LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, don't come here!

Chapter 67

Peony, The Flower Fairy

Yan Yan looked at the magnificent palace.

Looking at surroundings with new and exquisite furnishings and things, Yan Yan was obviously amazed with what he saw inside the palace.

He silently sneered up and thought, "For the past years, I have thought of him as an incompetent father because of what happened with my mother and I. But today… it is totally different from what I believe. I"m undoubtedly happy… and excited… I felt like I"m his true son today."

There were eunuchs a.s.signed in the Cornelle House to serve Yan Yan. They were quietly waiting for the new master"s orders.

This was also the place where they lived before and when they all knew that they were chosen to serve the Prince in the Cornelle House, some people said that they were unlucky, some said that they were lucky, while some had other ideas in their minds.

This place where they spent their life for a few years presumably developed their cowardly character to be a mature and courageous eunuch and it took a long time before they were chosen to a.s.sign and serve their master.

Everyone froze a moment when they saw Yan Yan. The thoughts in their minds were close together.

This did not seem to be as good as the rumor.

"There is a reward for the Phoenix Palace!” A sharp voice came out of somewhere in the palace.

Yan Yan was startled and a little bit frightened.

It’s so fast!

He looked up and found a large part of the palace people in the main hall rushing out to the outside without realizing they were still in the palace.

"Is this an urgent announcement to please the Empress?" Yan Yan thought.

While walking, Yan Yan was silently observing everyone. He saw the rest of people in the palace with a few low brows who seemed to be waiting for his orders.

He whispered to one eunuch, “I heard that the Empress has an announcement and will give a reward, please go out and see what it is."

Gao Shun, the eunuch, went towards the Phoenix Palace to look disdainfully to a long list of export to read. Yan Yan was just standing quietly in front of the palace to listen.

“w.a.n.g De, your highness, the Empress heard about your returning in the Corelle House. She"s very happy that"s why she ordered the servant to serve you a welcome gift."

Yan Yan was happy and made a grateful look. “Please tell the Empress, thank you."

Gao Shun looked at Yan Yan and observed him for a moment. He can"t tell whether he was truly happy or not.

But his purpose that day was to send those things.

Yan Yan looked behind and commanded, “Please make a tea and send it to my mom"s dad."

Behind him was Yi Zheng, the palace maid who was a.s.signed to him. She sent the tea personally to the Phoenix Palace.

What Yan Yan was doing was to show his att.i.tude – from then on, he"d become his father"s a.s.sistant and even a confidant. On the other hand, the behavior of the Empress was the wind vane in the palace.

The people were still waiting to see what the Empress had as a welcome gift for Yan Yan and was not afraid to be neglected on sending it to him.

But Yan Yan didn"t mind it at all. He just waited and let the people tidy his things to the Cornelle House where he would stay from then on.

That night, at the Corelle Palace Hall…

Yan Yan did not let his people serve him. He just wanted to sit down and look at that flower pot that was still placed in the window and softly shouted, “Sister Peony?”

A glimmer of green light, the figure of the Zhong Qing turned out in front of him.

She smiled and looked at Yan Yan and said, "Yes?"

Yan Yan suddenly took the first two steps, stretched out his hand and held her in the waist. “Sister Peony, I am a little bit afraid.”

Zhong Qing was surprised that her body became stiff for a moment.

That was the first time Yan Yan seemed to be so dependent on her.