Lovable Package

Chapter 29

Lovable Package

Little Vampire – 09


When Shen Lan"s teeth lightly bit into Su Tang"s shoulder, he was also hit by his warm breath. A damp heat seeped into the shirt and immediately sent a fervent heat into his skin. Su Tang let out a scream, wanting to push Shen Lan away, but he was stop by the other person.

“What are you doing?!” Su Tang nervously asked.

“Just like when you bit me that time, it was very painful.” Shen Lan said and stared at Su Tang with calm eyes.

“I"m sorry……” Su Tang looked down into Shen Lan"s eyes and suddenly realize that his own heartbeat was beating very fast. He felt like he was drowning, or more like he was being sucked in by a vortex, and once sucked in, there was probably no means of escaping.

Su Tang slightly turned his head away and lightly glanced at Shen Lan from the corner of his eyes instead. The other person"s eyes were pure black, like a pool of deep water, seemingly capable of hiding all his emotions within the serene depths. Though Su Tang could not understand what the other person was thinking, he could see that there was something within his eyes.

His own self was there. Reflected within Shen Lan"s pupils was his own image.

Naturally, there was also a deep and strong feeling within them. Su Tang could not tell what it was and he also did not want to go in too deep. The emotion that floated to the surface were already obvious and intense enough. Floating there was anger, and not only that, this anger was directed at his own self.

This anger seemed to have been ignited from the experimental cla.s.s. As for why, Su Tang could not figure it out. He only felt that Shen Lan"s anger was very frightening, yet somewhat indescribably lonely.

Su Tang did not struggle to escape from Shen Lan"s arms. Rather, as much as possible, he tried to put on the performance of being obedient and well behaved. Looking up and seeing the teeth mark on Shen Lan"s neck, he thought to himself that maybe his own bite did truly pained him, and whispered: “I"m sorry. Next time, I won"t do it again.”

His voice was very soft, the end-tone somewhat prolonged. It was like a soft and fluffy cotton candy with it"s sweet and silky thread being continuously pulled. When Su Tang had finished speaking, he turned to look his opponent with his big round eyes, looking very much like a small animal.

Shen Lan liked it when Su Tang was like this. He felt that the other person was extremely cute and he wanted to just keep Su Tang within his arms so that he could kiss him and hug him always.

However, sometime, Su Tang was very unscrupulous.

The other person had secretly escaped from the house, interacted with the people in the cla.s.sroom, and even more, he had paid particular attention to An Shiyu, which made him feel very jealous. For the first time in the twenty years of Shen Lan"s unsurprising and indifferent life, the word ‘jealous" appeared. Although it was very novel, it was also quite unpleasant.

And because it made him feel unhappy, he wanted to punish Su Tang.

Thus, supporting Su Tang"s shoulder and lowering his head, he said: “If you bite me, I will bite you.”

Although his voice was light, he had on a serious expression as if he were speaking about a very important matter with the other person. However, Su Tang was actually feeling quite intimidated by his seriousness and was at once on guard as he hastily covered his neck.

Su Tang was very shocked upon hear this but after carefully thinking about it, he suppose such a method was only fair. He bit Shen Lan, and that in turn had caused Shen Lan"s heart to be at an imbalance. Without a doubt, he would want to get back at him.

But he was little scared. Human teeth were not as sharp as a vampire and if wanting to break the skin, it would be very hard, having to put in a lot of effort. As Su Tang thought of this, he felt that his neck was beginning to dully ache.

Unfortunately, he could not refuse. Otherwise, he would be swallowed up by Shen Lan.

This made Su Tang feel extremely tangled and he looked at Shen Lan, but the other person still had on a rather indifferent expression, as if the next person he was going to bit was not him at all.

Su Tang felt like he was going through a psychological struggle, but in the end, he clenched his teeth and set firm his resolve. Isn"t it just being bitten? For him, this was nothing!

Therefore, Su Tang very slowly began to undo the top b.u.t.ton of his shirt. When he reached the third b.u.t.ton and pushed it back to just barely exposed his shoulder, he touched his smooth neck and whispered: “You mean to do it, right? Just don"t break the skin, ah. I"m afraid of pain.”

“Okay.” Shen Lan nodded, his eyes taking on a faint light. Leaning Su Tang against him, he lowered his head to touch the shoulder that he had been coveting for quite a long time now.

Su Tang"s skin was very soft, exquisite like milk. Though he had just taken a shower, there was none of that kind of ice cold feeling. His white skin was flushed a pink color, and his shoulder was smooth and round, like a milky strawberry cheesecake.

Shen Lan used his teeth to lightly bite. It felt exactly like how he had imagined it would and he couldn"t help but hook up his lips. With one hand on Su Tang"s waist,  he used his other to hold down the nape of Su Tang"s neck.

Slowly, he began to grind his teeth on Su Tang"s shoulder. It was very light and there was no pain. There was however a very strange feeling. Su Tang could feel his body inexplicably weakening. His breathing also began to increase and he could do nothing but lean on Shen Lan"s chest as to avoid stumbling.

“Does it hurt?” Shen Lan asked.

“It doesn"t hurt,” Su Tang answered.

Shen Lan made an ‘Oh" sound then, moving his head upward, he bit down into Su Tang"s neck with his teeth.

“Ah!” Su Tang loudly cried out, feeling like he had received an electric shock that made his neck feel crisp and numb. Thrown into confusion, he wanted to hide, but Shen Lan took the opportunity to suppress him. As their body"s moved, they collapsed down upon the bed with Shen Lan positioning himself on top of Su Tang.

Shen Lan used his arms to support his body and attentively stared down at Su Tang. The two looked at each other and for a moment, Su Tang was able to read the emotions that had been hidden in Shen Lan"s eyes before.

Shen Lan bent a leg and placed it between Su Tang"s thighs. Intimidated, Su Tang shrank his lower legs back, not at all knowing what he should do.

“Do you want to seek revenge?” Su Tang asked, trembling.

“Seek. Definitely must seek.” All too sudden, Shen Lan smiled. The corner of his lips rising upward, it looked a bit suffocating, but even more, it was like a spoiled child.

He said: “We must first calculate the account. The first matter, why did you go to the school to find me?”

“Uhm, that is, ah……” Su Tang was immediately stumped. Naturally, he went to the school because of his task to reconcile Shen Lan and An Shiyu. However, it was not a matter that he could speak of. Not only would the system not allow it, but Shen Lan would also not necessarily believe it.

Thus, Su Tang chose to be silent.

Shen Lan raised an eyebrow and saw that Su Tang did not answer him. Though he was not particularly angry, he did exert a little force with his hand to flipped Su Tang over.

Then, aiming for the other person"s small b.u.t.t, he lightly gave it a pat.

“Wa!” Su Tang was immediately angry. His b.u.t.t, for this kind of thing, not just anyone can do! Therefore, he wanted to resist but when he tried to struggle and get up, he was at once pressed down by Shen Lan"s hand. His legs slumping, his ultimate resistance ended in failure.

“Ah, ah, ah, you rogue, what are you trying to do?” Su Tang asked, kicking about his lower legs.

“Ask you questions.” Saying that, Shen Lan moved his hand over Su Tang"s b.u.t.t and pressed it lightly. “If you do not answer, I will slap it.”

“You are indiscriminately using punishment!” Su Tang said while struggling.

“This is a normal interrogation procedure.” Shen Lan stated in deadly earnest.

Su Tang was now extremely angry, his temper flaring up. Turning his head around to glare at Shen Lan, he said: “I just don"t answer. How can you treat me like this?”

Not speaking, Shen Lan used his finger to gently press down a bit. Su Tang"s b.u.t.t was soft like cotton and all at once, his fingers just simply sank into the cottony flesh.

Shen Lan did not expect it to be like this. His eyes full of wonder, he raised his head up to look at Su Tang who was flushed a very deep red. The two stared at each other in a stalemate for a while before Shen Lan finally reacted and took back his fingers. The soft little b.u.t.t then bounced back into their original round state.

This was simply…… a world treasure!

He felt that his lower body was already hard. Fortunately, Su Tang had his back to him or else he would be scared away by him. Shen Lan attempted to arrange his pants then asked Su Tang: “Skipping the first question, I"ll ask you this instead. Why were you so nice to An Shiyu?”

“Ah? I was nice to her?” Su Tang was very perplexed and had to think for quite a while. Then, he felt that he finally understood what was going on. For Shen Lan to be angry like this, it must be because Su Tang had been solicitous towards An Shiyu. When all was said and done, Shen Lan must have feelings for the female lord. If so, how can he endure the person he liked being tease by other people?

Thinking of this, Su Tang, having suddenly been enlighten, turned his head and asked: “Hey, you tell the truth, are you jealous?”

Hearing this, Shen Lan heart nearly jumped out. Having always thought that Su Tang was slow, he did not expect the other person to actually be so sensitive to his feelings like this that even the matter of his jealousy could unexpectedly be seen.

The two love idiots could not help but feel complacent with themselves. One felt that he was about to complete his task and be able to escape from the abyss of suffering while one felt that he could immediately greet romance and send out dog food. But in fact, what they thought was completely different from the reality. It was a difference that was practically a million miles apart.

Su Tang looked at Shen Lan and seeing that he was not saying anything, he knew he had guessed correctly. Taking advantage of the fact that the other person was not paying attention, he quickly turned over and used his feet to nudge the other person"s legs. He then said: “Actually, with you at this age, its a good time to fall in love. If you like someone, then you should immediately chase. Your look is so handsome like this, the conditions are very good. She will definitely not reject you.”

TN: it, she, and he

它(it/its),他(he/him),她(she/her) – its amusing that the character used for the p.r.o.nouns it, she, and he all uses the ‘ta" sound when speaking. So without context, Shen Lan wouldn"t know what ‘ta" Su Tang is using when he had said ‘she" lol. Then again, hes too busing having a raging hard-on to notice anything right now anyway.

Shen Lan legs being rubbed by Su Tang"s small feet only made him harder. Feeling like the other person was suggesting something to him with this, his heart was seriously delighted. Just about to say something to Su Tang, the other person interrupted him.

“But you have to interact often with her, be good to her, and from time to time, express your feelings. Then, once those feelings wears in, you two will become a couple.”

Su Tang was calm and believed himself to be very cool like a love advisor. But in actuality, in Shen Lan"s eyes, he was like a love swindler, his small mouth opening and closing, and just randomly talking silly nonsense without an ounce of understanding.

However, Shen Lan then had a second thought. Since Su Tang actually had a good enough impression of him like this to say such things, maybe he want those things done to himself? For example, like wanting more interactions, more showing of affections, and even more…… together with him, wearing it in. Cough.

TN: 磨合

These characters were use by both Shen Lan and Su Tang when they mentioned ‘wear in/wear it in. This 磨合 basically means to let two people or thing get use to each other, to adapt to one another. Hence, to wear in or break in. I understand Su Tang"s meaning, like he wants Shen Lan and An Shiyu to get use to each other feelings, but the same word coming from Shen Lan in the paragraph above sounds so much more ambiguous than it should be. o.O Like an uncle cracking a s.e.xual joke. Yes… break it in…. coughcough. Theres gotta be some innuendo here in Shen Lan"s thought process or I just misunderstood and translated it wrong.

No matter what it was, Shen Lan was looking forward to it all. Thereupon, he reached over to pinch Su Tang"s little face and ask: “But Teacher, I have no experience. What should I do?”

“Hey, you don"t pinch me!” Su Tang brushed away Shen Lan"s hand and said: “To have experience is to explore. Teacher is only teaching you what is in the books. To be successful, you just have to practice.”

Shen Lan nodded, revealing an expression of enlightenment. He then said with a low smile: “Then Teacher, I want to practice. Do you agree?”

Su Tang, wanting to be of help to him, beckon with his hand and hastily said: “Agree, agree, you can practice, ba.”

Like a swindler having gained an advantage, the smile on Shen Lan"s face intensified. He said: “Then I will start.”

“Eh?” Su Tang was puzzled, not understanding. If Shen Lan wants to practice, why would he want to start with himself? Before he could react, the other person"s lips were already upon his face.

A soft and dry sensation was applied to his face and like a small flame, the fire quickly spread across his skin and dying his porcelain white face red. Soon after, his neck and chest also became red.

Su Tang"s brain crashed and his heart was beating very fast as an unclear feeling rushed through. His eyes were opened wide in surprised, completely at a loss of what to do.

After Shen Lan finished the kiss, he once again lifted his head to look at Su Tang. His face displayed calmness, but he was in fact actually feeling very nervous. Before kissing Su Tang, he had been very afraid of expressing his desire, afraid that Su Tang would come to hate him if it was made known.

However, he found that Su Tang"s face only held surprise and shyness. He suppose he was already completely overcome with embarra.s.sment. Fortunately, he did not look like he hated him.

Thinking this, Shen Lan couldn"t help but feel his heart relaxing. Reaching over to caress Su Tang"s cheeks, he moved closer and kiss his lips.

Just lightly kissing, it was like a gentle caress and only the temperature and the slight throbbing of their lips could be felt. Forgetting who or where he was, Su Tang felt like he was floating in the ocean, riding on a small boat and surrounded by a hazy sky. Suddenly, in his eyes, he could see Shen"s smiling face.

He was somewhat dazzled, even feeling very comfortable. But at the same time, he was also somewhat nervous. After all, this was his first time kissing. Inexperienced, he had trouble just to control his sluggish breathing.

As Shen Lan pulled his lips away, Su Tang was finally able to breathe, taking in big mouthful of air. In the split second that his eyes locked in confrontation with Shen Lan however, he immediately and uncomfortably held his breath.

Shen Lan only gently flicked Su Tang"s nose then lean forward again to whisper into his ears: “Teacher, how was my practice?”

The hot breath Shen Lan exuded from his lips went straight into Su Tang"s ear, making it hot and itchy. Even half of his body felt like it had gone soft. Su Tang tried to opened his mouth but could still feel the kiss permeating on his lips, making him unable to break free. Though he could hear the words that Shen Lan was saying to him, his brain simply could not a.n.a.lyze it.

Seeing that Su Tang did not respond, Shen Lan smilingly asked: “Teacher, what are you thinking about?”

Slowly returning from his daze, Su Tang looked up at Shen Lan with big eyes, gazing from his eyebrows to the corner of his eyes, and then continued down to his lips. They were beautiful lips, not too thick or too thin and had a very nice color. Looking at it, Su Tang imagination began to run wild.

Like this, looking especially adorable, he went on a crazy mental journey. Upon seeing  this, Shen Lan was unable to hold back his own restless heart and gather up Su Tang in his hand and finally went forward to press him down again.

Su Tang"s lips were very soft and sweet. He couldn"t help but want to keep his mouth on them and give them another lick. Thinking about it in his heart, Shen Lan lips hooked up into a smile and feeling very happy, he lifted his head up again to see what kind of expression Su Tang had.

The result upon looking up was Su Tang with tears already swelling up in the corner of his eyes.

Shen Lan hastily got him, his heart feeling like it had been smashed by a large stone, and it broke the sweet feeling from a moment ago into dust. He was suddenly aware that he may have been to hurried and had greatly frighten Su Tang.

“Why did you kiss me?” Su Tang asked, trembling.

“I…… I like you.” After saying it, Shen Lan felt a little stupid and asked: “Don"t you like me?”

“Who said that?!” Su Tang quickly sat up. How, how, how did he like Shen Lan? Granted, the other person was very handsome. He was also very gentle with him, taking him to by clothes and helping him with his vampire urges. He also frequently touch his head and hug him when sleeping, but, but……

Suddenly recalling how nice Shen Lan was and figuring out all kinds of things, Su Tang quickly admonished himself in his mind and very slowly repeated: “I do not like Shen Lan. I do not like Shen Lan. I do not like……”

“I like Su Tang.” Shen Lan words broke through Su Tang"s own words that were like a broken record. Shen Lan lifted up Su Tang"s face to let the other person look at himself and then said: “I like Su Tang, I like Su Tang.”

When he finished, he said with a smile: “You see, I said it three time. More than you.”

Su Tang looked at him dumbly and asked: “And what does that mean?”

“Balancing up both sides, one offsets the other and what remains is my ‘I like Su Tang", ah,” Shen Lan said as the corner of his lips curved upwards.

Su Tang"s face became very red and he felt that Shen Lan"s words were like a small hook, grasping his loudly beating heart and making it difficult for him to speak up.

Su Tang opened his mouth, wanting to struggle again, but Shen Lan, using his fingers to cover his lips, simply smiled and said: “You look me in the eyes and tell me, do you hate me?”

No…… he did not hate, ah. Thinking this, Su Tang was immediately a little fl.u.s.tered. He did not know when it had started, but towards Shen Lan, he already liked. Moreover, it was not just a little bit for even after Shen Lan"s lips had left his own, he currently still had some yearning for it.

If Su Tang had not come to this realization, what would have happened to him? Without Shen Lan saying anything, he alone would not be able to figure it out and he would have just waited for Shen Land and the female lord to gradually get together. At that time, he may even feel sad but afterward, he would have just left the world to start a new task and would soon forget all about Shen Lan.

But now, because of Shen Lan, everything has been thrown into disorder.

Shen Lan had rushed in front of him and without any logic or shame, said that he liked him. Panicking, Su Tang felt like a bunny who had been pushed into a corner by a wolf and while shivering, he could not help but want to hold his ears, cover his tail and hide his whole body, and then pretend that nothing had happened.

However, Shen Lan was still there, staring at him.

“I am a vampire. I hate vampire hunters,” said Su Tang finally.

“However, what you hate is the vampire hunter organizations. You, don"t actually hate me, right?” Shen Lan asked after taking a deep breath to make his voice sound unperturbed as much as possible.

Su Tang, momentarily distracted, did not know how to he ought to reply. He remembered that the system had said that Shen Lan was a person who was cold on the outside but warm on the inside. Because he was outwardly cold to everyone, other people were thus afraid and would keep away from him. Only until someone came to him with a heart full of warmth, were they able to melt away the thin layer of ice around him, and feel his sincere emotions hidden beneath.

However, these pa.s.sionate emotions were not thrown at An Shiyu. They thrown to Su Tang.

And Su Tang could not accept them.

“System, what should I do……,” Su Tang asked, his voice trembling a little.

The system sighed. It did not expect that this kind of thing would happen and thought that in accordance to Shen Lan"s temperament, he would have definitely endure and restrained himself for much longer period of time. In the end, however, it did not expect that Shen Lan would actually not be able to.

Looking at Su Tang"s bewildered face, it did not have the heart to blame him. It then said: “You have to reject him and say that you don"t like him. You must remember that the task comes first. Don"t be afraid of the rest. The plot should automatically help you deflect the situation.”

Agreeing, Su Tang took a deep breath and wanted to say to Shen Lan: “I don"t like you.”

But when he wanted to force those words from out his lips, he suddenly found that he could not say anything. With Shen Lan profoundly gazing down at him, his heart trembled.

“I"m sorry.” Su Tang shifted his eyes away and said: “I don"t think its possible for me to accept your feelings. I have not liked anyone before but I don"t consider on liking anyone either.”

He thought that it was a very cold-blooded reply, but it was easily accepted by Shen Lan. The other person simply smiled and said: “It does not matter. As long as I like it, it is enough.”

Saying that, he pulled Su Tang into his arm and lifting up the blanket, he wrapped up on the warm bed then went to turn off the light before laying himself beside Su Tang. He then whispered: “Good night.”

Throughout it all, he did not give Su Tang a single moment to respite.

Su Tang, unable to sleep, wanted to turn over and look at Shen Lan but the other person had his eyes closed, seeming as if he was already asleep, or more like, he was pretending to so as to ignore him. Seeing as there was nothing to be done about it, Su Tang forced himself to silently count the stars in the sky. When he had reached five hundred, Shen Lan suddenly reached out and pulled him into his arms.

Feeling as if an empty s.p.a.ce in his heart had finally been filled up, Su Tang closed his eyes and entered his dreams.

In this way, they lived together in harmony for several days and Shen Lan never brought up the matters that had happened that night. Recently, he has become quite busy. Aside from having the experiment cla.s.s to catch up to, he was often running around out in the field. In addition, there was also the matter of An Shiyu"s finger having been cut a few days ago and how it had awoken a group of vampire"s l.u.s.t. Because of that, Shen Lan had been sent to secretly protect the person involved.

An Shiyu originally lived in the school"s dormitory but recently, feeling that the dormitory were not safe, decided to co-rent a room with another human girl. It was mere coincidence that she so happened to be in the same apartment as Shen Lan.

Shen Lan and An Shiyu"s courses were also similar, and sometimes after cla.s.ses, he would conveniently escort An Shiyu back to the apartment.

Slowly, the story"s plot began to develop. Shen Lan"s att.i.tude towards An Shiyu, though not harmonious, it was also not insipid. Nevertheless, there was no need to be overly worried. The two have already had many interactions and maybe not long after, the thread of feelings between the male and female lord would be joined together.

Today, Shen Lan attended a lecture with An Shiyu and when heading back, the weather had taken a turn for the worse as strong winds that were followed by a heavy downpour began. Unfortunately, Shen Lan had not brought an umbrella. An Shiyu did, however, and opened hers to share.

Shen Lan sported a black western style suit today and carried a fan in one hand. His posture was tall and straight, like that of a pine. An Shiyu, standing beside him, wore a long white dress and though her long and soft brown hair was currently being blown by the wind, she was still both beautiful and cla.s.sy. The two people walked together, creating an especially beautiful picture.

If it were not for the rain, someone would have definitely come to take a photo.

Su Tang stood barefooted in front of the french window, his eyes staring fixedly down at the two below. As a vampire, his vision was a dozen time better than that of an ordinary human and therefore, their every movement, even the smallest expression, he could see clearly.

The wind was slightly strong and with the small umbrella, it was difficult to avoid the rain that was obliquely blowing their way. An Shiyu, being underdress for the weather, was drench in the rain and could not but shiver. When Shen Lan saw her like this, he tilted the umbrella to her side.

Su Tang wrinkled his brows and fisted his fingers that were on top of the gla.s.s window, feeling very unhappy at heart. The suit that Shen Lan wore was what he had stay up all of last night choosing. Before leaving this morning, he had also given the other person bow tie. However, in less than a day, the clothes have become all wet.

The last time, Shen Lan had gotten soaked for him. This time, it was for An Shiyu. Seeing this, Su Tang felt his mood suddenly become even worse, his heart feeling stifled. Although the feelings between the male and female lord had obviously taken another step forward, he was feeling exceptionally annoyed.

Su Tang did not want to look any further but after only removing his eyes for a split second, he couldn"t but stare again and the more he looked, the more angry he felt. It was as if his own thing had been robbed.

Every time Shen Lan walked home, he would subconsciously watch him from the window. Even when they were usually home together, Su Tang would also secretly watch him. But once their eyes met, he would immediately look away.

This time, Su Tang did not run away and directly fixed his gaze on them.

Shen Lan, as if in a trance, stopped walking and shifted the umbrella to look upward. An Shiyu immediately followed to look up as well and saw the above scene.

For a while, the smell of gunpowder[1] was somewhat dense.

An Shiyu was an observant person and she knew that Su Tang was having a misunderstanding at this moment and feeling a bit awkward, she wanted to immediately separate. On the other hand, Shen Lan simply shook his head, returned the umbrella to her, and quickly ran in.

Realizing that he had just now made a blunder, Su Tang moved back and sat down on the bed. He was still feeling out of sort in his heart however and he started to randomly kick his legs. Unfortunately, he kicking knocked open a bag to reveal the foot cuffs he had broken previously.

Having placed them in the bag at the time, he had never found the time to ask Shen Lan about them and after being confused by the other person"s sudden confession, he had completely forgotten about it.

The result of the foot cuffs appearing once again today that was followed by a crashing sound, Su Tang suddenly felt his long repressed emotions being ignited.

He looked down at the chain and various kind of scenes appeared in his mind. Shen Lan apparently seemed so serious and earnest. He never expected that he would instead be perverted like this. This kind of foot cuffs,  would a normal person hide this in their home? Also, before he came, had Shen Lan actually used it on other people before?

Upon thinking this, Su Tang felt like he was going to go mad. He did not know why he was feeling so angry, but when he thought of Shen Lan using these kind of things on other people, he just could not stand it.

A low pressure floated about Su Tang inside the room while a completely unaware Shen Lan arrived from outside. He knocked on the bedroom door, but Su Tang did not come to open it.

From seeing Su Tang"s expression a moment ago, Shen Lan suppose that he was angry right now. Without much care, he fished out a key and opened the door. Then, taking off his coat, he caught sight of Su Tang sitting on the bed with a cold face.

He looked like a sulking pampered young master.

Shen Lan suddenly wanted to laugh.

“You still laugh!” Su Tang"s cheeked that had been puffed out, exploded. He pointed a finger at the foot cuffs in front of him and asked: “You tell me, what is this?”

Shen Lan stared blankly at them and said: “Foot cuffs, ah.”

“Nonsense!” Su Tang picked up the chains and stretching it with his hands, he showed it to Shen Lan then said with clenched teeth: “So thin like this, who can it hold on to? This is clearly one of the those things!”

“What thing?” Shen Lan asked.

“Just, that umm…… s.e.x toys, ah.” Su Tang had held his breath for a long time before he could finally say it.

Shen Lan, not denying it, nodded his head and said: “Yes, that"s right, ah.”

Su Tang had thought of countless of way on how Shen Lan could have answered but he did not expect that the other person would admit it in such a frank manner. Once again angry and annoyed, he suppressed the rising blood in his throat and wanted just to break the chain to pieces then throw it into a furnace.

But Su Tang resisted, choking back the many thoughts that were inside his heart. In the end, he only sighed and in a m.u.f.fled voiced, asked: “You…… has it been used on people?”

“En, it has been used.” Shen Lan nodded, and regardless of Su Tang"s expression, he continued: “At the time, I just wanted to play with him and so brought it to him. He was unexpectedly quite obedient however and after putting it on, he did not even say a word about wanting to take them off……”

Su Tang heart tighten and he did not want to listen anymore. He said: “You, don"t say it. I don"t want to hear anymore.”

Shen Lan, as if he was recalling a good memory, acted like he did not hear Su Tang"s words. Looking like he wanted to oppose the other person still, he continued to talk: “His ankle was very slender and though this was a bit big to wear, it still looked pretty on him. Actually, he wore everything beautifully. Afterwards, I was afraid that he was not comfortable and did not continue to let him wear it.”

When Su Tang heard this, his eyes had become a little red. He did not expect that Shen Lan would have such a past and it seems that his feelings for this person were still very deep. But if that was the case, then why did he confess to him? Even more, why did he kiss him?

Thinking that Shen Lan was a big sc.u.m and also psychologically perverted, Su Tang did not want to deal with the other person anymore. However, he could not help but want to know how things were with Shen Lan and that person.

“And then?” Su Tang ask then covered his mouth.

“Then he said he didn"t like me and I was abandon.” When Shen Lan finished, Su Tang instantly breathe a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Shen Lan would never forget this person and so advised: “There are many people in this world who are better than him. No need to be stubborn and just move on.”

Shen Lan shook his head and said: “But I think he is the best person in the world. I like him. Even if he rejects me, I am willing to wait. Moreover, I think I am a natural pair for him. We will be together sooner or later.”

Su Tang felt sad and was unable to say a word. He thought that Shen Lan"s smile was very dazzling and looking at his gentle expression and tone made him feel very jealous. Obviously, before, all of this had been for him. How is it that in a blink of an eye, he had became the subst.i.tute for a white moonlight[2]?

Su Tang was uncomfortable. When Shen Lan saw that he was sad, he said: “You do not need to be sad for me. When I saw him today, I suddenly felt that I still have a chance. If I try hard, maybe he will accept me.”

“I am not sad for you.” Su Tang sat on the bed and lowered his head while miserly dug into the hems of his shirt. In fact, the rim of his eyes were already moist as he wanted to cry.

He forcefully rubbed at the corner of his shirt into a lump, thinking of the cloth as Shen Lan, and while rubbing it some more, he mutter: “Then you go to him ba. Those foot cuffs aren"t anything special. Whoever you like and want to give to, then just give them to wear.”

Shen Lan saw that he had been too excessive and had bully Su Tang into crying again, he suddenly felt very helpless. He took a step forward and wanted to gather the other person into his arms, but Su Tang instead pushed him away and sobbingly shouted: “You go and look for your white moonlight ah. Don"t use me as a subst.i.tute.”

Seeing Su Tang like this, Shen Lan said: “Baby, I was wrong. A friend sent me those foot cuffs as a joke. Also, I"ve only ever given them to you to wear.”

As Su Tang looked up, Shen Lan came closer and continued: “I just want to tease my little Su Tang. At that time when I brought it out, my little Su Tang was very obedient. Had put it on and didn"t say to take it off……”

Apparently, these were all the words he had said a moment ago but he added a person"s name. Only then was Su Tang able to react. The ‘he" that Shen Lan had mention, they had all been himself.

Shen Lan hugged Su Tang around his shoulders and leaned the other person little head against his own. Smiling, he continued again: “I think my little Su Tang is the best person in the world. I like him. Even if I am rejected, I am willing to wait and I think this is the day I"ve been waiting for.”

Hearing it all, Su Tang could not help but shed tears. Very quickly, Shen Lan wiped at the corner of his eyes and said: “I only like my little Su Tang. We are a natural pair. I like you, my little fluffy sugar……”

The final sounds were swallowed up by lips and teeth and it was very sweet.

Translator"s Note:

If you aren"t doing so already, please read this at numpaomtl . wordpress . com.

I got 6,210 words/32,949 characters out of those 9000 Chinese characters. lol I was half scared that I would not make it. Been kinda busy that staying up at night to work on this have been somewhat difficult. But really, 9000 characters was surprisingly easier to deal with than I had first expected. lol I think I was just intimidated by the number. Hehe. Anyway- this 3in1 chapter felt so draggy/wordy. Really, the author just extended that bedroom scene for way too long. Still… its cute and Su Tang is, as usual, a foolish lump of fluffy sugar.


1. smell of gunpowder // 火藥味 // huǒyàowèi – metaphor for strong hostility or intense conflict

2. white moonlight // 白月光 // bái yuèguāng – a special someone that a person keeps in their heart, usually a first love.