Lovable Package

Chapter 27

Lovable Package

Little Vampire – 07

What happened at home, Shen Lan basically did not know and was doing experiments in the cla.s.sroom with his mind at peace. There were two rabbits on the table before him and an animal diagram with various organ nerves shown on the blackboard in front.

Though he was a blood hunter, he was also a medical student. The Blood Hunting Organization was a group established by the country but because the occupation itself had limitations, it could not be revealed to the ordinary people. Therefore, Shen Lan could only use being a medical student as a cover to monitor and manage the Bloodkin Order within the school.

He and An Shiyu were both people from Z-Country and were in the same cla.s.s and grade. Quite naturally, they were also a.s.signed to be in the same group.

Today, their task was to dissect the rabbits. Shen Lan looked down at the two fat white rabbits eating leaves. They were healthy and active, completely oblivious of the fact that they would soon be under the knife.

Shen Lan looked at the rabbits and suddenly thought of his own little vampire at home. The other person was also simple-minded like this, unable to attend or manage to anything whenever he was absorbed with sucking blood. If by chance that someone were to really catch him and put him on an experiment table, would he even know how to get away?

At the thought of this, Shen Lan"s face became very unsightly. His Su Tang was staying with him so how could he be caught by others? If someone really did dare to try and kidnap him, he would definitely chop the other person up.

After the professor finished the lecture for them to take note of the above-mentioned matter, the students were then allowed to start the actual operation. An Shiyu was in charge of issuing the anesthetics while Shen Lan was responsible for the more brutal steps.

The two people coordinated together with tacit understanding yet they did not exchange a single word with one another. Lightly bowing their heads with knives in hand, the atmosphere surrounding them was quite strange.

Outside the door, Su Tang had finally made it to Shen Lan"s cla.s.sroom. When he had looked through the window from outside and saw that the cla.s.s was already in session, he obviously knew that it was not feasible to directly knock and go in. Thus, Su Tang had entered from a back entrance. Lightly pushing open the cla.s.sroom door a crack, he squeezed in like a small hamster.

Looking around, he noted that there were about twenty to thirty people in the cla.s.sroom. Shen Lan sat in the back row by the window with the female lord in the seat beside him.

“What perfect progress!” The system praised, then said: “You just stay in the corner and look. If anything unexpected suddenly occurs, you need to rush to it right away, understand?”

“Got it!” Su Tang nodded, looking full of confidence as his exaggerated cowlick flashed up straight.

He crouched down but just as he was about to find a place where he could hide and peep, he felt the back of his collar tightening, like someone was there and wanting to pull him up.

“Goodness, where did this little sweetheart come from? So cute.” So said a blond haired youth from behind him.

His voice was quite loud and it caused all the people in the cla.s.sroom to turn and look. This in turn caused Su Tang to jump in fright, his body uncontrollably shaking.

Though the blond youth was giggling, Su Tang couldn"t help but feel terrified and began to panic. Barely able to get back his composure, he froze for a second and found that there was a dense b.l.o.o.d.y scent coming from the other person"s body.

This was a vampire, and one who illegally sucked human blood at that.

Su Tang became even more panicked and he subconsciously wanted to run over to Shen Lan. However, he escaped route was being blocked by the other person.

Breaking into a smile, the blond youth said: “Dear, doing this experiment is really too boring. How about you accompany me?”

He drew closer and closer, his pupils now becoming a bright red and his sharp canines were made visible as he raised up the corner of his lips.

Su Tang"s breathing became heavier and he felt like his heart wanted to jump out of his throat. So terrified, he dared not even move. He looked on as the other person"s hand extended toward him. But suddenly, someone came to stand in between them, barring the way.

He looked up and saw that it was Shen Lan.

Though there was still no expression on the other person"s face, the knit between his eyebrows revealed a little of his bad mood. Taking Su Tang"s hand, he pulled the other into his arms before casually saying to the blond youth: “The smell of blood on your body is awfully heavy.”

The man"s face instantly paled. Shen Lan"s words were without a doubt a warning that basically said: The Blood Hunters already have their eyes on you. As to what the consequence would be, everyone obviously already knew.

Shen Lan faintly glanced at him. When he drew back his gaze, the youth felt like he had been cut apart by a knife. The young vampire was now frozen in place but Shen Lan did not bother to look at him again. When the cla.s.s is over, he would have to directly handcuff the youth and drag him to the Organization to be slowly questioned.

With that plan in mind, Shen Lan said to the professor: “Sorry, I will go out first and come back in ten minutes.”

Shen Lan"s ident.i.ty was very special and many people inside of the school were already aware of this. Seeing the professor simply give a wave of his hand, Shen Lan then pulled Su Tang out of the cla.s.sroom.

The windows in the corridor were all half opened and fresh air was constantly flowing in. Su Tang took a deep breath and felt that the previous thick scent of blood had now become lighter.

Leaning against the wall, the image of the vampire"s face repeatedly appeared in his mind, causing the fear in his heart to rise, so much so that he could feel his legs and feet going soft. He was also finding it difficult to breathe.

Upon seeing this, Shen Lan stroked Su Tang"s head then draped his own coat over his body. With the warmth and familiar scent, Su Tang subconsciously rubbed against Shen Lan"s hand then squeezed into his embrace and let out a sob.

He was like a small animal that lacked a sense of security. Pretending to be calm in the face of the enemy but when meeting with someone he could rely on, he couldn"t help but expose his softest part and is able to cry and vent, even treating the other person as a shoulder to rely on.

Shen Lan sighed and whispered into Su Tang"s ear: “Don"t be afraid, he will not hurt you.”

Su Tang, unable to stop sobbing, called out: “Shen Lan?”

“I"m here,” Shen Lan answered.

“Shen Lan, Shen Lan?” Su Tang called out again.

“Baby, I"m here.” Shen Lan stroked his head.

Unable to stop it, the golden peas fell from Su Tang"s eyes. However, his heart was steadfast as he continued to call out: “Shen Lan, Shen Lan, Shen Lan……”

Crouching down before him, Shen Lan wiped away Su Tang"s tears and said: “Baby, I will always be by your side. Don"t be afraid. I will never let anyone hurt you.”

Having said that, he pulled Su Tang into his embrace.

Su Tang did not push away, rather, he quietly sank into his arms and smell the familiar scent of gra.s.s.

Ten minutes later, Shen Lan came back into the cla.s.sroom through the back door while dragging a little Su Tang behind him.

Su Tang saw that the surrounding people were all watching him. Scared, he shrank towards a corner and squatted.

He looked like a small, tender and white mushroom.

After the bell sounded, signifying the end of the cla.s.s. As everyone began to clean up the experimental supplies, An Shiyu placed a knife under the water to wash and accidentally cut her finger.

As a bead of blood flowed out, the fragrant aroma wafted through the air and all at once, the atmosphere in the entire room froze.

All the vampires around began to stir as their eyes, like a starved wolf who had been stuck in the wilderness for many days, stared fixedly at An Shiyu.

Su Tang"s heart was startled. Quickly standing up, he handed the other person a band-aid with trembling hand.

Shen Lan shot a glance over and seeing no incident happening, returned to busying himself with the things before him, as if to stop himself from instantly going over to comfort the other.

Su Tang wanted to hint something to Shen Lan, but not good at talking directly, reached out to hook Shen Lan"s pinky. The other person, apparently not getting his reason, just quickly hook Su Tang"s hand. The corner of his mouth turning upward, he then began to pack the things up with one hand.

Su Tang, seeing that Shen Lan was unable to understand, said: “Your cla.s.smate, she……”

“Relax. I will tidy up these bloodkins later. She will not be in danger,” Shen Yan said.

“That"s not it.” Su Tang thought for a moment before finally whispering to Shen Lan, trying to steer him towards the other person. “She"s injured, ah.”

“So?” Shen Lan turned his body around to face Su Tang, his tone sounding a little impatient. He just couldn"t figure it out. Obviously, his own family"s little vampire had only just now met this An Shiyu, so why did he care about the other person so much?

Su Tang sensed that Shen Lan seemed to be a little angry but he did not know why. Since this was his task though, he put on a bold face and forced himself to say: “I think her wound looks bad……”

Shen Lan suddenly felt like something exploded inside him. Staring at Su Tang for a very long time, he then undid his collar b.u.t.ton with one hand. Pointing his finger at the teeth mark on his neck, he asked: “I am also injured. Why aren"t you concerned about me?”

Translator"s Note:

Aggregators. Aggregators begone. Woooooooshaaa. >>; If you aren"t doing so already, please read this at numpaomtl . wordpress . com.

Anyway- The strong thousand year old vampire is such a crybaby. Sighs. But the jealous Blood Hunter is very funny. lol Also- sorry for changing theme again. Aside from being bored, I have no excuse. >>;