LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, don't come here!

Chapter 44

Peach Blossom, The G.o.ddess of Entertainment

It was imperceptible how time flew like a flash; days pa.s.sed by so fast.

After Zhong Qing already returned, she quickly regained her status being a national G.o.ddess. Chang Zheng, on the other hand, as expected, also quickly achieved his goal in life. He began to reach those red level artists like climbing onto the peak of a mountain.

Some of the international luxury brands took the initiative of contacting Chang because they wanted him to endorse their products. Even those world cla.s.s directors were reaching Chang to invite him to play on their films.

While Zhong Qing, she remained in a steady pace, firm in the local entertainment. She"s irreplaceable despite being away for two years.

Compared with Chang"s reputation internationally, for as long as people would talk about female artists, their first thought would still be Zhong Qing.

Zhong Qing also filmed a new movie, and it can already be said that she will get the Best Actress award and will become the top local artist.

These were the thoughts of some people which Zhong Qing didn"t even mind.

She never wanted to compete against the other artists; she just wanted to enjoy her career and her café business for as long as she was still in the Entertainment Industry.


In the recent years, the relationship between Zhong Qing and Chang was quite subtle.

It seemed like they were in a complicated relationship; in public, they seemed to be just friends, but when they"re alone together, they"re almost like lovers.

Chang regularly reminded Zhong Qing to pay attention to her health because of the unpredictable and changing climate. Sometimes, they would go spend some time in a quiet little tea house telling each other stories. This situation of theirs they never told anyone.

Zhong Qing, on the other hand, would always make time to see Chang on his available time and would frequently send him messages telling him her whereabouts and what she"s doing.

Both of these two had no more families.  They treated each other so warmly.


In the middle of a quiet night, Chang can"t help but say something to Zhong Qing.

“Hey! Peach! I have good news! Director Andrew contacted me!” The voice of Chang sounded so delighted over the phone.

"Andrew?" Zhong Qing thought.

Zhong Qing quickly responded, “Is he the director of the movie Demon clan?”

Chang gave a positive answer.

Zhong Qing can’t help but laugh, “Oh my G.o.d! Congratulations!"

This was definitely a good thing! By the way, who"s director Andrew?

He was one of the greatest directors in China who won the Best Director and Best Film internationally in an awards night. Also, on this film which he directed, the lead actor won the Golden Man award.

He was such a prestigious and big director! Almost all of his films were box office hits. He was also known as a best director not only locally but also internationally!

Many international front-line giant stars wanted to work with Director Andrew but he didn"t want it. But unexpectedly, he took initiative and contacted Chang!

Meaning, Chang almost achieved his goals already and Zhong Qing"s mission was almost done.

She hung up the phone, smiled, and said to the System, “System, did you hear that? Director Andrew contacted Chang and he wanted to work with Chang!"

The system flashed in white light, indicating that it was known.

Zhong Qing was very happy and excited about the thought and added, “I think, my task is almost done!"

After all, this was the first task she experienced and she was still very concerned about it.

The System flashed in white light, "Congratulations host."

The next day, the news began to spread so quickly. The headline was about Chang and Director Andrew and expectedly, many people were reacting about this.

Many pa.s.sers-by who watched the news at some stores said that it was non-sense. But no matter what, they"re still supporting Chang and praying the best of luck for him.

Zhong Qing also received a domestic big production. Both sides began to busy up.

Filming was very hard, especially for Chang. In order to pursue the film, their frequent communication should be reduced.