Little Li’s Flying Dagger

Chapter 24: Catching the Traitor

Chapter 24: Catching the Traitor

Original novel written by Gu Long

Fan translation by Meh (Send an email)

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揟hen you抮e really quite lucky. Because it抯 hardly a pretty sight.�

Obviously, anyone who dies from poison must look pretty bad.

Li Xun Huan closed his eyes, then said slowly, 揂 few years ago, I saw a person who died from his poison. In a few seconds, his whole face turned black, and soon after, his whole body decayed.�

Xin Shu stared at Xin Mei抯 body, then yelled, 揃ut second brother has been dead for several days...�

Li Xun Huan opened his eyes again. 揟hat抯 right. He抯 been poisoned for several days, yet his body still hasn抰 decayed, do you know why?�

Xin Shu shook his head.

Li Xun Huan said, 揃ecause he was given another type of poison!�

Xin Shu said, 揧ou... you mean...�

Li Xun Huan said, 揂lthough he was poisoned by the Five-Poison Kid, it抯 not too severe, and was held in check by his inner power. So the poison had not acted when he came to Shaolin.�

揟hat抯 right.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟he killer must抳e been afraid that he抎 divulge the secret. Wishing he抎 die quickly, he added another type of poison.�

Xin Shu said, 揟here are many ways to kill a person. Why use poison?�

揃ecause no matter which method he uses, there will be evidence. But since Reverend Xin Mei was already deeply poisoned, this method will leave no traces.�

Xin Shu said, 揟hat抯 true. This way, everyone would think that he抯 killed by the Five-Poison Kid.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟his person is very calculating, but he forgot one thing.�

揥hat抯 that?�

揌e forgot that poisons can counteract one another. It抯 only because he put in heavy doses of his lethal poison, that it prevented Five-Poison Kid抯 poison from acting. So Xin Mei抯 body remained in such good condition even after all this time!�

Li Xun Huan抯 eyes glowed, 揂fter Reverend Xin Mei came back, did he eat anything?�

Xin Shu said, 揓ust a cup of medicine.�

揥ho gave him the medicine?�

揟he medicine was made by seventh brother Xin Jian. But the person who fed him the medicine are fourth brother Xin Zhu and sixth brother Xin Deng.�

He sighed again. 揝o all three are suspects.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟here are two famous types of poisons in this world. The first tends to be odorless and tasteless, but can make a person die in a horrific way, so it would not just kill someone, but also horrify those watching.�

Xin Shu said, 揟he Five-Poison Kid抯 poison is obviously in this category.�

Li Xun Huan continued, 揟he second kind might be more easy to detect, but can make someone die without showing any symptom, sometimes so that no one would even think he had died from poison.�

揧ou抮e saying that the killer used this type?�

Li Xun Huan nodded. 揑t抯 only due to their opposite nature that these two poisons would clash. Although the first type of poison is horrifying, this second type of poison might be more deadly. Very few people can mix this type of poison.�

He stared closely at Xin Shu and asked, 揌ow many people in Shaolin knows how to use this?�

Xin Shu took a deep breath. 揟his...�

Li Xun Huan said, 揝haolin is the head of the martial world. It抯 disciples would obviously not learn something as despicable as this, right?�

Xin Shu said in a sure tone, 揟here抯 absolutely nothing like this taught at Shaolin!�

Li Xun Huan said, 揜everend Xin Zhu and Xin Deng...�

Xin Shu cut him off. 揦in Zhu became a monk at the age of nine. Xin Deng was a monk while he was a baby. I bet none of them had even seen any poisons in their life.�

Li Xun Huan chuckled. 揥ell, in that case, who would the killer be?�

揧ou抮e saying it抯 seventh brother Xin Jian?�

Li Xun Huan did not speak.

Xin Jian became a monk late in his life. Before he entered Shaolin, he was already famous in the martial world, an expert at using poison!

A game of Go is being played in the pavillion.

Bai Xiao Sheng lightly held his piece, snowflakes fell along with his piece, into the snow on the ground.

The scenery is indeed beautiful, but everywhere is filled with hint of murder, and everyone felt extremely uptight.

Reverend Xin Hu, Xin Zhu, Xin Deng, and Xin Jian are all here.

Ah Fei knelt by the side of the pavilion, not even bothering to raise his head.

Xin Hu looked at him, then asked, 揇o you think Li Xun Huan will come?�

Bai Xiao Sheng smiled. 揙f course.�

Xin Hu said, 揌e抯 the type of person who抎 sacrifice himself for a friend?�

揟his is because even thieves have their own codes.�

Xin Hu sighed. 揌opefully, you抮e right...�

His voice suddenly stopped.

He already saw Xin Shu.

Xin Shu has entered the pavilion, but by himself.

Xin Hu stood up to welcome him, and asked, 揌ow are you?�

He didn抰 ask anything else, simply greeted Xin Shu, really is something only an abbot of Shaolin can do.

Xin Shu said, 揟hank you, brother. Thankfully I was spared.�

Xin Shu continued, 揌e went to get the scriptures.�

Xin Jian asked, 揝criptures? What scriptures?�

Xin Shu said, 揟he missing scriptures from the library.�

Xin Jian抯 mouth twitched, then laughed coldly. 揝o it was him after all! Then why would you let him go?�

Xin Shu said, 揃ecause he抯 not the thief!�

Xin Jian said, 揟hen who is it?�

Xin Shu said, 揑t抯 you!�

Xin Jian抯 mouth twitched again, but immediately calmed down. 揊ifth brother, how could you say these things? I don抰 understand.�

Xin Shu said, 揑f you don抰 understand, then who does?�

Xin Jian turned to Xin Hu, then said, 揚lease say something, big brother. I have certainly have nothing more to say.�

Xin Hu抯 expression also changed. 揝econd brother was obviously killed by Li Xun Huan. Why are you helping him now?�

Bai Xiao Sheng became a little angry. 揑f I remember correctly, brother Xin Shu and Li Xun Huan both pa.s.sed the imperial examinations the same year.�

Xin Jian said coldly, 揊ifth brother had obviously also taken Li Xun Huan抯 poison.�

Xin Shu ignored them, and said, 揟he poison that killed second brother was not Five-Poison Kid抯.�

Xin Jian cut in. 揌ow would you know?�

Xin Shu laughed coldly. 揇o you really think no one knows of what you did? Or did you forget that second brother left something before he died.�

He pulled out Xin Mei抯 diary.

Xin Hu said, 揥hat is this?�

Xin Shu said, 揃efore second brother left, he already knew who the traitorous thief was. But since he didn抰 want to do anything before getting all the evidence, Xin Mei wrote down the name on this book, so that in case he died, there would be some evidence.

Xin Hu said with a shock, 揜eally?�

Xin Jian cut in again. 揑f there really is my name in that book, I抣l...�

Xin Shu said, 揥hat will you do? Although you tore up the last page, how could you know if he didn抰 also write your name elsewhere?�

Xin Jian抯 body shook, yelling, 揊ifth brother is conspiring with an outsider to frame me. Please look into this, big brother.�

Xin Hu still just stood there, looking at Bai Xiao Sheng.

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揂nyone can write those words.�

Xin Jian said, 揟hat抯 right.. Even if my name is in the book, it doesn抰 prove that second brother wrote it.�

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揊rom what I know, Little Li Tan Hua is a fine scholar. He抯 skilled in the art of writing.�

Xin Jian added, 揟hat抯 right. If he wants to copy someone抯 handwriting, it should be very easy.�

Xin Hu looked at Xin Shu. 揧ou tend to be a very cautious person, brother. Why are you being so impulsive right now?�

Xin Shu抯 expression remains unchanged, staring at Xin Jian. 揑f you don抰 think this isn抰 enough, I have another piece of evidence.�

Xin Hu said, 揙h? Please say it.�

Xin Shu said, 揟he 慏a Muo Yi Jin Jing� hidden in second brother抯 room is gone.�


Xin Shu said, 揕i Tan Hua calculated that the thief hasn抰 had a chance to send away this book, so it must still be in Xin Jian抯 room. He has went with my students to get it now.�

Xin Jian suddenly jumped up and began to yell, 揃ig brother, don抰 listen to him. He wants to frame me!�

As he said this, his body is already outside.

Xin Hu raised his eyebrows, got up, and followed behind him.

In an instant, they all arrived at Xin Jian抯 room.

The door is already open.

Xin Jian rushed inside, sliced open a closet, and revealed a hidden compartment.

The 慪i Jin Jing� scripture is inside.
Xin Jian said loudly, 揟his book was originally in the second brother抯 room. It抯 because they want to frame me that they put it here, but this trick has been used hundreds of times in the past. How could someone as smart as the big brother be duped by your petty tricks?�

When he finished, Xin Shu said, 揈ven if we did try to frame you, how could you know we put this scripture inside that closet? Why didn抰 you look elsewhere first?�

Xin Jian suddenly froze, his head full of sweat.

Xin Shu let out a sigh of relief. 揕i Tan Hua already calculated that only this method can make you admit your guilt.�

Only to hear someone laugh, 揃ut this method really is quite risky. If he doesn抰 fall for it, then there really is no way for us to catch him!�

In the midst of the laughter, Li Xun Huan appeared.

Xin Hu sighed deeply, then bowed to greet him.

Li Xun Huan returned the gesture.

Xin Jian back-tracked slowly, but Xin Zhu and Xin Deng already blocked his path. The expression on their faces are deadly.

Xin Hu said, Dan E, Shaolin treated you so well, how could you do something like this?�

Dan E is Xin Jian抯 name before becoming a monk.

Dan E, sweating profusely, said, 揑... I admit my mistake.�

He suddenly dropped on his knees and said, 揃ut I was being manipulated by someone else.�

Xin Hu said loudly, 揥ho?�

Bai Xiao Sheng suddenly cut in, 揂ctually, I think I know.�

Xin Hu said, 揚lease, do tell.�

Bai Xiao Shen said, 揌im!�

Everyone immediately turned towards where Bai Xiao Sheng was pointing at, but they didn抰 see anyone.

By the time they turned back, Xin Hu抯 expression changed greatly.

Bai Xiao Sheng抯 hand is already on his back, his fingers controlled Xin Hu抯 four major pressure points.

Xin Shu抯 expression also changed. 揑t抯 you!�

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揑 simply wanted to borrow some books. Who抎 have thought you people are so stingy.�

Xin Hu said, 揥e抳e been friends for over ten years. I抎 never thought you抎 do something like this to me.�

Bai Xiao Sheng sighed, 揑 didn抰 want to do this either. But since Dan E wants to drag me down with him, I have to do this.�

Dan E immediately jumped up, picking up the 慪i Jin Jing� scripture, and laughed. 揟hat抯 right. You抣l have to escort us down the mountain. If any of you want to see your abbot alive, then you better not make any sudden moves.�

Despite his immense anger, Xin Shu could not help but simply watch.

Xin Hu said, 揑f you people value Shaolin, then forget about me. Capture this traitor right now!�

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揑t doesn抰 matter what you say. They won抰 play around with your life. The life of the Shaolin abbot is way too important.�

As his last word came out, his smile suddenly stopped!

The dagger shined!

Little Li抯 Flying Dagger is out of the hand!

The dagger has flown into his throat!

No one saw how the dagger came out.

Bai Xiao Sheng had kept Xin Hu as his shield, his throat behind Xin Hu抯 throat. He only left a tiny bit of his throat out.

It can hide behind Xin Hu抯 throat at any time.

In this situation, no one would dare to make a move.

But as the dagger shines, faster than lightning, Little Li抯 Flying Dagger reached his throat!

Xin Shu, Xin Zhu, Xin Deng, all immediately went over to protect Xin Hu.

Bai Xiao Sheng抯 eyes filled with hate, staring at Li Xun Huan. His whole body showed immense disbelief and shock.

Even in death, he could not believe that Li Xun Huan抯 dagger is in his throat.

His mouth is still trying to say something, except he couldn抰 say it. But everyone can see that he was trying to say, 揑抦 wrong... I抦 wrong...�

That抯 right. Bai Xiao Sheng knows all, sees all, but was wrong about one thing.

Little Li抯 Flying Dagger is much more faster then even he had ever imagined!

Bai Xiao Sheng fell.

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揃ai Xiao Sheng wrote a 態ook of Weaponry�, ranking the top weapons in the world. It抯 unfortunate that he抎 die from one of the weapons that he ranked.�

Xin Hu bowed several times, then said, 揑 was wrong too.�

His expression suddenly changed. 揥here抯 that traitor?�

Dan E had taken advantage of the confusion and fled.

A person like him would never miss an opportunity like this. In an instant, he had left the courtyard.

The disciples don抰 know about this event yet, so even if they see him, they wouldn抰 stop him.

As he reached the pavilion, Ah Fei was just about to get up.

Although Bai Xiao Sheng sealed his pressure points very tightly, it still loosened after all this time.

When Dan E saw him, hate filled his eyes. He wanted to take out all his frustration on Ah Fei.

After going through so much torture, how could Ah Fei defend himself?

So to kill Ah Fei can抰 possibly take long.

Without saying a word, Dan E attacked, Shaolin抯 fist is world-renowned, and Dan E has been in Shaolin for over ten years, so he抯 obviously quite good at it.

This punch contained all his power, fast and deadly, can easily kill. Dan E realized that he has plenty of time to escape even after killing Ah Fei.

But who抎 have thought that as this instant, Ah Fei抯 hand suddenly shot out.

He moved later, but struck first!

Dan E only felt his throat icy cold, with sharp pain along with the coldness, his breathing stopped, as if he was being suffocated.

His face is filled with disbelief... he knew this youngster is very fast, but what did the youngster use to penetrate his throat?

He抣l never know the answer.

Dan E also fell.

Ah Fei got up, catching his breath.

Xin Hu and the others have caught up by now, and also were shocked, because no one thought that this youngster in this condition could possibly kill Dan E!

A stick of ice stuck in Dan E抯 throat.

The ice has begun to melt.

This youngster only needed a stick of ice to kill one of the top seven reverends of Shaolin.

Xin Hu looked at that pale white face, not knowing what to say.

Ah Fei didn抰 even look at them, only walked towards Li Xun Huan, then he immediately smiled.

Li Xun Huan also smiled.

Xin Hu抯 voice is still weak, 揥hy don抰 you two come to my...�

Ah Fei cut him off, 揑s Li Xun Huan the Plum Flower Bandit?�

Xin Hu said, 揘o.�

揂m I the Plum Flower Bandit?�


Ah Fei said, 揑f we抮e both not, then we can now, right?�

Xin Hu forced a smiled. 揙f course, but I think perhaps you should rest up here....�

Ah Fei cut him off again. 揇on抰 worry about that. Forget that I can actually walk out, even if I have to crawl out, I抎 still crawl down the mountain this instant.�

Xin Zhu, Xin Deng both dropped their heads. No one had ever been so disrespectful to a Shaolin abbot in hundreds of years. But they can only swallow this.

Ah Fei had already grabbed Li Xun Huan抯 hands, and started to walk out of Shaolin.

Li Xun Huan turned around and said, 揟oday we part, if we meet again someday, forgive this lack of respect.�

Xin Shu said, 揑抣l escort you out.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揈scort like not escort. Not escorting like escort. Why would reverend need to make the distinction?�

When they抮e out of eyesight, Xin Hu took a long deep breath. He didn抰 say anything, but the silence is much more painful than any words.

Xin Zhu suddenly said, 揃rother you shouldn抰 have let him go.�

Xin Hu said, 揥hy?�

揂lthough Li Xun Huan did not steal our scriptures nor killed second brother, we still can抰 prove that he抯 not the Plum Flower Bandit.�

Xin Hu said, 揝o how can he prove that?�

Xin Zhu said, 揌e can do so by finding the real Plum Flower Bandit.�

Xin Hu sighed again. 揑 know he抣l find out, and then escort him here. This isn抰 important. It抯 just those six scriptures...�

Although the thief has been caught, the scriptures are still not found, who did he give these to?

Who抯 really behind all this?

Li Xun Huan doesn抰 like to walk, especially in the snow, but he has no choice now, with the icy wind cut like knives, there are no carriages.

But Ah Fei is quite accustomed to walking. In other people抯 minds, walking is tedious, but for him, it抯 relaxation. The more he walks, the more energy he recovers.

They shared their stories with each other, and Li Xun Huan began to think, then said, 揧ou抮e not the Plum Flower Bandit, neither am I. So who is it?�

Ah Fei stared into the distance. 揌e抯 already dead.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揇id he really die? Did you really kill the Plum Flower Bandit?

Ah Fei did not speak.

Li Xun Huan suddenly chuckled. 揌ave you ever thought that perhaps the Plum Flower Bandit might not be a man?�

揑f he抯 not a man, then who is he?�

Li Xun Huan smiled, 揑f he抯 not a man, then he抯 obviously a woman.�