Life In Another World

Chapter 20

With a powerful burst of a collision, it changed the landscape of the wilderness.

In the middle of the disturbance, the white wolf king was still alive, but barely breathing, glancing at the white wolf king who was now filled with arrows and blood. Kiro was astonished to notice that the beast was still alive.

"I suppose you were not called the king of wilderness for nothing," Kiro muttered while walking toward its direction.

As he walked toward the white wolf direction, its eyes flashed with determination. The white wolf body suddenly expanded, while the aura around the beast was so frightening even for Kiro.

Scarlet light particles glittered around the beast. Staring at the white wolf, Kiro could help to be astounded from its transformation.

"Master! Be careful! That white wolf king is so determined to drag Master to its death!" Fixie anxiously said. "That white wolf king is using its own lifespan and soul to temporarily boost its power."

"What? Has it gone mad? No..." Kiro did not finish his words. After seeing the thick hatred of the beast, he already knew the answer to his question. The reason why the monster was in an enraged state was because Kiro killed the silver wolf. If his deduction were correct. The silver wolf he killed was the child of this enranged white wolf.


The white wolf used its howl skill to paralyzed Kiro"s mind. The howl of the white wolf was not a physical attack, but a mentality attack skill. With its own life as fuel, the mental attack was way much stronger than before.

"...Urgh." Kiro coughed a mouthful of blood as a backlash. He was having a hard time to stabilize his clarity.

"Master!" Fixie shouted in fright, but she cannot interfere, the only thing she could do is to lessen the burden of the mental attack. A soft aura enveloping Kiro"s mind, gently soothing his immobilized mind.

But the white wolf did not let Kiro stabilize his mind, as it proceeded to its onslaught.

Blue"s sharp claw hit Kiro"s abdomen, sending him flying 10ft away from the beast.

"Gaah-ha!" Kiro spurted a mouthful of blood, while his abdomen took a heavy blow, as blood was running through his lower body.

Grabbing his longbow fiercely, Kiro started his counterattack.

"[Arrow Shock]!"


An enormous explosion occurred, but it did not stop the white wolf advance.

Howling in anger, the white wolf bared its fang to Kiro. Activating the Wind Fang creating a huge suction force concentrating on its fang.

"Raawr!" The white wolf moved its fang in a slashing motion. While glittering with a scarlet light, an immense red wind slash rushed through Kiro"s direction.

Staring at the impending danger. Kiro used all of his remaining arrows to activate his current strongest art of archery. But this time, the bow arrow was less than a hundred, there were only sixty and more arrowheads left. Even so, Kiro bet everything to his arrow.

He summoned the sixty-plus arrows in the spatial pouch. Kiro imbued every single arrowhead with immense mana. This time he only focused on sharpening the arrows. He did not care if the wooden shaft could handle the consequence. He only wanted to parry with the upcoming disaster.

"One Hundred Arrow returning In one!" Kiro cried in desperation. With both eyes filled with aggression. Kiro put all of his faith in his archery.


An enormous tremor disturbed the wilderness, startling the low-grade monster in the vicinity while an immense smoke covered the forest.

Eventually, the tranquility of the forest returned with a loud wind blew at the center of the collision, showing the standing figure of the white wolf.

Kiro, who was lying on the ground, raised his head to peer at the smokey figure. What he saw is the standing figure of the white wolf king, Kiro could only produce a bitter laugh upon realizing the beast was still alive.

"... Hehehe, come on now... You are still ali-" Kiro cut-off on his words, as he noticed the smoke was slowly dissipating. Giving him a clear good look at the smokey figure.

There he saw the proud look of the white wolf, standing bravely in front of him.

It was staring fiercely to Kiro"s direction, but this n.o.ble wolf"s breathing already ceased to exist. Kiro could not help to admire the dignity of this wolf. Even in its last straw of life, the king of the wilderness did not abandon its pride.

Kiro stared at the beast direction for a few more minutes. Abruptly Kiro"s eye blurred as his head fell on the ground.

"Master!" Fixie screamed hysterically. It was her first time seeing her master fainted like this. What is more, he took severe internal damage from the white wolf.


"Mm. Good! Good! Hahaha, Kiro, you certainly did not disappoint this old man, but that is a remarkably unexpected development. I did not expect the king of the wilderness would use its life force to dragged Kiro alongside its death." Kyros was watching the whole scene unfolded exclaimed his astonishment from the white wolf.

"Good thing I prepared some healing potion, just in case a mishap happened to the kid. I presume I better get going." Kyros said. His figure disappeared into the forest.

In the middle of the explosion, Kiro"s body was lying on the charred ground.

"Haah~, good work kid," Kyros mumbled. Then he went toward Kiro"s direction while examining his body condition. Upon seeing the severe damage from his abdomen. Kyros was astounded to comprehend that Kiro was fighting in such a miserable state.

Touching the ring on his left arm, Kyros summoned the high-grade potion.

"I suppose I went too far, huh," Kyros said as he poured the high-grade potion to Kiro"s abdomen.

Kiro"s wound sealed up as the gleaming white light engulfed his whole body.

Several moments later, Kiro"s body returned to anew with the help of high-grade potion, Kiro"s body has been restored to its perfect state, like all of his internal and external wounds didn"t exist.

"Mm. This high-grade potion truly lives at its reputation." Kyros said while glancing at Kiro. "I"ve done my part. Now it is all up to you, kid."


Subsequent Kyro"s went on his way. Kiro eventually awakened from his slumber. Glancing around at the familiar scenery. He felt it rather odd because there wasn"t any pain coming from his body.

"What happened?" Kiro mumbled as he tried his best to recollect the event that had unfolded.

"Master, your teacher helped you to recover your wounds," Fixie said while adding more explanation. "Your teacher used a high-grade potion to mend Master"s wounds, he is so generous, Master!"

"Mm. That is his part as my Master if he didn"t do this much. I might not last long from that old man crazy training routine." Kiro said, but deep inside him. He is thankful for the old man"s kindness.

It is not only about the potion, but with his training course. He knew that his survival skill Improved in leaps and bounds.

"Well, If I see him next time. It is appropriate to give my thanks."


『The User Level Increased by four!』

-Current Level. 12

『The User Base Statistic Increased!』


『Skill Basic Archery Evolved to Intermediate Archery!』

-Skill [Intermediate Archery] Lv. 1

-Does the user wish to see his current statistic?


Upon hearing the familiar notification bell, Kiro glanced at the transparent screen before him. Kiro tapped the yes b.u.t.ton.



STR: 37 (x5) - 185

INT: 43 (x5) - 215

DEX: 45 (x5) - 225

CON: 53 (x5) - 265

CHA: 53 (x5) - 265

SEN: 50 (x5) - 250

VIT: 93 (x5) - 465

-With the Blessing of the G.o.d of Creation, all base Stats will be multiplied by five.


"Phew~, Fixie, what do you think? With my current statistic, how strong do you think I am now?" Kiro could not help to ask her. He was suddenly abducted by the old man, and he doesn"t have any proper base knowledge about Adventurers. While Fixie"s information may not be accurate, it was still a good reference.

"Hmm... WIth Master current base stats. Fixie thinks that Master is already at the peak of D-cla.s.s Adventurer." She said with deep thought. "I think it is better if Master goes to the seminar that Aldin mentioned before," Fixie said, she knew her information may not be correct. She knew accurate information was essential for Kiro.

Abruptly another notification bell echoed inside Kiro"s head.


『The User acc.u.mulated SP Point is now 57 points.』

『The User can now upgrade his Innate Appraisal Skill!』

-Does the user wish to upgrade his skill?


Kiro was shocked by the announcement bell. He nearly has forgotten about their plan to grind his Innate skill.

Glancing at the screen before him. Naturally, Kiro clicked the yes b.u.t.ton.


『The User has chosen to upgrade his Innate Appraisal Skill!』

-New featured has been unlocked!

『Silence Appraisal skill is now functioning!』

-The user can now see the skill and their effects of the designated host.

『Incognito Statistics is now functioning!』

-The user can now hide and show his real base statistic.

『Protection from the Appraisal user has been unlocked!』

-The user can now block anyone who tried to keep without his consent.

Hearing the notification bell, Kiro was astounded to see after upgrading his Innate skill. There would be a lot of new features attached.