Lovable Package

Chapter 21

Lovable Package

Little Vampire – 01

From then on, they lived everyday very happily. In the present moment, Ling Si was sitting on a tree"s trunk and hugging Su Tang as they watched the stars together. The moonlight was very beautiful and on the mountain, many fireflies flew about.

Just like the bright stars in the sky, Su Tang"s eyes also glowed brightly. Leaning his head on Ling Si"s shoulder, and just as in the past, he said coquettishly: “What to do, I like you very much.”

“I like you too.” Smiling, Ling Si kissed the side of Su Tang"s face, grabbed his hand, and entangled their fingers together. Making a promise, he said: “If there is a next life, I will definitely still like you.”

Though the life of a demon was long, they was still an end. When the two had finally turned to dust, even then, Ling Si was still holding tightly onto Su Tang"s hand. After all, they had agreed to be together forever.


When Su Tang once again woke up, he felt somewhat dizzy. Opening up his hazy eyes, he found that there was only pitch-black darkness around him, as well as the sound of teeth piercing skin and eager swallowing.

“Where is this?” Su Tang asked.

“A school"s warehouse and there are a few vampires eating next to you,” the system replied.

Hearing this, Su Tang suddenly became so scared that he broke out into cold sweat. The system saw him like this and somewhat meanly ridiculed: “What are you afraid of? You are also a vampire.”

“Eh?” Su Tang had a perplexed look in his eyes. He remembered that he should not be a vampire. Originally, he should have been…… what should he have been?

Su Tang discovered that he had no memories at all, his mind completely blank, and the only thing he could remember was that he had been caught by a system to do tasks. He could not remember anything else but he knew that this was not the only thing he should be remembering. There was something very important, yet this important memory had been erased.

“System, my memories, why are my memories gone?” Su Tang frantically asked.

“……” The system, not wanting to keep on lying to the other, sighed and said: “According to the punishment policy, because you did not perform well in the last world, your memories were erased. Furthermore, the amount of tasks in the world have also increased. Since I am just a system, I can only carry out things in accordance with the orders given. I"m sorry that I was not able to help you keep your memories.”

“This……” After Su Tang finished listening, there was a sense of loss in his heart, like the center had been hollowed out and s.n.a.t.c.hed away by someone. Wanting to cry, his eyes moisten, and warm tears fell on the back of his hands. He sobbed, choked with emotions, and wanted to call out a name that he could not remember.

“Ai, cry, ba. It"s okay to cry for a while.” The system was also not feeling so good at heart. This little ancestor was quite pitiful. Before, when he cried, there was someone to help coax him. Now, he was all alone once again.

Su Tang did not know how long it has been, but he had become tired after having cried. With red eyes, he asked: “System, what is the story of this world?”

Afraid that Su Tang would remember the past and feel uncomfortable again, the system quickly said: “You have transmigrated into a vampire world this time. The male lord is a vampire hunter and the female lord is a half-blood. Her blood is fragrant and sweet, and because of this, she is often attacked by vampires. By chance, the female lord came across the male lord who had been injured and saves him. Consequently, the two became mutually attracted and they simultaneously confess their love for each other……”

The female lord"s name was An Shiyu. A person from Z-Country and brought up as a normal human being since childhood, she has never had a thirst for blood. As a result, she was unaware of her true ident.i.ty. Gentle and kind and with outstandingly good grades, she was currently studying as an exchange student in Country. Unfortunately, the University of Lorenz where she was located at was a gathering place for vampires with almost one-fifth of the students and teachers at the school being vampires themselves.

This was due to an agreement from the government. In regards to both side having suffered heavy casualties after experiencing a long period of the Holy War, they came to an agreement and signed a treaty of mutual noninterference between the humans and the bloodkins. Without attacking one another, the vampires could pretend to be human beings while living in society and humans were not allowed to wantonly kill the law-abiding vampires.

This may appear to be very peaceful, but in actuality, after such a long time, they were quite a few vampires who were not satisfied with the current status quo. They would seduce humans, at first completely embracing them, then transforming them into newborn bloodkins in order to constantly expand their powers. These newborn bloodkins are incapable of controlling their desire to suck human blood however, and they begin to reach out towards the people around them.

In the cla.s.s that the male lord was in, there were two students who had just been transformed into bloodkins. Abandoned by their host and unable to tolerate the hunger and thirst, they eventually knocked out their own cla.s.smates and brought them to the school"s warehouse to eat.

“Then, what about me?” Su Tang hurriedly asked.

“You are an unlucky vampire who have been sleeping for a thousand years. Barely crawling out of your own tomb, you were caught by these two newborn bloodkins and was dragged to this warehouse. After the two finish eating those poor fellows, they will then eat you.”

The system finished speaking and upon see Su Tang"s panic-stricken face, it comfortingly said: “Don"t worry, ba. In a moment, the male lord will rush in and subdue the two vampires. You"re are responsible for capturing the male lord, and sucking his blood to restore your strength while conveniently giving him a few wounds. When pa.s.sing by, the female lord will see this and come to save the male lord.

“Then what?” Su Tang asked.

“Then you run away. After we leave, we can then discuss on what to do next.” The system had not finished speaking yet when the iron doors of the warehouse was kicked opened. A faint light entered the dimly light room, and it stung Su Tang"s eyes, making him close them.

Immediately, the two vampire stopped eating and rushed to bite the male lord. From just the sounds, Su Tang could tell that they were fighting very fiercely. Finally, two last sound echoed and the two vampires fell to the ground.

Su Tang"s heart suddenly tighten. This male lord seem so much more difficult to deal with. How was he suppose to attack him later? Like this, wouldn"t he just be hung up like a chicken and beaten?

TN: 岂不是要被人当小鸡崽那样拎起来吊打?

Last line above. Not entirely sure I got that right.

Not even finishing his thoughts yet, the lights in the warehouse were turned on by Shen Lan. He stood in front of Su Tang, his temperament, cold, and his face still stained with blood. He held a silver pistol in his hand that was suffused with a cold light and it made him look like an Asura[1] who had just walked out of h.e.l.l.

Su Tang stared at him, his breathing stifled as the feeling of intense danger pressed in. It was just like a hamster encountering a cat or a rabbit meeting a wolf. Even feeling like his life was about to come to an end, his chest tighten. Opening his mouth, his throat became dry and hoa.r.s.e. Finally, only a “wah” sound was made and his tears bursting out.

Very scary!

Shen Lan was suddenly stunned to a stop, not even daring to move forward.

According to his many years of experiences, sitting in front of him was a vampire. But this vampire was not the same as the two newborn bloodkins from a moment ago. He was very beautiful with big eyes and a small and exquisite mouth, resembling a delicate doll.

This vampire"s face looked very young, with the appearance of an eighteen or nineteen year old boy. His pupils were dark red however and they were already shifting into black. From this point alone, Shen Lan was certain that the other person was actually at least several hundred years old, maybe even thousands of years old.

It was reasonable to say that this was a vampire of n.o.ble rank. This vampire should either be attacking him, or even contemptuously ignoring him. It should have been impossible for this vampire to be frighten into tears by him.

However, the reality was this kind of black fantasy and the vampire in front of him was indeed sitting on the ground and miserably crying. His body was incessantly shaking while his little white hand tried desperately to wipe away the tears. His eyes were full of fear, as if Shen Lan had just done something immoral like a beast.

But in fact, he absolutely didn"t.

His head aching, Shen Lan was starting to feel very distress from just seeing Su Tang"s small crying form. Thinking about it, this vampire was probably also a victim and it seems like the other person would not hurt him. If possible, he wanted to bring him back to the headquarters and slowly investigate him.

Therefore, he put the gun down and raised his hands to the side of his ear to show his own good intentions.

“What is your name?” Shen Lan approached while speaking as slow as possible. Sobbing sporadically, Su Tang looked up, his pair of big eyes staring at him with fear.

Without any better option, Shen Lan squatted down and asked again: “What is your na……”

His voice had not yet even fallen when Su Tang pounced on Shen Lan"s body like puppy and while the other person was unprepared, he pierced his canine teeth into the other person"s neck.

Shen Lan moaned, already lacking the strength to push Su Tang away due to the immense pleasure that spread from his neck to his whole body. While the power was escaping his body and his blood was boiling, it seemed as if he was suddenly ascending into paradise. When the soft and hot tongue began to unceasing lick the wound, he felt that he was a bit……

A bit hard.

Translator"s Note:

10/15/18: This chapter was completed on 9/28/18. But yeah- chapter 1 of the new arc. Yay? I havent had access to internet for quite a while now. And all of my stuff was just sitting on a notepad on the computer. Sorry about that. Also, I"ve just moved again, though I"m still freeloading. But I"m working a temp job now. So… I hope things will look up and I can smoothly translate this cause doing this is probably the only thing that keeps me happy and away from depression. Hurray.


1. Asura // 修罗 // xiū​luó – malevolent spirits in Indian mythology. Asuras are described in Indian texts as powerful superhuman demiG.o.ds with good or bad qualities.