you want!"

It was futile to talk to wrath because it could never reason. This made this sin the most hated among the seven since nothing can change its mind.

The humanoid monster unclenched its jaws and roared in Ca.s.sius" face, making his head spin. The grip on his neck made the calamity unable to control the world around him. As Eragon raised his arm again to strike, a figure appeared behind him.

Ca.s.sius recognized the figure as the man from earlier, who used the astral venom to threaten the outsider. His scythe slashed toward Eragon"s back, but it broke as soon as it touched the black lighting.

"How can this…?" Hartman was confused, his single eyes trembling at the sight. But, although his efforts were futile, it was enough to shift the wrath from Ca.s.sius to him.

Eragon roared and threw Ca.s.sius to the ground before grabbing the executor"s head. He raised it as well, slamming it to the ground before his claws started tearing apart his face. Ca.s.sius rolled on the ground, coughing, as Eragon tore the man to pieces.

"This creature is insane," breathed Ca.s.sius as he decided to flee. However, the mere thought of Eragon being controlled by the outsider made him sick. "What a sick twist of fate?"

Eragon was the sole creature capable of stopping the outsider. His existence was the reason that none of them perished in the Battle of G.o.ds, even when faced with the almighty creator. To think that the same Eragon was living inside the boy"s body made Ca.s.sius lament his misfortune for the first time.

"All of us have miscalculated," said Ca.s.sius as he rose from the ground. Eragon was still tearing the man apart, looking no more than a hungry beast. "The creator is not the real threat to us. It is the d.a.m.ned Arthur Silvera. What kind of monster is he?"

A single human, no older than twenty, carried the two most powerful beings in existence. Ca.s.sius would have laughed at the absurdity if he had heard of such a notion.

Eragon stopped after his wrath was sated and turned back toward Ca.s.sius. His wrath targeted the calamity, letting the latter know he could never escape its clutches. Once Eragon wanted to destroy something, he would never stop.


The Sin of Wrath let out another cry, shaking the heavens and earth alike. The clouds parted above them as the black lightning rumbled in the sky. Ca.s.sius stared at the monster bolt toward him before he spread all ten fingers to make him escape.

Ca.s.sius soared, and Eragon missed its target. The Sin of Pride could control the world around him perfectly, allowing him to reach a speed that not even the Sin of Wrath could match.

In a few seconds, Ca.s.sius returned to his gate. He knew that his best plan against Eragon was to let it destroy its vessel. This way, all he needed to do was to keep running.

"I, the Sin of Pride, run?" cried Ca.s.sius with a distorted face. However, at that moment, a figure appeared in front of him. It was Eragon who teleported after him.