Loralle, Her Journey

Chapter 10


Experiencing Happiness


Two days pa.s.sed and no one in the Metal Tribe had seen Loralle.

Mitch started to worry after the third day. She had lost her tribe, would she be off cryin somewhere? What was she doin?

He hadn"t told a soul about what he had seen and now, after these few days, he has calmed enough to see if she was alright.

Her power is immense but she isn"t a killer, surely she wun hurt me...

He couldn"t help worry, in a small way...As he saw that she had killed the Fire Tribe so ruthlessly.

Mitch still wanted to believe that she wasn"t an enemy. She really was the only woman he"s ever liked, he didn"t want to give up so easily. She also didn"t give him the kind of feeling that the other tribes had, he seemed to easily dislike and hate them. Thinking this, Mitch reached down to drink his booze, but as he did...Earth surrounded his cup and the jug nearby.

At first, Mitch jumped, but he quickly remembered who could do this.

He followed the earth, that seemed a lot slower than that of carrying Daniel days beforehand, and the traps seemed to wiggle...

Mitch laughed as he saw other earth, caged boxes come from two other directions, to slowly meet up together.

Suddenly, the cages jumped up and down, then looked like they were struggling to go straight again.

Seeing this, Mitch was sure that Loralle was already drunk...He was also sure that she had probably lost half of the booze that she had just picked up!


An hour later, Mitch was still following the earth cages that led him outside of the Metal Tribe, and saw a earth built house...And Loralle, who seemed to be...Dancing.

Walking up to Loralle, he pulled her into his arms, glad to see her again.

"Mmm." Loralle mumbled.

He remembered her intoxicated, s.e.xy voice and couldn"t help responding to her, "Mmm? Havin fun ma dear?"

She looked at him, pink cheeks and gla.s.sy eyed, "Fly?"

He was a little worried she was too drunk, pulling her closer into his embrace.

Feeling her put her hands around him also, he smiled. But suddenly, they were in the air!

He looked around, feeling a little insecure, but saw that she seemed stable enough to hover in the air.

She pulled back a bit and looked into his eyes. Wind flowed around them, making her hair flick about nicely. She really was a beautiful woman!

He leaned in, unable to stop himself, and kissed her gently.

After about ten seconds, he was going to pull back but she pulled him towards her and started to kiss him back. Already, he forgot they were hovering in midair as he drove their kiss deeper, pushing her against himself.

As her mind started to become full of him, the wind slowed down and they landed back onto the ground.

Mitch picked her up and took her inside the earth house, without another word. She made it difficult for him to climb the stairs, as she had started to undress him, while still kissing him.

He couldn"t understand how different she was when she was drunk, last time was exactly like this. She becomes a foxy, little minx that initiates all of the moves!

Yet, when she isn"t dunk...The difference is quite astounding!

He stopped, half way up the stairs and put her down and pushed her against the wall.

She finished stripping him and kissed him as he stripped her.

It seems neither could wait to go further as he picked her up and placed himself against her.

The previous time they had connected, he had hurt her.

With the way she had acted, he wouldn"t have known it would have been her first time!

This time, he tried to take more time to help her...But, she didn"t seem to want to take the time, as she hastily grabbed him, making him groan. All his helpfulness had come to no use!

She had no patience last time either...

After he had tried to remove himself, she had just latched onto him all the more!

For Loralle, both now and before, basic, natural instinct was playing the only part in her.

Her thinking seemed to have ceased completely, quite some time ago, and for some reason she let this all happen happily in her drunken state.

The natural woman inside her came out, basically stating to Mitch that she wanted to mate. I suppose you could say...When she is drunk, she"s somewhat like a beast. And right now, she was a beast in heat!

Mitch had been with women before but never been with one like Loralle.

The women he"s had tend to think of other things and not get too involved or excited...Loralle on the other hand...He couldn"t keep up! She touched him like no other, grabbed him like no other...And it made him lose control!

This little woman, will be the death of me! Mitch thought as he lost himself to her.

For quite a few hours, the drunken minx and Mitch seemed unable to pull themselves apart from one another.

Then, they finally fell asleep, fully satisfied and exhausted on the new, bigger bed, that Loralle hurriedly made when they had finally reached it.



When Loralle woke up, she had a bad headache!

She moved, feeling a little uncomfortable, then felt something tighten around her.

Opening her eyes, she winced to the sunlight and closed them again.

Then, she felt something on her back that was nice and warm.

Snuggling closer to it, arms tightened around her again and finally , she turned to see the man beside her.

"You!" She said in a startled yelp.

Mitch pulled her back into his embrace, not ready to let her go, "Yeah, me. Ya cun deny it this time, little minx!"

She stiffened, unsure how to act in this kind of predicament.

Mitch gently kissed her shoulders and neck, but she remained very still. She spoke no words, making him sigh. The sober Loralle has returned!

She was quite the temptress, only ta pour cold water on ya in the mornin! He really had no idea how he should really treat her!

Unsatisfied, he touched her more and took her earlobe in his mouth.

She put her hand to his head and finally said, "Stop."

Breathing out in defeat, Mitch felt her body tremble.

What? Was she sayin somethin n meanin another?

Conflicted, he breathed out again, to see her body squirm beside his...Such a teasin little minx!

She let out a small moan when he glided his finger over her body and he got more excited. Did she really have no idea that what she was doin was totally temptin me!?

Turning her head to his, he kissed her as he pushed himself into her, connecting them once again.

A yelp rang out of her and she left his arms, to be standing up, staring at him widely.

He wasn"t too sure what she might do, but she didn"t do anything, confusing him more! Is the only time she would be with him intimately, was when she was drunk?

Mitch sighed and got up, he went to the stairs, where his clothes were, and started to put them on. When he finished he looked at her, to find that she was still staring at him, not even covering her naked flesh. Her eyes seemed to be glued to him and he looked away a little bit embarra.s.sed.

Putting a hand through his short hair, he coughed and asked, "What"s wrong, ma dear?"

He took her in his arms and relaxed again. Her gaze had taken him off guard, but now he hid his eyes at her neck instead.

"I, not know." Was all she said,

He moved her hair behind her ear and quickly kissed her. He was sure they had indeed, finished their intimacy and now she sounded quite unsure. "Ya not alone. If ya wanna talk bout...I"ll listen."

He saw her look up and was startled to see a twinkle in her eyes. She was really quite adorable, making him sigh once again.

"Really?" She asked, happily.

He put his forehead against hers to try and stay calm. "Yes...I"d also prefer that, if ya drink...Ya tell me...And I"ll drink with ya." Cause...If little minx came out n another man...

Mitch had to make this point clear!

But, Loralle seemed happy that someone wanted to be by her side! "Ok!"

Sighing, Mitch lowered his head to kiss her one more time before he was to leave. It was confusing again, because she started to respond! Unable to make a decision whether to leave or to stay, Mitch just kissed her as long as she was kissing him back.

She broke off, just as he was going to press her into himself, making him sigh...Again. She really was...


"I, not kill them."

Her words stopped his thoughts completely, but made no sense. Was this what she was thinkin bout, while ma mind and body were only wantin her? Cold water, yet again aye!

"They were in earth. Out, now."

Mitch finally snapped out of feeling sorry for himself and tried to focus on her words. "Uh?"

Loralle looked up at him sadly, "I just frighten. But, not kill. They meet, I drank."

Putting a hand to her face, he tried to understand. Was what she did...Not real? "So..."

Loralle interrupted him, "I got mad!"

She stamped her foot in irritation and folded her hands in front of her.

She was too d.a.m.ned cute!

"Then they wun wanna make ya mad again!" He said, smiling down at her.

He was actually really glad about this news!

Losing her angry face, she stared at him.

There simply was no helping it whatsoever, as he grabbed her and kissed her pa.s.sionately.

Her reactions were completely different. As a minx, she had been hungrily devouring, but as sober, she seemed to be leisurely curious.

When he touched a sensitive spot, she would look at where it was, seemingly questioning to what he had done.

Having more confidence, he continued, watching her curiosity grow more and more silently.

She was so cute, as though experiencing this for the very first time.

Being patient with her, slowly seemed to work in his favour, as l.u.s.t started to dance in her eyes.

Mitch wanted to take the plunge. Sober or intoxicated, she was still so beautiful and he could not help but want her!

He was lucky indeed, as her curiosity took them to a new level of intensity.

...What curiosity took them...Was days away, but he couldn"t seem to break away from her...!

At times, even he was bashful, as she would do things that he hadn"t even thought of!

Then, at one moment he was as pale and speechless as a ghost, as she had innocently said she had wanted it for herself and wanted to chop it off him!

After he asked her if she wanted to hurt him, she then just looked up at him and asked where she could get one instead...

She really did like it so very much! Compared to her curiosity on how each tribe lived and ate, and even her powers...This thing seemed to make her feel really great and she wanted one. That was it! But, his face and silence had told her that it couldn"t happen...

Mitch was a bit scared but was able to forget it, after a much needed sleep.

He came to realize that her curiosity was that of a child"s...That he probably shouldn"t continue as she didn"t totally understand what it was that they were doing...

What was he suppose to do?

Loralle, seeing Mitch acting strangely, wanted to make things better, but didn"t know how..

Mitch ended up shrugging his cares away, not wanting to worry and decided to continue. If something were to happen later...Ah, it can be dealt with then! He simply just wanted to enjoy their time together.

He may seem like he was having a small break from his duties...But, she continued to keep him really busy!


Loralle awoke, to see Mitch beside her sleeping. She hadn"t been touched by someone before he came along. What had surprised her, was that she hadn"t hated it. She questioned what it was, the day after she had drank booze, and found that she simply  just wasn"t used to it in the slightest.

Curiosity had led her wanting to try it, more and more, and found that she really liked what they were doing! She had missed hugs from her father, mother, brothers and sisters...So, she made Mitch make up for all of that!

Beyond that, she was curious upon the opposite gender, not knowing anything about it. Mitch showing her a few things that had enlightened her to a point, but she still didn"t quite understand everything.

She had even tried her powers on his skin, to find that his skin was very different to hers...

And...It became such an exhilarating exercise!

When she got sore, she would bathe with him in warm water. When they grew tired, she demanded his arms around her while they slept and when they got hungry, she stole food to bring to them!

She liked it very much and he seemed to be happy to oblige her, letting her do whatever she wanted!

It was a different lifestyle, yet again, and it made her forget her mission. She felt like, at this point in time, she had everything she needed!

A smile played at her lips often and unnoticed by her. It was a nice feeling. Whatever it was...It was nice!

She felt...Special.



When several days had pa.s.sed, their happiness became interrupted, when a few Metal Tribesmen came after following a stolen meal.

Unknowingly, they had finally found their missing boss!

They were unsure how to react when they see him happily conversing with his woman, but they all wanted him back!

"Boss?" They called carefully.

After a startling silence, a voice came back to them, "I"m er."

They ventured a little closer to the voice, one stating, "When will boss return?"

"Mmm, tell em not ta worry. I"ll come back tamorrow."

They peeked further towards their bosses voice and saw the two cuddled up together on an earth chair.

"Ye...Yes, Boss!"

After they left, Mitch heard Loralle"s little, "Humph!"

He brought her closer to him and said, "Is ma woman not happy?"

Loralle looked at him unhappily, making him let out a small laugh, "Ma dear, jus follow me back. We"ll play again."

He kissed her on her curved lips.

Why don"t I want this to end? Don"t I have things to do too!?

Loralle was a little upset with herself on totally forgetting her mission, but...She looked at Mitch and remembered the last couple of days of...Harmony and Bliss. Nothing else had mattered. It was so...Good. Free...

One more night...She will think about that later...

Making the best of her time left, Loralle became happy again and Mitch obliged to more of whatever she wanted, which ended up with him getting what he wanted in return anyway!

