Love Is Blind

Chapter 17

"And neither should you be at the moment," he an- nounced. Carrying her back across the room to the door, he added, "We have just got married. We are not expected to leave the bedchamber for at least a week." "We are not?" she replied.

"Nay. It is a law-or should be," Adrian added with a grin. He started up the hall toward the stairs.

"Nonsense! How could we visit the happy couple if they decided to stay in bed?" a new voice said.

Adrian stopped abruptly, and both he and Clarissa glanced toward the speaker. Reginald Greville stood in the main entry with Adrian"s butler, Jessop. Both men appeared to be smiling, and Clarissa was suddenly quite glad that she, at least, was dressed.

When she kicked her feet, Adrian frowned, but he understood the silent message and set her down. Clarissa kissed him on the cheek to soften her defection, then turned to smile at her husband"s cousin.

"You are the first guest in my new home," she announced with a smile, moving up the hall to greet him. "The first of many, I am sure," Reginald said lightly. "In fact, I know. Aunt Isabel and Mary intend to drop around later today. And no doubt your father shall come around to see how you are faring. In fact, I am sure half of the ton will drop by, determined to look you over after your first night as a wife."

Clarissa glanced over her shoulder toward Adrian, who gave a growl. She fully understood his reaction. She too would be happy to avoid such a throng of visitors so soon after their wedding, for it suddenly occurred to her that the people would know exactly what she and Adrian had been doing until the wee hours of the morning. Perhaps not all the hows and whys, but certainly they would know the wedding had been con- summated. The idea of so many people knowing something so personal was daunting.

"Jessop," Adrian snapped.

"Yes, my lord?" The butler seemed to stand a little straighter under the verbal lash.

"Arrange for both carriages to be prepared and brought around. Then send Joan and my manservant to us. We leave for Mowbray within the hour."

Clarissa"s eyes widened as her husband moved purposely forward and caught her hand to tug her toward the stairway.

"But what about Lord Greville?" she asked as he pulled her up the steps. "He has come to visit. We cannot just leave him here and-"

"He did not come to visit," Adrian a.s.sured her calmly.

"Did he not?" she asked. Uncertainly she glanced back to the door and at the blurred figure standing there.

"Nay. My cousin is never up this early. He is on his way home to bed, and was good enough to stop in along the way to warn us that if we stayed here, we would be bombarded with guests."

"He was?" Clarissa said with amazement.

"Yes. He was," Adrian a.s.sured her, and then called over his shoulder, "Thank you, Reg. Good-bye."

"Yes, thank you, Lord Greville," Clarissa called.

"You are most welcome, cousins!" Reginald Greville laughed, then turned to let himself out of the house. Adrian and Clarissa reached the landing and headed down the hall toward their rooms.

Now that he knew that guests intended to descend on them, Adrian was galvanized into action. He led Clarissa to her room, and he pushed her gently inside with the order to write a letter to her father explaining that they had decided to travel to Mowbray to relax after the wedding. Adrian liked her father, and he had no wish to make the man worry at the unexpected departure.

That being the case, he also suggested Clarissa invite Lord Crambray to visit on his trip home from London, which he knew was supposed to take place in a week or so. Adrian was hoping that he would have had enough of his little wife by then, and that he wouldn"t mind the intrusion on their time together. He also hoped-quite fervently-that the man would be returning home alone, without Clarissa"s stepmother. The woman was a menace, and one whose neck Adrian wouldn"t mind wringing. He wanted to avoid her at all costs.

"Yes, husband," Clarissa murmured. Then she asked, "What should I have Joan pack?" "Everything," Adrian replied quickly. Her eyes widened with surprise. "Everything?" she asked with amazement.

He frowned. Adrian himself hated London, and hoped not to return for a good long while. However, he had a wife now, and he had to take her wants into consideration.

"Did you wish to stay in London for the season?" he asked uncertainly.

"Oh, no," she said so quickly that Adrian knew she wasn"t just saying it to please him. He felt himself relax. She added, "I fear I am like my mother, and do not have much taste for polite society."

"Very good." Adrian smiled and then kissed her for being so perfect, before straightening and reiterating, "Have her pack everything, then."

Nodding, Clarissa turned into her room, nearly tripping over the leg of a chair beside the door. Adrian frowned, catching her and drawing her away from it. It occurred to him that they hadn"t made arrangements to get her new spectacles, and he briefly considered delaying their departure to do so ... but then he let the thought drift away. They could arrange for spectacles in the village at Mowbray, maybe. He was still reluctant for her to be able to see him so sqon. Last night had been a good start to the marriage, but Adrian would like just a couple more weeks to solidify their relationship before she saw his scar.

Troubled by his own selfishness, Adrian frowned and pulled her door closed, then moved on to his own room. Really, he acknowledged to himself, Clarissa"s life would be made much easier by having spectacles. Not to mention safer. As it was, she was in constant danger of tumbling down stairs or setting herself afire. But he was so afraid of her reacting badly to his scar...

Adrian"s hand ran absently over the mark in question as he entered his bedchamber. Just a couple more weeks, he promised himself. Then he"d be sure to get Clarissa her spectacles so that she could read and move about safely. In the meantime, he would read to her so that she wouldn"t miss it. Adrian didn"t care if she spilled food on her clothes, so that wouldn"t be a problem; and he would ensure that every member of the staff at Mowbray was apprised of the matter and kept an eye out to maintaining their mistress"s safety. He would even make it the main priority.

Satisfied with his decision, Adrian tossed his robe on the bed and moved to the wardrobe to begin pulling out clothes. He was half-dressed when his manservant, Keighley, entered the room. The man im- mediately moved to help him finish dressing, but Adrian waved him away and directed him to start packing and enlist all the aid he needed to manage the endeavor as quickly as possible.

Once dressed, Adrian made his way to Clarissa"s room and found her just finishing her letter. Joan was there, hard at work packing all the clothes she"d just unpacked the day before. Telling the maid he would send someone up to help her, Adrian led Clarissa downstairs and handed her letter over to Jessop, who would give it to one of the lads to run over to Lord Crambray. Then he escorted her into the dining room. As expected, Cook had already prepared a meal to break their fast, and they both ate heartily after their strenuous activity from the night before.

The servants were still packing when they finished eating, but Adrian had expected as much, and he told Jessop to have the trunks loaded and strapped to a second carriage when they were packed. Joan and Keighley would follow with the belongings while he and Clarissa took the first carriage. He then rushed her out and saw her inside the carriage before having a word with the driver.

"My," Clarissa breathed as he joined her a moment later. "When you set your mind to something, it certainly happens quickly."

Adrian smiled at her dazed expression, then leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. He felt a momentary pang. "You do not mind leaving the city so soon? I know you were enjoying your father"s company."

"And I shall do so again when he stops at Mowbray," Clarissa said quietly. Then she a.s.sured him, "Nay, my lord. I truly do not mind. I fear I would have found any company today overwhelming."

Her blush suggested the reason for her discomfort had something to do with what they"d been doing last night, and Adrian smiled again, then scooped her onto his lap. Clarissa gave a small squeal of surprise, grabbing at his shoulder as he settled her against him.

"Are you sore today?" Adrian asked huskily, bestowing a light kiss to her brow, then each eye.

"No," Clarissa whispered. "Should I be?"

"I do not know," Adrian admitted. He kissed her softly on the lips, smiling as she melted against him. Then he whispered, "Clarissa?"

"Hmmm?" she murmured, tilting her head as he nipped briefly at her ear.

"Do you recall the trip in the carriage where you asked me about the different positions a man and woman might use when-"

"Yes," Clarissa interrupted, blushing prettily.

"Well..." Adrian paused to nibble at her neck, enjoying the little shivers that went through her. He caused those shivers of pleasure and excitement, and could cause much more. Last night Clarissa had screamed with her release the second time he"d made love to her. He was graced with a most responsive and sensuous wife, and knew how fortunate he was in that. Clarissa was still shy and innocent, but once he excited her, she shed most of her inhibitions and lost herself to the experience.

"Well?" she echoed, urging him to complete the thought.

Smiling, Adrian slid a hand up her leg under her skirt, then bent his head to press a kiss to the swell of one breast above the neckline of her gown. His other hand caught the neckline and tugged it downward until the breast popped free. He smiled when he saw that the nipple was already erect-just as he was. They were like fire and tinder, burning each other up.

"Well," Adrian murmured against the exposed flesh. He paused to give it a little lick before continuing. "I was recalling your saying that carriage journeys were long and boring."

"Very little is boring with you around, my lord," Clarissa said with a little laugh, then groaned as he caught her nipple in his mouth and grazed it with his teeth.

"Mmm," Adrian breathed around her excited flesh, smiling when she shuddered and arched her back. Then he added, "I was wondering if you would like to pa.s.s the time here in the carriage by trying the position I showed you?"

Clarissa"s breathing had grown labored, and she shifted on his lap, spreading her legs more as his hand crept up her thigh.

"Which one, my lord?" she asked breathlessly, reminding him that he had indeed shown her two positions before the carriage stopped and dumped them on the floor.

Adrian didn"t answer. He closed his lips around her nipple, drawing on it slowly while his fingers finally reached the center of her.

"Oh, husband." Clarissa moaned, clutching at his head, and Adrian groaned as she shifted her hips in response and her bottom pressed against his erection.

"Which one?" she repeated more urgently, her hands tangling in his hair.

Adrian released her breast and withdrew his hand from between her legs. He then worked at the decol- letage of her gown until he had her two b.r.e.a.s.t.s exposed.

"Both," he breathed, covering them with his hands.

"Both positions and perhaps others. It is a longjourney."

"Oh," Clarissa groaned. "My lord, I do believe I shall enjoy this journey far more than I did the trip to London with Lydia."

"I certainly hope so, wife." Adrian chuckled. "After all, I do have an advantage over your stepmother."

"You have many advantages over her," Clarissa a.s.sured him, her voice husky. She kissed him softly on the lips, and then asked, "But of which do you speak?"

"Mmmm." Adrian took a moment to kiss her, then reached out to pull the curtain closed on first one side of the carriage, and then the other. "I have the key to your lock."

Clarissa blinked, then chuckled softly, but her laughter died as he bent to claim her lips again.


Adrian peered down at the slight woman in his arms, a smile playing about his lips. Clarissa was settled straddling his lap, her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s and face plastered against his equally bare chest. She was sleeping the sleep of the exhausted, and it was all Adrian"s fault. He"d clearly worn her out with his lovemaking.

He peered at her silky, flawless skin, her tipped-up nose, and her slightly parted lips, and felt his heart turn over in his chest. Just looking at Clarissa made Adrian want to hold her, and just holding her made him want more. Unfortunately, it wouldn"t be long before they arrived at Mowbray, and there really was no time to wake her for another experiment in the best position to travel by carriage on a long journey.

Clarissa made a little snuffling sound in her sleep, and Adrian"s heart took another turn. She was so adorable, he thought, raising a hand to brush a finger lightly down her cheek. His lady wife immediately frowned, and muttered irritably in her sleep as she slapped the hand away. Adrian"s chest rumbled with laughter, and that seemed to displease her as well, for she swatted at his chest as if to make it stay still.

Shaking his head, he hugged her to his breast and briefly closed his eyes, hardly able to believe his luck. It was Adrian"s considered opinion that he had the most incredible wife in the world.

At the moment the top of her gown was a wrinkled ma.s.s around her waist. Her skirt was also gathered up, and her body was almost glued to his by drying sweat. Yet, did this worry her? Was she fretting over the state of her gown, which he"d managed to rip in his eagerness? No. Clarissa was unconcerned to the point that she"d fallen asleep.

Of course, Adrian realized, he was in no better shape. His breeches were tangled around his ankles, and his shirt was torn open with half the b.u.t.tons missing. And he didn"t much care himself. At least, he didn"t until the driver gave a sudden shout. When Adrian lifted the curtain he"d drawn closed, he saw with horror that they were rolling up to Mowbray.

Adrian was so shocked to realize they"d arrived- and when they were so unprepared to meet anyone- that he jerked slightly forward, sending his wife to the floor in a flurry of skirts.

"Oh, Clarissa! I am sorry," he murmured, letting the curtain drop back into place as he leaned forward to help her. His sweet wife was squawking sleepily and trying to dig her way out of the ocean of fabric entwining her.

Adrian managed to lift her up off the floor, but her dress promptly slid off to pool on the bottom of the carriage. Frowning, he settled her on the bench be- side him, then bent to s.n.a.t.c.h the dress up. He handed it to her, saying urgendy, "We have arrived. We have to dress. Quickly."

"What?" she asked with bewilderment. "What do you mean, we have arrived?"

"I mean we are here, at Mowbray." Adrian jerked the curtain aside to show her, then realized she could not make out much without her spectacles, so he explained: "We are already halfway up the drive. We must dress quickly."

Clarissa didn"t waste time asking questions. She immediately began struggling with her gown, trying to sort out the material.

Relieved that she grasped the urgency of the situation, Adrian turned his attention to his own clothing. He quickly drew his breeches up his legs, then lifted his b.u.t.t off the seat to tug them up to his waist, only to collapse back down as the carriage jerked to a halt. Reaching out, he managed to keep Clarissa from crashing to the floor. They slid forward and then slammed back against the padded bench seat.

Struggling under the waves of her gown, Clarissa muttered what sounded very much like, "d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n, double d.a.m.n," and continued her battle. Adrian gave up on his breeches to try to help her, shifting yards of material as he searched for her head. It looked to him as if she"d tried to pull the gown on, but was having trouble finding her way out through the neck. He"d just found the top of her head amid all that material when the carriage door started to open. Adrian promptly gave up on Clarissa and turned to stop it.

He glanced back, and her head was popping up out of the dress. Clarissa"s arms, though, were still trapped inside the gown, apparently unable to find appropriate exits.

Leaving her to sort it out, Adrian quickly finished doing up his breeches, then tugged his shirt closed over his chest, fastening what b.u.t.tons were left. Once finished, he glanced at Clarissa. With some surprise, he saw that she had the dress on properly and done up, and was making a vain effort to brush the wrinkles out of her skirt. She felt her hair and asked, "Do I look all right? They will not be able to tell, will they?"

Adrian bit his tongue, unwilling to admit that her hair was sticking up every which way, and that it- along with her ripped and wrinkled dress-was definitely going to spill the proverbial beans.

Clearing his throat, he decided to take the chivalrous route: He lied. "They will never guess a thing." "Oh, good."

Clarissa sighed and, before he could say another word, reached for the door and threw it open, nearly braining his butler, who had apparently approached the carriage to see what was amiss.

Fortunately, for all his age Kibble was quick on his feet, and he managed to dance back out of the way before he got clobbered. He just as quickly danced forward again to catch his new mistress as Clarissa tripped over the hem of her gown and tumbled forward.

She landed with a squawk against the man"s thin chest, then managed to get her feet back under her and squinted up at the buder"s bulldog face, trying to make out his features. For his part, the butler gaped back. His eyes moved over her well-kissed lips, mussed hair, and rumpled clothing with a sort of horrified wonder.

Cursing himself for not being quick enough to get out first and aid her from the carriage as he should have, Adrian quickly followed her disembarkation. He then took her by the upper arms and pulled her away from his buder. Drawing her back against his chest, Adrian rested his hands on her shoulders and proudly faced his estate employees.

"Clarissa, this is my staff. The gentleman who saved you from falling is my buder, Kibble. He used to be my tutor when I was a boy, but he took the role of buder when my parents" butler, Fitzwilliam, died."

"h.e.l.lo, Kibble. Thank you for keeping me from falling on my face," Clarissa said with embarra.s.sment, offering a smile to the grizzled old man.

"It was my pleasure, my lady," Kibble a.s.sured her, in a rare show of charm and dignity.

"And this is my-our-housekeeper, Mrs. Longbot-tom," Adrian continued, turning her slighdy so that Clarissa faced the woman he"d secredy called Long-face as a boy. Truly, the name was more suitable. The woman was short and round, with nothing long except her face.

"Mrs. Longbottom." Clarissa smiled and nodded at the woman before Adrian turned her again, this time to face a pa.s.sel of servants that he listed quickly, "This is Marie, Bessie, Antoinette, Lucy, Jean, Jamie, Frederick, Jack, and Robert," he announced.

"h.e.l.lo," Clarissa said weakly, and Adrian squeezed her shoulders in encouragement. He paused to inhale the scent of her as it wafted to his nose. d.a.m.n, she always smelled so good.

Blinking that distraction away, Adrian continued. "Do not worry; I know there are a lot of names, but you will get to know them all in time."

"I am sure I will." Clarissa determinedly straightened her shoulders.

Adrian squeezed her again, then added, "There are several servants not present at the moment, but you will get to know them too. In the meantime..." His gaze swept the small crowd. "Staff, this is my wife, Lady Clarissa Montfort, the new Countess of Mowbray."

"Countess?" Clarissa glanced sharply over her shoulder in his direction.

"The wife of an earl is a countess," Adrian pointed out gendy, and smiled with amus.e.m.e.nt at her startle-ment. Apparently, his wife hadn"t considered the social gain of marrying him.

"Yes, but... Oh," Clarissa said with realization, and his smile widened.

No, she really hadn"t considered his t.i.tle before marrying him, Adrian realized. What bliss! What wonder! His wife had married him for himself. If there had been questions before, there were none now. He was truly the luckiest of men.