Lovable Package

Chapter 32

Chapter 32


Little Vampire – 12

The thief Su Tang had been caught in the act . Naturally, he was very embarra.s.sed . His hand were captured by Shen Lan and with him also not even daring to move, he look like a little hamster that had been caught pilfering melon seeds and wanted to shrink into a ball to pretend that the other person did not see him .

However, Shen Lan just smiled and pulled down Su Tang’s little face, wanting to get a better look .

This time, the little hamster was a bit miserable . Not only was it unable to get his melon seed, but he was also caught in the act and was about to be interrogated . It was estimated that he would be asked why he was trying to steal the melon seed .

While Su Tang thought this in his heart, Shen Lan actually did it . He squeezed Su Tang’s soft face and smilingly asked: “Has now become so shy . How can be so courage before?”

Su Tang did not want to tell the other person so he pursed his lips and did not speak, looking like he was angry .

Shen Lan rubbed his head . “Is the good baby having a little temper?”

“Is not . ” Su Tang made a humphed sound and took Shen Lan’s hands that was on his head and put it away . There was a little grievance in his heart . If not for Shen Lan pretending to sleep, he wouldn’t have been caught . But this matter, in the end, he did secretly kissed the other .

But the kiss has been kissed, yet Shen Lan was still holding onto himself and would not let go, so Su Tang became a little angry out of shame . He angrily said: “Is it not just secretly kissing you . Could it be that you didn’t want it?”

Of course he wanted .

Shen Lan somewhat wanted to laugh at Su Tang’s words . He was not making fun of it, rather, it evolved from his heart that wanted to rejoice in happiness . In fact, when he had woken up a little, he had been too comfortable hugging his little treasure in his arms and simply did not want to open his eyes . Fortunately that he didn’t or else he wouldn’t have been able to see Su Tang’s cute little antics .

With them having just recently confessed their feelings, Shen Lan’s heart was still uncertain . It was same for any person who have just fallen in love for the first time, always worrying about the gains and losses, he couldn’t help but want to constantly express his love to the other person involved . The other person is always shy and never said anything, but until Su Tang kissed him just now, he suddenly felt that his happily and madly beating heart could not be restrained .

His little treasure was very charming . Everything he said and did caused his heart to tremble . He just wanted to keep the other person always in his hand, kissing him, hugging him, and raising him up high .

Moving aside Su Tang’s hands that were on his chest, Shen Lan held onto his waist and pulled him down to lay on his body .

Su Tang was being extremely obedient at the moment . Because he was a bit embarra.s.sed and wishing he could find a hole to hide in, when Shen Lan let him lie down, he did not struggle and instead buried his face into the other’s chest, pretending to be an innocent rabbit .

Smiling, Shen Lan aside his forehead hair and asked: “Look at this shy little appearance . It as if it was not you who stole a kiss from me but it was me who stole a kiss from you . ”

Having expressed this, Su Tang was once again to embarra.s.sed to do anything and only refused to talk . But his breathing has now become a little faster and the heat puffed against Shen Lan’s skin, making him feel somewhat itchy . The previous fire had not yet completely disappeared and there was spark that could still be lit .

This was certainly a little subtle .

Shen Lan took a deep breath and did not want to scare Su Tang . Holding his waist and moving him up, he touched Su Tang’s little b.u.t.t and couldn’t help but give it a slap .

“Wu……” Su Tang cried and Shen Lan very quickly pulled back his hand . Su Tang gave him a look, wanting to say something but his robbed by the other person first .

Shen Lan rubbed Su Tang’s little face and asked: “Baby, I want to ask you something . ”

When Su Tang heard this, he knew that it would not be anything good . Immediately covering his ears, he said: “Not listening . ”

However, this method of covering his ears with his hand was not a good soundproofing . When Shen Lan moved closed to Su Tang’s ear, he said: “You say, you stole a kiss from me while I was asleep . Was it more than once?”

“I didn’t!” Su Tang, forgetting to pretend and also forgetting to cover his ears, evasively said: “I, I only did it one time . ”

“Really?” Shen Lan smilingly asked .

“Really!” Su Tang promptly nodded .

“Oh, I thought you were the same as me . ” Shen Lan spoke as if he was lightly dismissing the matter and Su Tang was not yet able to react .

“Oh, I thought you were the same as me . ” Shen Lan spoke as if he was lightly dismissing the matter and Su Tang was not yet able to react .

What was the same as him? As Su Tang thought about it, Shen Lan gently kissed his face . The warm touch made his heart sway and he immediately understood Shen Lan’s meaning .

The other person must have secretly kissed him before!

Su Tang looked up to see him and was greeted by Shen Lan’s bright and frank gaze . Su Tang did not have his thick face and he felt like he was being burned by this kind of look . But secretly, he was also very happy in his heart .

This feeling was quite marvelous . Su Tang thought and couldn’t help but wonder at what the other person had done at those time . But if he were to really ask him, he might become so embarra.s.sed that he wouldn’t be able to do anything all day . He lightly mulled over these matters .

Su Tang was tangled and Shen Lan, seeing him like this, refused to help, only looking at him, wanting him to speak .

In the end, his level was just too low and Su Tang still lost to Shen Lan . Stretching out his finger to gentle poke the other person, he asked: “You, um…… at that time, what happened?”

“Shouldn’t you know?” Shen Lan asked deliberately .

“I…… I don’t know, ah . ” Su Tang had finally summoned up his courage to ask and yet it was immediately punctured by Shen Lan . His heart was a little fl.u.s.tered, causing him to stutter when he spoke .

Afraid that he had gone to far and would make Su Tang not pay any heed to him again, Shen Lan turned over and putting him at him side to ensure that Su Tang could not run away . He then said: “At that time, I secretly kissed you while you were sleeping . ”

His voice was very light, like a whisper between lovers . It bore through into Su Tang’s ears and he was being swept by a soft feather . Even his heart felt itchy .

Shen Lan continued: “You sleep so deeply but once I secretly kiss you, you still bite my lips . ”

“How could that be……” With a guilty conscience, Su Tang’s voice was a little weak . When Shen Lan saw him like this, he leaned over to bit Su Tang’s lips and said: “It’s like this but mine is ten times lighter than yours . ”

Shen Lan’s bite was a sore and itchy, but if it was really what the other person said, perhaps it was really painful . Su Tang felt a little remorseful in his heart but when he thought about how the other person was secretly kissing him, him being bitten was just the consequences of his own actions .

“That’s just your punishment,” Su Tang said to him .

“That’s just your punishment,” Su Tang said to him .

Shen Lan did not mind, just nodded and said: “I stole a kiss from you and was then bitten by you . Since you stole a kiss from me this morning, are you going to be bitten by me?”

Su Tang very quickly was unable to say anything .

It was already too late .

Shen Lan had long laid out a trap for Su Tang . As a vampire hunter, he was very good at capturing this soft little vampire . Already capturing the other firmly in his arms, he lowered his head and kissed his little mouth .

Su Tang had little strength but because he loved Shen Lan in heart, he only pushed at him lightly before cooperating with the other person . Kissing was like an addictive poison, especially for people in love . It was hard to quit once they have gotten a taste .

The kiss was only just starting and Shen Lan licked Su Tang’s lips, wanting to pry open his teeth . However, before his plan could be implemented, the phone on the bedside table rang .

Shen Lan did not have wide social circle for others to contact him . Apart from the Blood Hunting Organization, there wasn’t much else . Su Tang heart became agitated from the sound and he raised his head to look at Shen Lan, but the other person’s expression was the same as always .

He reach over to grab the phone and looked at the caller ID . It was An Shiyu .

Su Tang immediately became vigilant . Perking up his ears, he attentively stared at Shen Lan .

Shen Lan, feeling helpless and seemingly having no way out, he put the phone on speaker .

An Shiyu spoke softly, but there was a slight tremble in her voice . She told Shen Lan that before going to bed last time, she had seen a person’s shadow outside her windows several times and that this morning when she got of bed to go to the bathroom, she felt that there was someone outside the window . When she had opened the curtain to look, aside from a bat, nothing else was seem .

Ordinarily, she would not have cared about it too much . However, since she had come to this school, she has heard many strange rumors . And after several attacks, she could not help but worry .

She wanted to report it to the police but it was unlikely that they would believe her . She wanted to tell a friend, but could not find anyone suitable . Then somehow, she remember Shen Lan who had once helped her .

After she finished delivering those words, she then thought of something and murmured: “In the past few days, I been having dreams about vampires and towards blood, there was a little…… a little thirst for it . I……  I don’t know whats going on . I…… I feel like I might be going a little crazy . ”

Once Shen Lan finished listening to her, he simply offered her comforting words and told her to not think too much about it . As An Shiyu has not become a true bloodkin, the Blood Hunting Organization hoped that she could continue to live on as a normal human being . As for those other matters, it was best not to say anything about it to her .

After she finished delivering those words, she then thought of something and murmured: “In the past few days, I been having dreams about vampires and towards blood, there was a little…… a little thirst for it . I……  I don’t know whats going on . I…… I feel like I might be going a little crazy . ”

Once Shen Lan finished listening to her, he simply offered her comforting words and told her to not think too much about it . As An Shiyu has not become a true bloodkin, the Blood Hunting Organization hoped that she could continue to live on as a normal human being . As for those other matters, it was best not to say anything about it to her .

After the two chatted for a while, An Shiyu finally relaxed and hung up the phone . Shen Lan turned his head and at once met with Su Tang’s watchful gaze .

“That masquerade ball, I want to also go,” Su Tang said .

“You don’t have an invitation card . ” Shen Lan refused .

“But I have the mark of a bloodkin . They will not stop me . ” Su Tang finished, then looked up at him and asked: “It’s dangerous to go there, isn’t it?”

“It’s not dangerous . ” Shen Lan touched Su Tang’s head and continued: “But if you go, I will not feel at ease . Baby, be good . You stay at home and relax . I won’t be gone for too long . ”

If things goes according to the story’s plot, Shen Lan’s mission will not be a big problem . However, An Shiyu will be changed into a bloodkin and when the feeding time comes, Su Tang fear that it would be Shen Lan’s blood that was sucked .

When Su Tang thought of this, he felt unwell all over . Shen Lan was already his own possession and he did not want other people to suck the blood his blood . This was simply like protecting his food . If anyone dares to touch what was his, he will ruthlessly bite .

But now, he had to wait for other people to come and steal his food and this food he had so lovingly collected also wanted to run away . Su Tang was immediately sad, so sad that  he wanted to cry . Even more, he wanted to bite .

Taking a hold of Shen Lan’s arm, he bite down, his teeth plunging into the skin . Su Tang listen as a sound immediately rose from Shen Lan’s throat and he knew that it was very painful for the other person . However, even if it was really painful, Shen Lan was still unwilling to take him . Su Tang felt very aggrieved and as his eyes became wet, his tears fell .

He cried like a little milk dog that no one wanted . Looking very pitiful, his nose felt stuff and he could only breathe with his mouth . Yet he begrudgingly did not want to loosen his mouth and it cause his face to turn red as he continued to hold onto Shen Lan’s arm .

“Baby, quickly let go,” Shen Lan promptly said .

Su Tang was not willing to listen to him, and like a child not wanting to admit defeat, he refused to let go . The toxin secreted by his sharp fangs made Shen Lan’s breathing difficult . His blood boiled and it all flowed the place below . The pleasure grew more and more and Shen Lan was already somewhat unable to resist it .

He thought to himself, where was the little baby that was trying to threaten him with tears? He was clearly trying to seduce him .

If he does not agree again, he fear that he might really die because of the other person .

032 Little Vampire 12 The thief Su Tang had been caught in the act . Naturally, he was very embarra.s.sed . His hand were captured by Shen Lan and with him also not even daring to move, he look like a little hamster that had been caught pilfering melon seeds and wanted to shrink into a ball to pretend that the other person did not see him . However, Shen Lan just smiled and pulled down Su Tang s little face, wanting to get a better look . This time, the little hamster was a bit miserable . Not only was it unable to get his melon seed, but he was also caught in the act and was about to be interrogated . It was estimated that he would be asked why he was trying to steal the melon seed . While Su Tang thought this in his heart, Shen Lan actually did it . He squeezed Su Tang s soft face and smilingly asked Has now become so shy . How can be so courage before Su Tang did not want to tell the other person so he pursed his lips and did not speak, looking like he was angry . Shen Lan rubbed his head . Is the good baby having a little temper Is not . Su Tang made a humphed sound and took Shen Lan s hands that was on his head and put it away . There was a little grievance in his heart . If not for Shen Lan pretending to sleep, he wouldn t have been caught . But this matter, in the end, he did secretly kissed the other . But the kiss has been kissed, yet Shen Lan was still holding onto himself and would not let go, so Su Tang became a little angry out of shame . He angrily said Is it not just secretly kissing you . Could it be that you didn t want it Of course he wanted . Shen Lan somewhat wanted to laugh at Su Tang s words . He was not making fun of it, rather, it evolved from his heart that wanted to rejoice in happiness . In fact, when he had woken up a little, he had been too comfortable hugging his little treasure in his arms and simply did not want to open his eyes . Fortunately that he didn t or else he wouldn t have been able to see Su Tang s cute little antics . With them having just recently confessed their feelings, Shen Lan s heart was still uncertain . It was same for any person who have just fallen in love for the first time, always worrying about the gains and losses, he couldn t help but want to constantly express his love to the other person involved . The other person is always shy and never said anything, but until Su Tang kissed him just now, he suddenly felt that his happily and madly beating heart could not be restrained . His little treasure was very charming . Everything he said and did caused his heart to tremble . He just wanted to keep the other person always in his hand, kissing him, hugging him, and raising him up high . Moving aside Su Tang s hands that were on his chest, Shen Lan held onto his waist and pulled him down to lay on his body . Su Tang was being extremely obedient at the moment . Because he was a bit embarra.s.sed and wishing he could find a hole to hide in, when Shen Lan let him lie down, he did not struggle and instead buried his face into the other s chest, pretending to be an innocent rabbit . Smiling, Shen Lan aside his forehead hair and asked Look at this shy little appearance . It as if it was not you who stole a kiss from me but it was me who stole a kiss from you . Having expressed this, Su Tang was once again to embarra.s.sed to do anything and only refused to talk . But his breathing has now become a little faster and the heat puffed against Shen Lan s skin, making him feel somewhat itchy . The previous fire had not yet completely disappeared and there was spark that could still be lit . This was certainly a little subtle . Shen Lan took a deep breath and did not want to scare Su Tang . Holding his waist and moving him up, he touched Su Tang s little b.u.t.t and couldn t help but give it a slap . Wu Su Tang cried and Shen Lan very quickly pulled back his hand . Su Tang gave him a look, wanting to say something but his robbed by the other person first . Shen Lan rubbed Su Tang s little face and asked Baby, I want to ask you something . When Su Tang heard this, he knew that it would not be anything good . Immediately covering his ears, he said Not listening . However, this method of covering his ears with his hand was not a good soundproofing . When Shen Lan moved closed to Su Tang s ear, he said You say, you stole a kiss from me while I was asleep . Was it more than once I didn t Su Tang, forgetting to pretend and also forgetting to cover his ears, evasively said I, I only did it one time . Really Shen Lan smilingly asked . Really Su Tang promptly nodded . Oh, I thought you were the same as me . Shen Lan spoke as if he was lightly dismissing the matter and Su Tang was not yet able to react . What was the same as him As Su Tang thought about it, Shen Lan gently kissed his face . The warm touch made his heart sway and he immediately understood Shen Lan s meaning . The other person must have secretly kissed him before Su Tang looked up to see him and was greeted by Shen Lan s bright and frank gaze . Su Tang did not have his thick face and he felt like he was being burned by this kind of look . But secretly, he was also very happy in his heart . This feeling was quite marvelous . Su Tang thought and couldn t help but wonder at what the other person had done at those time . But if he were to really ask him, he might become so embarra.s.sed that he wouldn t be able to do anything all day . He lightly mulled over these matters . Su Tang was tangled and Shen Lan, seeing him like this, refused to help, only looking at him, wanting him to speak . In the end, his level was just too low and Su Tang still lost to Shen Lan . Stretching out his finger to gentle poke the other person, he asked You, um at that time, what happened Shouldn t you know Shen Lan asked deliberately . I I don t know, ah . Su Tang had finally summoned up his courage to ask and yet it was immediately punctured by Shen Lan . His heart was a little fl.u.s.tered, causing him to stutter when he spoke . Afraid that he had gone to far and would make Su Tang not pay any heed to him again, Shen Lan turned over and putting him at him side to ensure that Su Tang could not run away . He then said At that time, I secretly kissed you while you were sleeping . His voice was very light, like a whisper between lovers . It bore through into Su Tang s ears and he was being swept by a soft feather . Even his heart felt itchy . Shen Lan continued You sleep so deeply but once I secretly kiss you, you still bite my lips . How could that be With a guilty conscience, Su Tang s voice was a little weak . When Shen Lan saw him like this, he leaned over to bit Su Tang s lips and said It s like this but mine is ten times lighter than yours . Shen Lan s bite was a sore and itchy, but if it was really what the other person said, perhaps it was really painful . Su Tang felt a little remorseful in his heart but when he thought about how the other person was secretly kissing him, him being bitten was just the consequences of his own actions . That s just your punishment, Su Tang said to him . Shen Lan did not mind, just nodded and said I stole a kiss from you and was then bitten by you . Since you stole a kiss from me this morning, are you going to be bitten by me Su Tang very quickly was unable to say anything . It was already too late . Shen Lan had long laid out a trap for Su Tang . As a vampire hunter, he was very good at capturing this soft little vampire . Already capturing the other firmly in his arms, he lowered his head and kissed his little mouth . Su Tang had little strength but because he loved Shen Lan in heart, he only pushed at him lightly before cooperating with the other person . Kissing was like an addictive poison, especially for people in love . It was hard to quit once they have gotten a taste . The kiss was only just starting and Shen Lan licked Su Tang s lips, wanting to pry open his teeth . However, before his plan could be implemented, the phone on the bedside table rang . Shen Lan did not have wide social circle for others to contact him . Apart from the Blood Hunting Organization, there wasn t much else . Su Tang heart became agitated from the sound and he raised his head to look at Shen Lan, but the other person s expression was the same as always . He reach over to grab the phone and looked at the caller ID . It was An Shiyu . Su Tang immediately became vigilant . Perking up his ears, he attentively stared at Shen Lan . Shen Lan, feeling helpless and seemingly having no way out, he put the phone on speaker . An Shiyu spoke softly, but there was a slight tremble in her voice . She told Shen Lan that before going to bed last time, she had seen a person s shadow outside her windows several times and that this morning when she got of bed to go to the bathroom, she felt that there was someone outside the window . When she had opened the curtain to look, aside from a bat, nothing else was seem . Ordinarily, she would not have cared about it too much . However, since she had come to this school, she has heard many strange rumors . And after several attacks, she could not help but worry . She wanted to report it to the police but it was unlikely that they would believe her . She wanted to tell a friend, but could not find anyone suitable . Then somehow, she remember Shen Lan who had once helped her . After she finished delivering those words, she then thought of something and murmured In the past few days, I been having dreams about vampires and towards blood, there was a little a little thirst for it . I I don t know whats going on . I I feel like I might be going a little crazy . Once Shen Lan finished listening to her, he simply offered her comforting words and told her to not think too much about it . As An Shiyu has not become a true bloodkin, the Blood Hunting Organization hoped that she could continue to live on as a normal human being . As for those other matters, it was best not to say anything about it to her . After the two chatted for a while, An Shiyu finally relaxed and hung up the phone . Shen Lan turned his head and at once met with Su Tang s watchful gaze . That masquerade ball, I want to also go, Su Tang said . You don t have an invitation card . Shen Lan refused . But I have the mark of a bloodkin . They will not stop me . Su Tang finished, then looked up at him and asked It s dangerous to go there, isn t it It s not dangerous . Shen Lan touched Su Tang s head and continued But if you go, I will not feel at ease . Baby, be good . You stay at home and relax . I won t be gone for too long . If things goes according to the story s plot, Shen Lan s mission will not be a big problem . However, An Shiyu will be changed into a bloodkin and when the feeding time comes, Su Tang fear that it would be Shen Lan s blood that was sucked . When Su Tang thought of this, he felt unwell all over . Shen Lan was already his own possession and he did not want other people to suck the blood his blood . This was simply like protecting his food . If anyone dares to touch what was his, he will ruthlessly bite . But now, he had to wait for other people to come and steal his food and this food he had so lovingly collected also wanted to run away . Su Tang was immediately sad, so sad that he wanted to cry . Even more, he wanted to bite . Taking a hold of Shen Lan s arm, he bite down, his teeth plunging into the skin . Su Tang listen as a sound immediately rose from Shen Lan s throat and he knew that it was very painful for the other person . However, even if it was really painful, Shen Lan was still unwilling to take him . Su Tang felt very aggrieved and as his eyes became wet, his tears fell . He cried like a little milk dog that no one wanted . Looking very pitiful, his nose felt stuff and he could only breathe with his mouth . Yet he begrudgingly did not want to loosen his mouth and it cause his face to turn red as he continued to hold onto Shen Lan s arm . Baby, quickly let go, Shen Lan promptly said . Su Tang was not willing to listen to him, and like a child not wanting to admit defeat, he refused to let go . The toxin secreted by his sharp fangs made Shen Lan s breathing difficult . His blood boiled and it all flowed the place below . The pleasure grew more and more and Shen Lan was already somewhat unable to resist it . He thought to himself, where was the little baby that was trying to threaten him with tears He was clearly trying to seduce him . If he does not agree again, he fear that he might really die because of the other person .