Life In Another World

Chapter 36

When Kiro heard a voice on his side, he was startled for a moment, then a cold ran throughout his body. After comprehending that, he didn"t even a minuscule bit of fluctuation when the person arrived.

"Master! Be careful." Suddenly Fixie"s voice cried in alarm inside his head. "That person... Nn—no, it can"t be! Run Master!"

Once he heard Fixie"s voice, Kiro"s expression turned grim. He took a quick glance at the person who came from the darkness. There he saw a brown human figure with a tiny horn on its forehead, but the most unusual thing about this person was its shimmering reddish eyes that illuminate the gloomy part of the forest.

"What"s your name, boy?" The person with both eyes flashed in wonder. "To defeat Demogoblin at such a young age, just who are you?"

"Master! Don"t simply stand there, withdraw now!" Fixie urged Kiro to leave the place as she added. "That isn"t a person but a demon! Even though it was a low-cla.s.s demon, with master current capability he cannot face him upfront!"

"Wa—what?" Upon hearing her voice, Kiro voiced out in alarm. "If it"s truly a demon just like you, then how can I flee from this place?"

"Listen here, Master-" Before Fixie could finish, the demon interjected. "Oh my, such a rude boy. Are you perhaps trying to figure out how to escape from here?" The demon said while darted its eye toward Alina"s direction.

With that simple gesture at first, Kiro stared at him in bewilderment. However, recalling who was in that direction. Both of his eyes gleamed with killing intent. "What do you want?" He said while staring fiercely at the demon in front of him.

"Hohoho, how scary, then let me ask you again. What is your name?" This time the demon released a strong, intimidating pressure.

"Urgh!" Kiro groaned in pain. With the intimidation alone, Kiro could no longer continue standing straight as his body fell on one knee. "Master!" Fixie cried out as she attempted to share some mental burden to lessen the pressure for Kiro. Only then he managed to stand up.

"Hoohoo, as I thought, you"re not a simple boy. However, I couldn"t fathom how you killed Demogoblin when your mana pool was almost dried up, but instead of pa.s.sing out from mana inefficiency, for some unknown reason your mana suddenly rose." The demon speculated as it stared straight to Kiro"s eyes.

Hearing the demon thought, Kiro both eyes widened in disbelief. Only then did he know that the demon was observing his fight from the very beginning.

This time Kiro tried his best to maintain his composure, while not exposing his perplexed emotion.

"... I"m Kiro, an Adventurer." He said while trying to think of a way to get out of this mess.

"Mm, what an unusual name. Did you perhaps come from the eastern Empire of Avonmore?" The demon replied in a surprised manner. "No wonder, no wonder... " It said before adding.

"Then, please die." After saying those words the demon both eyes flicked with a reddish light. As the demon moved its hand right in front of Kiro.

Suddenly a huge suction force formed at the center of the demon palm. "Master! Quickly use that last remaining runic arrow!" Upon hearing Fixie"s voice. Kiro didn"t think twice as he grabbed the arrow on his waist and took his stance.

Then Kiro summoned all of his remaining mana to the arrow shaft while enduring the pain that throbbing from his head. "[Mana Blast!]"


The wind howled like an enraged beast in this dark forest. While glaring azure light, glittering around like a whirlpool at the center of the arrow"s head.

After acc.u.mulating enough force, Kiro didn"t wait for the demon to activate its skill as he released the string of his longbow.


The arrow darted to the demon with breakneck speed, while it advanced, the nearby trees creak, screaming as if their limbs strained from the wind shear onslaught.


The arrow exploded as soon as it reached the target. Producing an enormous shockwave that shattered the nearby woods.

"Haa... Haaa... Ha..." Kiro exhaled in exhaustion. But before he could stabilize his breathing, Fixie"s voice cried out. "Master! Hurry and run!" Fixie squealed in fright.

However, Kiro"s body didn"t attend to his command as he fell on one knee.

"Haa... Haa... I"m sorry Fixie, my body won"t listen to me." Kiro said grimly. He could only hope that the arrow was enough to finish off the demon. Nonetheless, it was only his wishful thought.

Gradually the fog from the collision dissipated, then Kiro saw the unharmed demon. "Hehehe, vile human... Do you honestly believe that an incompetent attack of yours is enough to damage me?" The demon sa.s.sed while staring at the sorry figure of Kiro.

"Hehe, even with that attack there wasn"t even a slight scratch?" Kiro let out a dull laugh as both of his eyes dimmed in tiredness. "Master!" Fixie tried to wake her Master up. Still, it wasn"t enough to recall him back.

Kiro both eyes gently shut as his body fell on the muddy ground.

"Sleep well boy, because when you wake up, I"ll have you split all the mysteries you were hiding." The demon mumbled as it advanced onward.

But before it could reach Kiro"s location, a purplish emanation fiercely darted toward the demon.

Noticing the impending danger, both of its eyes became sharp as the demon erected a wall of wicked aura three meters before him.


The wall of darkness shattered like a frail gla.s.s upon the touch of the piercing luminescent lilac light.

"That"s far as you go, demon."

Suddenly a Majestic and dignified voice echoed to the surrounding.

"Who!" The demon shouted in fright as it scanned the surrounding forest.

Before the demon could find the source of disturbance, a firm hand fiercely grasps the demon"s neck.

"Guu-aah!" The demon cried in pain, "It—it"s... you!��� The demon snarled in disbelief, as both of its eyes widened in fright.

"... Wa—why? such a person like you is in a rural place like this? In-"


Before the demon could continue, its neck was snapped into two.

"Haayst, what a noisy fellow. Rosie, can you check my good disciple for me?" Kyros said while glancing at the beautiful lady behind him.

"Why should I? You"re his Master, not me." Rosie replied as she snorted in discomfort.

"Come on now, I killed the demon, you go ahead and check my precious disciple condition, I must clean this place first," Kyros said, as his eyes darted northeast side of the forest.

"Oh, I almost forgot, don"t tell him I"m the one who rescued him, and that girl named Alina, take care of her as well." When he finished saying those words, Kyros" figure disappeared from the forest.