Little Li’s Flying Dagger

Chapter 18: Many Surprises in One Day

Chapter 18: Many Surprises in One Day

Original novel written by Gu Long

Fan translation by Meh (Send an email)

That person is wearing a green blouse. This blouse would be considered too long for most people, but on him, it抯 actually too short.

He抯 already tall enough to scare people. But he had to wear a strange long hat. From afar, he almost look like a tree.

The ability to instantly stop a galloping horse really is scary. But his eyes are even scarier, those eyes that don抰 look human.

His eyes are green, and they glitter.

Just as Tian Qi looked out, he immediately came back inside. He does not look well.

Xin Mei asked, 揟here抯 someone outside?�

Tian Qi said, 揧i Ku?�

Li Xun Huan smiled. 揢nfortunately he抯 just like all my other friends. He just want my head.�

Xin Mei抯 face looks heavy. He pushed open the door, then said, 揗r. Yi?�

The Green Devil Hand looked at him, then said coldly, 揂re you Xin Hu? Or Xin Mei?�

Reverend Xin Mei said, 揗onks don抰 lie. There抯 also a Mr. Tian Qi and Mr. Li onboard.�

Yi Ku said, 揋ood. Just give me Li Xun Huan and I抣l let you go.�

Xin Mei said, 揥hat if I don抰 agree?�

Yi Ku said, 揟hen I抣l just have to first kill you. Then kill Li Xun Huan!�

He suddenly reached out his hand. Only to see a green flash, the Green Devil Hand came towards Xin Mei.

Xin Mei said a prayer, and 4 gray clothed youngster came. After Xin Mei dodged this first attack, the young monks surrounded Yi Ku.

Then Yi Ku started to laugh.

During his laughter, he shot out an arrow with green smoke. Xin Mei immediately said, 揌old your breath!�

While he warned his students, he forgot himself. When said the world 慼old�, he felt a strange odor enter his mouth.

When the other monks see his expression change, they all panicked.

Only to see Xin Mei immediately flew back a few meters, sat down, and started to meditate. He needed to use his inner strength to force out the poison.

The Shaolin monks then formed a wall in front of him. They only care for Xin Mei抯 safety, forgetting Li Xun Huan.

Yet Yi Ku didn抰 even bother to look at them. He just walked to the carriage.

Li Xun Huan is still there. But Tian Qi is gone.

Yi Ku stared at Li Xun Huan. 揇id you kill Qiu Du?�


Yi Ku said, 揋ood. To exchange your life for Qiu Du抯 is not a bad deal for you.�

He raised his Green Devil Hand...

Ah Fei looked at the ceiling. He hasn抰 spoke for a long time.

Lin Xian Er said sweetly, 揥hat are you thinking?�

Ah Fei said, 揇o you think he抣l be in danger on the road?�

Lin Xian Er smiled. 揙f course not. He has Reverend Xin Mei and Tian Qi escorting him. Who抎 dare try to hurt him?�

She stroke her hand on Ah Fei抯 hair. 揑f you抮e thinking of me, then just sleep. I抣l be here. I promise I won抰 leave.�

Ah Fei stared at her. Her eyes are so warm.

Ah Fei finally went to sleep.

Yi Ku stared at Li Xun Huan. 揥hat else do you have to say?�

Li Xun Huan looked at his bright Green Devil Hand. 揓ust one sentence.�

揥hat抯 that?�

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揥hy come all the way here to die?�

He suddenly flipped his hand!

A dagger flashed brightly, Yi Ku suddenly fell back.

Much blood appeared in the snow!

By now Yi Ku is far away. He yelled, 揕i Xun Huan, Don抰 forget. I...�

When he got here, he stopped.

The winter wind cuts like a knife. The snowfield suddenly became eerily quiet.

Suddenly someone clapped. Tian Qi came out from behind the carriage, smiling and clapping.擥reat. Great. Great. Little Li抯 Flying Dagger really does never miss. As incredible as everyone say it is.�

Li Xun Huan thought for a while. 揑f you unsealed all my pressure points, then he couldn抰 have escaped.�

Tian Qi laughed. 揑f I unsealed all your pressure points, then you抎 be the one who抎 have escaped. With only hand to move, one dagger to use, you抳e managed to seriously injure Yi Ku. I really have to be extra careful against a guy like you.�

By this time those monks have carried Xin Mei over. When he got on the car, Xin Mei immediately said, 揕et抯 go.�

After a while, he said, 揟he Green Devil Hand really is venomous.�

Tian Qi smiled. 揃ut not as venomous as Little Li抯 Flying Dagger.�

Xin Mei looked at Li Xun Huan. 揑 didn抰 expect you to save us.�

Li Xun Huan chuckled. 揑 was just saving myself. Don抰 worry about it. Don抰 bother to thank me either.�

Tian Qi said, 揑 just asked him if he wanted to go with us to Shaolin, or stay with Yi Ku. Then unsealed the pressure point for his right arm and gave him a dagger.�

He snickered. 揟hat is already enough.�

Xin Mei said, 揟he legendary Little Li抯 Dagger... really is fast!�

Although his reflexes aren抰 great, he does have great inner power. By nightfall, Xin Mei forced out all the poison in his body. By next morning, he has almost made a full recovery.

Then they found a small restaurant by the road. A meal without wine is like a dish without seasoning. Light and tasteless.

Tian Qi said, 揑t抯 good enough that you have food to eat. Don抰 expect too much.�

Shaolin rules really are strict. These monk didn抰 make any noise during dinner. Although it抯 just some plain vegetables, but they抮e used to that. Besides, after traveling for such a long time, they抮e already quite hungry. So they ate a lot.

Only Xin Mei, since he just recovered from an injury, had to ask for some special food. So he did not eat.

Li Xun Huan picked up a piece of tofu, put it by his mouth, then put it down. His expression changed. 揥e can抰 eat this.�

Tian Qi said, 揑f Master Tan Hua can抰 stand these plain dishes, then I guess he can only go on an empty stomach.

Li Xun Huan said plainly, 揟his food is poisoned!�

Tian Qi laughed. 揓ust because we won抰 allow you to drink doesn抰 mean...�

He suddenly stopped laughing. As if someone stuffed something down his throat.

Because he saw that those four Shaolin monks� faces looked grey. Yet they didn抰 seem to notice, just kept on eating.

Xin Mei immediately said, 揝top eating. Meditate to protect your vital organs.�

Those monks didn抰 even know what抯 going on. They just smiled. 揑s martial uncle ordering us?�

Xin Mei quickly said, 揙f course. Can抰 you tell you抳e been poisoned?�

揥ho抯 poisoned?�

The four of them suddenly looked at each other. All said at the same time, 揧our face...�

Before they finished that sentence, all four fell down. By the time Xin Mei looked at them again, their body has began to rot.

The poison is not only tasteless and odorless, but also prevent the poisoned to not notice any problems. By the time they realize that they抮e poisoned, they抮e beyond help!

Tian Qi shuddered. 揥hat kind of poison is this? How could it be so powerful?�

But who抯 the culprit?

Li Xun Huan stared at the scorpion. 揑 knew he would come sooner or later.�

Tian Qi asked loudly, 揥ho? You know who it is?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟here are two types of poison in this world. One抯 from gra.s.s and other plants. The other is from snakes and insects. Many people can produce poison from plants. But few can make poison from snakes and insects. Only one person can make such a poison kill people without them even realizing it.

Tian Qi was taken aback, 揧ou mean the Five Poison Kid?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 was also hoping it wouldn抰 be him either.�

揥hy would he come here? What did he come here to do?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揌e came for me.�

He knows that Li Xun Huan can抰 possibly have a friend like this. So just as he started to say something, he changed his mind. 揕ooks like you don抰 have many friends, but quite a few enemies.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 don抰 really mind having lots of enemies. But a person only needs a few friends, because sometimes friends are even scarier than enemies.�

Xin Mei suddenly cut in. 揌ow did you know that there抯 poison in the food?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑t抯 like when I gamble. I simply go with my gut feeling. If someone else asks me why, I can抰 really answer.�

Xin Mei looked at him suspiciously. Then said, 揊rom now on. We eat whatever he eats.�

They then gave those dead monks to a local monastery, and started to travel again.

Although they can go for a long time without eating, the driver doesn抰 want to go hungry with them. So he found a little shop and started to eat. He carried some bread in a sack as he came back, eating some on the way.

Tian Qi kept staring at him. After a while, he suddenly asked, 揌ow much were these bread?�

The driver smiled. 揤ery cheap, and pretty tasty, why don抰 you try some?�

Tian Qi smiled. 揟hese bread can抰 be poisonous. Why don抰 you have some, reverend?�

Xin Mei said, 揌ave some, Mr. Li.�

Li Xun Huan chuckled. 揑 never thought you two would become so polite.�

He picked up a piece in his left hand, because only his left hand can move. Then he said, 揥e can抰 eat this.�

Tian Qi said. 揃ut the driver has no problems with it.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揌e can eat it, but we cannot.�


揃ecause he抯 not the person Five Poison Kid want to kill.�

Tian Qi laughed coldly. 揂re you trying to trick us into starving?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑f you don抰 believe me, why don抰 you try it?�

Tian Qi stared at him, then asked the driver to stop. He gave half a piece to the driver and asked him to eat it. The driver ate the whole thing and showed no signs of being poisoned. Tian Qi said coldly, 揧ou still think we can抰 eat this bread?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揘ope.�

He yawned. Then seemingly went to sleep.

Tian Qi was annoyed, 揑抣l eat it just to spite you.�

Although he said this, he still didn抰 eat the bread. Then he saw a wild dog walk by, looking very hungry.

Tian Qi immediately gave a piece to the dog. The dog didn抰 seem to care for it. It just ate a little bit before leaving.

Yet after it walked a few steps, the dog suddenly yelled loudly, jumped up, and then dropped dead.

Only now did Tian Qi and Xin Mei really became surprised.

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揑 told you. Unfortunately, only a dog died. Not you.�

Tian Qi was looking pretty confident with himself. But now his whole expression changed. He stared at the driver, asking, 揥hat抯 this all about?�

The driver kept shaking. 揑 don抰 know. I bought the bread from the shop.�

Tian Qi grabbed him. 揌ow come the dog died but not you? Unless you抮e the one who put in the poison?�

The driver became so scared he couldn抰 respond.

Li Xun Huan said, 揑t抯 useless to ask him. Because he doesn抰 know what� going on either.�

揑f he doesn抰, then who does?�

揑 do.�

Tian Qi gathered himself. 揧ou do? Then explain.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟he bread is poisoned, but his soup has the antidote.�

Tian Qi said coldly, 揑f that抯 the case, then we could抳e drank the soup, right?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑f you drank the soup, then the poison would抳e been in there.�

The Five Poison Kid抯 tricks really are impossible to guard. Against someone like him, you can only shut your mouth tight.

Xin Mei said, 揥ho cares if we have to go hungry for a couple of days? Let抯 just keep going.�

Tian Qi said, 揑抦 afraid that even if we don抰 eat there will still be trouble.�


揃ecause he might be waiting for us to become weak before attacking.�

Xin Mei doesn抰 know how to respond.

Tian Qi抯 eyes suddenly glowed. 揂ctually, I have a suggestion.�


Tian Qi said quietly, 揌is target aren抰 us. So if we just...�

He looked at Li Xun Huan and stopped talking.

Xin Mei抯 face became heavy. 揝ince I already promised to take him to Shaolin, I can抰 let him die on the road!�

Tian Qi did not say anything else. But every time he looked at Li Xun Huan, his eyes screamed murder.

Not only do monks have to sleep and eat, they also have to use the restroom.

Yet Xin Mei somehow realized this. So whatever he does, he won抰 let Li Xun Huan out of his sight.

Although Tian Qi became annoyed and impatient, he can抰 do anything about it.

The next day, they saw a little shop selling tortillas by the road. It抯 business is quite good. A lot of people are waiting in line to buy it. When they get it, they immediately start eating. No one died of poison.

Tian Qi couldn抰 resist. 揅an we eat this?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟hey can eat it. Only we cannot. Even if ten thousand people eat it and have no problems, if we eat it, we抣l be poisoned to death!�

If he had said this two days ago, Tian Qi obviously would not believe him. But when he said it now, Tian Qi has to listen.

Only to hear a child cry, 揗om! Mom! I want to eat the tortilla.�

They saw two kids around seven or either by the side of that shop, yelling and jumping up and down. A woman in a store by the shop came out and slapped them on the face.

That kid cried, 揥hen I become rich, I抣l never eat tortillas again. I抣l just eat egg noodles.�

Li Xun Huan sighed. The gap between the rich and poor really is great. In these kids� minds, even egg noodles are considered a delicacy.

The street is narrow. There are lots of people here. So their carriage couldn抰 get across even after a long time.

This time those two kids brought out two bowls of porridge. They kept staring at the other people who are eating the tortillas.

Tian Qi suddenly got off the carriage, put some coins on the counter of the tortilla shop and took some tortillas. He then walked up to the little boys and said, 揑 give you my tortillas. You give me your porridge, ok?�

Those kids� eyes grew very bright, thinking there can抰 possibly be anyone this nice.

揑抣l also give you some money to buy candy with, ok?�

Xin Mei couldn抰 help but chuckle. Tian Qi finally brought the two bowls of porridge onto the carriage. Xin Mei smiled. 揧ou really are tricky.�

Tian Qi laughed. 揥ell, we certainly need the energy to keep traveling.�

He gave a bowl to Xin Mei.

Although this porridge has no flavor, they still ate it like an extravagant meal, because they抮e certain it抯 not poisoned.

Tian Qi looked at Li Xun Huan and chuckled. 揇o you think it抯 safe to eat this?�

Before he can respond, Li Xun Huan began to cough.

Tian Qi said with a smile. 揑f Five Poison Kid knew beforehand that the kid wants to eat tortillas, and that we抎 use tortillas to exchange for his porridge, and put in the poison in beforehand, then I抣l gladly die.�

As he said those words, he gulped down the whole bowl.

Xin Mei didn抰 think the porridge was poisoned either. Because no matter what, Five Poison Kid can抰 possibly predict the future!