LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, don't come here!

Chapter 74

Peony, The Flower Fairy

Zhong Qing looked a little cold. “Someone has an idea to suggest you.”

Yan Yan was confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

Zhong Qing just told Yan Yan what she heard and bitterly said, “The Empress suggested you to go to the war! They think of only about themselves! She is so good, isn"t she?"

Yan Yan giggled and found his Sister Peony cute because she emerged angry, yet she was still good looking.

As she thought of those words she heard from the Empress, Yan Yan only felt more comfortable.

Zhong Qing just saw Yan Yan who kept on giggling and smiling. She then said, “Why are you laughing and smiling? It is not a joke!"

Yan Yan took her hand, made her sit down, and poured a cup of tea. And then he said, “Drink this Quhuo tea."

Zhong Qing was a little uncomfortable with the taste of the tea.

Zhong Qing calmed down. Meanwhile, Yan Yan was just looking at her while she was drinking the tea. Obviously, he was bigger than his Sister Peony then and he felt happy that she seemed to be concerned about him.

She looked up and saw Yan Yan just staring at her. She asked, “What do you think?”

She knew that Yan Yan was just so calm even if in his mind he had so many ideas.

Yan Yan pondered and said, “I want to help my father and the Empress.”

Zhong Qing stared at him with big eyes, full of surprise.

Yan Yan laughed and added, “After naming me as "the abused son", I want it to change. I believe this is my chance to prove them all that they are wrong, Sister Peony."

"An opportunity to reverse his ident.i.ty completely is also an opportunity for him to approach the military." Zhong Qing thought.

She quickly understood what he meant.

She pondered a little, nodded, and laughed. “Yes. But in turn, still think about it carefully if you really want to go. While they are sitting on the throne, you are fighting between life and death."

Yan Yan nodded, “Hmm. Yeah."

While Yan Yan and Zhong Qing already knew what the decision of the Emperor will be in next day"s meeting because of the Empress" suggestion, the others were still clueless of the Emperor"s plan.

On the next day, in the Chao Tang Hall, everyone went to argue again to let the five princes go to the battlefield.

At that time, Master Qi stood out in behalf of the Emperor and said, “Qi Xian and all of you actually think that the Emperor and his five princes are having an extremely expensive n.o.ble life but they are not."

Yan Yan"s eyes narrowed.

Most people didn"t know that this person, Master Qi, was a confidant and had loyalty to the Emperor. He stayed beside him no matter what problem the Emperor was facing.

When he stood up that time, it was clear that Emperor Hinode made a decision that would not be a shameful thing like giving up Prince w.a.n.g over his five princes.

Even if Yan Yan already decided to take this opportunity, he still felt nervous while listening to his father"s decision.

He dropped his eyes. Fortunately, he never hoped for anything like his father treating him a favorite son like the five princes. That day, he was really so full of emotions. Yan Yan loved his father and felt happy as well, because for him, Sister Peony was already his lifetime reward in his life.

Yan Yan"s lip showed a touch of slightly cool smile with no any entanglements.

Suddenly, he felt that the eyes of the all the people in the hall were looking at him. His heart beat fast and his face looked surprised just watching all of them.

Just then, Master Qi, pointed out his name.

Obviously, the Emperor was looking at him also.

The Emperor was still a bit sad and guilty but he had no choice but to just think of his Empress" reaction if he would allow the five princes to go on the battlefield. He was just full of silently conveyed tenderness, dismay was not worth mentioning.

“Prince w.a.n.g De, have you heard what they are saying? Would you like to go to the northwest for battlefield?"

Emperor Hinode had a completely different tone when the five princes were mentioned, but he also let the ministers know his mind while looking with compa.s.sion to his son, w.a.n.g De.