Loralle, Her Journey

Chapter 15


Journey continues...

Over the next couple of days, Loralle let the Elements out again, but did it a different way. They weren"t little b.a.l.l.s anymore, except little elemental people. Of course, they didn"t have flesh, bones or blood but they seemed a lot more respectable now to Loralle!

Air was nearly invisible, but Arculas put out a hand to it and gave it a pretty light so Loralle could see it better.

Actually, Arculas and his personalities seemed to come to the agreement of wanting to experience something different. After noticing that they were a little bored of the same thing over and over again, they listened to Arculas.

They were still hard to endure, nonetheless, but Arculas was a little more in control now, then he has ever been before. Maybe being in existence for so long can come of help to change some things.

He didn"t ponder on it for long, instead, stayed close to his new entertainment as she continued to fascinate him.


Earth suggested something that got Arculas"s attention. And that was to somehow help themselves for the next time that they got split up again. But what could they do? What if they never come back to Kralaide after they leave?

They let themselves ponder over it for a time before thinking that it probably just a waste of time to worry about it...

So after that, they wondered where they would go...

The Elements and Arculas were never in any major hurry, they didn"t see the need to rush into any direction or decision. After being created, those kinds of excitements sort of vanish after a few hundred years...

Loralle, on the other hand, didn"t seem to mind being on Kralaide anyway. She"d forcefully brought the Elements to investigate each and every town and Arculas would leisurely follow.

How could she not try the food and see how they live!


And so it happens, they stuck around Kralaide!

Loralle first looked around the closest town of Nowell. Arculas told her stories about the town and she never wanted to sleep!

No one, ever, had told her a story before!

And they were so good to listen too!

Her undivided attention caused Arculas and his personalities to like it...At first...

But, after the seventh night, he could no longer tolerate it and declined her every time she had asked to hear one!

She pouted, yelled and gave him the cold shoulder but he didn"t tell her anything! Nasty!

She had grown so attached to those stories and he just suddenly stops...Loralle told him in return, quite adamantly, that she won"t ever tell him any of her stories then!

She thought it was a threat...But didn"t know Arculas could read her thoughts...So, she didn"t have to tell him! He"d find out whether she liked it or not!

And her thoughts were the reason he stopped! It was really her fault that he couldn"t tell stories anymore!

He would say something, a true spectacular event...And she"d picture something totally unrealistic that he could see from her mind and he would forget about what he was talking about!

The amount of times that they went off topic drove him crazy!

She wanted to know about the "G.o.d"s powers" instead of "The Siege". She wanted to know why the prophets wrote a tablet and not show anyone, not understanding the crucial secrecy of it at all!

"Why, secret!?" Was her ultimate question...

The last time he tried, he was talking about Mahnu and Richard and she didn"t have to say anything before he stopped and had finally given up! Her thoughts had gone to Mitch and her days at the earth house, guessing it would have been something like that!

And for some reason he didn"t understand, he hadn"t liked that one bit!

It was strange though, he still didn"t run away from her, he just no longer told her stories...


From there, to the other towns, she learnt about herbs and seasonings, and how grateful she was to them!

The food! Whatever she already had beforehand in Mondal, she tried again with these new ingredients!

Then she found out that herbs were used in making someone feel better when they were sick...She drank...

Herbs by the bedside for the morning, she drank herself silly!

Loralle, had never gotten sick before, as sickness had never been on Mondal . She didn"t think that the "sickness" she got from getting drunk was actually a self inflicted sickness that people would look down upon. But that was the only "sickness" she knew of! Must test it out!

Of course, it was a lot of fun at her first party in Kralaide! She played with the Elements and fought!

She forced scared people nearby to join in, and ate merrily!

But, after a few hours, she hooked her claws onto Arculas and didn"t let go!

He, not wanting to hurt his entertainment, had tried desperately to push her away but she would become as heavy as metal! Then, as hot as magma!

Finally, seeing his burnt clothes, he left her alone...

But, he didn"t realize what the drunken, little minx was like...


The morning after, once Loralle felt her headache...She had her medicine!

Not seeing it work straight away, she turned to the man beside her. "Not working."

Hopeless, utterly hopeless situation!

Arculas, absolutely, had no words!

He couldn"t believe it, a G.o.d getting taken advantage on! He wondered if it had been worth turning his existence upside down and warped to the extreme, just to have this entertainment...

But, he never ran away...On the idea of "different" and "exciting", he forced himself to stay!

While she had slept so soundly, he was literally shaking!

Anger, rage, shame, embarra.s.sment, shy, happiness, excitement, curiosity, enduring, forced, unhappiness, depressed...

So many...

Arculas had taken the whole time Loralle slept to calm down! It had really been a catastrophe inside his head!

Was it really worth all this torture!

He sighed, looking at her innocent face. For him, at that moment, it was like looking at peace. Here his head was, going crazy...Then hers, hardly anything! She only worried about medicine not working, and that made his mind calmer than before.

Sighing again, he put his head down in defeat.

It was a hopeless situation.


Through Arculas"s torment and heaven, they continued. She made earth "people" in Havlish, to let the families who had died know that they weren"t alone.

She jumped from one large rocky mountain to another near Anddin.

Made Arculas fix the recent "King" on the throne, who had killed the last King, so that someone from the "royal" line was King instead. Loralle insisted to be the one to talk to the one that had committed high treason...Why did he want to be the "King"? Was he crazy?

Through her strange interrogation, she found out he had no powers at all! He was just a plain human who seemed to cry to pain. Why then did he want to be King? She scratched her head many times over this question but never could answer it...Her father was really powerful, so she understood why he had been the leader of Water Tribe. But...Uh?

Then when someone of the "royal" line came, Loralle questioned them as well! She absolutely thought that they had some kind of power!

But, she was flabbergasted to find out they didn"t, nothing! They were plain humans that had no power!

She got over her interest rather quickly after that! She decided that they were strange and happily got over it...

Arculas realized that she wasn"t particularly a good or bad person. He had initially thought she had wanted to make things right...But he was stunned to find out that she ended up not caring at all when she found out that they had no power...

It was at this time, that he finally realized a huge weakness to Loralle, she loved power! Did she not realize the power that the "King" has got? Arculas continued to think that she really did confuse him, but it was still a weakness. Knowing this, Arculas wondered about how he could use this weakness of hers!


Finally, they were in the last town of Brackan, she rode some animals...She rode a horse! It had hurt her because she was on it for so long, but she thought it was magnificent! She had never thought about riding an animal in Mondal! Here in Kralaide, riding on horses was normal, ha crazy!

To be more precise, Mondal had a lot less creatures on it then Kralaide. She found that there was a lot more variety of everything in Kralaide, especially...Flowers!

Only twice, Arculas let her use pretty flowers on him, then he would not let them near him. Instead, when she would sleep, he would put them in her hair and around her body. And since he didn"t sleep, he literally would make such an artistic point of it, spending hours making these flowers look absolutely perfect!

...But, Loralle would wake, messing half of them up! The Elements would laugh and Arculas would sigh in defeat.


The Elements on the other hand, seemed lazy, they caused screams everywhere they went but they continued to do whatever they were doing, as though the screams weren"t happening.

Loralle thought it was really funny! Had they never seen magma or water before? They breath air and walk on earth, yet they scream at Earth and Air. To her, it didn"t make any sense at all!

She thought it was absolutely normal, yet never put herself in their shoes to understand that moving elements, was far from normal...

Instead of trying to understand their point of view, throughout their journey on Kralaide, she would come up with different ideas with the elements on how to scare people.

She had trapped a few people in a maze, made by Earth. They had taken so long to find their way out that Loralle had gotten bored...

Made Air stop people from being able to eat by stopping their food reaching their mouths! Air didn"t practically like this idea, so she asked if Air would comb some of the peoples hair instead...

Metal and Loralle had laughed many times, making skittering flashes to people who were dancing at night, making them jump and scream! The people wouldn"t dance later due to their feet hurting...

Water only had played with her twice, in one of those times they had been in Dragvie and suddenly, the town living in the desert, was suddenly surrounded by water! The people were perplexed! They thought that some kind of monster had come to take their lives by swallowing them up! Was a good show!

Fire happily did whatever Loralle wanted to do! She would secretly follow people, watching Fire follow them without hiding himself. They ran, screamed, tripped! Fire and Loralle had many times watched a poor soul run away...Through this a phenomenon started, stating that The G.o.d of Fire was unhappy and that they needed to have a fire always lit inside of their houses...


Loralle learnt a few more things, partied, fought and owned Arculas completely.

So, Kralaide had to endure Loralle and the Elements strange behaviour...But, like anything, She seemed happy to move on when it became next suggested.

When it was time for them to leave and they had finally decided on a direction...They left!


(Note from Author: Hope you all are looking forward to meeting Loralle, the Elements and Arculas again at some point in "Universal Creations".)