Magnum Bonum; Or, Mother Carey's Brood

Chapter 80

So Mrs. Gould advanced into the drawing-room; Mrs. Evelyn came forward to a.s.sume the duties of hostess; and Sydney turned and ran away so precipitately that she shut the door on the trailing skirt of her habit and had to open it again to release herself.

Mr. Wakefield hoped the young ladies would pardon him for having spoilt their ride, and Elvira was going off to change her dress, when, to his dismay, Mrs. Evelyn desired her to take her aunt to her room to prepare for luncheon. He had seen enough of Mrs. Gould to know that this was a most unlucky measure of courtesy on good simple Mrs. Evelyn"s part, but of course he could do nothing to prevent it, and had to remain with Mr. Gould, both speaking in the strongest manner of Mrs. Brownlow"s uprightness and bravery in meeting this sudden change. Mr. Wakefield said he hoped to prevail on her to retain the charge of the young lady for the present, and Mr. Gould a.s.sented that she could not be in better hands. Then Mrs. Evelyn (by way of doing anything for her friend) undertook to make Elvira welcome as long as it might be convenient, and was warmly thanked. She further ascertained that the missing witness had been traced; and that the most probable course of action would be that there would be an amicable suit in the Probate Court and then another of ejectment. Until these were over, things would remain in their present state for how many weeks or months would depend upon the Law Courts, since Mrs. Brownlow"s trustees would be legally holders of the property until the decision was given against them, and Miss Menella would be as entirely dependent on her bounty as she had been all these years.

Meanwhile, as Mrs. Brownlow had no inclination to come to London and exhibit herself as a disinherited heroine, Mr. Wakefield and the Colonel strongly advised her remaining on at Belforest.

All this, Mrs. Evelyn had been anxious to understand, and thus was more glad of the delay of Elvira and her aunt up-stairs than she would have been, if she could ever have guessed what work a designing, flattering tongue could make with a vain, frivolous, selfish brain, with the same essential strain of vulgarity and worldliness.

Still, Elvira was chiefly shallow and selfish, and all her affection and confidence naturally belonged to her home of the last eight years. She was bewildered, perhaps a little intoxicated at the sense of riches, but was really quite ready to lean as much as ever upon her natural friends and protectors.

However, Lisette"s congratulations and exultation rang pleasantly upon her ear, and she listened and talked freely, asking questions and rejoicing.

Now Mrs. Gould, to do her justice, measured others by herself, and really and truly believed that only accident had disconcerted a plan for concealing the will till Elvira should have been safely married to Allen Brownlow, and that thus it was the fixed purpose of the family to keep her and her fortune in their hands, a purpose which every instinct bade Mrs. Lisette Gould to traverse and overthrow, if only because she hated such artfulness and meanness. Unfortunately, too, as she had been a governess, and her father had been a Union doctor, she could put herself forward as something above a farmer"s wife, indeed "quite as good as Mrs. Brownlow."

All Mrs. Evelyn"s civility had not redeemed her from the imputation of being "high," and Elvira was quite ready to call hers a very dull house.

In truth, there was only moderate gaiety, and no fastness. The ruling interests were religious and political questions, as befitted Fordham"s maiden session, the society was quietly high-bred, and intelligent, and there was much attention to health; for, strong as Sydney was, her mother would have dreaded the full whirl of the season as much for her body as for her mind.

At all this the frivolous, idle little soul chafed and fretted, aware that the circle was not a fashionable one, eager for far more diversion and less restraint, and longing to join the party in Hyde Corner, where she could always make Allen do what she pleased.

With the obtuseness of an un.o.bservant, self-occupied mind, she was taken by surprise when Mrs. Gould said that Mrs. Brownlow was not coming to town, adding, "It would be very unbecoming in her, though of course she will hold on at Belforest as long as there is any quibble of the law."

"Oh, I don"t want to lose the season; she promised me!"

Then Mrs. Gould made a great stroke.

"My dear, you could not return to her. Not when the young man has just broken with you. You would have more proper pride."

"Poor Allen!" said Elvira. "If he would only let me alone, to have my fun like other girls."

"You see he could not afford to let you gratify your youthful spirits.

Too much was at stake, and it is most providential that things had gone no further, and that your own good sense has preserved you to adorn a much higher sphere."

"Allen could be made something," said Elvira, "I know, for he told me he could get himself made a baronet. He always does as I tell him. Will they be very poor, Lisette?"

"Oh no, my dear, generous child, Mrs. Brownlow was quite as well provided for as she had any right to expect. You need have no anxieties on that score."

To Elvira, the change from River Hollow to the PaG.o.da had been from rustic to gentle life, and thus this reply sounded plausible enough to silence a not much awakened compa.s.sion, but she still said, "Why can"t I go home? I"ve nowhere else to go. I could not stay at the Farm," she added in her usual uncomplimentary style.

"No, my dear, I should not think of it. An establishment must be formed, but in the meantime, it would be quite beneath you to return to Mrs.

Brownlow, again to become the prey of underground machinations. Besides, how awkward it would be while the lawsuits are going on. Impossible! No my dear, you must only return to Belforest in a triumphal procession.

Surely there must be a compet.i.tion for my lovely child among more congenial friends."

"Well," said Elvira, "there were the Folliots. We met them at Nice, and Lady Flora did ask me the other day, but Mrs. Brownlow does not like them, and Allen says they are not good form."

"Ah! I knew you could not want for friends. You are not bound by those who want to keep you to themselves for reasons of their own."

Thus before Elvira brought her aunt down stairs, enough had been done to make her eager to be with one who would discuss her future splendour rather than deplore the change to her benefactor, and thus she readily accepted a proposal she would naturally have scouted, to go out driving with Mrs. Gould. She came back in a mood of exulting folly, and being far too shallow and loquacious to conceal anything, she related in full all Mrs. Gould"s insinuations, which, to do her justice, the poor child did not really understand. But Sydney did, and was furious at the ingrat.i.tude which could seem almost flattered. Mrs. Evelyn found the two girls in a state of hot reproach and recrimination, and cut the matter short by treating them as if they were little children, and ordering them both off to their rooms to dress for dinner.

Elvira went away sobbing, and saying that n.o.body cared for her; everybody was wrapped up in the Brownlows, who had been enjoying what was hers ever so long.

And Sydney presently burst into her mother"s room to pour out her disgust and indignation against the heartless, ungrateful, intolerable--

"Only foolish, my dear, and left all day in the hands of a flattering, designing woman."

"To let such things be said. Mamma, did you hear--?"

"I had rather not hear, Sydney; and I desire you will not repeat them to any one. Be careful, if you talk to Jock to-night. To repeat words spoken in her present mood might do exceeding mischief."

"She speaks as if she meant to cast them all off--Allen and all."

"Very possibly she may see things differently when she wakes to-morrow.

But Sydney, while she is here, the whole subject must be avoided.

It would not be acting fairly to use any influence in favour of our friends."

"Don"t you mean to speak to her, mamma?"

"If she consults me, of course I shall tell her what I think of the matter, but I shall not force my advice on her, or give these Goulds occasion to say that I am playing into Mrs. Brownlow"s hands."

They were going to an evening party, and Lucas and Cecil came to dinner to go with them. Cecil looked grave and gloomy, but Jock rattled away so merrily that Sydney began to wonder whether all this were a dream, or whether he were still unaware of the impending misfortune.

But Jock only waited for the friendly cover of a grand piece of instrumental music to ask Mrs. Evelyn if she had heard from his mother, and she was very glad to go into details with him, while he was infinitely relieved that the silence was over, and he could discuss the matter with his friends.

"Tell me truly, Jock, will she be comfortably off?"

"Very fairly. Yes, indeed. My father"s savings were absolutely left to her, and have been acc.u.mulating all this time, and they will be a very fair maintenance for her and Babie."

"There is no danger of her having to pay the mesne profits?"

"No, certainly not, as it stands. Mr. Wakefield says that cannot happen.

Then the old house in Bloomsbury, where we were all born, is our own, and she likes the notion of returning thither. Mrs. Evelyn, after all you and Sir James have done for me, what should you think of my giving it up, and taking to the pestle and mortar?"

"My dear Lucas!" Then after a moment"s reflection, "I suppose it would be folly to think of going on as you are?"

"Raving insanity," said Jock, "and this notion really does seem to please my mother."

"Is it not just intolerable to hear him?" said Cecil, who had made his way to them.

""What is bred in the bone--"" said Jock. "What"s that? Chopin? Sydney, will you condescend to the apothecary"s boy?"

As he led her to the dancing-room, she asked, "You can"t really mean this, Jock. Cecil is breaking his heart about it."

"There are worse trades."

"But it is such a cruel pity!"

"What? The execution I shall make," he said lightly.

"For shame, Jock!"

But he went on teasing her, because their hearts were so very full.

""Tis just the choice between various means of slaughter."