Lifetime of Bliss And Contentment With You

Chapter 652: Destroyed Persona

Chapter 652: Destroyed Persona

In Lin Yan’s opinion, even if Pei Yutang’s team had clinched a victory, it wouldn’t have mattered. The He family team had been lucky enough to clinch a victory and that was enough.

Li Tao sneered in triumph when Lin Yan lost.

All the reporters’ attention was fixed intently on Lin Yan when she lost.

Lin Yan slowly drove her car back to the starting point and exited it, looking unconcerned.

Qi Shaoyuan scratched his head in puzzlement.

Boss had been defeated?

Why would she lose?

Although Storm’s Wu Yong was an excellent racer, he was like an infant compared to Lin Yan.


Qi Shaoyuan murmured to himself, looking dazed.

He had heard of Storm’s boss and had met him at the private dinner. He had addressed Lin Yan as his daddy.


Suddenly, Qi Shaoyuan’s face fell. Had Boss staged her defeat?

She had lost to Storm on purpose!

Storm had lost twice so if they lost their final compet.i.tion, they would be eliminated right away.

Lin Yan had seemed close to the boss of Storm, so it was possible that she had lost deliberately.

“That woman is weird.”

Before Qi Shaoyuan could speak, Wei Xufeng suddenly spoke.

“Why?” Qi Shaoyuan glanced at Wei Xufeng.

“My guesses weren’t accurate.” Wei Xufeng mused, looking thoughtful. “I thought that Lin Yan wouldn’t be picked and even if she did, she would find an excuse not to race. However, I was wrong. Lin Yan was brazen enough to take part. In hindsight, if she had refused after being picked, her persona would have been destroyed. This is akin to smashing a cracked pot.”

Qi Shaoyuan sighed heavily to himself. He wanted to retort but he stopped himself.

After all, Lin Yan had indeed lost to Li Tao earlier on.

Of course, Qi Shaoyuan could only guess, as he had no evidence. He wasn’t clear about what had happened exactly.

Meanwhile, backstage…

Mo Shuyun was stunned to see Lin Yan lose to Wu Yong. His eyes widened in disbelief and shock.

He had never imagined that Lin Yan, who had beaten WW, would lose to Wu Yong of Storm!

Li Tao had lost to Wu Yong as well. This was to be expected, as there was a disparity between their skills.

The other two members of Storm hadn’t managed to compete, as both members of the He family team had lost. Only He Lefeng was left.

“F*ck! Is Storm’s captain really that strong?”

He Lefeng broke out in cold sweat, as even Lin Yan had been defeated. Wasn’t it a joke if he were to compete against Wu Yong?

A dozen more breaths later, He Lefeng couldn’t even see the end of Wu Yong’s car.

In the end, Storm won all three races. There was absolutely no suspense during this compet.i.tion, as Storm was in the lead all the way.

When the He family team lost, the spectators all broke out into loud criticism. The comments online flooded in, as people lambasted Lin Yan and the He family team.