Life In Another World

Chapter 18

"Mm, after observing the kid for a week, I eventually know his bottom line. For his level, it was quite odd to have such a raw strength... No, everything about him is so peculiar, but it doesn"t matter. If he ever became a sprout of disaster, as his Master it will be my duty to slay him." Kyros" said while both of his eyes flashed with a trace of coldness.

"Well, as long as I guide him into the right path, he won"t become a fallen one, but still I hope your mental fort.i.tude is enough to handle my torturous training course." Kiro grinned slyly as he observed Kiro.

"I suppose it is time to begin the real training."


In the west part of the plain of wilderness.

Kiro finally managed to stabilize his mana flow, while hearing Fixie"s reminder Kiro could only nod in approval. He knew that she was only trying to protect him, so being extra cautious won"t hurt him that much.

"Okay, I will definitely consider Fixie"s warning," Kiro stated while continuing. "I know that you are worried about my well being, but don"t worry I won"t disclose anything."

"You better be, Master! That man is not someone you can take lightly. The reason why Fixie did not forbid Master to take him as your teacher was because it will be helpful for Master"s future growth." Fixie replied with full of concern as she continued. "No matter what happens you cannot disclose it to anyone unless Master unlocked the second Innate skill."

"Hmm? What is this second Innate Skill? I did not have a chance to ask you this before, but why are there still two abilities that weren"t unlocked yet?" Kiro said, he suddenly recalled that there were still two abilities left to be unlocked.

"I am sorry to say this Master. The System Upgrade forbids me to say anything about it, but all I can say is it will be unlocked if the special quest is triggered, just like how Master successfully managed to attain the System Upgrade."

While the two are busy chattering to each other, a sound of notification echoed inside Kiro"s head.


『Congratulation! The User Level Up by two!』

-Current Level 8

『The User Base Statistic Increased!』


『Skill Basic Archery Level Increased by three levels!』

-Skill [Basic Archery] Lv. 4

-Does the user wish to see his current statistic?

-Yes / No

Kiro was startled to hear the notification bell, inside his head. He still wasn"t used to it. Eventually, Kiro tapped the yes b.u.t.ton in front of him.



STR: 25 (x5) - 125

INT: 31 (x5) - 155

DEX: 33 (x5) - 165

CON: 41 (x5) - 205

CHA: 41 (x5) - 205

SEN: 38 (x5) - 190

VIT: 81 (x5) - 405

-With the Blessing of the G.o.d of Creation, all base Stats will be multiplied by five.


"Hmm, so every time I level up, my base statistic will increase by 3," Kiro mumbled.

"Yup! That is right Master, with your current level, Master is equivalent to a D cla.s.s adventurer."

"I don"t know what a D cla.s.s adventurer is, but I guess they are pretty strong if they have the same stats as me," Kiro said. He was about to ask another question when a voice echoed inside the wilderness.

"Kiro! I know you can hear me! Starting tomorrow, the amount of flying shaft will be doubled, as for the arrow, it will be tripled! You better prepare yourself! Don"t die on me! Hahaha!" Kyros" voice reverberated throughout the plains, as his lingering laughs irritated Kiro.

"What do you mean by triple! I don"t have any more arrows left!" Kiro yelled back. He was about to continue his ranting when he noticed a flying arrow hit his footing. There he saw a small pouch wrapped on the shaft.

"Huh? What is this?" Kiro said as he picked up the pouch on the ground.

"Master! That is a magic tool! It is a s.p.a.ce bag, your teacher is sure rich, Master!" Fixie stated as she continued. "But the quality of the pouch wasn"t that significant, but it was still a rare piece of magic tool. It is still useful for Master."

"Magic tool? A s.p.a.ce bag? What do you mean by that?" Kiro asked in bewilderment.

"It is like a rucksack Master, but this magic tool has a spatial dimension inside, and the size of it was comparable to a medium-size drawer." Fixie explained to Kiro who doesn"t know how valuable this article is.

"Also don"t forget! If you can"t advance your Basic Archery Skill to the whole new level within seven days, I cannot guarantee that you can leave this place alive!" Kyros" voice reverberated to the surrounding once more.

Kiro did not mind Kyros" empty threat, all of his attention was preoccupied to the small pouch.

"How do I use this?" Kiro asked. Then he saw a small crystal attached in the middle, touching the blue crystal shard. An image flash through Kiro"s mind, there he saw a white s.p.a.ce with a dimensional size of 3x3 ft. In the middle of the white s.p.a.ce, Kiro saw a bulk of arrows lined up neatly, there were about 300 arrows in total inside the white s.p.a.ce.

"... This is what you meant by a spatial dimension?" Kiro muttered those words in aghast.

"Yup, pretty much surprising right? Master." Fixie said teasingly, she knew what Kiro"s thinking, in this world that looked like he time-traveled to the medieval period. He wouldn"t expect such a mystical article exist in this world.

Recollecting Kyros" voice, Kiro decided to have an early rest, because he knew tomorrow morning he won"t have much energy to spare.


Morning in the Plain of Wilderness.

the sun is already rising on the east side of the sky. Kiro was awoken by blood l.u.s.t, rolling to the ground, Kiro tried to find the source of the killing intent. There he saw an arrowhead furiously darting to his heart. Grabbing his longbow, Kiro tried to use his raw strength to deflect the upcoming arrow, but before he could do so, another arrow flew to his right side.

Glancing at the commotion, Kiro has left no choice but to charge toward the first arrow. Going to the front arrow, Kiro used the body of his bow to deflect it. Then grabbing a single shaft inside the pouch, Kiro aimed at the upcoming arrow on his right side.

"Bang!" Loud vibration reverberated inside the wilderness, as soon as he thought the morning greetings were done. He was wrong, three more arrows simultaneously a.s.sault him.

"Tch! d.a.m.n, crazy old man!" Kiro knew he could take the two arrows at the same time, but he still couldn"t manage to take all three.

Grabbing the small dagger in hand and bow on the other, Kiro used his superhuman strength to deflect those upcoming arrows.

"Ping!~" "Ping!~"

Kiro successfully deflected the two, but the problem is the last one. Kicking ground hard Kiro runs to the forest, he is trying to buy more time even if it was just for a second to take aim at the upcoming arrow.

one-half meters distance before the arrow hits him. Kiro activated his skill.

"[Arrow Shock]!"


Kiro did not avoid the aftershock, he was sent flying by his own skill.

"Ha... Haa... Haaa... d.a.m.n crazy madman!" Kiro grumbled while engulfing a mouthful of air.

But before he could recover, five wooden shafts came flying in his direction.

"Oh come on!" While he said that, Kiro recollected himself and braced the upcoming wooden shaft, he knew that he can"t dodge it, the only way is to accept the pain.

With that, the same hara.s.sment continued for three days. Even at night, Kiro did not manage to have a proper rest, the old man is only allowing him to rest two hours a day.

On the fourth day, the amount of arrows that are hunting him increased once more.

Kiro did not realize, after doing the same thing over and over again. His posture improved a lot, he could even aim at the moving target with incredible speed, he can even now deflect the heavy wooden shaft with ease.

The way Kyros" trained Kiro is indeed an eccentric way, but with the arrow that is continuously chasing Kiro like a deranged spirit. Enhanced Kiro"s senses in the breakneck speed. While he did not know the significance of why the old Kyros" was applying a heavy wooden shaft at him, Kiro did not apprehend that after a week and half of training, his close combat proficiency increased in unbelievable rate.

The same simulation repeated until a drastic change happened on the seventh day.