LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, don't come here!

Chapter 22

Peach Blossom, The G.o.ddess of Entertainment

The next day, when they were about to begin the shoot, many people quietly look at Chang and Zhong Qing.

But most of them are watching Chang.

It"s just yesterday since some scoop spread out on the internet. Chang has become trending to everyone.

However, Chang Zheng still looks normal and high-spirited despite what happened yesterday. He does not seem to have any problem.

If he is a red actor (red means senior actor) already, this att.i.tude should only be normal.

But he is only a newbie! And it is his first time to have haters, to hear negative feedbacks about him because Guo Yang chose him, and to have most people think that he doesn"t deserve it. Surprisingly, it looks like he managed to sleep well all night long.

Now, he seems very ready for the scenes like there ain"t any problem at all. He is just incredible!

Most crew secretly sigh while the others stay on one corner to eat their bowl of rice.

Zhong Qing looked at Chang and she felt a strange sense of pride.

She talked to System, “Chang Zheng is indeed a great actor. Besides his acting which is beyond satisfaction, he handled his haters in a good way, also."

The System answered, “Yes, host. Given that, please complete the task perfectly.”

Zhong Qing tried to seduce the system, “… System, I think you are still more lovable than Meng Meng."

The system mercilessly rejected her, “The host knows that there"s only one chance to change the form of the System; the host can never change its form again.”

She comforted herself, at least, that the system looked so reliable that it didn’t drop at the critical moment.

Now, the lead man and female actress will change their costumes and will start the play soon.

Zhong Qing asked Chang, “Are you really okay? I"m happy that you don’t take them seriously.  Don"t mind those people who give you negative comments. Just ignore them. Those people only like to follow and bash you when you are not good for them, but when you are, you will be praised by them."

Chang looked down at the woman trying to comfort him, only to feel that his heart was wrapped around by countless warm clouds.

He smiled, “I know. Thank you, Zhong Qing."

She didn"t care about his response; she only felt very happy that Chang thought that way.

She said happily, “We, as an artists… the most important thing for us is that we give our best in acting. For as long as we know that we did our best, the result of the film should be good. The rest, like haters? You don"t need to care about them."

Chang smiled.

She added, “How many of these actors can be seen over all the Chinese films and on television?”

Zhong Qing seemed to be lighthearted and cheerful saying these naïve words.

But it was his innocence that made him look like a b.u.t.terfly attracted to the nectar of flowers. He just couldn"t control her. He always wanted to approach her.

He just wanted to be strong, as soon as possible, to be able to stretch his wings, to protect her all over the body and let this bewilderment never disappear.

Chang thought to himself. No one knew about his feeling to Zhong Qing.

The two people smiled at each other and then separated and began to shoot the film.

It was already late in the morning.

“CUT!! Good Job guys!"

Guo Yang reviewed the scenes.

The whole morning, the two played not more than five scenes. However, Guo Yang still wanted to improve that scenes.

“Ok! Let"s go out for lunch and take some rest! Keep your bodies and minds in good condition.”