Lights and Shadows in Confederate Prisons

Chapter 17

prey and pray, 121

Prey, Col. Gilbert G., 54, 115, 130

prison number 3, officers", 78, +

prison 6, the worst of all, 131, 132

prison rules adopted, 87, 88

profanity of soldiers, 14, 15, 39, 87

Putnam, Adjt. G. Haven, 91, 92, 101, 110, 121, 140, 142


questions, amusing or ugly, 104, 105, 141


Ralston, Col., killed, 61, 64, 66, 114, 118

Ramseur, S. D., Confed. Gen., 13, 15

rations, 44, 49, 56, 93, 94, 100, 102, 107, 124, 139

recapture of escaped officers, 112

recount made futile by trick, 111, 112

Redwood of Mobile, Yale cla.s.smate, 38

Reed, "shot into inch pieces," 24, 25, 26, 31

retaliation threatened, 60; done, 148

rheumatism, 123, 142

Richardson, Albert D., of _Tribune_, 52

Richmond, arrival at, 40, 136

Richmond, watching exploding, 45

Ricketts" Division, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12

riddle, fatal to the old poet, 99

riots in July, 1863, 133, 149

robbery of captives, 15, 22, 46

Rodes, Confed. General, 5; killed, 10, 13

roll-call nullified, 111, 112

roll-call sergt., queer, 99-103, 111, 112

rope ladder, twisted rags, 111, 112

rules adopted in prison, 87, 88, 141, 153

Russell, Sergt. Alfred, 89

Russell, Gen. D. A., killed, 13

Russell, Martha, 89

Russell, Gen. W. H., 128


Sadler, Major David, 66

Salisbury prison, 50-55; 61, 130, 133, 134, 136

sandwiches, G. W. Swepson"s, 49

sanitary measures, 79, 80, 103, 141, 142

Sargent, Lieut, of 14th N. H., 23

Scott, Sir Walter, quoted, 8, 37, 134, 135

scurvy prevalent, 123, 142

searching of prisoners, 41, 42, 119

seceded states, a real nation? 150, 151

sentries" sing-song call, 44

sermons in prison, 57, 58, 121, 122

"Set the table for dinner," 96