Level Up Legacy

Chapter 865 Utilitarianism

Chapter 865 Utilitarianism

The emperor"s words made time freeze as if not even the tiniest speck of dust knew how to react. The change was so sudden, almost to a degree, that the crowd suspected being in a bad dream. However, the Light Emperor made sure to strike reality into their bones.

"All of you gathered here today to be the stepping stone for my family," said the Light Emperor, raising both hands. "No one will enter or leave this place… alive."

A bloodthirsty aura exploded from the emperor as all mana within the plaza suddenly disappeared. The people felt like the air was stripped out of them, and their bodies started shaking as strength left them.

Mana has existed in this world for centuries, and while not all people could use it, it worked to enhance life and stamina. It was the continuous stream of regenerative energy surrounding their bodies. Thus, everyone could feel the change.

"This mana is all mine!" shouted the Light Emperor as a giant gray sphere appeared around the plaza. The people, who ran through the destroyed gates, fell as soon as they pa.s.sed the barrier. They never stood up again.

As the people realized what this barrier did, everyone retreated away from it. Then, their fear and confusion turned toward the emperor, whose body was glowing with light.

His enemy, Saint Ai, fell to the ground as her wind disappeared. A woman was there to catch her fall by jumping, hugging, and landing safely. The people retreated from them since the fight was about to break.

"It seems you have shown your true colors, Light Emperor," said Ai with a smile. "You are the true Stealer of Elements."

"A silly name created by the people who inhabited this land," said the Light Emperor as his body grew bigger and his stature longer. "We have always been the true commander of elements and will always be the protector guardian!"

"What exactly are you protecting?" asked a giant who stepped forward, arm clad with armor. "My name is Vruckrus, and the imperial family has enslaved us for centuries. Our dwindling numbers made us unable to stand against you, but our pride has never been broken!"

"You are from the giant tribe inhabiting our north," said the Light Emperor with a smile. "I remember what we did with your kind. We didn"t enslave them but absorbed their strength into our bodies. I can give them back since their dried corpses must be somewhere."

"Vile beast!" roared Vruckrus as he raised his Warhammer and rushed toward the emperor, making countless citizens run in fear. As he approached the platform, someone jumped down to obstruct him.

Duke Delano waved his Warhammer, which turned into a shield, to absorb the attack of the giant. However, Vruckrus brought down his hammer with such strength and speed that it whistled, striking the shield the n.o.bles Commander used.

A resounding clinging reverberated throughout the plaza before everyone around the two was sent flying. The ground caved beneath the duke, but his shield held firm. Duke Delano grinned before his shield morphed into the spear Arthur had once broken.

The spear aimed for the giant"s heart, but its metal appeared to protect it. Vruckrus was pushed back by the attack to stop beside a woman clad in armor with short black hair and a ferocious expression.

"Don"t be hasty, giant," said Layla as she grabbed the helmet and donned it on her head. "Mana cannot be used in this place, but Astral Blessings can. Those who can use it, fight!"

The light, black armor, and that voice were famous throughout Helios. A renowned gangster from the lower districts, who made it their mission to attack the upper gangs, donned the same outfit. Thus, her name was Night.

"Knights of Helios," shouted Ai with heartbreak toward those unaffected by Rain"s charm. "Are you fine seeing the emperor committing a ma.s.sacre against his people? Is that what you vowed to do as knights?"

Faced with such questions, the knights were hesitant. After all, no one could deny what they were seeing. Thus, some lowered their weapons with conflicted expressions.

"We vowed to serve the Emperor of Light and no one else," said Duke Delano while slamming the spear"s body into his chest. "Whatever our emperor desires, we will be his sword! This is a matter of pride!"

Ilios was the land of pride warriors, and those who vowed to follow someone would do so until their death. It doesn"t matter whether they were villains or heroes because they could break their words.

Countless knights adjusted their stance and aimed their weapons at the enemies. Seeing their actions, Ai was heartbroken before turning toward the citizens.

"Step behind the rebels, and let them protect you! This empire has fallen into corruption and madness, so let us be the light that guides you out!"

"Light?" snickered the Light Emperor as he stepped on thin air, leaving the platform. His steps carried him above the crowds, who still hoped their emperor cared about them.

"Lord, please tell us this is a plan to fool the enemy!"

"This can"t be true, right? Right?"

"Please don"t do this!"

"We are all citizens of Helios!"

The people begged for their lives as Joseph the Strategic listened with a smile. Then, he raised his hands and clenched his fists. Those who begged started convulsing while their bodies dried like autumn leaves.

"Close your mouths," said the Light Emperor with a grin. "I have never seen any of you as my people. Everything I did, and all the power I acc.u.mulated, were for myself. I am a descendant of the protector guardian…. but I never said I will be protecting sc.u.ms like you."

Despair descended on the crowd as they stared with gaping mouths. Cries of shock echoed as the people who begged died and the people closed their mouths. As for the emperor, he spread his arms.

"As I said, this is the beginning of a new era! An era that I have planned for countless decades! After today, the world will bow down to our empire! What is the sacrifice of a million people if it lets you conquer the world?"

His words grew louder every second, and his laughing sent chills down the crowd"s spines. Their calm and prosperous emperor told them they should die so that he could conquer the world.

"Knights of Helios have made their choice. We know that danger lurks in the tiniest corners, so we make the difficult decision. Sacrifice the few to save the many! This is the ultimate strategic plan: utilitarianism!"

Those listening realized what they were for the Light Emperor: nothing but chess pieces, p.a.w.ns to be sacrificed to win some sick game. He didn"t see their happiness or misery because they were not humans to him.

"This is... a nightmare," muttered one of the citizens as he backed away. "We will be killed!"

Those words were the fuse of the ensuing chaos. People pushed each other, trying to run away from the emperor. However, they were surrounded from every side and had no place to run away. Those closest to the emperor pushed those near the barrier, who pushed in return.

"Utilitarianism, huh?" muttered Night as she stared at the emperor. "Grandfather once taught us about that belief: a belief that sacrificing the few can be right if it results in the majority"s happiness. However, no one will be happy in this pursuit but you."

"I remember who you are now," said the Light Emperor with a grin. "You are one of the children raised by Zonas Mantra, the fool. My reign over the world will bring peace to its inhabitants, as no more struggle or infighting will occur. We will stand against any enemies!"

"…you are delusional," said an old woman as she stepped forward from the crowd. Her thin frame made her seem breakable even if a gust of wind pushed her. It was Grandma Mo. "There is no we. There is just you on that side."

"Ah, another person from the Mantra family, the last of fools," said the emperor with a grin. "If I remember correctly, you are nothing but oath breakers. Your husband went against the emperor, and so did your son."

"Your plan will fail, Joseph the Strategic. We all know it," said Grandma Mo with her hands behind her back. The people parted ways for her as she took slow steps toward the emperor. "After all, there is one more person you are forgetting about. Arthur Silvera will break your reign."

"…that name again," said the emperor with a frown while raising his hand to kill Grandma Mo. However, his expression changed, and he lowered his hand. "It seems killing you will bring harm to our strength. If so, let me break your spirit. Arthur Silvera, and your son, are trapped within a place worse than h.e.l.l. They will never see the light of day again."

As Grandma Mo stared at him, a flute started playing. Its tunes forced the crowd to step back, crowding enough in a circle around the barriers. Then, the rebels stepped forward to create a barricade separating the emperor from the citizens.

"You underestimate our leader too much, Fake Emperor," said Rain as she walked forward to stand beside Grandma Mo. "As this old lady has said, you will fail."

The rebels surrounded the emperor, but his smile never vanished. Instead, he snapped his fingers, and shadows began rising from the ground. Screams of agony echoed as the knights exploded to be replaced by dark creatures.

"Rise, Creature of Nothingness."