Loralle, Her Journey

Chapter 3

Author"s Note: I noticed someone wrote on how these two stories are connected. I am not pulling your leg! They are indeed connected and you"ll just have to read them all to understand. All I can say (without giving too much away) Is that they merge into the story called "Universal Creations"...Oh and hence the "Mystery" genre being added.




After about two hours of walking and seeing less and less lakes in sight, the Water Tribesmen made it to their defences and Loralle looked into the distance.

It was a sorry sight indeed.

Fire would be seen in random areas, just like water puddles.

The defences went for kilometres, so that no one could get past each side. Steam could be seen as fire had clashed with water and much of the land looked charred black or had muddy puddles with deep footprints.

Blood&h.e.l.lip;It was in water or near fire, on the mud and charred ground. Water and fire seemed unable to mix but blood seemed to be something that could connect them both.

There were people who looked exhausted and defeated. Also, people who were excited and arrogant.

But, the hatred was evident, on both the Fire and Water Tribesmen faces. Everybody&h.e.l.lip;Hated the other side&h.e.l.lip;

Even though Loralle had seen this through the earth earlier, it was another thing to personally see it with one’s eyes. She tried to breath properly at the sight of people being controlled by hatred and put her head down in defeat.

So much&h.e.l.lip;

Loralle had not understood till now&h.e.l.lip;How the world actually worked! How important her journey really was&h.e.l.lip;

Then voices snapped her back to reality.

"Is that our new leader?"

"Uh? Who?"

"I"ve never seen that person before!"

"But, it must be, they are in the front..."

"They look weak...And dirty..."

"Yeah, why didn"t any of Dracon"s kids ever have kids, their famous power is disappearing!"

"Isn"t this another of Dracon"s kids?"

"Has to be...Right?"

Loralle continued to walk slowly towards the centre of the battlefield, not caring about what was being said. She honestly had no words for them anyway, but she didn"t know that, as a leader, one job was to urge the subordinates to help higher their morale.

Her silence did the opposite, they were quite uneasy and worried about their own leader.

People from the Fire Tribe watched, as she continued to walk towards them. As others followed behind that one person, the Fire Tribe wondered why they looked so confident again, as it hadn"t been long since their leader had been killed!

"Are they...Just strike them down! Now!"

The Fire Tribe went into action, throwing fire power towards Loralle and the force behind her.

The people behind her started to grow anxious and wondered what was going to happen. She had not even sped up to run and there was no shield going up either. Wasn"t she going to save them from the impending attack?

"I not...ask." Loralle"s voice was hoa.r.s.e. She had wanted to imply that she hadn"t asked them to follow but they all didn"t understand and continued anyway. At that small moment, Loralle found that not only learning the language was hard but speaking it was something entirely different!

It was, indeed, the first time she had spoken to anybody...

What was it the people following her had expected?

Why do they feel like they are just about to die? Why did their leader look totally unsympathetic?

But, she wasn"t totally unsympathetic, she hadn"t been brought up as they had expected.

She hadn"t known they were going to follow her in harm"s way and she hadn"t known what words to say, to tell them to stop! Didn"t they have brains? Why did they follow me!?

If the people wanted to blame somebody...It would have been something that the protectors should have taught her...But then, with them being unable to like her because of her powers...Then, was it the powers fault?

The fire powers descended and burnt some who had followed her.

Screams filled the air, as a few hundred men ran around in pain. Some, who hadn"t had fire directed on them, were b.u.mped into by those who were and now more people were burning. Others used their water powers to drench some who had gotten on fire. More and more Water Tribal members started to run back to the defences, to get out of harm’s way.


"Save us!"

The people of the Water Tribe were confused, they didn"t even know what else to say...Why? Their leader hadn"t done...Anything...

Loyalty may have been a well known attribute of the Water Tribe but...How was Loralle to know what it was? How would she know how to lead? It was a real blunder to the Water Tribe!

The protectors had taught her the opposite of loyalty and leadership...And that was that she knew how to turn her back to people, without a second glance!

Loralle continued on her own now, not even turning to the screams behind her, and with no guilty conscience whatsoever!

She was not worried that the fire would hurt her, due to her immunity from it, and left the rest of the Water Tribe behind. She looked on coldly towards the Fire Tribe, as she got closer to her desired spot...Right in the middle of the two tribes defences.

During this time, the Fire Tribe continued to use their fire power to rain down on her, but they suddenly felt that something wasn"t right as she had stopped walking.

"I...I think they are immune...To&h.e.l.lip;To fire." The stammering words had never wanted to be heard or uttered by any of the Fire Tribal members...

"Sir, nothing is hurting that one in the middle!" Many thoughts were of those who were not accepting this possibility. It can"t be! It can"t be! They must be dreaming!

"If...If they are immune...Sir!?" The Fire Tribal member, that led the defence of the Fire Tribe, felt himself tremble, this was...The Fire Tribe’s worst nightmare!

The defence line of the Fire Tribe started to step back unconsciously through absolute fear! Seeing an enemy immune to their attacks was something totally unforeseen, it was something that could cause a huge pandemic to their entire tribe!

So many of them stared wide eyed at the person in the centre of the battlefield. They were all silent now as the news set into their minds...

Wouldn"t that...Wouldn"t that mean...The end?

With someone immune to fire&h.e.l.lip;They would totally defeat the Fire Tribe! Even the last line of defence wouldn"t mean anything to this person!


There was so much fear, that it could be felt. Loralle sneered, as it was, she was saving many people by not exterminating both tribes. They should revere her, bowing down to her...!

Letting out a small laugh, Loralle shock her head, she would rather be feared...Then the power, crazy people would leave her alone!

She needed time...To find some answers...All the questions she had, made her scratch her head too much!

Loralle slapped her hand on the ground and the earth started to shake and tremble, as though, even her touch was feared.

The earth around her started to lower, bit by bit...

People on both sides had fallen over, due to the shaking earth, but looked at the centre in complete astonishment. They noticed that another power was being used but, due to the shock, they didn"t question it.

From near, too far away, on both sides from where she was&h.e.l.lip;They stared in utter disbelief.

So much power could be felt through their bodies.

The earth was shaking!

They wondered if the earth was mad at them, that it was cursing their very lives!

It was a new sight to everybody and some looked in horror, some tried to run, only to fall after a few steps, and a few people even fainted.

Rumbling continued, as a lengthy line of absent earth was formed as far as the eye could see, to both the north and to the south from where they were. The border of the Water and the Fire tribes started to become a big, long hole!

The bottom seemed to become endless, as the earth continued to go even lower!

What both tribes didn"t expect, was that the line of the empty earth...Began to expand and go outwards...And got closer to their defences!

Gasps were heard, then yelling.

"Quick! Run!"

Men on both sides of the borderline started to run away as fast as they could, closer to their own tribal villages in the far distance. But, it was too late for some of them because they had acted too late! They fell into the long hole!

Loralle stood to see that men on both sides had now diminished quite few in numbers and their defences were totally wiped out.

Her plan was not to come here to win the war for the Water Tribe and to defeat the Fire Tribe, she had come here to stop the fighting. She did find herself upset with the loss of lives...But wouldn"t it be better now, that the fighting will have to stop? How could they continue with such a large gap between them that seemed endless? Besides that, it was quite a loss of men on both sides, even though some were saved&h.e.l.lip;How could they continue?

Loralle still thought that it was still a better solution than to kill everybody...Especially since she felt that things weren"t as they seemed. Until she knew more about what these powers possessed, she couldn"t kill everyone...Every person, no matter from what tribe they were from, could be somewhat innocent...Victims...


Loralle sighed. She didn"t belong to the Water Tribe as someone at their disposal. A misused toy, someone they had deprived of a normal life. She also didn"t belong in the Fire Tribe, who were taught at an early age about fighting and who came across as even less caring then the Water Tribe!

Both sides had flaws that she wanted no part of, especially when she was unsure of how to help them at this time. There were too many numbers of them, she had to find a way to help everyone at the same time. But first, she needed to make sure she was on the right path...

She was going to leave to find these answers, and to do that, she had to completely scare both sides and stop them from fighting to give her some time...Well, I didn"t have to scare them, she thought, it was just an added bonus!

Leaving, to find these answers, seemed quite easy since she had no attachments anywhere.

Putting her hand back down onto the earth, that was greatly surrounded by air now, Loralle built it to go higher and higher. Once she was out of sight of any other person that was still alive at the border, she walked amongst the clouds on the earth that continued to make a path for her. It connected to another place, far into the distance, and then she sat and travelled from the big, long, endless hole in the ground and the two tribes...Leaving behind her whispers of dread about her power.



John, Sam and Rick, that had followed Loralle, were very angry!

They had not foreseen her disappearance! They knew her power was not weak but had never thought that she would have just made it harder to continue the war! And&h.e.l.lip;She even killed a few of her own tribesmen! The surprise attack was now gone and now a huge bottomless pit prevented further war!

Yet, it was all their leader"s doing! What in the world had she been thinking!?

They thought that they had not been on her case enough, that she had too many pleasures of making her own choices. They chastised themselves on not bringing up their leader properly and under their control. And already, she had a full day ahead of them as they had celebrated and gotten drunk the night before!

They had followed her for so long...

Previously, they were travelling in a direction, before they had been called back to the tribe. Their only thought was to head in that direction, so they set off to catch their leader and to bring her back!



As the days and weeks went by, news of the "Powerful leader of the Water Tribe’ that had disappeared, was known everywhere within the two tribes. Many things seemed to happen in the tribes and many discussions took place. They were mostly about the power of earth, as all who didn"t believe it just had to simply walk to the border to see the bottomless pit. When they saw the pit, feelings overcame everyone, including the Water Tribesmen, and that was...Disapproval and hate.

The Fire Tribe abanded any offences they had started and completely divulged themselves fully into defence.

They were in fear for their very lives.

Even though this "Powerful leader" had disappeared, they knew that this person, alone, could totally wipe them all out!

It became such a worry that people in the Fire Tribe, that were in their legion, started to leave. Others even left the tribe altogether, wanting to save the lives of their families. They knew the pools of magma couldn"t even save them, now that someone in the Water Tribe was immune to fire!

Luckily, many others, even with feeling overwhelmed with these new conditions, still stayed. They would state that the ‘Powerful leader’ has gone, so there’s no need to fear!

Once one had happily stated this fact, others tended to carry along and say the same thing, as though it was their idea in the first place! Of course, this rumour started from one of the laziest families within the Fire Tribe.

The Fire Tribe became disorganised and through the leader not knowing how to proceed, the tribe continued that way for quite a few days.



The Water Tribe were quite upset with their new leader. Not only had they disappeared, but their own people were killed due to them!

They also didn"t approve of the leader"s power to use earth...They all secretly wanted their leader to use only their water power and not any other.

Many questioned the n.o.bles but they didn"t give them any answers. The only sentence that seemed to be said was that, ‘If we are to win this war, we need our leader. We will wait for them to return!’

But, they honestly didn"t know how to proceed either, as they were also being conflicted because of the earth power. All they knew was, the leader"s immunity to the fire power was essential to win the war!

As hateful as the idea seemed, they knew that the power their new leader possessed was all they needed!

With that in mind, most of the people tried to get used to their new lives without war. Till the time they were too reunite with their new leader once again.

What they did do, was send two people out, one to the north and one to the south, to see how long the cracked earth of bottomless pit was&h.e.l.lip;Which had extended around the whole continent...So, they won"t be back anytime soon.

The remainder of the people, still crazed in hate and war, decided to take this break as a sign to plan their next move.

So, the cease fire continued, as well as the confusion of the earth power. What changed, was that there were no deaths at the border. It had been a long time since weeks could go past where there wasn"t even one death that would occur&h.e.l.lip;.




It had been just over three weeks and Loralle finally stepped onto the normal ground, and the earth that had taken her to this place started to fall apart. At that time, some people in the Water Tribe, far off into the distance, didn"t understand that not water...But earth was falling from the sky! That was because Loralle had gone straight over the top of the Water Tribe!

Once a day she had quickly stopped for food, then rode the earth back up to the sky, so to keep out of sight.

Looking around, she found herself satisfied to where she was. She had, indeed, started to come here before she was interrupted. It was the vast, big earth area, on the other side of the tribes. For some time now, Loralle had felt that the power of earth had beckoned her here. It was the same feeling she had felt with the water power a year ago, but this time, it was in a different place. It was obvious to her, now that she was here, that the powers lead you to the respectable places to gain their approval.

Water had led me to water and now the earth has led me here, to the middle of this big, desolate, barren earth wasteland.

She amused herself over that for a moment, thinking that, if there was a Loralle power...Wouldn"t they have to come to "Loralle" to get approval...It really did sound like quite a lot of fun!

After calming down from giggling, she tried to remember what she was doing...


When Loralle had asked the water if she could use its power, if she could get its permission, it had led her to the deep, menacing lake in the middle of the Water Tribe. It was the lake the everyone had surrounded but did not enter...

When she had entered the lake, she wasn"t too sure of what it was that she had expected. But, as she took the second step into the lake, everything had changed!

Anyone. who may have been watching, would have seen that Loralle would be losing her life to the raging waters in the lake. She even felt like she had been drowning, even with her immunity, she was unable to breath and was continuously pushed in the fast current, that headed towards the centre of the lake. She had spent much of her time under the water, unsure of which way to swim and was running out of breath!

What she had figured out later, was that it was some kind of acknowledgement or trail that had to be overcome. The lake had been there all this time, yet people never ventured in for being told that you would lose your life. But in fact, for Loralle, it was the opposite. When she stopped fighting the water, a voice had intruded into her head, "The element known as water accepts you. From now on you, will not know of the water vengeance."

That was all that the voice had said, but, Loralle had felt changes to her powers and to her mind.

It became known to her then, that what people have when using these "powers" has another "mystical" feeling that seems to make you want to fight. That if you used a power...There was a restriction, a danger to any other people with any other power. But once that restriction disappeared...For Loralle, her power to wield water suddenly...Doubled!

From then on, Loralle had wondered if earth and fire all had a vengeance too...And why? Did she feel it too, all this time?

To her, these powers, had become her friends...Her only friends...But to others, are people just puppets for the powers to get at one another? What was the real reason? What was really going on with the elements? Are they perhaps...Fighting? If they are fighting...What would be needed for them to make up and be happy again?

Loralle scratched her head.

Also, after some time, she found another change to her body. She didn’t find herself thirsty anymore and felt that she was somewhat healthier&h.e.l.lip;

She wasn’t exactly sure what being approved to the water element can do to one’s body but there was definitely something different, in a good way!




Now, it was time to be accepted by the earth power, just like she was by the water. Her plan, now that she was out of the Water Tribe, was to even travel to the Fire Tribe and be accepted by the fire power too! Then, she thought, maybe I"ll get another power because I got the other powers! That would be great!

Loralle wondered if that would make her too greedy...

Following the now stronger beckoning from the earth power, Loralle had travelled to the middle of the vast earth area that looked different to the rest of the wasteland. It looked like a mound of fresh, green gra.s.s, that was only half as big as the menacing lake. Stepping a few more steps forward, she found herself under rumbling earth. Closing her eyes, she put her trust into the earth and waited for it to talk to her. Another step forward, the rumbling got louder and was heard further and further away.

If Loralle had opened her eyes,  she would had seen that the mound of fresh, green gra.s.s was slowly expanding!

Cracks started to split the earth and Loralle fell, feeling herself unable to stand anymore.

A little scared now, she closed her eyes even tighter.

From being accepted by the water power, this was different&h.e.l.lip;It seemed to be a bit more life threatening then before! Was it that for each approval that she wanted, the harder it would become to obtain?

If the raging torrent of water had been scary, then what would earth want to do to me?

Don"t be afraid, she told herself, it"s just dirt...

Sweat started to form on her forehead, as she fell sideways, and she felt that her leg was trapped. Suddenly...It was darker. Hard earth filled in beside her and she was stuck...Almost like...Being buried alive!

Her bones were being pushed together, one bone in her arm even broke! Her breathing was getting shorter now, with less air underground, and she felt it to be absolutely terrifying!

It was pressing against most of her skin, surely, she would receive bruises all over her whole body!

"The element known as earth accepts you. From now on, you will not know the earth vengeance!" The words were the same, but the voice was different.

Just like at the menacing lake, the water had calmed, now, the earth became soft and moved her back to the surface of the land.

Breathing in and out rapidly, she still could feel herself tremble to what she had just overcome.

Then, Loralle felt the same sensation run through her. Her power had doubled, with the power of earth, and her mind was more at ease.

Why do these "elements" have vengeance? She thought as she started to breath normal again. Maybe, the elements hated people...?

Holding her broken arm in her other arm, she stood and thanked the earth below her, just like she had the water. Even though her whole body ached, she was still thankful to be one step closer to finding answers.

If I am hurt to this extent when accepting only a second element...What kind of problem would I have to overcome to be approved for the third?

Sighing, Loralle knew that she would be better to rest for the time being, as her arm needed to be tended to and she would like to eat.

Her earth house became quite a huge enhancement since her last. She could now even make a two-tier building...The stairs were even good enough to walk on! There was a bed, table and chairs. Loralle was speechless at her own work. And still, after all this time, she said her thanks to the earth.

Looking at her broken arm, she tried her best to put the bones back together and surrounded it by earth as a bind, then decided to try and sleep.



It took longer for her to continue her journey from there because of her broken arm. It prevented her from getting much sleep at first, because of the pain and made things much more difficult, especially in catching food and eating it.

Coming up with new ideas because of her misfortune, Loralle made good work of her earth power to help her get better. Her food was easily trapped and brought to her without Loralle even leaving her earth house!

Without having to be stuck in this position, she would have never thought of caging her food and bringing it back!

It was also quite lucky that she could see around her, through the earth, as food was scarcer in this desolate earth wasteland.

What was even greater, was that the earth power was quicker now as well!

She may have a broken arm, but her smile was very lively!

Her earth friend just got more powerful and she wanted to pat it on the head! She was sure that was how people showed affection. So, she made an earth "person" and hugged it...Then ate with it, then slept with it. You wouldn"t have thought she was injured with her giggles and smiling face!

Before eating, she used an earthen knife with a water sharp blade to skin the food without even having to touch it...She was extremely grateful, the earth power was just like having another pair of arms!

It was indeed, her most powerful a.s.set!

Having this power made everything easier and tolerable.

Her bruises seemed to have disappeared earlier then she had expected and she wondered if the water element had done something to her blood&h.e.l.lip;

Nonetheless, it gave her something to ponder on as she rested...And played with her "friend".

