Loralle, Her Journey

Chapter 13

CHAPTER 12 (Part one)


The Elements were ecstatic!

Their brother hadn"t needed their help after all!

What a coincidence that they met up like this! It was really quite fortunate!

It wouldn"t have mattered, though, if they had come earlier, as they would have just watched the show...

But, it was all done now and they could finally reunite!

It took another couple of minutes, but finally, they saw their brother standing their waiting from them. He hadn"t particularly moved at all...Neither did his eyes, but his face held quite a few emotions.

"Ah! Brother!"

"Why didn"t you come meet us!"

Arculas looked at the five little b.a.l.l.s of elemental powers and the body of Loralle, that was still unconscious. He went up to Loralle slowly and put his hand out.

"Wait! Not this time brother!"

"Please. Give her some time!"

"I like er!"

Arculas pulled his hand back. He was going to make her into a mindless slave, to make it easier on them all, but really, the Elements wanted to give Loralle a chance first. Actually, it was very normal for Arculas to act that way, he had made the Element"s vessels slave"s many times. But, not only had Loralle helped them escape from punishment, she had known who Earth and Fire was!

That...Wasn"t the only reason to stop Arculas...

Arculas tended to tease them with their vessel as well. Since he could control the person and the Elements had to stay close to their vessel, he had made it do many ridiculous things that the Elements hadn"t liked!

This time, they definitely wanted to try keeping Loralle from becoming a mindless, teasing slave of Arculas.

At least for now...


After Arculas pulled his hand away, he said, "We want to."

"Not this time!"
"Yeah man, I like er!"

They had to always keep on their guard with Arculas. He was full of many different personalities. His words and actions were not harmonious at all, in fact he was very inconsistent!

Even though he had pulled back his hand, to state he wasn"t going to do it...He still meant his words.

Very often, Arculas would say a positive and a negative in one sentence and mean to say them both. He had sometimes even laughed and cried at the same time! It was even normal to see him fighting with himself and conceding with himself...

Arculas might be the only one who could tolerate the Elements, but really, the Elements thought that it was truly the opposite!

...They were the only ones that could tolerate Arculas!

"We are happy! But it"s not good to see you!" Arculas said, smiling, his angelic face stunningly beautiful.

"Yes, Very well. This is Loralle, she ended up being the only one who could help us, after such a long time!"

Arculas nodded, seemingly happily recognizing her...Then he sneered, "She"s weak. But...Cute."

The Elements were surprised! They had never heard him utter the word "cute" before. Perhaps this time being punished had bordered their brother"s horizons...But would that be a good thing or a bad thing?

"Eh! Brother you"ve changed!"

While they continued their banter. Earth made a chair for Arculas and a small hut for Loralle to lay in.

"We don"t want to sit down." Arculas said, while sitting, trying to get comfortable.

"So, why does brother know another word?"

Arculas looked up. "Our father hates us. He used an interesting combination of our abilities and personalities to prevent me from combining sooner. It was very well done!"

At Arculas"s smile, the Elements didn"t think much of the strangeness of his ways.

"Father hates us as well, he made the element powers hate each other and we weren"t able to kill people without reason...Just like last time!" Water was very upset with their father!

"This place..."

"Yes, father made it for our punishment." Arculas said monotonously.

"It"s smaller..."


"Wudda been funner if we were split up on the same planet again, aye!"

"Ah, that takes me back."

"Haha, yeah we blew up that whole solar system! No wonder he put us on two different places after that!"

Arculas sighed. "When someone who can see the future, team up with someone who can trap a G.o.d and take its power, and yours..."

"He should have known it was going to happen!"

"Haha, but he didn"t! What an idiot!"

They leisurely continued their conversation on mocking their own father and reminiscing about the past...




It was another few hours until Loralle finally woke up. She came out of the small hut and wiped her eyes.

"For you! Look I cooked it for you!"

A fire ball jumped in front of her face a few times then flew down to an earth plate that held food.

Loralle found herself rather famished and happily sat down to eat, "Thank you, Fire."

"Loralle, dear, this is our brother Arculas."

She looked up, then dropped her food, "...Pretty!"

Arculas raised his eyebrows at her...Pretty? Then he narrowed his eyes at her.

Her face totally looked like she wanted to keep him as a treasure! Her eyes sparkled with greediness...

He was speechless to her obvious infatuation with his looks.

Laughter broke the silence and Loralle continued to eat while staring at Arculas...

She looked like an innocent child...That wanted to hungrily devour him...He saw the similarity between them.

He smiled at her strange personality and looked back at her, having a strange sensation of wanting to see how each of his personalities would collide with hers.

Licking her lips, after eating, Loralle wanted to jump up and down in happiness, to her new pretty friend!

She got up and jumped onto his lap and cuddled him.

Arculas widened his eyes, sneered, blushed, went pale white then, slowly smiled...

His thoughts had been everywhere! Someone had touched him! A human had touched him! A really cute, incorrigible girl was on his lap! What do I do? She feels...Really good!

What you don"t hear though was the different voices that his thoughts portrayed.

Loralle watched him like he was her new, shiny toy. How interesting, she thought. She could see many adventures going to happen with this strange, pretty man! It was like looking at a whole entire tribe and it"s people in one person! So much fun!


"I like Arculas. Arculas, pretty!"

Arculas softly put his hands around her, feeling this woman"s body on top of him...Then, he harshly pushed her off him, making her fall to the floor.

But, he hadn"t thought she"d retaliate, as a water rope pulled him down to fall on top of her!

She put her hands around his neck and kissed him before thoughts could even be made into his head.

Most personalities inside him became dumbstruck and were silent!

Arculas, in a mind of confusion, just took her kiss..

He only had memories from being split up and them doing such a thing, but he had never done this himself!

Suddenly, the Elements laughter was able to awoken voices inside of his head again and he got up, very quickly and disappeared.

Loralle watched as his profile became air and sat up as well. She felt like she had just marked him. For some reason she wanted him to be hers!

"Loralle, honey, you can"t just do that!"

"Haha, never seen him running away before! Hilarious!"

"Have to admit. It feels kind of good to get some payback!"

Loralle laughed with them, she had gotten quite upset before but...There was nothing she could do.

Seeing the "pretty" Arculas and her friends, made her realize that she was fine. She did miss Mitch, but she had only known him a short time...Her connection with him are memories now and she was happy to move on.

Sighing, she felt like she had when she left the Fire Tribe for the Air Tribe. That there wasn"t anything to connect with...Honestly, she did care for Mitch but as a protection for herself she had placed Mitch that way so that she could try to move on. It was just something else she had to adapt too...

Sitting down at her food, she continued to eat, seemingly unworried with what had just happened.

Arculas didn"t return, making the Elements laugh even louder!

They rejoiced and played with Loralle, liking her more and more!

