Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 4: Awakening on the First Battle 2

Chapter 4: Awakening on the First Battle 2

Ten minutes later, within the mechanical storehouse of the North Heaven Knights.

Iron and steel surrounded the storehouse, and the pungent odor of oil and gasoline wisps through the air. This was Arthur’s main working environment during weekdays.

It was always empty and ice cold. Six cavalry ships could be parked in this mechanical storehouse or it would be given to a prominent knight. An Anti Gravity Gunship aka Cavalry Ship was designed to be used by Black Iron Knights and above, however it was currently being used by a Bronze Knight.

"Are you ready?" The Bronze Knight Richard sorted out his equipment and casually asked.

"System Check completed. Cavalry ship ready to be launched," Arthur said as he fiddled with the dashboard. He tested the engine again and the photon reflector mirrors began to gather power, bursting out silver radiance. The photons emitted in this blast jet can produce a powerful propulsion.

"Weapons?" Tke knight put on a helmet.

"Your new Light Sabre application has not been approved yet, Young master, you can still use the Photon Cannon equipped in the cavalry ship."

Arthur mouthfully replied. He secretly cursed in his heart how a Light Sabre was not any worth to this dumb guy.

"A knight using guns to attack? Are you stup——-"

Before his words ended, artillery .h.i.t the building. The airwaves caused by the ma.s.sive explosion instantly shattered the windows and sent everything in the room flying into a raging mess.

"Wow. That really was a….." The knight tried to strengthen himself, stubbornly want to finish his words.


A rubble suddenly fell from the ceiling and crashed into the knight’s head.

"….lame…." The knight was about to finish when his vision went blank and he fell to the ground.

"Young master?" Though still angry, Arthur checked the knight"s breath; a slight concussion that all.

The youth shook his head helplessly and dragged the knight"s body towards a safe place, "Useless guy, if you weren’t wearing a high performance helmet, you would have already been dead. Your skull would have been crushed already."

"So……what should I do next..?" Arthur stared at the flames of war outside the window. After his battle with the Dragon, his hands were itchy, looking for an enemy to kill.

At the same time, a bright light descended into the world.

It appeared 300,000 feet above the earth and slowly began to descend mid-air. At the same time, the bright light transformed into human form.

It slowly began to absorbed photons, acquiring this world"s general knowledge from the inexhaustible ocean of information, allowing himself to a.s.similate himself with this world.

"Well?" He issued a m.u.f.fled hum. This deep male voice was full of doubts.

"Is it the same?" He muttered to himself, "A very faint breath, however, the sense of presence is astonishingly strong. Interesting."

After talking, he flew away to the distance.

The white light flow far away; towards the Edinburgh Castle, Pendragon North Heaven Knight Base.

Meanwhile, Chief of Staff Gaia Knight Duke Cameron entered the North Heaven Knight"s command room.

Bombarded by the enemies" heavy artillery fire, Edinburgh Castle’s so called impregnable protection was beginning to crumble, bursts of trembling came from within accompanied by debris and dust dropping from the ceiling made a wonderful rhythm.

"How goes the battle?" The duke asked.

"Very bad. The Vikings had ama.s.sed a ma.s.sive fleet of ships and their gunboats performs better than our cavalry ships, I"m not sure where they got this new model." The a.s.sistant Deputy said.

"We only have an excellent defense. But our cavalry ships lack mobility, they are being beaten like flies. If this goes on, we would be facing a large number of casualties. "Duke Cameron brows wrinkled, "And currently, Grand Duke Lyon d.i.c.kens disappeared and is missing……!!!!!"

Duke Cameron looked up at the sky with his seasoned, steady face. The night sky was stained with fire, lighting it up like day.

At the same moment, Arthur was putting on a helmet and sat above a cavalry ship, "System checked. No abnormalities detected. North Heaven Knight 26th squad, Richard, Lyon d.i.c.kens ———— charge!!!!"

The cavalry ships"s photon engines cranked up at full speed, issuing out a harsh ringing sound. The mechanical storehouses gates opened remotely.


Numerous photons exploded under the compression, producing a strong propulsive force! The cavalry ship roared upwards into the night sky, drawing a silver light right through the sky, like a meteor.

The Viking battleships numbered more than 100 ships. They were a menacing threat.

The cavalry ships of the North Heaven Knights were chased by their gunboats. Although the cavalry ship"s shields were sufficient to protect their lives, but it made them slow as turtles. In the dense artillery barrage, it turned themn into big targets. It was inevitable for the North Heaven Knights to suffer heavy losses.

However, a white meteor came speeding out of mid air, changing the war"s situation.

"Hahahaha!!!! Die!!!!!" Arthur crazily fired, his cavalry ship launched sh.e.l.l after sh.e.l.l that accurately hit the enemies on the distance. While the enemy aircrafts slowed, he charged straight at them. He lifted his blade, and sliced off parts after parts if the enemy planes. Dozens instantly crashed, exploding into pieces!!

He was still not satisfied. At this speed, it may not be possible to approach the heavy artillery barraged war zone.

"This speed is too slow. Navigator could you not increase it"s speed?"

"The photon engine has already reached the limit. If we further increase the speed, the shield output will be significantly reduced." The system"s artificial intelligence replied.

"It does not matter. Turn of the shield and instantly remove the batteries and ammunition storage at once!"

"But, Sir Knight…….

"Do as I said! And also……" Arthur pulled off his armor by one hand and ripped off Richard"s expensive armor by his other hand. He then threw both into the sea, "Would this increase the speed?"

The white meteor in the sky had become even more dazzling and glaring. It rampaged and berserked towards the Viking Fleet, destroying ship after ship.

"Who the h.e.l.l is that!?" Duke Cameroon saw a stunning scene within the tower, stunned, "Is there such a knight with such a high capability cavalry ship in our fleet? That speed and power fire……."

"No. That knight just removed the ship’s shield, using it to increase the speed. " A voice sounded beside him.

"But that powerful firepower?"

"There is no firepower at all. That rascal——just used his Light Sabre to bounce back all the enemies""

"What a crazy guy."

At this moment, Duke Cameron realized whose voice it was, he stood up and saluted, "Grand Duke Lyon d.i.c.kens!"

"Oh, just call me head." The grand duke unhappily said. "Deputy Head, track that cavalry ship signal. I want to know whose team that crazy guy belonged to."

"Sir Lyon d.i.c.kens……that is a ship of 26th squad….owned by a Bronze Knight, a Viscount?"

"Richard? Oh, don"t make me laugh." That North Heaven Knight Lyon d.i.c.kens smiled, "What that man feared the most is death. How could he make such a lifeless act. Who is in there? Did someone stole Richard"s cavalry ship and deliberately went into the deepest part of the enemy formation to run amok and cause havoc? So funny. ——- Prepare, I will come out to battle."

"You want to go? Or would you wait for your smell to go away first? " The deputy head waved off the stinking smell of alcohol and disgustingly asked.

"These Viking Pirates have gone rampant for too long, it"s time for them to see reality!!! " Grand Duke Lyon threw the bottle of alcohol away which the knight beside him clumsily caught. He only laughed, "This will be a good hangover……."

Hope you enjoy guys……