Little Li’s Flying Dagger

Chapter 25: The Sword is Ruthless but the Swordsman抯 Sentimental

Chapter 25: The Sword is Ruthless but the Swordsman抯 Sentimental

Original novel written by Gu Long

Fan translation by Meh (Send an email)

Ah Fei couldn抰 help but laugh when he heard that the Plum Flower Bandit is a woman. 揌ow can a woman rape women?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟his is why she抯 so cunning. No one would expect the Plum Flower Bandit to be a woman.�

揃ut there抯 no way a woman can rape a woman.�

Li Xun Huan chuckled, 揟here is one way.�

He coughed a few times lightly, continued, 揑f the Plum Flower Bandit really is a woman, then she can simply use men to do the dirty work for her, then at an opportune time, kill off these men.�

Ah Fei said, 揧ou think too much.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揚erhaps you抮e right, but it抯 always better to think too much than to not think at all.�

Ah Fei then said, 揟he Plum Flower Bandit first appeared thirty years ago. He should be over fifty by now.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟he Plum Flower Bandit of thirty years ago might be a different person. They might be teacher and student, or father and daughter.�

Ah Fei stopped talking.

Li Xun Huan also did not speak for a long time, then said, 揃ai Xiao Sheng cannot possibly be the mastermind behind stealing those scriptures, because he cannot possibly make Xin Jian take this kind of risk for him.�


Li Xun Huan continued, 揃efore Xin Jian entered Shaolin, he was already very famous, if he wanted money, he抎 have it, so money can抰 be the reason.�


揂lthough Bai Xiao Sheng抯 martial arts skills are high, such a thing is practically useless to a Shaolin reverend. �

Ah Fei said, 揗aybe he has something which he could threaten Xin Jian with.�

Li Xun Huan asked, 揥hat type of things? Before he entered Shaolin, everything that Dan E did has nothing to do with Xin Jian, since you抮e suppose to cut yourself off from your previous life after becoming a monk. Bai Xiao Sheng couldn抰 have used anything that he did beforehand to threaten him. Of course, after Dan E entered Shaolin, he couldn抰 have done anything anyway.�


揑f he wanted to do something bad, then there抯 no point in entering Shaolin in the first place. Everyone knows how strict Shaolin抯 rules are, so he would never take the risk, unless厰

Ah Fei said, 揢nless what?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揢nless there is something which can move him. This cannot be fame or money.�

Ah Fei said, 揝o what else can possibly make him do something like this?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揙nly an incredibly gorgeous beauty.�

Ah Fei said, 揚lum Flower Bandit?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揅orrect. Only an incredible beauty can possibly make him betray Shaolin, to make him steal those scriptures.�

Ah Fei said, 揝o how do you know that the Plum Flower Bandit must be an incredibly beautiful woman?�

Li Xun Huan remained quiet for a while before speaking again, 揚erhaps I抦 wrong� Hopefully I抦 wrong.�

Ah Fei suddenly stopped walking, then stared at Li Xun Huan, 揂re you going back to Happy Cloud Manor?�

Li Xun Huan smiled a little, said, 揑 really don抰 know where else to go.�

It抯 a dark night.

Only a single candle in the house remains lit.

Li Xun Huan stared blankly at this light, after a long time, he took out a handkerchief, held it to his mouth and began coughing again.

Blood appeared on the handkerchief, which he put back into his pockets, then said with a smile, 揑 suddenly don抰 want to go in anymore.�

Ah Fei asked, 揥hy not?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 don抰 know. I tend to do a lot things for which I do not know the reason of.�

Ah Fei said, 揕ong Xiao4 Yun treated you like this, yet you don抰 want to find him?�

Li Xun Huan simply smiled, said, 揃ut he didn抰 wrong me� because for one抯 own wife and kids, a person can be forgiven for anything.�

Ah Fei stared at him for a long, long time, then lowered his head slowly, said, 揧ou really are a strange person, but also a friend one can never forget.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揙f course you can抰 forget me, because we抣l surely meet again in the future.�

Ah Fei said, 揃ut� but now厰

Li Xun Huan said, 揃ut now you need to take care of some business, so go ahead and do that.�

They then simply stood there quietly.

The wind blew through the land.

From afar came the sound of midnight drums, so far away that it seemed to sound like tears dropping on gra.s.s.

No stars, no moon, just fog�

Li Xun Huan suddenly laughed, then said, 揟here抯 fog. Tomorrow抯 weather must be nice.�

Ah Fei said, 揧es.�

He suddenly felt like something got stuck in her throat, unable to speak more.

He flipped over the high walls, found the candles in Lin Xian Er抯 room still burning, a woman抯 shadow appearing on the window paper.

Ah Fei抯 heart retracted.

The person inside seems to be reading a book, but also thinking about something.

Ah Fei opened the door.

As he opened the door, he saw that unforgettable face. As he opened the door, he could not move any further.

Lin Xian Er turned around, looked shocked, then smiled. 揑t抯 you,� she said.
Ah Fei said, 揑t抯 me.�

He found that his voice is very distant. So distant he couldn抰 even hear himself.

Lin Xian Er put her hand over her chest, then said, 揕ook at you, you really scared me.�

Ah Fei said, 揧ou thought I was dead. That抯 why you were so surprised when I came in, right?�

Lin Xian Er blinked her eyes. 揥hat are you talking about? Come on it quickly, you抣l catch a cold.�

She held Ah Fei抯 hand, pulling him inside the room.

Ah Fei抯 hand pulled away from hers.

Lin Xian Er said sweetly, 揧ou抮e angry. Who are you angry with? I抣l help you.�

She tried to embrace Ah Fei, but he pushed her back.

Lin Xian Er lost her balance and fell down.

Soon, tears appeared from her eyes, 揇id I make you angry? Why do you treat me this way? What did I do wrong? As long as you tell me, I抎 die without regrets.�

Ah Fei tightened his fists.

He just saw that Lin Xian Er was reading a book, a Buddhist scripture.

Shaolin Temple抯 sacred scripture.

Ah Fei stared at her, as if he has never seen her before.

Ah Fei said coldly, 揥hat did you do? You knew that once I stepped into Third Master Shen抯 room, I am a dead man.�

Lin Xian Er said, 揥hat� what do you mean?�

Ah Fei said, 揥hen Bai Xiao Sheng and Xin Jian gave you the Shaolin scripture, you told them to make the trap in Third Master Shen抯 room, to get me, and to get Li Xun Huan.�

Lin Xian Er bit her lips and said, 揧ou really think I tried to harm you?�

Ah Fei said, 揙f course, because you抮e the only person who knew I would go to his room that night.�

Lin Xian Er put her hands over her face, continued to cry. 揃ut, why would I want to hurt you? Why?�

揃ecause you抮e the Plum Flower Bandit!�

Lin Xian Er looked like someone just hit her with a whip, suddenly jumped up, said, 揑抦 the Plum Flower Bandit? You dare call me the Plum Flower Bandit?�

Ah Fei said, 揧es, you抮e the Plum Flower Bandit.�

Lin Xian Er said, 揟he Plum Flower Bandit is dead, you厰

Ah Fei cut her off, said, 揑 simply killed one of your puppets, so you can divert attention away from yourself.�

He continued, 揧ou knew the Golden Needle Vest is in Li Xun Huan抯 possession, and that he won抰 fall for your tricks, so you抮e in grave danger. That抯 why you asked him to come to your room that night.�

Lin Xian Er said, 揑 did have a date with him that nigh, because I didn抰 know you at the time.�

Ah Fei didn抰 even pay attention to her. 揧ou wanted that puppet to purposely kidnap you, just so Li Xun Huan can save you, to kill him. Once the world thinks that the Plum Flower Bandit抯 dead, no one would suspect you.�

Lin Xian Er calmed down, said, 揔eep going.�

Ah Fei said, 揃ut you didn抰 expect Li Xun Huan to have an accident, even more surprised that I would show up.�

Lin Xian Er said, 揇on抰 forget, I also saved you.�

揟hat抯 right.�

揑f I were the Plum Flower Bandit, why would I save you?�

Ah Fei said, 揃ecause things didn抰 go as you planned, so I was useful to you alive at the time. When no one came to search your room those days, I began to suspect you.�

Lin Xian Er said, 揧ou think I conspired with Long Xiao Yun and others against him?�

Ah Fei said, 揙f course they didn抰 know what you抮e up to. You抮e just using them. Besides, Long Xiao4 Yun has hated Li Xun Huan for quite a while now, so he obviously had no problems going along with your plans.�

Lin Xian Er said, 揇id Li Xun Huan tell you these things?�

Ah Fei said, 揧ou think that all men in this world are idiots, puppets you play with, so when Li Xun Huan did not fall for your tricks, you set traps to eliminate him.�

Ah Fei found that his voice started shaking, he bit his teeth and continued, 揘ot only are you devious and cold-heated, but you抮e also incredibly greedy, even robbing Shaolin抯 sacred scriptures. You� you厰

Lin Xian Er sighed, 揕ooks like I抳e misjudged you.�

Ah Fei said, 揃ut I did not misjudge you!�

Lin Xian Er said, 揑f I said that it抯 not Dan E and Bai Xiao Sheng who gave me these scriptures, you won抰 believe me, right?�

Ah Fei said, 揘o matter what you say, I抣l never believe you again!�

Lin Xian Er started to laugh. 揑 finally understand you now, understand your heart厰

As she spoke, she walked towards Ah Fei, her steps steady.

The wind is blowing, the candlelight wavering.

Candlelight shined on her beautiful face, filled with her tears, as she stared at Ah Fei, said, 揑 know you抮e here to kill me, right?�

Ah Fei tightened his fists, close his mouth tightly.

She pointed to her heart. 揝ince you have your sword, why haven抰 you killed me yet? I can only hope that you stab me in the heart.�

Ah Fei抯 hand is already on his sword.

Lin Xian Er looked up at him, said, 揚lease go ahead, I抎 be happy to die in your hands.�

Ah Fei could not look at her, instead looking at his sword.

Her eyes filled with emotions, with tenderness, with love, yet also hate� nothing in this world can touch a man抯 heart more than her eyes.

A gleam of light appeared in the corner of her eyes. 揧ou抮e the person I love the most in this world. If even you don抰 believe me, then there抯 no reason for me to keep on living.�

Ah Fei held his sword tightly, his fingers became sore.

Lin Xian Er continued, 揑f you think I抦 the Plum Flower Bandit, that I抦 a despicable woman, then just go ahead and kill me, I� I won抰 blame you.�

Ah Fei抯 hand began to shake.

The ruthless sword, the sword is ruthless, but what about people?

How could people have no emotions?

The candlelight went out.

But Lin Xian Er抯 beauty is even more noticeable in the darkness.

She did not speak, but in the darkness, even her breathing sound like a soothing voice, capable of warming one抯 heart.

Is there anything more powerful than the power of love?

Looking at a woman like this, looking at the strongest emotions he has felt in his entire life, looking at this endless darkness�

How could Ah Fei possibly kill her?

The sword is ruthless! But the swordsman抯 sentimental!