Library Of Heaven's Path: Anime Art

Chapter 6

A young lady (by the Soul Society"s Standards) wearing all black had her stomach pressed flat against the roof of a building as she focused all of her attention on the building directly across from her. The young lady seemed to have perfectly hidden her presence as none of the people walking the streets of the Rukongai have bothered to look up.

"Per Lady Yoruich"s orders, I"ll note it down if you so much as come into contact with a fly."

By pure coincidence, a housefly actually flies through the opening of the G.o.d of Destruction"s temporary residence, and ironically the kunoichi-in-training failed to notice this due to focusing all of her attention on Zhang Xuan.

"No….. father-in-law, would you…. believe me, if I were to say I destroyed the Luo clan"s ancestral hall by accident?" Zhang Xuan mumbled in his sleep.

Buzz buzz the fly goes by…. buzz buzz the fly goes high… buzz buzz the fly lands on Zhang Xuan"s cheek…. Buzz bus th-

"Darn fly!"

Zhang Xuan instantly slapped the fly that had interrupted his good (and totally not remotely destructive) dream, but the young master teacher ended up overestimating how much strength to use. Perhaps he was unused to the new environment, however, though not enough to cause himself to feel pain, Zhang Xuan instinctively used enough strength to break the bed he laid his head upon into pieces thus generating a loud noise.

"Ohhhhh…. I hope that bed wasn"t expensive."

The fact that a random object could be considered a normal house decoration in a higher ranked empire while also being a clan"s ancestral treasure in a lower-ranked kingdom was something Zhang Xuan quickly learned as he started to travel through the higher-ranked kingdoms and empires.

"Flaws!!! Hmm….. oh thank goodness…. It"s just an ordinary bed. Now then what should my ne-"

Bang!!! Bang!!! The sound of a tiny fist slamming harshly upon the front door of Zhang Xuan"s residence reverberated throughout the room.

"Hey!!! Just what the heck was all that noise?!!!"

"Pardon me for the disturban-"

Before Zhang Xuan could continue after opening the door, the old lady on the other side immediately started ripping into him.

"Honestly….. here I was taking a nice afternoon nap."


"Now when a d.a.m.n Hollow appears I can accept the whole lot of loud noises that will be going around."

"Even if that brat Yamamoto were here, he"d never dare to make so much noise."

"Excuse me….."


"You see…."

Zhang Xuan then went on to explain what had happened with the necessary embellishment in order to preserve his pride and dignity as a Master Teacher (not that anyone in this world is familiar with the profession).

"So the bed just collapsed in on ya when you went to slap a fly off your face…. is that right?"

The old ba….. rough around the edges yet kind-hearted old lady scratches the back of her head as she was momentarily too embarra.s.sed to look Zhang Xuan in the face.

"Ah well….. bed frame was a little old…. so sorry….. hmmm…. say, young man, what"s your name?"

"Zhang Xuan."

"Wow…. it"s rare to see any family with a Chinese surname."

"Forgive me for looking dumb, but why would that be rare? I had only recently... "died", so there"s a lot that I don"t know about this place." Zhang Xuan explained as he still found himself uncomfortable with this world"s normal method of immigration.

"Oh from the way ya walked and are dressed… I guess you were from some big family inside the seireitei…. must have been from some big family in the world of the living instead."

"I was just an orphan actually who built myself up through hard work and the respect and dignity of my peers."

Or at least the respect and dignity of Zhang Xuan"s peers whose faces he didn"t slap or property he didn"t reduce to powder.

"Ya see newbie, it was before my time but the first Soul Reapers were supposedly people whose souls came from the islands that would become j.a.pan. Because of that any prominent family here even if they look British, German, and in your case, Chinese will more than likely have a j.a.panese sounding name."

"I see…. thank you for the lesson madam."

"Kid, I haven"t taught anyone nothing in a long time." the old lady said as she turned around to leave, "Now if you"ll excuse me, I gotta collect this month"s rent"

"Then I wish you a good day."

"Oh…. and kid…" the old lady said as she turned to face Zhang Xuan, "I don"t know how you convinced the bigwigs of the Soul Society to arrange for you to stay here, but I"ll kick you out all the same if you don"t pay rent at the end of the month."

This time the old lady actually left Zhang Xuan alone in his temporary residence, of whom the latter of which quickly realized one key fact now that he"s no longer in the Master Teacher Continent.

"I"m poor again!!"

Zhang Xuan didn"t dare to take out another spirit stone for fear of it summoning more of those ant-like Hollows. He didn"t have the courage to take out one of the various weapons in his spatial ring to p.a.w.n off either. With Zhang Xuan"s luck, one such weapon turning into powder-like his spirit stones would end up attracting a Hollow on the level of a peak Saint-level expert. Such an existence would only need to breathe on him in order to turn him into a paste by the roadside.

"At least when I first came to the Master Teacher Continent I had the memories of this body to rely upon, but here I only have the equivalent of a tourist brochure to rely on."

That immediately eliminates the option of pretending to be a Soul Reaper for Zhang Xuan. It seems like that he"ll have no choice but to find some rich person to sucke….. to willingly convince to give him a fat wad of cash as payment for rendering services with his secondary professions.

"No matter…. let"s focus on recovering a bit more of my zhenqi reserves before exploring the city."

Zhang Xuan moves to sit in a cross-legged position as he begins to cycle through his Heaven"s Path Divine Art cultivation technique, but then he quickly notices something unusual about his own body.

"What the…. I already recovered 30% of my energy, but... I"ve only been asleep for a couple of hours…. the zhenqi concentration in this world must be immense to allow such a thing. If I had a sufficient amount of cultivation techniques, I"d definitely be able to break into the Saint realm."

The prospect of an opportunity to rapidly increase his strength puts the G.o.d of Destruction of the Soul Society instantly erases most of the frustration he felt about being isekai"d by Kong-shi. Zhang Xuan then pulls out a robe closest in appearance and style to the commoners walking outside from his spatial ring before changing into it. He considered altering his face as well, however, if the Soul Society did indeed send someone to follow him as he suspects….. then it would be best that he allows them to follow him in order to allay their suspicions.

"Ya already leaving?"

Zhang Xuan had only just left his temporary residence when the old lady or rather his landlady called out to him as she was sweeping the front porch.

"Yes, I figured it best I get to know my way aroun…. Actually, do you know where I can find a library nearby?"

"Ha ha ha ha….. oh… oh you"re serious. Look, I don"t know how it was back in the world of the living, but generally, you"ll only find a library in the Shin"ō Academy or the big n.o.ble Family residences. The former generally only let outsiders on campus during the entrance exam…. and the latter would just filet you."

"I see… well, that"s inconvenient." Zhang Xuan retorts seemingly becoming lost in thought as to what to do next.

"Sigh….. HOWEVER, if ya keep heading east down the road you"ll come across a market district where a lot of the scholarly types like to hang out…. I don"t know… maybe you might find a few books for sale."

"Then once again I thank you for the a.s.sistance ma"am."
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"Yeah yeah…. just be careful… a lot of idiots like to mess with the newbies to the Soul Society."

And so Zhang Xuan walks into the proverbial sunset with a shadow leaping across the various rooftops above as if following him, of which leaves the landlady to her house

"Ooops… sorry, mister."

A few moments after beginning his exploration of the city, a random street kid just so happen to into Zhang Xuan before continuing to run down the road in the opposite direction he was headed.

"Just be more c"

Zhang Xuan instantly realized that something wasn"t right the moment he let his hands rest on his side. He didn"t feel the weight of his spatial ring as his hand makes contact with his upper-thigh. Son of a... that kid actually dared to rob the things of a Master Teacher!!! Even if the profession didn"t exist in this world, Zhang Xuan wouldn"t allow anyone to besmirch its name.

"Son of a…"

If his fellow Master Teachers back home caught wind of his poor luck, then Zhang Xuan would never be able to live down the humiliation and ridicule he"d get from his colleagues. Most importantly he couldn"t risk the chance of some unknown method in this world emptying the contents of his ring. If a couple of crushed spirit stones were enough to attract a small army of Hollows, then who knows how many all the treasures in his ring would bring down on the city? Even if he sold his ludicrously large soul for its weight in gold, he could never afford to pay for the immense dama…. *ptooey*... I mean Zhang Xuan"s pride as a Master Teacher would never allow for so many innocents to be killed.

"Get back here you brat!!!"