Magnum Bonum; Or, Mother Carey's Brood

Chapter 35

"One can"t be agreeable to people like that. Oh, Bobus!" as he came into the room with Mr. Ogilvie, "I"ve found out--"

"I thought Jessie was here," he interrupted.

"She"s gone home. I know what was wrong yesterday. We ought to have isolated the hypo--"

"Isolated the grandmother," said Bobus. "That has nothing to do with it."

"I"m sure of it. I"ll show you how it acts."

"I"ll show you just the contrary."

"Not to-night," cried their mother, as Bobus began to relight the lamp.

"You two explosives are quite perilous enough by day without lamps and candles."

"You endure a great deal," said Mr. Ogilvie.

"I"m not afraid of either of these two doing anything dangerous singly, for they are both careful, but when they are of different minds, I never know what the collision may produce."

"Yes," said Bobus, "I"d much sooner have Jessie to help me, for she does what she is bid, and never thinks."

"That"s all you think women good for," said Janet.

"Quite true," said Bobus, coolly.

And Mr. Ogilvie was acknowledged by his sister to have done a good deed that night, since the Folly might be far more secure when Janet tried her experiments alone.


The rude will scuffle through with ease enough, Great schools best suit the st.u.r.dy and the rough.

Soon see your wish fulfilled in either child, The pert made perter, and the tame made wild.


Robert Otway Brownlow came out fourth on the roll of newly-elected scholars of S. Mary, Winton, and his master was, as his sister declared, unwholesomely proud of it, even while he gave all credit to the Folly, and none to himself.

Still Mary had her way and took him to Brittany, and though her present pupils were to leave the schoolroom at Christmas, she would bind herself to no fresh engagement, thinking that she had better be free to make a home for him, whether at Kenminster or elsewhere.

When the half-year began again Bobus was a good deal missed, Jock was in a severe idle fit, and Armine did not come up to the expectations formed of him, and was found, when "up to Mr. Perkins," to be as bewildered and unready as other people.

All the work in the school seemed flat and poor, except perhaps Johnny"s, which steadily improved. Robert, whose father wished him to be pushed on so as to be fit for examination for Sandhurst, opposed, to all pressure, the pa.s.sive resistance of stolidity. He was nearly sixteen, but seemed incapable of understanding that compulsory studies were for his good and not a cruel exercise of tyranny. He disdainfully rejected an offer from his aunt to help him in the French and arithmetic which had become imminent, while of the first he knew much less than Babie, and of the latter only as much as would serve to prevent his being daily "kept in."

One chilly autumn afternoon, Armine was seen, even by the un.o.bservant under-master, to be shivering violently, and his teeth chattering so that he could not speak plainly.

"You ought to be at home," said Mr. Perkins. "Here, you, Brownlow maximus, just see him home, and tell his mother that he should be seen to."

"I can go alone," Armine tried to say; but Mr. Perkins thought the head-master could not say he neglected one who was felt to be a favoured scholar if he sent his cousin with him.

So presently Armine was pushed in at the back door, with these words from Rob to the cook--"Look here, he"s been and got cold, or something."

Rob then disappeared, and Armine struggled in to the kitchen fire, white, sobbing and panting, and, as the compa.s.sionate maids discovered, drenched from head to foot, his hair soaked, his boots squishing with water. His mother and sisters were out, and as cook administered the hottest draught she could compound, and Emma tugged at his jacket, they indignantly demanded what he had been doing to himself.

"Nothing," he said. "I"ll go and take my things off; only please don"t tell mother."

"Yes," said old nurse, who had tottered in, but who was past fully comprehending emergencies; "go and get into bed, my dear, and Emma shall come and warm it for him."

"No," stoutly said the little boy; "there"s nothing the matter, and mother must not know."

"Take my word for it," said cook, "that child have a been treated shameful by those great nasty brutes of big boys."

And when Armine, too cold to sit anywhere but by the only fire in the house, returned with a book and begged humbly for leave to warm himself, he was installed on nurse"s footstool, in front of a huge fire, and hot tea and "lardy-cake" tendered for his refreshment, while the maids by turns pitied and questioned him.

"Have you had a haccident, sir," asked cook.

"No," he wearily said.

"Have any one been doing anything to you, then?" And as he did not answer she continued: "You need not think to blind me, sir; I sees it as if it was in print. Them big boys have been a-misusing of you."

"Now, cook, you ain"t to say a word to my mother," cried Armine, vehemently. "Promise me."

"If you"ll tell me all about it, sir," said cook, coaxingly.

"No," he answered, "I promised!" And he buried his head in nurse"s lap.

"I calls that a shame," put in Emma; "but you could tell _we_, Master Armine. It ain"t like telling your ma nor your master."

"I said no one," said Armine.

The maids left off tormenting him after a time, letting him fall asleep with his head on the lap of old nurse, who went on dreamily stroking his damp hair, not half understanding the matter, or she would have sent him to bed.

Being bound by no promise of secrecy, Emma met her mistress with a statement of the surmises of the kitchen, and Caroline hurried thither to find him waking to headache, fiery cheeks, and aching limbs, which were not simply the consequence of the position in which he had been sleeping before the fire. She saw him safe in bed before she asked any questions, but then she began her interrogations, as little successfully as the maids.

"I can"t, mother," he said, hiding his face on the pillow.

"My little boy used to have no secrets from me."

"Men must have secrets sometimes, though they rack their hearts and--their backs," sighed poor Armine, rolling over. "Oh, mother, my back is so bad! Please don"t bother besides."

"My poor darling! Let me rub it. There, you might trust Mother Carey!

She would not tell Mr. Ogilvie, nor get any one into trouble."

"I promised, mother. Don"t!" And no persuasions could draw anything from him but tears. Indeed he was so feverish and in so much pain that she called in Dr. Leslie before the evening was over, and rheumatic fever was barely staved off by the most anxious vigilance for the next day or two. It was further decreed that he must be carefully tended all the winter, and must not go to school again till he had quite got over the shock, since he was of a delicate frame that would not bear to be trifled with.

The boy gave a long sigh of content when he heard that he was not to return to school at present; but it did not induce him to utter a word on the cause of the wetting, either to his mother or to Mr. Ogilvie, who came up in much distress, and examined him as soon as he was well enough to bear it. Nor would any of his schoolfellows tell. Jock said he had had an imposition, and was kept in school when "it" happened; John said "he had nothing to do with it;" and Rob and Joe opposed surly negatives to all questions on the subject, Rob adding that Armine was a disgusting little idiot, an expression for which his father took him severely to task.