Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2: Contract to a Deathmatch

Chapter 2: Contract to a Deathmatch

In an instant, the battle between the youth and the dragon began.


The dragon spit out fire, and thousands of fireball fragments shot out like a spray of lava. Each drop was sufficient to ignite a person.

The youth instantly leapt sideways with subtle movements and evaded the rain of fire flying to him.

A fireball shot towards his chest, the youth leaned backwards and the fireball only managed to graze his left shoulder.

Just when a flame tongue was about to engulf his left leg when he suddenly twisted his body with an astonishing flexibility and softness that the flames only blew past beneath his feet.

The next second, tiny pieces of fire debris shot towards his face. The youth immediately stretched out his fingers and the sharp shards of debris immediately dispersed.

Every attack was instantly disintegrated the moment when it was about to hit the youth. The flames only left a lot of burn marks on his clothes, but was never able to hurt him.

However, this was within the dragon"s expectations.


A firewall burst out from the dragon"s mouth. The raging flames fiercely surged from the ground upwards, forcing the youth to dodge it by jumping into the air.


The dragon spit out a huge ball of fire, flinging it towards the direction the youth was about to land. The cunning dragon had already calculated youth"s movements. Thus the dragon laid a deadly trap!

As soon as he lands in the ground, it would be certainly too late to dodge the dragon"s fireball. However, struck by an idea, the youth kicked the stonewall and used the stonewall"s counter reaction to change his direction mid air.


The fireball struck a rock just a few inches near his body and exploded. The youth fell to the ground and under the impact of the explosion, he rolled and dashed towards the dragon"s body.

"What?!" The face of the dragon suddenly changed, the dragon was startled. Still the dragon was veteran and cannot be easily intimidated. It quickly spun around and sent his tail flying towards the youth, intending to blow away the closing enemy.

But it did not struck the youth, it also did not miss.…….


The dragon felt a burst of pain from his tail. A large portion of his tail was hacked into the air which slammed to the stonewall, crushing rock and earth into debris.

It knew not that the youth was wielding a Light Sabre in his hands, and this was the Light Sabre which the knight abandoned on the ground. The glimmering green light illuminated the skinny face of the youth.

"Amazing." The dragon angrily furrowed his eyes and stared at the boy, "You originally tumbled to the ground. Not only did you avoid my attack, you were also able to pick the weapon at the same time?"

"Of course. Do you think I"m stupid enough to be your live target? Fool!!!" The youth mercilessly retorted,

The part which the tail has been sliced off was burning in pain.

The Light Sabre can not originally penetrate the scales of the dragon"s tails, causing damage to the dragon. The only possibility was when the youth attacked the dragon, he slashed through between the scales of the dragon, avoiding the hard part, and went straight to the fleshy part!!!

This youth is really powerful. Did he truly spot my weak spot, or is it pure luck?

It should be pure luck right? To know, even those Master Swordsman who once challenged the dragon never had such precise swordsmanship.

"d.a.m.n kid!!!" The dragon was emboldened and thrashed his claws.

The dragon did not want to try his luck. Whether the youth was lucky or not, the kid was still really powerful. Claws would be the best to deal with the d.a.m.n brat.

Large number of inherent photons attached to the claws of the dragon made it so sharp capable of cutting even gold. It"s claws are unmatched and incomparable by any weapons made by humans. Once the dragon swung its two claws, even a powerful opponent would be hard pressed to gain any advantage when fighting in close combat!

The dragon had already given up on leaving the youth"s corpse intact. Although not elegant to eat, the dragon intended to rip this youth"s bones and flesh into pieces first.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Covered in red light, the dragon"s claws roared in the dim cave, The youth constantly dodged sideways, avoiding the fireball ejected by the dragon at the same time.

Bang ! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Fireb.a.l.l.s constantly exploded, flashes of flames burst everywhere that it began to illuminate the cave.

Black hair, black pupils, short and skinny physique; the youth"s figure reflected in the eyes of the dragon.

It was as if this youth was the weakest kind in the whole of human race. He has pale skin and a fragile physique. His has a thin face, ordinary countenance and even dull. Only his dark black eyebrows was the most eye catching feature. His eyes were pearled with black pupils as if his spirit was the only merit of this youth.

The magnificent figure of the monster also reflected in the eyes of the youth. Its whole body exudes ta beautiful dazzling fiery red l.u.s.ter.

The dragon which has lived for tens of thousands of years was just as young and strong, like the sun at midday. The Crimson Dark Red Armor on the dragon’s body was actually translucent and transparent. The excess light effects of the flames and photons brought out this glamorous, scarlet, flaming red appearance. Bright golden eyes studded the head of the Firelight Ablaze Dragon. It was like a diamond crown on a ruby statue.

The greatest and strongest of epic photonic creature against a weak and insignificant human.

The disparity in strength was just like heaven and earth, but no trace of fear emerged on the youth"s face.

It"s not because he was not scared, it"s because he possess no feelings of fear. He had no fear as he faced the monster who like a mountain, he had no fear as he charged straight at the jaws of death!!!


The dragon"s claws grazed the youth"s chest ripping his clothes aparts as he lightly stepped sideways and narrowly avoided it.


The youth immediately crouched as the dragon slashed across to his head. A few stranged of his hair were severed off.

Hua!!! Hua!!!

The claws slashed out to skewer the youth"s body in half. The youth rolled to the side, t.i.tled his body thirty degrees, and slipped between the two claws of the dragon.

Hua!!! Hua!!!

The dragon"s claws slashed and thrashed, the youth either rolled, crouched, and blocked them with his blade. Death was just a breath away, yet he always evaded it just in the nick of time.

The youth did not attack and focused on dodging. On the surface, the dragon seemed to have the advantage, but the dragon was also getting more and more impatient.

——Why, why can"t I hit you?! Die, d.a.m.n you….die!!!!

After calmly dodging hundred of attacks, the teenager took out his Light Sabre. He struck the dragon with a single blow, but it was a killing blow.

The blade sliced off the dragon"s right claws and sent it flying! From the gap in the scales, the blade sliced through into the epidermis, ripping off the flesh, cut off the bones, and cut off the dragon"s claw from the wrist downwards!

"Uhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

Blood sprayed like a shower, the dragon screamed in pain! Just when the dragon lost his balance due to the pain, the youth slashed his sword and chopped off the entire right arm of the dragon.


It was a precise swordsmanship, but it was also a fierce and savage strike without any hesitation. The youth kicked the right arm of the dragon and dashed towards the dragon"s chest! He wants to end the battle now!!!!


Knowing the situation was not good, the furiously raging Firelight Ablaze Dragon spit out fireball after fireball at the boy!

The youth did not stop running forward instead, he struck the fireball with the Light Sabre ignoring the heat burning into his arms.

He stopped in front of the dragon"s chest and immediately placed his blade between the scales pointed straight at the dragon"s heart..

The Firelight Ablaze Dragon also opened its mouth ready to bite the youth in half!

Both the youth and the dragon were determined to finish each other off in the next move.

"Do you still want to fight? " The boy shouted, "I can pierce your heart the next second!"

The dragon knew the youth"s words were true. The Light Sabre was calmly placed in the gap between the scales of the dragon"s chest. With its penetrating power, he can absolutely skewer the dragon’s heart like nothing, exterminating the dragon"s life in a blink..

"Do you still want to fight?! " The dragon asked, "In any second, I can bite off your body in half, from your waist upwards!"

The youth knew that the dragon"s words were true, The monster’s teeth were extremely sharp and enormous, and can instantly turn a boy"s body into numerous b.l.o.o.d.y holes. He knew, just a little tear from those teeth and all his internal organs will come gushing out from within.

"d.a.m.n monster!" The youth cursed.

"d.a.m.n you too brat!" The dragon cursed.

The youth and the dragon confronted each other. They hated each other, but none of them wants to conceed.

"I have more stamina than you!!!" The dragon said, "I can stay awake for decades, I could live without eating for hundreds of years. I could stand for a thousands years without tiring. "

"I do not need to match stamina against you. When I am tired and can’t support myself anymore, I will just pierce your heart and die together with you. " The youth said.


They stood in silence again.

So similar but yet so different.

The stubborn dragon and the weak youth stood on two ends. At the moment, both of them were equals. No one gained the upper hand.

However, a beast who had lived for thousands of years and was being humbled and shamed can not take his self esteem crumbled into pieces.

Finally, the dragon can not stand it anymore, "Well you are vicious. I know you were just trying to protect yourself. And I in fact have just eaten a good meal. There is no use eating a small toad. Today, I will let you go!"

"Oh, let me go?" The youth quietly asked.

"Yes, let you go. Just thank me. It"s not worthy utilizing the power I"ve built up for thousands of years to used up because of a n.o.body." The dragon said in a repressed anger.

"What!!!?" The youth pushed his blade a little bit deeper. "So your saying that your life is more valuable than mine?"

"Yes, my life is much more valuable than yours. " The dragon repeated, "I am a creature much n.o.bler and advanced than you dumb, stupid, unintelligent, pea-brained humans."

"Are you???" The youth"s eyes were full of anger, "So if you were to be defeated by a creature much inferior than yourself, it must be embarra.s.sing right?"

"Ah? You f.u.c.king boastful kid!!! Do you think you can………"

Suddenly, the youth bit his own finger, and with his own blood painted a circle in front of his chest. From his mouth he shouted, "ELISDAKELIMUS!!!!"

"What… ? Is that the Ultimate….."

"Oh, do you recognize this technique pattern? " The youth coldly said.

"No! It"s impossible!!! How could an imp of a human can use the Ultimate Magic, Atomic Fusion? You think you can bluff me?"

"I had seen it in my father"s book before." The youth said, "It’s an Ultimate Magic that does not need any preparation. No big deal, I will offer my soul to it. Indeed, I will die but you can"t live to escape either. Everything in here will be turned to dust and ashes. "

"No matter who you are, death would still be the same for all. Do you think there is a glorious death? Do you think there is a humble death? Do you think you are exempted to this just because you are an advanced creature? You stupid moron!!!!"

The youth"s fingers and hands never stopped. He was almost finished.

"Stop!" The dragon hurriedly cried, "Are you crazy? Are you not afraid of death?!"

"I only know the feeling of anger. Of course I do not know what is being afraid. " The youth roared, "Count it as your bad luck that you have run into me!"

The youth completed the array. The knowledge he had learned from his father"s books was vast. It requires a high degree of Concentration Power to unleash this magic. It was for this spell to be casted by a child.

However, everyone had underestimated the ability of this young boy. In particular, when he does something in desperation, his actions would trigger a miracle.

Instantly, the air tumbled, the air whistled, the air cowered. Electrical sounds were discharged and rattled the surrounding cave. It was the same sound the youth heard five years ago.

(Death was so sudden, yet it was taken for granted. What kind of emotions were raging in his heart to activate this technique without even blinking?)

(In any case, perhaps death will make him free.

Atomic Fusion was about to explode in the midst of the cave. The dragon knew this was not a child"s play, the youth was truly willing to unleash this magic.

"Stop!" The dragon quickly shouted, "Stop!! Okay!!! I will serve you!!! I take back the words I said just now. You are a great person, and I am not superior to you. You have a complete defeated me, you are a great knight, so please stop?!"

The youth"s eyes were red due to a fuming killing intent. As he stared at the dragon, became a bit overwhelmed and started to calm down.

"…..not a knight. In this era, a knight will be a useless creature. Remember me, I am Arthur Kelton, a swordsman. Someday, I will become the strongest and the most powerful swordsman in the world. I will stand on the apex above all other swordsman!"

(—At that moment, I will have my revenge against destiny.)

(I will rip off the deity"s false veils and make him suffer in pain!!!!)

"Hahahahaha!" The dragon laughed, his voice like the growling of a hungry tiger.

"Very good, Arthur Kelton. What a funny guy!"

He was obviously just a normal human. Clearly too weak stand up against the wind. But the youth’s will was very powerful.

His completely bereft heart makes him stronger than anyone.

" I would like to wait and see how far you can go. Take this, call me when you need my help. If at that time, you are still a weak and powerless person, I may eat you in one go."

The dragon bit off a fiery red scale and threw it to the youth.

"Then I"ll take, Firelight Ablaze Dragon Fiendish Star." When the youth touched the dragon"s scales, he naturally understood the other"s name. He vaguely knew that this was some kind of contract,.

"I"m sure we will meet again someday, Arthur Pendragon." The dragon secretly mumbled to himself and casted a s.p.a.ce transmission magic.

"What? No…" Arthur fell on the ground. His body was so weak that it began to burst out coldness and numbness, He blamed himself for being overly too worked up, now this is the side effect of the total drainage of adrenaline.

One kilometer away, in a crystal cave.

"Stinking Master, you actually fooled me!" The dragon went into the cave and shouted. "You said there was a treasure in there, but not only was it an empty cave I also encountered so much trouble! I nearly lost my poor little life!"

"I did said that there were treasures in there." The Old Master said, his eyes were hidden beneath his cloak. They were like a rotating universe. "But the treasure is not what you expected. It is not of gold, silver, or precious stones. However, you have met the treasure already."


"If that youth really used Atomic Fusion, I estimated that the one who will die, will only be you."

"What does that mean? That"s impossible? Stop deceiving me! Even the ancient old dragon species who had the most compatibility with magic would be forced to retreat for their lives in the face of that spell!!!"

"He is special. Even if everything beside him is in ashes, he will still be intact.” The old man looked into a crystal as if he can see everything in the world through the crystal.

"What…….? A mere trifling human……"

"A human?" The Old Master mysteriously smiled.