Lifetime of Bliss And Contentment With You

Chapter 678: In Danger Of Exposing Herself

Chapter 678: In Danger Of Exposing Herself

If Pei Yucheng’s consciousness hadn’t possessed Lin Yan earlier on, he would have believed the flowery, sweet words she had just said.

Pei Yucheng stared quietly at the girl as he listened to how sincere she sounded when she declared that she wanted to give the best present to the most beloved and important person in her life.

It was sweeter than the first time he had tasted chocolate.

“Thank you.” Pei Yucheng chuckled lightly as he held on to the present. “I like it very much.”

The man’s enchanting smile hit Lin Yan, who entered a daze. For no reason, she suddenly felt that going bankrupt for his smile was worth it.

“No… You don’t have to… As long as you like it…” Lin Yan hurriedly squashed that scary thought.

They entered the room and sat down at the dining table.

Lin Yan picked up a pork rib for Pei Yucheng eagerly. She coughed gently to clear her throat. “I haven’t cooked in a long while… I’m not sure what it will taste like…”

“Miss Lin, you’re too humble. The food looks good.” Pei Yucheng praised himself unabashedly.

He tried the pork ribs before he picked up a piece for Lin Yan.

“Thank you!” Lin Yan had been starving, so her stomach started rumbling at the sight of the food. She shoved the meat right into her mouth.

Forget it. That sister had helped her out this time and even cooked this feast… She decided to forgive her…

Lin Yan was chewing the food as she thought.

A second later, a familiar sensation struck her. Her soul seemed to have departed from her body!


What was that?

Lin Yan instinctively spat out the pork rib and scowled at it.

F*ck! Was the food poisoned?

“What’s wrong?” asked Pei Yucheng in puzzlement. “Is it awful?”

“I…” Couldn’t he tell that the food tasted horrible?

The fact that Pei Yucheng couldn’t taste food had almost slipped her mind again.

“Errr…” Lin Yan swallowed the words that she wanted to say hastily. “Nothing… Nothing, it’s just a little hot…”

She forced herself to swallow the pork rib once more. “It’s nice… It’s yummy… I cooked well today…”

Lin Yan would rather die than betray herself. How could she criticize her own cooking?

F*ck! That*le! How could she be so horrible at cooking? How dare she claim that she could cook well?

It was fortunate that Pei Yucheng couldn’t taste anything. Otherwise, she would have been in deep trouble!

What kind of feud or grudge did she have against her?

How could this be a birthday present? She was trying to poison him!

Pei Yucheng grunted in response. He picked up more food for Lin Yan and said, “Miss Lin, you’ve worked hard today. You should eat more.”

Lin Yan glared at the food and felt like dying.

She hadn’t expected to meet someone whose cooking was more terrifying than Pei Yucheng’s!

Lin Yan was wallowing in misery when she suddenly realized something…

These braised pork ribs… reminded her of Pei Yucheng’s cooking.

Usually, there would be a method for cooking a certain dish or achieving a similar taste. However, it couldn’t be easy for someone to make such horrible food while maintaining the aesthetic appeal, right?