Little Li’s Flying Dagger

Chapter 23: Into a Trap

Chapter 23: Into a Trap

Original novel written by Gu Long

Fan translation by Meh (Send an email)

Lin Xian Er and Ah Fei came on this cold, windy night to the front of a large mansion. Pointing at the unusually tall wall, Lin Xian Er said, 揟his is Third Brother Shen抯 house. He and his brothers opened forty some businesses together, but now they抮e all his, because his fifteen brothers have all entered the casket.�

Ah Fei asked, 揌ow did they die?�

Lin Xian Er said, 揙fficially, from illnesses. But no one knows what really happened. Everyone found it strange how fifteen perfectly healthy people can all die within a three year period, when Third Brother Shen wasn抰 sick at all.�

Ah Fei did not say anything else, just one simple sentence. 揑抣l go meet him tomorrow night.�

With perfect hand-feet coordination, Ah Fei climbed over the wall.

After flipping over, he saw a large garden with many houses. At this hour, most lights are out as people are asleep.

Lin Xian Er found a servant who drew a map for him. So Ah Fei knows exactly where to look.

Third Brother Shen is still awake, this cunning businessman抯 hair is already white, yet still sat under the candlelight with his abacus, calculating his earnings.

This abacus skills aren抰 the fastest, because his fingers are short, yet quite thick. How could a man from such a rich family have hands like the workers?

Because when he was a child, his dad kicked him out of the house, so he spent five years outside. No one knows what he did, some say he was a beggar, some say he went to Shaolin and worked manual labor, and learned some great kung fu. That抯 whey when his brothers and cousins died, no one would dare say anything, despite their suspicions.

Obviously, he denied all allegations, but he can抰 deny that pair of hands he has. It抯 a pair that has obviously learned a type of Iron Fist kung fu, and quite well at that. Otherwise, his eldest cousin wouldn抰 have suddenly died while spitting out blood.

Ah Fei suddenly pushed open the window, entering the room.

Third Brother Shen has a very good reaction, yet by the time he noticed the window was open, Ah Fei is already in front of him. He could not believe someone has this type of speed, scared out of his wits, and just froze.

Ah Fei looked at him coldly and asked, 揂re you Third Brother Shen?�

Third Brother Shen just kept nodding.

Ah Fei said, 揇o you know what I抦 doing here?�

He still just kept nodding his head.

Ah Fei said, 揇o you have anything to say?�

This time, Third brother Shen stopped nodding, and started to shake his head.

Ah Fei抯 sword came out, yet at this instant, he sensed that something抯 wrong, an intuition similar to that of an animals, like a rabbit sensing a wild wolf. But he did not hear anything, nor see even a shadow of that wolf.

Without hesitation this time, Ah Fei pulled out his sword again!

As fast as the shooting stars, his sword cut through Third Brother Shen抯 chest, only to hear several clanking sounds. Apparently, the sword cut onto a metal plate, no wonder he can抰 cut through it.

After his attack, Third Brother Shen immediately rolled under the table. Ah Fei immediately jumped, trying to escape, but unfortunately, he抯 still slow by a step.

At this time, a net dropped from the top of the building, the net is as big as the room, so everyone in it will get caught.

Ah Fei is not caught under the net.

Strangely enough, he did not panic or even feel frightened, instead he just felt sadness, because suddenly realized how it feels to be an animal caught by a hunter.

And it抯 impossible for an animal to escape the traps of a hunter.

Ah Fei did not struggle.

He knows it抯 useless.

At this time, two shadows fell on top of the net, each with a long staff. Soon, eight of Ah Fei抯 pressure points had been sealed.

These two people are Shaolin抯 Xin Jian and Bai Xiao Sheng.

Third Brother Shen is no longer under the table, because there抯 a hidden pa.s.sageway under it.

Obviously, this was all a trap.

Bai Xiao Sheng抯 face is filled with delight. 揑 knew you were going to come here, do you give up?�

Ah Fei did not respond.

Although he can still talk, he didn抰 bother responding, nor ask, 揌ow did you know I was going to be here?�

His eyes are hollow, as if he抯 not thinking at all.

He can抰 think? Or doesn抰 want to think? Or can抰 bring himself to think.

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揑 know you抮e trying to save your friend Li Xun Huan, so you pretended to be the Plum Flower Bandit.�

Ah Fei said loudly, 揑 AM the Plum Flower Bandit. I don抰 have to pretend. I also don抰 know who Li Xun Huan is.�

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揜eally... brother Xin Jian, he said he抯 the Plum Flower Bandit, do you believe him?�


Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揃ut this is pretty hard to prove. Brother Xian Jian, do you know who killed Hong Tian Lei?�

擳he Plum Flower Bandit.�

揌ow did he die?�

揂lthough his body has the mark of the plum flower, the attack that killed him was on his Xuan Ji Pressure Point.�

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揑n that case, the Plum Flower Bandit is not only a great fighter, but also a master of pressure points, then.�


Bai Xiao Sheng Smiled, turning to Ah Fei, 揑f you can tell me the names of the pressure points I just sealed, we抣l agree that you抮e the Plum Flower Bandit, and then immediately release Li Xun Huan. How about it?�

Ah Fei bit his teeth hard.

Bai Xiao Sheng sighed. 揧ou really are his good friend. For him, you抮e willing to sacrifice your life. But I wonder how important you are to him. If you can make him come out of that room, then that would be quite good.�

There抯 wine in the cup.

Li Xun Huan has the cup in his hands.

At the corner of the room is a thin, seemingly weak monk, although past the middle age, but doesn抰 look too old, and carries a look of a bookworm.

No one would believe that this is Reverend Xin Shu.

Although he抯 Li Xun Huan抯 hostage, his mind is still at peace, sitting quietly at the corner.

Li Xun Huan suddenly said to Xin Shu with smile, 揑 can抰 believe Shaolin has wine of his quality, how about a cup?�

Xin Shu shook his head.

Li Xun Huan said, 揑抦 drinking wine in front of your brother抯 corpse. Does that count as rudeness?�

Xin Shu said, 揑t抯 universally accepted that people use wine as a way to toast others. No matter the place, you抮e not being rude at all.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揤ery good. No wonder people say that once you enter the monastery, your heart is more free.�

Xin Shu抯 peaceful expression changed a bit, as if trying to hide some pain.

Then he sighed, his face filled with sorrow, whether for the deceased or for him, no one knows.

Li Xun Huan looked at his wine cup, then also sighed. 揟o be honest, I didn抰 expect you to be the one to save me this time.�

Xin Shu said, 揑 didn抰 save you.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揊ourteen years ago, I resigned from my government post, although the official reason is because I was tired of being in politics, the reality is, if you hadn抰 written that scripture saying that I have dirty dealings with bandits, my mind would not have been so set.�

Xin Shu closed his eyes, then said, 揟he old power-hungry Hu Yun Ji has long died, why do you bring him up again?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揧ou抮e right. Once one enters the monastery, he抯 a different person. Still, I would never believe that you抎 be the one to save me today.�

Xin Shu opened his eyes, then said loudly, 揑 already told you, I didn抰 save you. But because my inner power is so weak, I couldn抰 escape your grasp. You don抰 need to feel like you owe me anything.�

揃ut unless you hinted at me to escape here, I might not have chosen to come into this room. If you had struggled, I might not be able to truly trap you here.�

Xin Shu moved his mouth, but no words came out.

Li Xun Huan smiled, 揗onks should not lie, besides, it抯 just us two here.�

Xin Shu suddenly said, 揂lthough I do have the intention of saving you, it was not because of that incident.�

Li Xun Huan did not seem surprised, and asked, 揟hen why?�

From his look, Xin Shu seemingly doesn抰 know what to say.

Li Xun Huan did not force him, instead just finished his wine.

At this time, someone from outside the window yelled, 揕i Xun Huan, look out the window.�

This is the voice of Xin Jian.

When Li Xun Huan finally looked out the window, his expression immediately changed.

He never thought Ah Fei would fall into their hands.

Bai Xiao Sheng just stood there looking smug, then said, 揕i Tan Hua, I guess you should recognize him, right? For you, he抎 rather be known as the Plum Flower Bandit. How do you think you should thank him?�

Xin Jian said loudly, 揑f you want to save his life, you better come out and surrender.�

Li Xun Huan抯 hands started to shake. He didn抰 see Ah Fei抯 face, because his face is on the ground, as if suffered some major injuries.

Xin Jian suddenly raised Ah Fei抯 body. 揕i Xun Huan, I give you four hours. If you don抰 come out with my sixth brother by sunset, you抣l never see your good friend again.�

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揕i Tan Hua, this person is quite good to you, you really should respond in kind.�

Li Xun Huan doesn抰 know what to do.
He saw how they dragged Ah Fei around like a dog, how his scars showed the torture he抯 been through.

Yet this youngster did not say a single word.

He only glanced at the window, his expression that of calmness, as if to tell Li Xun Huan that he doesn抰 care for death.

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揗y good friend. I really understand what you抮e thinking. You don抰 want me to save you.�

Xin Shu kept looking at him, then suddenly asked, 揝o what are you going to do?�

Li Xun Huan drank three more cups, then smiled. 揙f course I抣l give myself up. You can tie me up any time you want.�

Xin Shu said, 揃ut you know you抣l die if you leave!�

揑 know.�

揧et you抣l still go?�

揙f course.� His response is so certain, leaving no room for argument.

Xin Shu said, 揇on抰 you think this is too stupid?�

Li Xun Huan smiled. 揈veryone does a few stupid things in his life. If everyone only does smart things, then wouldn抰 life get too boring?�

Xin Shu thought over those words, then said, 揧ou抮e right. A man抯 got to do what a man抯 got to do. You know you抣l die if you do this. But you still must do it!�

Li Xun Huan chuckled, 揂t least you certainly know how I think.�

Xin Shu continued, 揊riendship comes first, before life and death. Li Xun Huan really is Li Xun Huan.�

Li Xun Huan did not look at him, just said, 揑抣l go first.�

Xin Shu suddenly said, 揌old on!�

It抯 as if he suddenly made an important decision, his eyes stared at Li Xun Huan. 揑 wasn抰 finished.�


Xin Shu said, 揑 already told you, I have another reason for saving you.�


Xin Shu said, 揟his is a big secret of Shaolin, and affects many people, so I didn抰 want to tell you.�

Li Xun Huan stood there listening.

Xin Shu said again, 揝haolin has countless rare books, some are Buddhist scriptures, others are kung fu manuals.�

揑 know this, of course.�

Xin Shu said, 揊or the past hundred years, more than a few people have tried to steal these things from Shaolin, but no one has succeeded.�

He continued, 揂lthough monks do not kill, these scriptures are still the basis of our temple. So anyone tries to steal it will receive the wrath of Shaolin.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 rarely hear anyone who dares to rob this place.�

Xin Shu said, 揧ou抮e an outsider, so you obviously don抰 know the details. Actually, there has been seven instances where Shaolin has been robbed, one is for calming the heart, while the others are all top kung fu manuals.�

Li Xun Huan couldn抰 help but be taken aback, 揝o who is it?�

Xin Shu said, 揟he weirdest thing is that there were no evidence of the robberies, nor any trails for us to investigate.�

After the first two robberies, we have significantly upgraded our security, yet the robberies still continued. Originally, third brother guarded the room, but he抯 since retired.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟his is quite a big deal. Why hasn抰 there been any rumors?�

Xin Shu said, 揃ecause this is so important, the abbot warned everyone to close their mouths, so including you, only nine people know about this.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揝o other than the seven reverends, who抯 the eighth person?�

揃ai Xiao Sheng.�

Li Xun Huan sighed, 揟his guy really does get into a lot of other people抯 businesses.�

Xin Shu said, 揂fter third brother left, second brother and I took his place as the guardian, and only for the past half a month.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑f Reverend Xin Mei was guarding the room, then why did he leave?�

Xin Shu said, 揃ecause second brother suspects that the Plum Flower Bandit has a hand in this, so he had to look into it. Who抎 have thought that he抎 never come back.�

After a while, Xin Shu said, 揝econd brother and I have been old friends, before he left, he took out the three most sacred scriptures from the book room, and hid them in three separate places. Only the abbot and I know where they are.�

揂nd one is in this room, right?�


Li Xun Huan said, 揘o wonder they抮e so hesitant to attack this room.�

Xin Shu said, 揝imply because this series of robberies are so strange, second brother and I made an a.s.sumption, that there is perhaps an insider.

Although we抳e been suspicious, neither of us dare to say it, because other than us seven reverends, no one else could抳e stolen those scriptures.�

Li Xun Huan抯 eyes brightened. 揝o the thief could very well be one you seven.�

Xin Shu said, 揢s seven brother have all been in here for at least ten years, we trust each other deeply. Except...�

揈xcept what?�

揈xcept when second brother left, he told me he抯 deeply suspicious of one person among us seven.�

Li Xun Huan immediately asked, 揥ho抯 that?�

Xin Shu shook his head. 揌e didn抰 say it, because he didn抰 want to make wrongful accusations, he only hoped that the thief really is the Plum Flower Bandit.�

When he got here, Xin Shu抯 throat tightened, unable to speak.

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 understand how Xin Mei feels, but how can he watch as that thief still free, when he has no chance to say his name?�

Xin Shu said, 揝econd brother thought about this, so before he left, he told me, if he were to ever die on the trip, I should read his diary, because the name of person he抯 suspicious of is on the last page.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揝o where is it now?�

揙riginally with the rare scripture, but now in my hands.�

He took out a book, which Li Xun Huan immediately grabbed. Every single word talks about Buddist principles, with no words talking about the suspect.�

Li Xun Huan asked, 揝o did the suspect tear out the last page?�

Xin Shu said, 揘ot only that, but also the scripture is now a blank book!�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑f that抯 the case, then the suspect already knows that the second brother suspects him.�


揃ut only you and the abbot knows of the location, so do you suspect...�

Xin Shu said, 揘ot totally. Because if the suspect knows that the second brother is suspicious of him, he抎 follow the second brother moves closely, and perhaps found the hidden location that way. But...�

揃ut what?�

揂ctually, when second brother came back, he was still alive. And he shouldn抰 have died!�

When he heard this, Li Xun Huan was quite shocked.

Only to see Xin Shu tightened his fist. 揂lthough I抦 not an expert on poison, I still learned a lot about it the past few years from our books. So when I saw second brother抯 condition as he came back, I knew that he can be saved, or at least shouldn抰 have died so quickly!�

Li Xun Huan said, 揝o you抮e saying...�

Xin Shu said, 揙bviously, whoever stole the scriptures also killed second brother.�

Li Xun Huan suddenly felt that this room became very small, as he tried to gasp for breath.

He circled the room, calmed down, and then asked, 揝o how many people came here to look at him?�

Xin Shu said, 揃ig brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, and seventh brother all have been here.�

揝o anyone of them could be the murderer?�

Xin Shu nodded, 揟his is a huge misfortune of our monastery. I shouldn抰 have told you, but now I realized that you抮e not the type who betrays your friends. So I want you to...�

揧ou want me to help you find the real killer.�


Li Xun Huan thought for a moment, then asked slowly, 揃ut what if the killer is Xin Hu?�

Xin Shu suddenly froze, sweat poured down his forehead.

Li Xun Huan said, 揈ven if everyone at Shaolin knows that the killer is Xin Hu, no one would admit it, would they.�

Xin Shu didn抰 respond, because there抯 nothing to say. Everyone treats Shaolin as the renowned inst.i.tution in the martial world. What would they say if Shaolin抯 abbot is a killer?

Li Xun Huan said, 揈ven if I can prove that Xin Hu is the killer, I bet you still wouldn抰 say any nice words for me, in order to protect your reputation.�

Xin Shu sighed. 揧ou抮e right. For the reputation of Shaolin, I am willing to sacrifice everything.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟hen why do you ask me to do this?�

Xin Shu said, 揂lthough I won抰 do anything that will damage Shaolin抯 repuation, as long as you can prove who killed brother Xin Mei, I抣l will make sure he dies with me.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揌ow could a monk talk about murder? Looks like you抮e still attached to the outside world.�

Xin Shu said, 揈ven Buddha himself has been angry, much less just a mere monk.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揥ith these words, I抦 content.�

Xin Shu said, 揧ou mean you know who the killer is?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 don抰. But I know someone who does.�

Xin Shu said, 揙bviously, the killer himself does.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揙ther than the killer, another person does. That person抯 in this room.�


Li Xun Huan pointed at the corpse of Xin Mei, 揌im!�

Xin Shu said, 揜egrettably, he can no longer talk.�

Li Xun Huan chuckled, 揃ut sometimes even the dead can talk.�

He took off the cover sheet on Xin Mei抯 body. Sunlight shined on his face, which looked dark grey.

Li Xun Huan asked, 揌ave you ever seen a victim of the Five-Poison Kid?�