Log Horizon

Chapter 2: Swallow and Starling

Chapter 2: Swallow and Starling
Part 1
Minori was at a loss in front of the wooden chest that stored her clothes.

This wouldn"t do, that wasn"t right either. She held each piece to her body to look, but her frantic heart felt
none of them would do. She didn"t throw the clothes aside but folded them neatly instead; this was just
Minori"s style. Her mental state, however, was utter exhaustion.
Minori could partic.i.p.ate in the cake-eating contest since Shiroe agreed, but her aim wasn"t the free cakes.
This was all for Shiroe and Log Horizon.
(This one feels a bit childish, this one matches with Tohya.. that one is... too plain... I"m not looking for
working clothes!)
Minori folded the green overalls carefully.
This was her private room.
Having been forced to share a common room with many others during her times in Hamelin, it still
seemed too extravagant for her.
When she joined Log Horizon, she wanted to share a room with Tohya since she didn"t want to trouble the
others. But Shiroe and Naotsugu said: "The building is big so there is no need to hold back" and prepared
this private room for her.
It would be rude to compare her room in Hamelin to this room. The breezes that flowed through the
window were one of Minori"s joys.
The decorations of the room were not luxurious. It was 10 tatami large even though it was a private room
and the floors and walls were made of wood. There were few furniture items in this big room; only a few
boxes, a bed, and a coffee table.[3]
Since the guild acknowledged this to be her room, Minori could decorate it in anyway she wanted. If she
requested it, everyone would definitely help her move her furniture and might craft something for her too.
But Minori was thrifty and humble by nature, so she was hesitating on buying anything expensive.
Her income was quite luxurious for a mid-level player.
The reason for this was her living here and going out periodically to hunt monsters. The main purpose of
hunting was to train the teamwork of Minori, Tohya, Rundelhous and Isuzu. Even if it was training, they
still received loot from defeating monsters.
Animal-type monsters leave meat or skins behind and intellectual-type monsters drop equipment and
valuable items. There were many rewards from winning battles. These items were known collectively as
"drop items"; most of them could be exchanged for gold or used as crafting ingredients.
For Log Horizon, ingredients that either Nyanta and Shiroe could use as Chef or Scribe would be stored,
the rest would be sold for money.
They deposited large amounts of their earnings secretly to the guild account. They didn"t do this because
someone suggested it, it was a habit the youth group (the name the low-level members called themselves)
learned unconsciously as a way to show their appreciation.
But they couldn"t do that when Naotsugu and Nyanta were leading them. The money was split evenly to
everyone. According to Nyanta, "Receiving the appropriate reward is how you develop professionalism
nya~". Minori understood what he meant but she was unable to accept it.
It was the same with her comrades; they felt indebted to Shiroe and Log Horizon.
This guild also had Nyanta the Chef.
The biggest expenditure in Akiba currently was food.
Utility bills consisted of lamp oil and half the players could replace it with their magic. Accommodation
expenses, either the hotel room fee or the guild hall rental fee, was surprisingly cheap. If one really
needed to, there were countless ruins for one to camp in.
So in Akiba, the bulk of the living expenses lay in eating, so the Engel"s Coefficient of the Adventurers
was miserable.[4]
Most Adventurers spent half their income on food; the ratio was comparable to housing in the old world.
But thanks to Nyanta cooking the meals, Log Horizon members could avoid the money sink for the most
Even if Minori and the others deposited money into the guild account, it didn"t mean that they had no
savings. Minori had acc.u.mulated quite a sum of money.
So there was still room for further expenditure.
Furnishing her room was easy... but she needed to restrain herself too.
This world was originally a game, so there was a huge variety of items. Take beds for instance. From
simple wooden frames to beds carved from ivory or obsidian, or a princess bed with a canopy like a
piece of art, there was a wide a.s.sortment of designs. Beds were crafted by production subcla.s.s
Carpenters, but as they increased their levels, they would continue to create higher-level and more
difficult to make beds that they could sell for a higher price. So while the same bed had different
varieties, the price might differ by a hundred-fold.
Very expensive items existed, but if you chose the cheaper variety, furniture was not really expensive.
This was something that was available when Elder Tales was still a game, so it could be made in 10
seconds using the game menu. The factor affecting price was the difficulty in getting materials and the
level of the craftsman. Time was not an issue.
Beds and wardrobes crafted using cedar or oak trees could be purchased with gold equivalent to 1 meal.
But Minori only bought a few wooden chests for storage, a simple but comfortable bed, a coffee table
similar to a kotatsu, a futon set and some cushions.
This room was very plain.
Minori"s nature was not suitable for splurging.
And that was why Minori"s dresses were all tailored, well-fitted, strong and durable, and gave a clean
and neat feeling when you walked by her in the streets. It was not shabby or shameful to wear but... it was
not eye-catching enough.
(This won"t do...)
Minori placed a light blue dress onto her body but it felt too childish. She felt this dressing would not
match well with Shiroe.
(I need to buy better dresses...)
Minori made up her mind and opened her small purse. The traditional style purse belonged to Minori.
When this world was still a game, money was weightless and could only be seen on the character"s
screen. Now, they had to be carried in wallets, which had become unexpectedly popular items.
Minori"s goal was to restore Shiroe"s reputation.
Instead of restoring his reputation, it was more like making public appearances and propagating his
To be honest, Shiroe"s reputation was really bad in Akiba. Shiroe was one of the eleven guild masters of
the Round Table Council, so he was more famous now.
The Round Table Council was set up according to Shiroe"s plan. Those who were well-informed in
Akiba knew about this. The problem was not about fame, but rather why he was famous.
Shiroe was a tactician-type character and everyone agreed with this. After gaining the nickname "Black
Heart Gla.s.ses", however, the scheming and merciless image had spread all over the city.
The crucial blow seemed to be Raynesia"s speech.
Shiroe had looked like he was bullying Raynesia in that speech. Shiroe"s image had evolved into "A
competent but cold and merciless tactician".
This made Minori sad.
Shiroe was a hero in Minori"s eyes.
n.o.body knew about the kind and gentle Shiroe. Minori believed there were very few players who were
as gentle as Shiroe.
Wasn"t Shiroe the only one who tried to help the beginners confined by Hamelin? No one but Shiroe was
willing to step up and face the situation that everyone else ignored.
Shiroe was a hero in Minori"s heart.
Minori was sad that so many people misunderstood Shiroe. Logically, this would also definitely leave a
shadow on the future operation of the guild. Log Horizon was one of the many small guilds in Akiba and
there was no telling what damage this negative image might cause.
At the very least, Minori knew Shiroe was kind and gentle. She liked everyone in Log Horizon and this
was now her home, so she wished to dispel any bad rumors.
This festival was the chance.
Shiroe had to take some responsibility for the outside world"s strange view of him.
Shiroe who did planning and research work did not attend professional gatherings like the production
guild leaders. He also had no chance to interact with other players like the battle guilds and go raiding.
Guild masters of major guilds treated advertising and recruitment as an official guild activity, at least that
was what Minori heard. Even players who didn"t like to interact with others would socialize without
hesitation at public events. The guild masters were usually friendly and serious players.
Comparatively, Shiroe didn"t mind crowds but he rarely attended such activities. He had been buried in
his work recently and had been staying indoors all the time.
So the source of the problem was that Shiroe didn"t go out enough which could be solved by introducing
Shiroe to Akiba. Take the cake-eating contest for example; if they won in the contest, they would be
invited to the large scale dinner party on the last night of the festival. She heard Akikuro (Akiba news)
would also be present, if everything went well...
Minori fantasized for a while but pulled herself back into reality.
(But, but, we will be eating cake together, so it will be a problem if I dressed too plainly...)
Usually, the city would not change its perception of Shiroe unless he solved a major problem or gave a
moving speech. But Minori remained optimistic.
(Shiroe-san is handsome so that is not an issue.)
She conveniently forgot that this was just her personal opinion. The handsome Shiroe might just be the
delusion of a young girl.
At this point, no one thought the truth behind Minori"s feelings was a problem.
No one could tell if this emotion was from the trust of a guardian or a faint sense of longing, or something
even more concrete.
Minori herself didn"t give a name to this feeling in her heart.
Part 2
Akatsuki was aware of her symptoms.
She returned to her room like Minori and sat on the tatami silently like an ornament, but her heart was in
Akatsuki looked very cute sitting properly on her cushion. Her long black and l.u.s.trous hair that flowed
behind her along with her pet.i.te body gave the impression of a small, prestigious animal. [5]
No matter how small she was, she was still a college student. Her knowledge definitely won over a
middle-schooler. But being unable to say she had more "experience" made Akatsuki sad. She was aware of
her lack of experience which made her panic even more.
(Why must I feel pressure from a middle-schooler...)

Akatsuki writhed(?) in depression as she hugged her knees.
With her lack of experience in love and her unnecessary inferiority complex, she was unable to keep calm
in this situation. Her restraint had not improved with age.
In the end, the culprit was her height.
Akatsuki sighed and recollected about the past while touching her hair fringe.
Grade school was fine, she had looked her age.
Next, she became a middle-school girl that still looked like a grade-school girl.
When she moved on to high school, she became a highschool girl that still looked like a grade-school girl.
When she had become a college student, she was finally mistaken for a middle-school girl, but she had
lost all her strength and will to joke about it.
Akatsuki thought her looks were fine but she didn"t have experience with love. Men who approached her
misunderstood something and harbored a certain special interest. She had no expectations to date
normally under such an environment.
Someone confessed to her before.
(But that is...)
Akatsuki drooped her shoulders dishearteningly.
The year she was accepted into college, a middle-school boy who lived in the neighborhood confessed to
her, thinking she was a middle-school girl from another zone. Of course, Akatsuki rejected him, but the
impact was so great that she collapsed from illness; it still left an ache in her heart.
Even then, it was not necessary for Akatsuki to get into a relationship. She was interested in boy-girl
relationships at her age, of course, but she had not yet reached the point of "Anyone will do, I want to try
being in a relationship". She also felt foolish to hold such expectations without anyone specific in mind.
Akatsuki wished for a more sensible relationship based on ability instead of appearance. Akatsuki was
treated more like a mascot wherever she went because of her cute appearance and small stature. Even her
younger sister treated her like a junior sibling at home.
So she longed for a relationships of partners, comrades, or colleagues. Being a subordinate or henchman
was fine too; she longed for a relationship that acknowledged each others’ strengths and made up for each
others" weaknesses.
Because no one had ever treated her this way.
She was hardworking by nature and would focus tirelessly and sincerely on whatever goal she set. But
her efforts did not get the proper recognition because of her cute appearance. That was the reason why she
role-played as a silent a.s.sa.s.sin in Elder Tales.
(But that was only until the Catastrophe.)
That terrible incident made everything change.
The only good thing that happened in that h.e.l.lish and confusing event was meeting Shiroe. After Shiroe,
there was Naotsugu and Nyanta, as well as a guild she now called home... Log Horizon.
Akatsuki made true friends for the first time in the Elder Tales that became an alternate world. These
were relationships that wouldn"t ridicule or spoil Akatsuki because of her height.
But she was still being treated like a mascot.
Her appearance was a part of her and wouldn"t change in the future. This could not be helped and she had
accepted it now. Because she understood strength, ability could be confirmed through "sight" just like
Just by simply checking the status screen, one could see strength clearly... "level" was Akatsuki"s gospel.
You could earn the respect of everyone simply by sincerely doing your part in the team. There might be
many horrifying or painful things in this world, but Akatsuki thought this point was great.
Shiroe gifted her an Appearance Reset Potion not long after the Catastrophe happened so she addressed
Shiroe as "my lord" to express her grat.i.tude. She wanted her strength to be recognized and was willing to
take on the role of subordinate to prove herself.
She would not accept any thoughts of "I will help you for free since you are a little girl".
But Shiroe was a "lord" greater than she had realized. Shiroe was generous, tactically brilliant, had
foresight beyond her ability, and had the strong will to choose the future. Akatsuki was very glad to be
"partners" with Shiroe.
And if Shiroe had a weakness, it was his battle prowess.
Shiroe"s attack was generally too weak to end battles. Akatsuki was able to a.s.sist Shiroe on this point and
Shiroe seemed to acknowledge her pro-level performance.
As a person living in the modern world, Akatsuki was afraid of fighting monsters to the death, but she had
learned Kendo when she was young, so this was an obstacle that she could tackle. Being acknowledged
for the ability to fight well was better than the shameful feeling of not getting acknowledgement anywhere.
She might look like a fiercely loyal shin.o.bi to others, but Akatsuki thought there was a good reason and it
matched her goal... But hiding her bashfulness played a big part in it too.
It didn"t take long for her feelings to grow deeper along with her trust. What instigated it, when did it start,
Akatsuki didn"t know. She just felt a ticklish and comfortable s.p.a.ce in her heart when she was by Shiroe"s
(So it started when we rode the griffon?)
Her expression relaxed as she recalled the feeling of riding the griffon.
The feeling of acceleration like you were in free-fall and the thrill that she felt in the strong wind. Her
feelings when she clung onto Shiroe"s back or stayed in his arms brought her immense excitement and
This might be the Suspension-Bridge Effect, but that was not important. Akatsuki felt attracted to him.
She would feel happy just by staying by Shiroe"s side, she was so obsessed that she was seriously
practicing hiding and walking silently.
Akatsuki found it hard to express this feeling in words; it was too embarra.s.sing to say it even in her heart.
Simply put, she liked him. Akatsuki was aware that their genders played a part in liking him.
From the way Akatsuki saw it, it would be fine even if she was not aware.
The "partner" Akatsuki was searching for was someone who respected her and would accept her as a
companion. Even though she liked him, she didn"t need him to reciprocate the same way. More
importantly, Akatsuki found this comfortable feeling recently.
Like the flower she was nursing in her heart, like music without sound(?), Akatsuki lived everyday filled
with happiness as long as she held on to this feeling.
But Minori appeared at this moment.
Akatsuki held nothing against Minori personally. Minori was serious, kind, smart, and hardworking; there
was nothing for her to pick on. Akatsuki treated her like a good comrade and a cute junior. Akatsuki"s
depression came from her own bad luck.
... Or rather good luck.
She got away from the prejudice of being treated like a middle-school girl and met a nice group of
companions who saw her as one of them. These companions moved her heart. This was a good and
fortunate thing. Akatsuki could feel that these companions did not dislike her. This was a joyful
But her love rival that appeared was a real middle-school girl and it made her wonder what were the
causes and effects that led up to this.
(Woo... Am I really the standard-bearer for lolis...)
Akatsuki was tempted to throw her cushion out and use a.s.sa.s.sinate.
"Now that I think about it, this is not too bad... probably."
Akatsuki had an inferiority complex about her appearance. She was cute, but that was the cuteness of a
mascot, not as an object of love, correct? Akatsuki was unable to wipe away her doubts. That was why it
was fortunate that Minori was her love rival. She was a real middle-school girl so Akatsuki wouldn"t lose
in body figure. But still she seemed to be bound to the middle-school girl category.
Akatsuki raised her head as she thought of this.
Akatsuki took out a similar flyer because she was provoked and her compet.i.tive nature stirred. But that
meant she needed to go on a date, right? She needed to be totally prepared for this.
Akatsuki panicked suddenly and fidgeted distractedly on the cushion.
Since it was a date, she would need to dress up for it right? Impossible! Akatsuki shook her head. It was
really impossible in her situation, she only had clothes that were as black as ink. She had some feminine
dresses for social events back on earth, but she only had dark colored costumes used by a.s.sa.s.sins in this
Elder Tales world.
She had no need to improve her wardrobe seeing as she could perform her duties as a ninja serving her
lord, Shiroe, with no problems.
But it would be bad to go on a date in these clothes.
(Wait, how about the setting of a shin.o.bi accompanying her lord on a mission?)
Akatsuki nodded her head. Shiroe was eating free cakes and she was tagging along officially as his
bodyguard, this setting would work. Akatsuki shook her head just as she was starting to relax. This setting
was too unreasonable no matter how you put it. And the one who proposed this out of her compet.i.tive
nature when Shiroe was in trouble was Akatsuki herself.
If she changed her stance tomorrow and said, "Do you want to eat my lord? I am your bodyguard", Shiroe
would look at her with pitiful eyes. Shiroe might even be disheartened and give up on her.
(Well then, I will need Henrietta"s help...)
Akatsuki thought about that but was reluctant to do so. Even if she ignored Henrietta"s doting actions, the
problem was her taste in clothes trended towards young girls" fashion. It might be useful in other cases,
but she wouldn"t stand a chance in winning against a real middle-school girl this way.
In the end, it would be best to pick her own dress.
Akatsuki sprang up from the tatami as she thought of this.
The gentle rain covered Akiba like a mist, but the afternoon sun still shone brightly.
There must be many fashionable handmade dresses she could buy in the central square.
Part 3
An impetuous noisy atmosphere shrouded Akiba.
The Adventurers were rushing to complete the setup of their stalls for the festival, but they were not the
only ones who were busy.
Just like Akatsuki and Minori, people would want to do something when there was a festival. Since this
was a major event that encompa.s.sed the whole of Akiba, not only the production guild players, but all the
Adventurers living in the city were involved. Wrong, even the People of the Land were also helping with
the preparations.
For example, Chefs who wanted to cook special food that day would need to gather resources, those
organizing a banquet would need to buy ingredients or fruits. With resources running low, visiting
merchants had become popular in the city. There was a significant increase in Adventurers farming
monsters for drop items while female Adventurers worried about buying fashionable dresses just like
The clearing of debris to widen the s.p.a.ce in the city square was also ongoing in concert with the festival
preparation in Akiba, albeit less pa.s.sionately. The notice boards were updated with new official quests
announced by the Round Table Council everyday. The guilds would want to revamp the outside of their
building to welcome the festival with a refreshing look, as expected of j.a.panese culture.
The specialized jobs of Carpenters and furniture craftsmen increased as well and the workshop would
continue to be lively for the next few days.
The busiest group in Akiba was the Production Guild Liaison Committee and its central figure was
Charasin, guild master of 8th District Shopping Center.
Charasin cursed and swore: "It"s like I have been cursed from everywhere". But he continued to use
telepathy to coordinate all the necessary tasks.
He enjoyed chatting and had many friends, but he did not expect the telepathy calls to flood in like this.
The endless enquirers bound him to the room with no reprieve. This was all the fault of that gla.s.ses
wearing young man with nasty eyes.
Adventurers revered 8th District Shopping Center as one of the 3 major production guilds, but the truth
was a bit different.
8th District Shopping Center was not a production guild.
It was a chatting guild.
As seen from its name, it was a guild used for chatting. When the world was still a game, some of the
players played this game in order to chat with others. They still went on adventures, collected and crafted
items, but these were just topics they used for conversations, chatting was their main form of enjoyment in
this game.
The period with the biggest crowd in Elder Tales was from 8pm to midnight after dinner. Many players
logged in during this time to chat leisurely with their friends.
These chatty players were totally the opposite of gaming fan players who enjoyed challenging raids.
The guild formed by these chatty players was 8th District Shopping Center. Doing business was just a
channel to talk about things, 8th District Shopping Center started trading because it was interesting to
interact with customers.
Compared to The Rodrick Firm that collected phantasmal ingredients to craft rare equipment, or the
production guild Oceanic Systems that was formed to deal with the Adventurers" need for ingredients,
they had a fundamental difference.
The position of the guild master also differed from Rodrick of The Rodrick Firm and Michitaka of
Oceanic Systems. Charasin was the head of a congregation of merchants in 8th District Shopping Center,
not a ruler holding great authority. He might be the representative, the face dealing with the outside, but
although the members respected him, they didn"t swear their fealty to him.
But as the head and central figure of a chatting guild, his friend list had 980 names, barely safe from the
system limit.
Charasin utilized this network to receive reports continuously.
"Yes, understood! I will inform Zhuge Liang-kun."
"Hmm? Ahah, that is too expensive right?"
"Wrong... You cannot... do... that. The Liaison Committee must not be biased towards anyone, the position
of the stalls will be decided by drawing lots, we need to be firm about this."
Charasin changed his telepathy calls continuously as he made all sorts of notes on the paper in front of
There was an enormous pile of planning reports and application forms, the mess was larger than in
Shiroe"s room.
"Ah, Michitaka-san."
The burly man entering the room was Michitaka. Michitaka dropped the scrolls of doc.u.ments he was
holding under his armpits on the table and looked around the room.
"Hey hey hey, are you doing this alone?"
Charasin replied to Michitaka with a smile.
"This is expected, my organization that is akin to a gathering of individual merchants will be interested in
doing business in a festival of this scale, I want to take part myself too."
"Aye, you are right."
Michitaka had a burning smell on him. He was a Blacksmith who came directly from his workshop.
Oceanic Systems might be the biggest production guild in Akiba, but their leader seemed to prefer crafting
items personally.
"For my side, it is like a shared works.p.a.ce with the main focus of making good items for sale, we are not
proficient in trading and bargaining. I will leave this part to you, but you should enjoy this exhibition like
visiting a festival as well."
There were several types of players who focused on production in MMORPG. Players similar to
Charasin who enjoyed chatting; players like Michitaka who ma.s.s produced items in the workshop and
enjoyed the game like a crafting simulator; or collectors similar to Rodrick who gathered unique and rare
The Libra Festival was closely related to all sorts of production players.
"Putting that aside, everything going well?"
"Nope, I have no clue. I can"t do anything about the lack of manpower."
Charasin gestured behind him with an annoyed face.
There was an a.s.sortment of items stuffed into wooden boxes. There were dozens of boxes and the stuff
was piled up to the ceiling. These were all sample items for the partic.i.p.ants of the Libra Festival.
Charasin wanted to screen out any dangerous items by asking for samples, but it ended in failure. The
partic.i.p.ants submitted tons of diverse samples impossible for Charasin to screen through... Even 10
people might not be able to do it in time.
"Ahah, looks like..."
"Impossible right?"
Charasin and Michitaka nodded in agreement.
The burden was too heavy.
"Seems like this idea has to be sc.r.a.pped. Can we leave it alone?"
"Guess that will have to do. Heavens, tomorrow will be h.e.l.l on earth."
The brooding Charasin replied cheerfully. It had reached such a level at this point of time, and this level
was a sign of things to come. The Libra Festival was expanding in a scale further than Charasin and
Michitaka could ever imagine.
Charasin and Michitaka could feel this obvious atmosphere.
The guild masters of the Round Table Council should be feeling it to some extent. But the rate of growth
was faster than anyone could expect.
Charasin who was at the heart of the Libra Festival... Production Guild Liaison Committee office, felt a
sense of danger the night before the festival.
But at this point of time, even Charasin was unable to detect the malicious intent bearing concrete goals.
Part 4
Shiroe"s battle record should be very impressive to others.
For instance, he provided tactical insight to a group of players that did not form a guild, the Debauchery
Tea Party, to be the fastest in the j.a.panese server to complete the raid "Fields of Dead Spirits". For
players who were in the know, this record was highly regarded.
In famous raids like "Rhadamanthys" Throne" or "The Nine Great Prisons of the Heilos", being the first to
complete a raid with their small organization made the Debauchery Tea Party a legend in a way.
Also, well informed people knew that the series of events that led to the formation of the Round Table
Council must be credited to Shiroe"s effort. His actions during crucial moments of large scale battles
made the battle record of tactician Shiroe even more splendid.
But that was what outsiders saw. For Shiroe himself, this was just a part of countless battles. Shiroe had
experienced battles that were small in scale and pointless to recce in advance. If you included all these
battles as well, he didn"t think his success rate was very high.
Shiroe didn"t think highly of his tactician abilities.
(My success rate will probably drop today too.)
Shiroe had been feeling uneasy while trying to avoid attracting any attention.
"Please don"t daze off my lord."
"That"s right Shiroe-san, it will be a pity since you are so handsome."
"Hmmm. Should be... Very handsome right?"
"My lord is my lord, it doesn"t matter if he is handsome."
But the reality was cruel.
The two young girls on both sides wouldn"t allow Shiroe to maintain a low profile.
On his right was a bright and cheerful young girl with a slender body that was acting her age. She was
Minori, a Kannagi in Log Horizon.
She looked more feminine today, wearing a long denim skirt, white blouse, and an apricot pink cardigan.
She gave the image of a daughter from a rich family, very suitable for Minori who liked to take care of
people. Her black hair that turned dark brown in the sunlight was tied with a black lace ribbon which also
looked cute.
Sitting to his left was an old friend of Shiroe. A self proclaimed ninja with an uncanny sense of loyalty,
Akatsuki. Akatsuki let her black hair, which looked even more l.u.s.trous today, down behind her back, but
gazed at Shiroe in her usual serious manner.
Her dress was different from her usual pure black color. She was wearing a light purple kimono
complemented by a blue hakama on the bottom. The young cat-like beauty Akatsuki suited this school-girl
style dress exceedingly well.
If you asked 100 people, all of them would agree that Akatsuki was a beautiful young girl; Minori was
also a girl that made you bright and happy like a daughter. This was a double blessing.
But Shiroe sandwiched in between looked troubled.
He was unable to explain what happened or point out a clear reason, but he felt as though he was sitting
on pins and needles.
This was the center of Akiba, a cafe set up on a major junction. Shiroe was sitting here by the invitation of
these 2 girls.
Shiroe was guided by his cautious nature to find out more about this cake eating contest in advance. There
would be several rounds of preliminaries, so he could partic.i.p.ate with Akatsuki and Minori separately by
entering at different times.
But Shiroe was not interested in challenging this free contest twice. Even if this was a festival, this action
would be akin to a kid who ate all the food in the sampling area correct? Shiroe came up with a plan
while holding this thought in mind.
Since Akatsuki and Minori both liked cake, it would be fine if all 3 of them partic.i.p.ated together. The rule
was 8 pices for 2 people, so the 3 of them should be fine with 12 pieces.
Fortunately the Round Table Council had met with the guild hosting this cake contest, Danceteria, several
times before. He remembered she was on good terms with Henrietta and had the temperament of an
The guild master Kanako welcomed Shiroe warmly when he went to apply. The reason she was receiving
him with a smile was because Shiroe was a member of the Round Table Council, that made things easier
so Shiroe made his request directly.
"There are 2 girls in my guild who want to join with me, can we change the challenge to 12?" Something
like this. Kanako was surprised at the beginning and asked for the details with squinted eyes. It was not
something he should spread around, but there was no point in hiding it at this point. Shiroe thought Log
Horizon was a very open guild.
After explaining himself, the kind guild master agreed to the 3 of them entering the contest. But her smile
seemed to hold some hidden intention that made Shiroe think something was not right. But since he got his
way, he could ignore such doubts. And thus Shiroe obtained the permission to partic.i.p.ate in the cake
eating contest as a trio.
And so the 3 of them waited for the cakes to be served in the open-air cafe, but Shiroe was feeling a slight
tummy ache since morning.
He hadn"t eaten anything yet, so this was not caused by the cakes.
Minori and Akatsuki usually got along well, but there was some tension in the air around them. This
should be one of the reasons.
"We can eat this together, so don"t worry!" When Shiroe reported via telepathy, leaving Minori aside,
Akatsuki responded in a weird tone. Shiroe thought it had something to do with shin.o.bi loyalty, but he
was not sure of the actual reason.
On the other hand, Minori was all revved up. She had been chatting cheerfully with Shiroe from the start,
but her overly pa.s.sionate and positive att.i.tude surprised Shiroe. Minori who was always so hardworking
was looking towards the cake so much just like a middle school girl and Shiroe thought this was very
But Akatsuki was fidgeting with her hakama and peeking at Shiroe occasionally. She took out kunai and
other throwing weapons out of nowhere from time to time, so Shiroe had to keep an eye on her all the
There were 20 couples seated around them chatting peacefully with smiles on their faces.
The breeze got colder in the evening of October, the open-air cafe looked so peaceful under the orange
street lights. There was a Bard somewhere performing a pop song that was a bit old, the music came with
the wind and the nostalgic melody filled their ears.
Almost all the couples seated around were lovers, Shiroe thought absentmindedly.
It had been 5 months since the Catastrophe. This was an alternate world, there was enough time for 2
strangers to meet and fall in love.
One side of Shiroe"s mind played the straight man and said: "Hey hey hey, this has been a hectic 5 months,
it is impossible to find the time in this time of crisis!" but the opposition said: "No no no, it is because
this is an exciting and fantastic world, this is why the fire of love is burning bright in young couples,
Shiroe never had a girlfriend before or had been in a relationship.
So he was unable to judge whether "this situation is being in love", but on the bright side, it was none of
his business. Since they were happy, there was no need to go too deeply into it. Shiroe made this
Couples were an existence that made you smile and Shiroe didn"t hate them. He didn"t like to talk about
love experiences or giving love consultations, but watching them from a distance gave him a warm feeling
in his heart. That was why Shiroe was looking at them distractedly.
"My lord, my lord!"
"Ah, eh, sorry. What is it Akatsuki?"
Shiroe turned to look at Akatsuki who was much more restless than usual. She told him: "Your blank
expression is not presentable.”
Minori also chipped in: "Absolutely right, you need to go all out!" Shiroe thought it was weird to go allout
in a cake-eating contest, but he swallowed his words when he looked at Minori"s serious face.
Seemed like Minori was all fired up.
Her pose of clenching her fists in front of her chest was cute, like a certain comedy character. She said
"Let"s do our best!" Her pretty face and serious expression made her look more like she’s acting mature
than actually trying to be an adult. Instead of being encouraged, Shiroe felt a warmth in his heart.
It"s a mystery.
"Akatsuki-senpai"s kimono is so pretty."
Minori said these words as Shiroe was thinking of what to say. She probably didn"t meant to aid him, but
she was a great help for coming up with this conversation topic.
"It is very pretty. It"s rare to see you in a kimono Akatsuki, did something good happen?"
"It doesn"t suit me?"
Akatsuki seemed troubled and was putting on a brave face at the same time, causing both Minori and
Shiroe to say "No such thing". The kimono was light-purple adorned with bell flowers giving it a mature
design, and fit the pet.i.te Akatsuki so well it must be tailor-made. She was usually an enigmatic beautiful
young girl like some small animal, she looked more stunning dressed in a kimono.
"Akatsuki-senpai looks good in a kimono."
"This is like a gra..."
"The word graduation ceremony is banned."[6]
Akatsuki struck preemptively, leaving Shiroe speechless. Akatsuki glared at Shiroe and whispered "I will
use my knee even if it is my lord." But after Minori and Shiroe repeatedly complimented her saying "it
really suits you well", Akatsuki regained her calm mood and forgave Shiroe.
"Minori also looks good in this dress."
The middle-school girl blushed and smiled at Shiroe"s compliment.
This get up seemed to be matched by Isuzu. Including where she bought the blouse and cardigan, how
much she spent and the advice Isuzu gave, Minori explained in detail happily. Akatsuki who was tense all
the while was also getting interested and listened to her while holding Shiroe"s sleeve.
Shiroe finally loosened up a bit at this scene.
(If women are involved, all preparations and tactics are unreliable.)
It was the same during his time in the Debauchery Tea Party. For instance with Nazuna or Saki, any
incident related to female Adventurers didn"t end well no matter how much homework or planning you did
in advance.
But if it didn"t cause too much commotion, the problem would resolve itself like nothing ever happened.
This was an incomprehensible and unavoidable result from a tactician"s view.
(But "she" was different.)
Shiroe recollected.
"She" was the founder of the Debauchery Tea Party, sort of like the guild master. Because the Debauchery
Tea Party was a gathering of free players and took care of themselves, it was not a guild and "she" was not
an official guild master.
As Nyanta said "Everyone knows what to do to build a comfortable home", so in a sense there was no need
for a guild master.
She was the unofficial leader because she was the most willful person in the Debauchery Tea Party. In a
sense, the Debauchery Tea Party was dragged all over the place by her.
(This lady can say something stunning with a straight face such as wanting to see the midnight sun in
"Her" willfulness was at the international level, causing Shiroe"s battle record to worsen. The result didn"t
flatten out or end up with nothing conclusive, they usually ended up dead or on the edge of death. She once
led a volunteer group on an overseas server expedition, but lost a key item preventing them from entering
the Aurora zone, a really exhausting experience. This was the start of Shiroe"s life of hardships.
In contrast, Akatsuki"s and Minori"s request was much cuter. He could fulfill their wishes if things went
well. Shiroe thought.
Part 5
"Wah, it looks so delicious!"
The cakes were being served in front of Minori"s wide eyes. They hadn"t reached Shiroe"s table yet, but
cute strawberry shortcakes had been placed on several tables, the strawberries were bright and pretty.
The members of Danceteria humbly apologized their work was not up to the standard of the dessert shops
from the original world, but it didn"t feel this way at all. Both the appearance and the fragrance piqued
their appet.i.te.
"My lord my lord, I am looking forward to it."
"So pretty, I am so excited!"
Shiroe who was stuck between the young girls was starting to feel a bit better. This might be a hectic day,
but he should be able to eat 4 slices easily if they were this size. It should be the same for Minori and
Akatsuki, the 3 of them had no doubt they could finish easily.
The waitress served the cake to the tables, placing a variety of cakes before each couple. It was finally
time for Shiroe"s table, the guild master personally delivered the cakes on a silver tray with a big smile.
On the platter were 12 whole cakes. Strawberry, apricot, chocolate, cheese, yogurt, black current, apple
pie, and chestnut that was a little early for the season.
12 cakes.
It was not in slices but whole cakes.
Minori made a surprised face while Akatsuki"s expression was starting to cramp up.
"This is..."
Shiroe asked with his gaze, the guild master of Danceteria replied with a big smile.
"This is special service from our guild."
"Wait, this is a bit much..."
"This is our hearty service."
The guild master pushed down the doubts with her smile as she carefully placed the cakes on the table.
The first one was an apple pie. A People of the Land waitress said "Let me cut this into portions" and
started to slice it. The round pie was divided into 8 familiar triangle pieces, the perfect sizing size.
The small table in the cafe couldn"t hold all these cakes, a dining trolley has been set up beside the table
to hold the other cakes. 8 of them were the same as the other contestants, but the other 4 were specially
made for them decorated with a candy figurines of a male between 2 females.
"My lord..."
The 2 young girls looked at the slices of apple pie with a cramped expression. The apple pie looked tasty
and Shiroe was confident of eating 4 of them. If the girls acted like normal girls and shouted "I can"t eat
anymore", Shiroe was mentally prepared to eat one for each of them, a total of 6 slices.
Shiroe knew from experience women who claimed to have a small appet.i.te were lying, but "she" had
educated him strictly that he had an obligation to take it like a man.
But his limit was 5 or 6 slices. But being served the whole cake meant 8 times the amount. And the
stunning number of cakes before him was a psychological attack far worse than mere numbers.
"Anyway, let"s start with 1 slice?"
Shiroe had no other intention other than to buy time when he said this, and the 3 of them started to eat the
apple pie. Delicious. The large amount of apples used gave it a refreshing sweetness, the faint taste of
cinnamon soothed both mind and body. He finished one slice unceremoniously as he immersed in the
moistness and tenderness of the apples.
(I might be able to finish this...) As Shiroe was holding this sweet optimism, the rest of the apple pie
appeared right in front of him.
Akatsuki placed it there.
"This is my lord"s portion."
"You said portion, but this is the whole thing!"
"Ah, I am sorry, I will cut it into slices!"
That"s not the point. When Shiroe was stopping Akatsuki, Minori had already stood up and was slicing the
cake deftly with a knife. As Minori cut with a serious expression, her hair with a black ribbon shook near
Shiroe"s ears giving off a nice aroma.
(Ah ah, middle-school students are also girls...) As Shiroe thought about this, murmurs of "Kill yourself",
"Unforgivable lolicon", "Die", "Break your gla.s.ses" could be heard from all over the cafe.
Akatsuki looked stunned. Shiroe shifted his gaze to her side and saw the cakes were decorated with
twisted words that seemed to be written with the left hand. "How sly to bring 2 girls", "Die lolicon ❤",
"Two-timer" and other such words were on the cakes.
Shiroe finally understood the situation he was in.
The moment he understood, this phrase flashed across his mind. The 3 of them were in a minefield set up
by outsiders called "misunderstanding". Shiroe"s reputation was already bad, but he didn"t want his 2
precious guild mates to be discriminated against too.
(No good, this might affect the 2 of them. It is a shame to call me a tactician like this... We need to stay
low profile, quiet, and keep the damage to a minimum. Retreat from the cafe and reorganize...)
Shiroe"s mind was running at high speed trying to search of ways to remedy the situation.
He didn"t know how bad the misunderstanding was, how it came about and what was their current status.
In this state, even if he grasped the situation he wouldn"t be able to control it. Shiroe was unable to use his
"Full Control Encounter" because of this. Akatsuki placed her fork in front of him.
"My lord, here."
On the fork was a cute bite-size portion of apple pie.
"For me?"
Akatsuki nodded. Shiroe almost burst out "You want to push the rest to me right!". But under the stare of
Akatsuki"s black eyes, he was unable to speak. Usually, Akatsuki didn"t dress up, but she was wearing a
bell flower hair ornament today, making it even harder for Shiroe to talk.
Shiroe pouted to restrain his awkward mood. Akatsuki tilted her head with a perplexed face as her right
hand with the fork moved closer.
"Please eat, my lord."
Akatsuki fed him food this way, but it was a big problem for Shiroe.
Feeding someone with a fork was what was known in the world as "Ah... nh" action. He could tell from
Akatsuki"s serious face that she was doing this with malicious intent, but the outsiders wouldn"t be able to
If this went on, he would gain the reputation of a lolicon.
If he stepped on this mine, not only would his leg be broken, his lower body would be blown away. The
stares from the surroundings were stabbing at him painfully. This was an open-air cafe and the highlight of
the 1st day of the festival, even the pedestrians would glance here from time to time.
"Quick, or it will drop."
But this piece of pie had been forced in front of him, Shiroe could only accept it. The giggles that erupted
in the background and the pointing fingers of the crowd appeared in Shiroe"s mind. He just wanted to find
a hole and hide inside.
He turned around to see Minori with sparkling eyes also feeding him a piece of golden apple pie. Facing
the pure and antic.i.p.ating eyes of a girl 9 years his junior, even Shiroe didn"t have the heart to turn her
(Aren"t they a bit too dense for failing to read the situation? Now is the time to retreat, this is becoming a
public execution right?)
"Is it good?"
"It"s delicious right, my lord?"
"Hold on, it is tasty... But now is not the time to discuss this."
Shiroe tried replying this way, but the other couples around him were repeatedly doing the "Ah... nh"
action. Shiroe already had a faint feeling about this, but he was devastated when he saw the truth.
Seemed like love was in the air of Akiba, more than he imagined.
The clear sounds of laughter was not directed at Shiroe, but the loving whispers of infatuated couples.
There was still room to redeem himself if he explained it this way... Shiroe consoled himself, but this
didn"t resolve the issue.
Reality was moving forward with the acc.u.mulation of each tiny step. It was symbolized by the cakes piled
high in front of him.
Part 6
Reality was not something you could overcome just because you had the courage to challenge it. This was
shown by the failure of Shiroe"s table in the contest. There was still a chance if the trio took on 12 slices
of cake. But 12 whole cakes was outrageous, it couldn"t be done unless your stomach was a Bag of
The 3 of them did their best, but their limit was 18 pieces, 2 cakes and a quarter. Shiroe ate 9 of them, and
he was feeling so bad he didn"t want to move.
The 3 who lost in the all-you-can-eat battle headed back to their guild house depressed. It was not free
since they did not finish, so Shiroe had to pay for all 12 cakes.
The time was about 8pm.
Shiroe was resting on the 3rd floor balcony of their guild house. To be precise, his tummy was so full he
didn"t want to move.
He planned to kill time by strolling around the festival after the contest, but setting Minori and Akatsuki
aside, Shiroe felt like the weight of the cakes was pressing directly on his organs. Shiroe was tired and
not in any condition to walk around, so he could only return to the guild house.
According to the message on the dining hall blackboard, Nyanta and Naotsugu went sightseeing in the
festival, Isuzu and Rundelhous wrote "Walking the dog", they must be out on a date.
Shiroe took a glimpse at the board and walked to the balcony to rest on the cedar wood bench.
It could also be described as sinking.
The world would keep spinning at its own pace, it had been an unlucky day for Shiroe.
(This is why doing my homework in advance is useless.)
Now that he thought about it, that was why the Danceteria guild master was smiling so mysteriously. She
had planned to attack with the whole cakes from the start. Shiroe did show up with 2 girls, but they were
not in this sort of relationship, so there was no need for this level of jealousy.
(How did they calculate 12 whole cakes for the 3 of us... Ah, that"s right.)
Shiroe had an inspiration and opened his telepathy, he was going to recommend the cake contest to
Soujirou. The open-air cafe would also be running the free cake contest tomorrow, so Soujirou with his
harem const.i.tution would be able to enjoy it to the fullest.
Soujirou on the other end of the call seemed to be partic.i.p.ating in the festival with his guild members to
kill time. Shiroe could hear the faint female voices when conversing with Soujirou, but he couldn"t make
out what they were saying. Shiroe was used to it, but Soujirou was surrounded by ladies right now.
Soujirou thanked Shiroe repeatedly for his recommendation. Shiroe didn"t feel any guilt despite Soujirou"s
straightforward att.i.tude. Shiroe who brought 2 members to the contest out of kindness was mistaken for
being a two-timer and was bombarded with cakes. So a real harem should receive the appropriate
treatment they deserved, Shiroe convinced himself that way.
Shiroe ended the call and felt better having vented some of his frustration. He leaned on the back of the
bench relaxing his whole body and looked up at the night sky.
The unique feature of Log Horizon"s guild house was the tree that punched through the floors and through
the ceilings. The ancient tree spread its branches over the whole building covering Shiroe"s living s.p.a.ce
in its shade.
It was the same for the balcony Shiroe was resting in, the branches swayed gently in the wind like an
extension of the roof.
It was probably because of the festival, the streets had more lights than usual. The sun had set, but the
orange glow from the shop lamps and the streetlights shone on the pavement full of moss and the branches
decorated with ribbons, creating a fantastic atmosphere.
Log Horizon"s guild house was modest in its decoration, but they still hung up some green banners and
orange ribbons as ornaments. This was probably Minori and Tohya"s style of making the place more
(I have been neglecting my own guild recently...)
Shiroe thought about this after ending the call with Soujirou.
Usually, the most important duty of a guild master was running the guild itself. Being on top of things,
providing a.s.sistance to members doing activities, planning and leading teams in operations, these were
all part of managing a guild.
But Log Horizon was different from other guilds.
First was their numbers. Log Horizon had 8 people, Elder Tales" standard party size was 6, so they
needed to leave 2 behind if they wanted to form a team.
Also, the level gap between the Log Horizon members was big, and divided into 2 groups. Shiroe,
Naotsugu, Nyanta, and Akatsuki were the senior level 90 team. Minori, Tohya, Rundelhous, and Isuzu
were the junior party around level 40.
It was hard to form a party with their level difference.
For normal guilds, they would divide themselves by level and operate separately, this was the natural
course of action.
But Log Horizon was full of veterans who liked to take care of others. Thankfully, Naotsugu and the
others didn"t mind using the mentoring system to match the junior party and fill up the party roster.
From the perspective of training, they were a talented bunch.
Nyanta was the ideal adult that was humorous and patient when guiding the low level players. Protecting
the low level players during their adventures was the duty a guild master should take the lead in, but
Nyanta had done it on his behalf splendidly and was enjoying himself as well.
Naotsugu was also very suitable. He was not as refined as Nyanta, suitable for leading a bigger group.
When Crescent Moon Alliance brought their beginners along to form 3 party expeditions, Naotsugu was
the most popular mentor for the other guild.
It was the same with Akatsuki, she was shy and not good with words, but she didn"t think of leading the
beginners for training as a difficult ch.o.r.e. When the beginners hunted monsters and returned triumphantly,
they would not see Akatsuki the entire time. But Akatsuki was protecting them from the dark, stopping
high-level monsters from ambushing them... She was enjoying leading the party in her own way.
While other guilds needed the guild master to lead and plan the tasks and operations of the group, Log
Horizon members were able to do so in lieu of their guild master. That was why Shiroe could deal with
his Round Table Council work.
Leaving the duties of guild master to others was harmless in terms of daily operations, but it would affect
the personal connections among guild members.
Shiroe was the high-level member who spent the least amount of time with the junior group. For example,
he would make time to eat dinner with everyone in the guild house to improve relations, but Shiroe could
feel the questioning looks from Rundelhous and Isuzu that said "Is our guild master a lazy b.u.m who stays
indoors all day?", and thought this needed to change.
(In terms of the prestige of a guild master, I am not as good as Naotsugu or Chief Nyanta... Even Soujirou
is in control of his harem... correction, his guild"s operation.)
Shiroe felt a bit down. He did not think it was possible to live up to everyone"s expectations in
performing his duties, even though this was the result of everyone pitching in to help, but he still felt the
need to spend more time with his Log Horizon guild mates.
Shiroe thought this was the reason why Akatsuki and Minori forced him to partic.i.p.ate in this activity.
(This festival might be a good chance. For the Round Table Council... I can"t leave it alone, but I should
take a break from it at a good stopping point. I need to make more time to spend with everyone.)
"My lord."
Shiroe who was thinking about all this jumped at Akatsuki"s voice from close range.
"What is it Akatsuki?"
"Nothing, it"s just that..."
Akatsuki was still wearing her glamorous clothes as she sat down quietly beside Shiroe. The gentle
breeze of October brushed across their faces gently, bringing with it the leisurely sound of string
instruments from the city.
"I can hear music"
"Ah ah, hmmm... should be the "7th Marching Band", they have a performance tonight."
"Is that so."
The pet.i.te Akatsuki sat on the bench and stretched her legs. Her legs hung in the air even when sitting on
this low bench. Her toes could be seen from the opening of her deep blue hakama as she swayed her feet
slightly. Shiroe asked.
"It"s somewhat quiet here."
"I am always quiet."
"That is true."
In this world without electric speakers, the volume of the sound was dependent on the performers. The
music that came with the wind had the hint of a lively atmosphere, but it seemed so blurry and far away.
Shiroe glanced at Akatsuki.
In the chilly wind that gently touched her face, Akatsuki stared into the distance as usual with an
expression Shiroe could not see through.
"My lord."
"My lord, that..."
Shiroe replied carefully to Akatsuki"s every word. His pet.i.te friend might be silent but she worried about
various things. Shiroe understood her nature, so he didn"t rush her.
"Does my lord dislike cakes?"
Dislike cakes? It sounded like "You can"t finish them because you dislike cake?", but Shiroe was not sure
how to respond as well. Shiroe ate 9 slices, which he thought was a commendable effort, did he
misunderstand her?
"Still unhappy?"
"No way. Forget about that, I"m sorry. I recall it was the finals? We didn"t make it there."
"That is fine, I am not interested, Minori is."
"Is that so."
Shiroe was not sure why Minori was interested in an eating contest, but he felt that she took the initiative
to invite him because it was necessary. Minori was 14, but she was a responsible and thoughtful young
"Are you fine with just this amount of cake?"
Akatsuki turned and faced Shiroe, looking straight into his eyes. The dark eyes on Akatsuki"s pet.i.te face
that left a deep impression were watery but had no warmth. Being stared at by a beautiful young girl like
her was pressurizing.
"Nothing really, just that you worked hard for the cake eating contest right? Are you fine with just 3-4
"I... I didn"t enter the contest for the cakes."
"Is that so?"
"The conversation dries up whenever I am with my lord."
"Even if you say that... But Akatsuki, you don"t talk much right?"
Akatsuki was not a chatty person.
Sometimes they ran out of things to say. Shiroe felt awkward about this in the beginning and would try to
talk about things, but he was now fine with the silent Akatsuki. Whenever Shiroe was handling
administrative work, Akatsuki would erase her presence and stay in his room under the pretext of being
his bodyguard. Shiroe was teasing Akatsuki because her tone was so cute, but the 2 of them only started
bickering like this recently.
"That isn"t true, I have lots of conversation topics."
"Then please provide one."
"Provide a topic for us to talk about."
Akatsuki pouted in silence.
Her eyes shifted from side to side hesitantly.
She must be at a loss. As Shiroe was thinking that it was a mistake, the hesitant Akatsuki spoke:
"I am happy with staying this way."
Akatsuki"s mouth was trembling in a weird shape as her white and slender fingertips touched Shiroe"s
"You are happy with staying like this?"
Akatsuki nodded.
(Is this part of Akatsuki"s shin.o.bi-lord role play... I think I"m misunderstanding something. Wrong, I
wouldn"t know since I don"t watch period dramas.)
"Is that so."
A gust of wind shook the branches in the night with a sound akin to the rides.
The wind mixed with the silence in the green lushes. Shiroe raised his head and looked at Akatsuki
repeatedly poke at his head. Akatsuki pouted and focused on stroking his forehead. Shiroe didn"t
understand the joy in this, but happiness was subjective, so he felt there was no point in asking.
"Are you fine with staying this way?"
"This is an important duty to my lord."
"Is that so?"
Shiroe had spent a long time with Akatsuki now.
The chaos after the Catastrophe; many fights and battles; founding of the Round Table Council; the
political drama in the ancient palace; conversation with Ri Gan; the battle of Choushi, and Rundelhous"
Akatsuki had experienced all this by Shiroe"s side without complaints. Shiroe thought he only made it
through these fights because of Akatsuki"