Little Li’s Flying Dagger

Chapter 8: The Past Cannot be Changed

Chapter 8: The Past Cannot be Changed

Original novel written by Gu Long

Fan translation by Meh (Send an email)

This used to be Li Xun Huan抯 own garden. He grew up here. Here, he had a very happy and a very memorable childhood. However, it was also here that he carried the remains of his parents and elder brother to their graves.

Who could believe that he would be a stranger here at this moment?

Li Xun Huan smiled, a song seems to have brushed by his ear, 揝eeing him building the house. Seeing him hosting guests. Seeing his house collapse.�

He deeply felt the intricacies of these words. Understood life抯 meeting and parting, life抯 gloomy song.

The driver* quietly said, 揧oung master, let抯 go in.�

*[I should mention that GL actually described the 慸river� as 憅iu ran da han� or badly translated as 慉 dragon-horn-like muscular man� ever since the middle of chapter 1. I couldn抰 think of a suitable translation, one that抯 short and accurate. So I just kept him as the 慸river�. But I really should point out that GL had a different name. I would抳e done so sooner if I knew he was going to be in the book for such a long time. I really didn抰 remember him being this important.]

Li Xun Huan took a deep breath, laughing bitterly while saying, 揝ince we抮e here, we have to go in sooner or later, right?�

Who would抳e thought that just as he arrived at the front door, a man suddenly yelled, 揥ho are you? How dare you enter Fourth Master Long抯 place?�

A person freckled man, with a sheepskin coat, carrying a birdcage, came and blocked Li Xun Huan抯 path.

Li Xun Huan said, 揧ou are...�

The freckled man put his hand on his waist, yelling loudly, 揑 am the governor of this estate. My daughter is Lady Long抯 foster sister. What do you want?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揥ell... If that抯 the case, I抣l just wait here.�

The freckled man laughed coldly, saying, 揑 won抰 let you wait here. Do you think Master Long抯 front door is a place for everyone to stand at?�

Although the driver is really p.i.s.sed, he could only control his anger.

Who would figure that the freckled man would yell again, 揑 told you scram, are you pretending to be dead?�

While Li Xun Huan can still hold his temper, the driver could no longer do so.

Just as he抯 about to show the freckled man some manners, someone inside started to yell, 揦un Huan, Xun Huan, is that really you?�

A upright, properly-dressed, handsome middle-aged man came out, his face full of joy and excitement. As he saw Li Xun Huan, he embraced him tightly, saying, 揑抦 right. It really is you... really is you...�

Even before he finished, tears filled his face.

Of course, how could Li Xun not possibly feel the same way, saying, 揃ig brother...�

When that freckled man saw this, he could only stand there looking like an idiot.

Only to hear Long Xiao4 Yun keep saying, 揃rother, I抳e been thinking of you all these years... thinking of you...�

No one knows how many times he said this, but he suddenly laughed again, saying, 揢s brothers meeting again is a happy occasion. Why are we crying here like old ladies...�

He laughed while taking Li Xun Huan with him inside. Then he yelled, 揋o get the mistress. Everybody out. Come see my sworn brother. Do you know who my sworn brother is? Heheh... What I say is guaranteed to shock you.�

The driver looked at them, his eyes on the verge of tears. His heart is sour, not knowing if this is happiness or sadness.

Only now did the freckled man take another breath, feeling his head while saying, 揙h my G.o.d, he抯 actually Li... Li Tan Hua. I heard even this house was his present. Yet I wouldn抰 even let him inside. I... I really deserve to die.�

That red kid Long Xiao3 Yun was just surrounded by several people, sitting on the big couch in the living room. He also now understand the relationship between Li Xun Huan and his dad, and became so scared he even afraid to cry.�

Yet just as Long Xiao4 Yun took Li Xun Huan inside, two people standing on Long Xiao3 Yun抯 side suddenly came over, yelling while pointing at Li Xun Huan抯 nose, 揂re you the one who injured young master Yun?�

Li Xun Huan responded, 揜ight!�

That man said, 揘ice, you really do have a lot of guts!�

Two people one right one left, both came to attack Li Xun Huan at the same time.

Li Xun Huan did not move at all, but Long Xiao4 Yun suddenly shot out his palm, then jumped up with a kick, finishing off those two attackers. Then angrily yelled, 揧ou dare to attack him? You really have a lot of guts. Do you have any idea who he is?�

Those two people never thought that their kissing up backfired.

One of them can only stutter, 揥e only want to help young master...�

Long Xiao4 Yun said with authority, 揥hat do you want to do? I抣l tell you, Long Xiao4 Yun抯 son is Li Xun Huan抯 son. Forget about simply teaching him a lesson, even if he took that b.a.s.t.a.r.d抯 life, it抯 still not a problem.�

He then added, 揊rom now on, no one will bring this up again. The person who brings this up again is deliberately making an enemy of me!�

Li Xun Huan抯 still standing there, not knowing how he feels.

If Long Xiao4 Yun had yelled at him, or break off their friendship, then maybe he抎 feel better. But Long Xiao4 Yun instead so values their relationship, making him even more guilty and distressful. 揃ig brother, I really didn抰 know...�

Long Xiao4 Yun tapped his shoulders, saying with a smile, 揃rother, since when did you become so timid? This b.a.s.t.a.r.d抯 been coddled way too much by his mother. I really shouldn抰 have taught him kung fu.�

He then added, 揅ome, come. Get some wine in here. Whoever can get us brothers drunk gets 500 taels of silver.�

When he mentioned money, who in the room didn抰 become greedy? Everyone immediately came up to toast the two.

Only to hear someone say, 揟he Lady is here.�

Li Xun Huan finally saw Lin Shi Yin again.

Although Lin Shi Yin is not a perfect woman, no one would deny that she抯 a beauty. Her face is too pale, her body is too thin, and although her eyes are very bright, they抮e also very cold. Yet her stature, her gracefulness, are unparalleled.

No matter the situation, she can make her presence felt. No matter who sees her, will never forget her.

This face has appeared in Li Xun Huan抯 mind tens of thousands of times. Yet each time it抯 so far away, so very, far away.

Every time Li Xun Huan wants to embrace her, he would wake up from this dream, sitting in his own cold sweat, looking at the dark, cold night outside, then wait painfully until morning. Yet even when the morning comes, he抯 still just as in pain, just as lonely.

Now, the woman of his dreams is finally in front of him. Yet reality can be so much more cruel than dreams. In reality, he doesn抰 even have the choice to run away, but can only use his smile to cover his true feelings. So he forced a smile, saying, 揝ister-in-law. How are you?�


The woman in his dreams suddenly became his sister-in-law. The driver turned his head, could not bear watching anymore. Because only he knows how painful it is for Li Xun Huan to say this 揝ister-in-law�.

He doesn抰 know if he can say those words if he were in Li Xun Huan抯 shoes. Doesn抰 know if he has the courage to accept such a reality.

If he didn抰 turn away, he抎 be in tears by now.

Yet Lin Shi Yin didn抰 even seem to notice this greeting.

Her sadness seems to be concentrated fully on her child.

When that kid saw his mom, he quickly ran into his mother抯 arms, then resumed crying out loud, 揑 can no longer practice kung fu, I抦 crippled. I... I don抰 want to live any more!�

Li Shi Yin held him tightly, saying, 揥ho... who injured you?�

The red kid said, 揌IM!�

Lin Shi Yin抯 eyes followed the direction he pointed at, finally resting on Li Xun Huan抯 face.

She stared at Li Xun Huan, as if staring at a stranger. Then little by little hatred appeared in her eyes. Speaking one word at a time, 揧ou...It really is you who injured him?�

Li Xun Huan can only nod quickly.

No one knows what energy is holding him up. He actually did not fall.

Lin Shi Yin continued to stare at him without blinking, speaking as she bit her lips, 揤ery Good. Very Good. I knew a long time ago that you would not let me live in peace. You even take away my very last bit of happiness. You...�

Long Xiao4 Yun cut her off, saying, 揧ou can抰 talk to him like this. This is not totally his fault. It抯 all because of Yun Er [慐r� is an expression for calling a small child] getting into trouble. Besides, he didn抰 even know he抯 our child at the time.�

The red kid suddenly yelled again, 揌e knew! He knew the whole time. Originally, he couldn抰 hurt me. But when I heard that he抯 dad抯 friend I stopped fighting. Yet he instead took advantage and hurt me.�

The driver抯 whole body is about to explode, yet Li Xun Huan can still just stand there, with no intention of explaining things.

He抯 been through the worst pains in his life. So why does he need to argue with a kid?�

But Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揃astard, how dare you lie?�

The red kid just kept crying loudly saying, 揑 didn抰 lie, mom. I really didn抰 lie!�

Long Xiao4 Yun angrily move closer to pulled him over, but Lin Shi Yin blocked in front of him, saying, 揥hat do you want?�

Long Xiao4 Yun stomped his feet, saying, 揟his b.a.s.t.a.r.d is way too wild. I should cripple him right now, so he would stop causing trouble!�

Lin Shi Ying抯 pale face suddenly showed a hint of redness, saying, 揟hen go ahead and kill me too!�

Her sight suddenly switched over to Li Xun Huan, then said with a cold grin, 揧ou guys are very powerful anyway. It would be easy for you to kill a child. So add another woman should be no problem.�

Long Xiao4 Yun let out a sigh, saying, 揝hi Yin, since when did you become so unreasonable?�

Lin Shi Yin didn抰 even take notice, already carried the child back to her room. Although her steps are light, it抯 still enough to stomp Li Xun Huan抯 heart to little pieces.

Long Xiao Yun sighed again, saying, 揚lease forgive her, Xun Huan. She used to be quite reasonable. But once a woman becomes a mother, then she would become very irrational.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 know. For her child, anything a woman does is correct.�

He forced a smile, saying, 揂lthough I抳e never been anyone抯 mom, I have been a mother抯 child.�

慦hen you drink to ease distress, you only become more distressful� is not quite accurate. It抯 true that small amount of wine will make one remember more of the past, more painful memories. But when a person becomes truly drunk, then he would forget everything.

Li Xun Huan obviously knows this, so he drank as if his life depends on it.

It抯 not hard to get drunk. But when a person has so many problems, he would drink a lot more. So when it comes time when he absolutely needs to be drunk, he wouldn抰 be able to get drunk.

It抯 already very dark.

A lot of wine has been drunk, yet Li Xun Huan did not show a slight hint of being drunk.

He also suddenly found that no one else is drunk either. Almost twenty people getting together and drink for so long, yet with no one drunk, is definitely not common.

It抯 getting deeper and deeper into the night. Yet everyone抯 faces are heavy, as if expecting someone to come.

Suddenly the heard the bell, it抯 midnight.

Everyone抯 expressions all changed immediately. One said, 揑t抯 midnight. How come the Venerable Zhao is still not here?�

Li Xun Huan raised his eyebrows saying, 揥ho抯 this Zhao guy? Is everyone waiting for him to come before drinking?�

One person smiled and said, 揑 don抰 want to hide this from Li Tan Hua, but if the venerable Zhao抯 not here, we really don抰 have the heart to drink.�

Another person said, 揤enerable Zhao is considered 慣otally Objective Iron Face� Zhao Zheng Yi. He抯 also Fourth Master Long抯 sworn big brother. You mean you don抰 know?�

Li Xun Huan still had a huge smile, saying, 揑n ten years since we last met, it looks like big brother you made this many new great friends. I drink to you.�

Long Xiao4 Yun抯 face seems to be red, but forced a smile saying, 揗y brother is your brother. Come, I also drink to you.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揟his isn抰 bad, I can抰 believe I suddenly got a few more big brothers. But I don抰 know if these heroes would want me as their brother.�

Long Xiao4 Yun laughed loudly, saying, 揟hey would be happy beyond belief. Why would they possibly be unhappy?�


It抯 not clear what he intended to say, but he suddenly changed his words, instead said, 揤enerable Zhao has always been 慣otally Objective Iron Face�, I heard it抯 hard to ever see him smile. If I see him, I抎 probably lose all desire to drink. Never thought everyone here would wait for him before drinking.�

Long Xiao4 Yun thought for a while, then suddenly smiled, saying, 揟he Plum Flower Bandit has reappeared...�

Li Xun Huan took this opportunity to cut in, 揑 already heard.�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揃ut do you know where he is?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 heard this person never stays in the same place.�

Long Xiao Yun also cut him off, saying, 揅orrect. He does indeed can be anywhere. But I promise you that right now, he must be in this town. He might even be near my house.�

When he said this, everyone else抯 necks shrank. That big fire in the middle of the room, seemingly can no longer hold off the freezing wind outside.

Li Xun Huan said, 揝o does this mean that he already made an appearance?�

Long Xiao4 Yun said one word at a time. 揅orrect. Third Brother Qin抯 eldest child almost died in his hands two days ago.�

Li Xun Huan asked, 揥ho else did he hurt?�

Long Xiao4 Yun replied, 揟hat I don抰 know. This person usually only hurts one person at a time. Plus he only appears after midnight!�

Mian Qiang chuckled, saying, 揟he way he kills seems like some people抯 drinking habits, not only does he set the time to do it, but also the amount.�

Li Xun Huan also chuckled, but he doesn抰 look any more relaxed. He asked, 揥hat about last night?�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揕ast night was peaceful.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑n that case I guess his target is young master Qin. He won抰 appear again.�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揌e抣l show up sooner or later.�

揥hy? Does he have some problems with you, big brother?�

Long Xiao4 Yun shook his head, saying, 揌is target is neither Qin Zhong nor myself.�

揥ho then?�

Long Xiao4 Yun barely was able to say, 揌is target is Lin...�

When he said the word 慙in�, Li Xun Huan抯 whole face changed. But thankfully he did not say 慙in Shi Yin�, but rather 慙in Xian Er� [慩ian� means a G.o.d or a G.o.ddess. So her name is 憀ittle G.o.ddess�.).

Li Xun Huan let out a sigh of relief in his heart, saying, 揕in Xian Er? Who is she?�

Long Xiao4 Yun laughed loudly, saying, 揃rother, if you don抰 know who Lin Xian Er is, then you really must be old. If it were ten or fifteen years ago, you抎 probably be more familiar with this name than anyone else.�

Li Xun Huan also laughed, 揑t looks like she must be a beauty.�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揘ot only is she a beauty, she抯 also the considered the most beautiful woman in the martial world. The number of young heroes to have fallen for her are endless.�

He then looked at the other people there, laughingly said, 揇o you really think they came here for me? If it weren抰 for Lin Xian Er, even if I put the best food and the best wine on the table, they抎 still probably not show up.�

Everyone抯 faces turned red. But two youngsters faces became very red. Long Xiao Yun looked at them, saying, 揧ou two are pretty lucky. At least you now have a chance. If my brother here is still young, you抎 have absolutely no chance.�

Li Xun Huan also laughed, asking, 揝o big brother thinks I抦 really that old? My body might be old, but my heart抯 still young.�

Long Xiao4 Yun抯 eyes brightened, then suddenly laughed again. 揧ou抮e right, you抮e right. Although she has countless people as her subordinate, but other than you, I don抰 think she抎 care for anyone else.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揢nfortunately, I抳e been sunk in wine for the past ten years. My techniques aren抰 what it used to be.�

Long Xiao4 Yun held his hand tightly, saying, 揃ut you don抰 realize something, brother. Not only is this Ms. Lin very beautiful, she抯 also very ambitious. She doesn抰 want to marry anyone. But she told the whole world that whoever kills the Plum Flower Bandit, even a freckled old man, she抎 still be his wife.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揝o it抯 probably due to this that the Plum Flower Bandit must be so intent on killing her.�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揅orrect. Plum Flower Bandit went to the Cold Fragrance quarter two nights ago just to find her. But he didn抰 realize that Qin Zhong was there instead, so he injured him.�

Li Xun Huan eyes brightened, 揝o young master Qin抯 also one of her subordinates?�

Long Xiao4 Yun chuckled, then said, 揌e originally had a chance, but now...�

Li Xun Huan smiled, 揅old Fragrance House抯 been empty for quite a while now. But now that this lady lives there, it must be much warmer now. There抯 even a lovesick youngster outside at midnight.�

Long Xiao Yun抯 face became red, saying, 揅old Fragrance House used to be where you live. I really shouldn抰 have let someone else live there. But... but...�

Li Xun Huan cut in, 揟hat place can now receive the aura of a beauty, it抯 really its luck. If the wood knows who抯 there, they抎 probably be filled with joy. They抎 never let me carelessly spit[I think those living in the US doesn抰 know about this habit, but its common in China to spit saliva everywhere] in there ever again.�

揃ut just what relationship does this woman have with big brother?�

Long Xiao4 Yun coughed twice, said, 揝he and Shi Yin met when they went to the temple to pray. They liked each other immediately, and became sisters. Like you and me.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揝o her dad is that governor I saw at the front door?�

Long Xiao4 Yun laughed, saying, 揧ou can抰 believe it, right? Actually, no one would believe how that dad can have such a daughter. This is called 慖nside a crow抯 nest born a Phoenix�.

Li Xun Huan said, 揝o that Venerable Zhao抯 gathering people to protect her? You mean now the venerable Zhao has suddenly became a romantic?�

Long Xiao Yun didn抰 seem to notice Li Xun Huan抯 message, so he just said, 揙ther than protecting her, he also wants to capture the Plum Flower Bandit. Besides, so many people have already put together all that reward money. That money抯 in my house. If anything were to ever happen to it...�

When Li Xun Huan heard this, he suddenly asked, 揥hy would big brother you take this responsibility?�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揥ell, someone has to do it, right?�

Li Xun Huan thought for a moment, then said, 揑t抯 already past midnight. Is it possible that the bandit will no be here tonight?�

He suddenly got up, saying, 揝ince the venerable Zhao抯 still not here, and everyone else would not drink, I think I抣l just wander around. Maybe I抣l go visit my old friends the plum trees.

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揃rother you probably not only want to visit the plum trees, but also see the Plum Flower Bandit.�

Li Xun Huan just smiled. But Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揥hy are you going into danger alone?�

Li Xun Huan still just kept smiling.

Long Xiao4 Yun still just looked at him, then said with a smile, 揊ine. Fine. I know that when you make up your mind, no one can stop you. Besides , when the Plum Flower Bandit find you here, He would not dare to show up.�

The plum trees in the garden are still there. But what happened to the person in the garden?

Li Xun Huan just sat there quietly, starring at the candlelight in the building faraway. Ten years ago, this little building was his. The person in the building was also his.

Now, everything has pa.s.sed. No longer can be brought back. Only dreams, loneliness remains.

Dreams might be painful, but without dreams, he probably could not keep on living.

After crossing the bridge is the plum forest. There抯 also a house here among the trees. This used to be the place Li Xun Huan practiced martial arts and read books. If he simply opened the windows of this house, he would see the other house, would see that person smiling beautifully back at him.

But now...

When love becomes deep it turns shallow. Li Xun Huan sighed, brushing off the snow on his shoulders, then crossed the bridge. There抯 no one here. He can抰 hear anyone either. After midnight is the time for the Plum Flower Bandit抯 appearance. No one would dare come here at this time.

He doesn抰 really want to see Lin Xian Er. He also knows that Lin Xian Er can抰 possibly stay here long. He just want to see the house.

It抯 at this time that he heard light laughter.

Li Xun Huan抯 whole body changed. That lazy body now filled with energy, charging towards the place of the voice.

The laugh seems to be that of a woman. And it抯 a very quiet one.

He then saw a white shadow trying to run away from behind him. Then a black shadow came to attack him.

This person is quite big and very fast. Although he抯 still more than 10 feet away, Li Xun Huan already felt a strong, cold wind coming from him.

Li Xun Huan recognizes that the person抯 kung fu is very strange but very powerful.

The Plum Flower Bandit!

Could the person be it?

Li Xun Huan did not block this move. If he doesn抰 need to, he would never have an all-out fight with anyone. Because he feels that his energy is more important than others�.

Once, Golden Fist Deng Lie kept asking him to match inner power, but Li Xun Huan kept rejecting him. Deng Lie asked why.

Li Xun Huan only responded, 揑抦 not a cow. So why should I fight like one?�

He thinks that kung fu is also an art. Movement should come freely. If one forcefully duel with someone else, then they must be as stupid as cows.

But since Deng Lie is his friend, he can turn down the request. But this person wants him to die, so he must block off all of Li Xun Huan抯 escape routes first.

Besides, the two are running towards each other. Even if Li Xun Huan manages to evade the attack, the enemy immediately gains initiative. So when the enemy makes his second move, Li Xun Huan really would have no chance to escape.

Li Xun Huan suddenly moved back.

The speed at which he changed directions is amazing, even better than fishes.

But the man in black is still coming at him with the palm.

After falling back with lightning speed, his body came to a state of rest. His hand doesn抰 seem to be moving, but the Flying Dagger is already shot out!

The dagger glowed brightly, like a shooting star in a dark night!

The man in black suddenly screamed in pain. Jumped up, turned around, and then ran back into the forest.

Li Xun Huan just stood there. He acted like a bored person, but didn抰 give chase.

Before the man in black can leave the forest, he fell.

Li Xun Huan shook his head and sighed. He followed the blood trail, with the man in black at the end of the trail.

His hands holding his own throat, blood gushing out. That bright little dagger, has been pulled out, resting by his side.

Li Xun Huan picked up his dagger, then looked at the painful expression on that person抯 face, asking, 揑f you抮e not the Plum Flower Bandit, why did you attack me?�

That person kept biting his teeth, but couldn抰 speak.

Li Xun Huan said, 揂lthough you don抰 know me, I recognize you. You抮e the eldest student of Yi Ku. I saw you ten years ago. If I see someone, I would never forget him.�

That person struggled mightily to say, 揑... I also recognized you.�

揑f you recognized me, why do you still want to kill me? You want to prevent me from leaking out information? But even if you抮e meeting someone here, it can抰 possibly be that secretive, right?�

That person wants to talk, but can抰 do so.

Li Xun Huan shook his head, saying, 揑 know you must抳e been doing something you don抰 want others to know. That抯 why you want to kill me. At that time, you probably did not figure it was me.�

He sighed again before continuing, 揝ince you wanted to kill me, I had to kill you. You chose the wrong person. So did I...�

That person suddenly screamed, then ran towards Li Xun Huan.

But Li Xun Huan still just stood there. As that person抯 palms almost reached Li Xun Huan抯 chest, he fell down, never to get up again.

Li Xun Huan still just stared at him. After a long time, he finally looked up and said, 揟wo nights ago it was Qin Xiao Yi抯 son. Today it抯 Yi Ku抯 student. Looks like this Lin Xian Er really has a lot of spare time, and has good tastes. All her acquaintances are famous youngsters. But which young girl doesn抰 dream of meeting her knight? What抯 wrong with a lovesick young man? These certainly aren抰 crimes. Why do they have to hide it? What other secrets do they have?

The Cold Fragrance House抯 light is still on. He seems to be the person that escaped. The body very slim. Could it be Lin Xian Er?

As he抯 thinking, Li Xun Huan walked over.

His eyes suddenly glowed, as if he just thought of something really interesting.

As the wind zips through the forest, more snow fell on the ground.

Suddenly, each snow seems to be moved apart by a strange aura. Someone is attacking Li Xun Huan from behind.

Li Xun Huan tightened his body, fully aware of the sword energy aimed at him.

At this time, the sword has already sliced apart his coat.

In this quiet cold evening, in this quiet plum forest, there抯 actually someone who really wants his life! He has wandered for ten years, just returned home.

Could this be the welcome prepared for him?

If Li Xun Huan had dodged left, his right arm would抳e been cut off. If he dodged right, his left arm would抳e been cut off. If he had moved forward, his back would抳e been penetrated. No matter which direction he goes, he can抰 possibly be faster than this sword!

He抯 been through hundreds of battles, yet he抯 never seen a sword this fast!

The tip of the sword has penetrated Li Xun Huan抯 coat.

But just at this moment, Li Xun Huan抯 body moved, he skimmed the edge of the sword as the icy cold tip by him.

In all his countless battles, he has never been so close to death.

The enemy seems even more shocked that his attack failed. But suddenly the sword tip turned, slicing down at Li Xun Huan, but by this time, the dagger in Li Xun Huan抯 hand suddenly sliced his wrist.

This dagger is so fast no enemy can describe its movement.

That person, shocked beyond belief, yelled loudly. He dropped his sword while retreating.

Is there anyone抯 kung fu that抯 faster than Little Li抯 Flying Dagger?

Suddenly, someone yelled loudly, 揃rothers. Stop!�

This is the voice of Long Xiao4 Yun.

Li Xun Huan gathered himself. Long Xiao4 Yun has entered the forest. That person also revealed himself. He抯 a youngster with a white face in white clothing.

Long Xiao4Yun put himself in the middle of the two. Then asked, 揌ow did you two managed to get in a fight?�

That youngster抯 eyes in the night looked like an owl. He stared at Li Xun Huan, saying coldly, 揟here抯 a dead person outside the forest. So I thought the person in the forest must be the Plum Flower Bandit.

Li Xun Huan smiled, 揌ow come you didn抰 think the dead person is the bandit?�

The youngster laughed coldly, saying, 揌ow could the Plum Flower Bandit die so easily?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揧ou mean the Plum Flower Bandit can only die in your hands? Unfortunately...�

Long Xiao Yun cut in while laughing, 揌ow about both of you stop. This is just a misunderstanding. It抯 a good thing we came, or someone might get hurt.�

Li Xun Huan smiled a bit, then picked up the sword still stuck on his coat. He looked at the sword and said, 揋reat sword!�

He then gave the sword back to the youngster, saying, 揟he sword is famous. Then the person must also be famous. Today we had a misunderstanding, but it抯 still nice to have met you. It抯 not everyday that we get to see such a famous sword.�

Red appeared on the youngster抯 white face. After taking the sword, he just flicked it, breaking the sword in two.

Li Xun Huan sighed, saying, 揝uch a great sword. Too bad.�

The youngster stared at Li Xun Huan saying, 揈ven without this sword, I can still kill. You don抰 have to worry about me.�

Li Xun Huan laughingly said, 揑f I knew earlier, I would抳e asked you to give me your sword, so I can exchange it for another coat to wear.

The youngster coldly laughed, saying, 揧ou don抰 have to worry about this either. Forget one coat, even if its ten coat, I抣l still pay for the damages.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揌owever, there抯 not another coat like mine.�

揥hy抯 that? Is there something particular colorful with this coat?�

Li Xun Huan said with a serious face, 揘othing colorful. It抯 just that my coat has an eye.�