Life, Once Again!

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

hapter 150

“Shall we drink in the meantime?”

“Ah, yes . ”

Thank goodness she offered him a drink . He caught his breath as he took a sip, he needed to explain what he liked about her daughter . This felt worse than writing his college entrance exam since tests always had a set answer . You just had to read the problem and figure out the test writer’s intent, but this didn’t . He might fail even if he comes up with a good answer . Then again, that was what most essay questions were like .

“Tick, tock, tick, tock . ”

That wasn’t an actual clock ticking, it was just his mother-in-law making sounds with a smile . This lady knew very well how to make a person feel nervous .

“Hold on . ”

She took out a phone from her bag .

“Yeah, honey?”

It must be her daughter . Maru tensed up even more . The woman’s lips were curling up into a mischievous smile again, that wasn’t a good sign .

“Why did I come when I said I wouldn’t? Well, I finished writing pretty early today . So I wanted to come over to surprise you . Who knew you’d be the one to surprise me instead?”

She gave Maru a short glance . All he could do was to smile .

“Your boyfriend’s smiling at me . ”

She put her phone on speaker mode .

- Mom! You’re with Maru?

The voice on the other end sounded incredibly nervous, Maru wanted to send his thoughts and prayers . He really did . All he could do right now was just to hope that the topic of conversation would change to anything other than him . Having to deal with his mother-in-law was too stressful . His mother-in-law motioned him to be quiet .

“So he’s called Maru?”

- That’s not important . Why are you two together? Did you ask him anything weird? Did you?

“We weren’t talking about much . He has a heavy mouth . I haven’t gotten a single answer from him yet . Oh, so troublesome . ”

Oops . He forgot about that . Time to think again . He needed to come up with a good answer .

- What are you asking him?!

“Just why he likes you . Stuff like that . ”

- Mom!

“I’m gonna hang up . Bye . ”

She closed her phone with just that . It rang in a flash again, but she didn’t pick it back up . So it was his turn again, huh . He took in a breath and got ready to answer her .

“Let’s go outside . ”


She stood up first, Maru followed her in a hurry . He tried to walk past her to try and pay for the food, but she stopped him .

“I don’t like being paid for . ”

Maru put his card back into his wallet . They stepped outside . It was winter, but it didn’t feel so cold for some reason . Was it because of how nervous he was?

“Um . . . ”

He still hadn’t thought of a good answer just yet . Before he could answer her, she opened her mouth first .

“Please don’t hurt my daughter . ”

The way his mother-in-law stared back at him and the way she politely, firmly, and yet sternly said those words… It made Maru forget to breathe for a second . She bowed to him lightly . Maru returned the bow .

“Have you heard about our family from my daughter?”

“I heard her father pa.s.sed away a long time ago . ”

“What else did she tell you?”

Maru slowly raised his head, he decided to just be honest here . He threw away his filter and said everything . Why she liked acting, why she liked to hum, why she smiled or cried whenever she hummed, what happened with her friends, and what she liked to eat . Just about everything she’s told him came out of his mouth . It felt like he talked for some time . His feet were starting to succ.u.mb to the weather . Once he finished, he looked back at his mother-in-law’s eyes . She was smiling .

“I’m not the type of person to trust others very easily . But… I’malso not stuck-up enough to distrust someone that my daughter trusts . ”

She nodded before stepping forward and grabbed Maru’s hand with both of her hands .

“Please come over sometime . ”

She sounded a little more relaxed again, it felt like a wall broke down between them . Just before he could sigh in relief, she whispered a few words to him .

“But please think before swooping in for a kiss . You don’t want to give her or me a trauma, do you?”


“I’ll be more casual with you the next time we meet . Goodbye,”

Maru stuttered from shock . He could feel cold sweat running down his back . Only after she disappeared from his vision completely was he able to sigh in relief .

“ . . . This is too much . ”

It felt like he wasn’t able to do anything other than sleep at home now, but Santa wasn’t ready to make him experience happiness just yet . He got a call . From her .

- Hey! What did you tell her?!

“Hah . ”

A mountain after a mountain .

* * *

“Don’t do anything stupid just because it’s vacation, understood?”


“You all answer nicely, sure . Go clean up your desks . Don’t you dare come back after school closes asking to go back inside . ”

The teacher looked at the clock before giving Daemyung a slight glance, Daemyung opened the TV drawer to click on the ‘on’ b.u.t.ton . The TV took a second or two to load before the face of the appeared .

- Hm hm, ah ah .

That alone was already enough to make them want to fall asleep . Did all princ.i.p.als just have the natural ability to make people sleepy?

“Take this . ”

“Thanks . ”

Maru popped Dojin’s candy in his mouth, the mint definitely helped . It was the 26th . The day after Christmas and also the day before winter break .

- Us Woosung High…

Well, there he goes again . The homeroom teacher was already sleeping on a chair . One by one, the students started drifting away into dreamland as well .

“When do they announce the results?”

“Thursday . ”

“Will we pa.s.s?”

“Who knows . ”

The results of the prelim would come out on Thursday and the regional finals would start on the following Tuesday . After that was the prelim for the nationals .

- We, who won’t break even through the cold wind…

“I wonder when he’s planning on finis.h.i.+ng that speech . ”

“Dunno, when his throat hurts?”

Maru put his phone back in his pocket as he turned to the TV, He could see the still flipping through the pages of his speech . Probably at least two pages left to go?

“What happened with you and Iseul, by the way?”

He got reminded of it all of the sudden . The question made Dojin flinch and turn his way . That’s quite a reaction .


“Oho, so something really did happen?”

“Nothing happened, really . ”

“So why are you surprised?”

“ . . . . . . ”

Dojin leaned towards Maru after a few seconds .

“I… I think I like Iseul . ”

“Why are you being so secretive over something so obvious?”


“Daemyung probably knows as well . ”

“Liar . Stop lying . You think I’m that obvious?”

. . . Oh? Maru gestured at him to wait for a little . Once the finished his speech after a few minutes, the teacher woke up from his nap and stood up .

“Alright, take your homework . Do them well . Don’t smoke . Don’t do anything stupid . I’ll see you in February . Ah, cla.s.s pres, follow me out after this . Dismissed . ”


The whole cla.s.s started shouting . The infectious shouting spread through the hall and all the way to the other floors . Finally, their break had begun .

“Daemyung . ”

Maru dodged around all the other kids and walked up to Daemyung .


“Do you know who Dojin likes?”

“Is it Iseul?”

Dojin’s expression turned dumb .

“What do I do?”

“What do you mean, ‘what do I do’? Just do what you have to do . ”

“Give me some tips . ”

Dojin’s insistence didn’t change no matter how much Maru tried to push the boy away .

“So you’ll do what I say, then?”

“Yeah . ”

“You’re not going to go back on your word?”

“Okay . ”

Maru put his hands in his pockets and walked out, Dojin and Daemyung followed behind him . He walked to the other side of the hallway to the cla.s.sroom inside, everyone was still sitting inside . The teacher here must’ve just finished his speech .

“Why are we here?”

“Why do you think?”

He opened the cla.s.sroom door and looked around . He could see Iseul sitting in the front .


Iseul waved her hand at Maru, so he waved back .

“Why are you guys here?”

Maru grabbed Dojin’s shoulders and put the boy in front of her . He didn’t even want to give advice . So, he might as well send the boy straight into battle . Dojin was just standing there fiddling with his fingers, Iseul seemed to have understood what was happening at this point though .

“I wanted to leave a kid here . ”

“To me?”

“Yeah . ”

Iseul thought for a second before grabbing Dojin’s shoulders with a nod . Maru observed Dojin stiffen up more and more before turning away .

“Hey, hey, hey!”

He could hear the boy call out to him from behind, but he ignored it . This wasn’t his problem . Iseul also seemed interested anyhow .

“Well then . . . ”

“Time to leave?”

Maru nodded at Daemyung’s response . To begin with, he didn’t even have time to play with Dojin after school . He already had other arrangements . Well, arrangements that Daemyung had set up . He was just joining in .

“Mintae, was it?”

“Yeah . ”

“Seoul, right?”

“Myungdong . ”

“We’ll have to hurry . ”

Yoon Mintae . Maru’s met him once before through Junmin . Someone who works in staging? The guy was in his twenties, if he remembered right .

“It’ll be fun . ”

Daemyung had a rare look of confidence which made Maru excited as well .

“Well, we’re making a play together after all . ”

He seemed like he was stating a fact, not a statement .

* * *

"Hah . ”

Yurim sighed lightly as she took her lips off . Her heart was beating loudly in her chest . Did Geunseok feel the same way?

“Want to drink something?”

Geunseok was looking at the menu casually as if nothing had happened . Yurim rubbed her lips lightly . They kissed just now, right?

“Want cola?”

“Hm? Ah, yeah . ”

“Wait a second . ”

Yurim looked at Geunseok desperately, it was her first kiss . She was trembling and she was a little scared . It was Geunseok though, so she allowed it . It felt soft and their breathing was warm, but she didn’t feel any emotions for some reason . It almost felt like… She was showing love to a wall .

‘It must be because he’s nervous, right?’

Must be . That must be the case . Wait, what if that wasn’t the case? But just as she was about to move onto doing something else, she saw Geunseok’s phone vibrate on the sofa . She knew she shouldn’t, but she grabbed it anyway . It didn’t have a pa.s.sword either .

It was a text message . Most of his texts were with someone named Suyeon, their texts were particularly expressive . Yurim’s face turned incredibly pale . She checked the messages he’s exchanged with her, most of his responses were curt . She thought that was just what his personality was like, but that wasn’t it at all . He was incredibly sweet towards this Suyeon person .

She looked at the door nervously, it didn’t look like he’d come back any time soon . She flipped to the photos tab quickly . His photos with her were all on the bottom . The recent ones were all… with a woman she didn’t recognize . An older woman . Why did this woman look so familiar?

“Drama . ”

It was an actress . The two were smiling in a picture together . Yurim’s teeth started clacking together . She’s felt this way before, back then when she was about to be kidnapped .

“Geunseok’s… Supposed to be relying on me . ”

She couldn’t take her eyes off of the other woman .

* * *

"You aren’t going to sing?”

Geunseok looked at Yurim after he stepped back inside . Man, it was so boring even playing with her nowadays . What was this girl even good at?

“Ah… it’s nothing . ”

Yurim smiled back at him in response . What an average smile . Well, what could he do? The girl still cared about him . He was tired of her now, but he still kept her around because she cared so much for him .

“Let’s sing together . ”

“Yeah . ”

“Why are you so stiff? Oh, was it the kiss? Did you like it that much?”

“Mm? Ah… Aha . Yeah . It was good . ”

“Oh, so cute . ”

Geunseok kissed her cheek lightly, her cheeks were soft . Geunseok’s eyes naturally wandered a little further down . He could see some skin under her s.h.i.+rt .

“Song… This one seems good . ”

Yurim stood up from her seat . Well, he might as well go for it next time . Geunseok smiled before standing up himself .