Magnum Bonum; Or, Mother Carey's Brood

Chapter 83

"Not the slightest; and it is breaking Allen"s heart."

"As if a painted little marmoset were worth a man"s heart! But Allen has always been infatuated about her, and there"s a good deal at stake, though, if he could only see it in the right fight, he is well quit of such a bubble of a creature. I wouldn"t be saddled with it for all Belforest."

"Don"t call her any more names, my dear! I only wish any one would represent to her the predicament she keeps Allen in. He can"t press for an answer, of course; but it is cruel to keep him in this suspense. I wonder Mrs. Evelyn did not make her write.

"I don"t suppose it entered her mind that the little wretch (beg your pardon) had not done it of her own accord, and with those Folliotts there"s no chance. They live in a perpetual whirl, enough to distract an Archbishop. Twenty-four parties a week at a moderate computation."

"Unlucky child!"

"Wakefield is heartily vexed at her having run into such hands," said Jock; "but there is no hindering it, no one has any power, and even if he had, George Gould is a mere tool in his wife"s hands."

"Still, Mr. Wakefield might insist on her answering Allen one way or the other. Poor fellow! I don"t think it would cost her much, for she was too childish ever to be touched by that devotion of his. I always thought it a most dangerous experiment, and all I wish for now is that she would send him a proper dismissal, so that his mind might be settled. It would be bad enough, but better than going on in this way."

"I"ll see him," said Jock, "or may be I can do the business myself, for, strange to say, the creature doesn"t avoid me, but rather runs after me."

"You meet her in society?"

"Yes, I"ve not come to the end of my white kids yet, you see. And mother, I came to tell you of something that has turned up. You know the Evelyns are all dead against my selling out. I dined with Sir James on Tuesday, and found next day it was for the sake of walking me out before Sir Philip Cameron, the Cutteejung man, you know. He is sure to be sent out again in the autumn, and he has promised Sir James that if I can get exchanged into some corps out there, he will put me on his staff at once. Mother!"

He stopped short, astounded at the change of countenance, that for a moment she could neither control nor conceal, as she exclaimed "India!"

but rallying at once she went on "Sir Philip Cameron! My dear boy, that"s a great compliment. How delighted your uncle will be!"

"But you, mother!"

"Oh yes, my dear, I shall, I will, like it. Of course I am glad and proud for my Jock! How very kind of Sir James!"

"Isn"t it? He talked it over with me as if I had been Cecil, and said I was quite right not to stay in the Guards; and that in India, if a man has any brains at all and reasonable luck, he can"t help getting on.

So I shall be quite and clean off your hands, and in the way of working forward, and perhaps of doing something worth hearing of. Mother, you will be pleased then?"

"Shall I not, my dear, dear Jockey! I don"t think you could have a better chief. I have always heard that Sir Philip was such a good man."

"So Mrs. Evelyn said. She was sure you would be satisfied. You can"t think how kind they were, making the affair quite their own," said Jock, with a little colour in his face. "They absolutely think it would be wrong to give up the service."

"Yes; Mrs. Evelyn wrote to me that you ought not to be thrown away. It was very kind and dear, but with a little of the aristocratic notion that the army is the only profession in the world. I can"t help it; I can"t think your father"s profession unworthy of his son."

"She didn"t say so!"

"No, but I understood it. Perhaps I am touchy; I don"t think I am ungrateful. They have always made you like one of themselves."

"Yes, so much that I don"t like to run counter to their wishes when they have taken such pains. Besides, there are things that can be thought of, even by a poor man, as a soldier, which can"t in the other line."

This speech, made with bent head, rising colour, and hand playing with his mother"s fan, gave her, all unwittingly on his part, a keen sense that her Jock was indeed pa.s.sing from her, but she said nothing to damp his spirits, and threw herself heartily into his plans, announcing them to his uncle with genuine exultation. To this the Colonel fully responded, telling Jock that he would have given the world thirty years ago for such a chance, and commending him for thus getting off his mother"s hands.

"I only wish the rest of you were doing the same," he said, "but each one seems to think himself the first person to be thought of, and her the last."

"The Colonel"s wish seemed in course of fulfilment, for when Lucas went a few days later to his brother Robert"s rooms, he found him collecting testimonials for his fitness to act as to a European college at Yokohama for the higher education of the j.a.panese.

"Mother has not heard of it," said Jock.

"She need not till it is settled," answered Bobus. "It will save her trouble with her clerical friends if she only knows too late for a protest."

Jock understood when he saw the stipulations against religious teaching, and recognised in the"s name an essayist whose negations of faith had made some stir. However, he only said, "It will be rather a blow."

"There are limits to all things," replied Bobus. "The truest kindness to her is to get afloat away from the family raft as speedily as possible.

She has quite enough to drag her down."

"I should hope to act the other way," said Jock.

"Get your own head above water first," said Bobus. "Here"s some good advice gratis, though I"ve no expectation of your taking it. Don"t go in for study in the old quarters! Go to Edinburgh or Paris or anywhere you please, but cut the connection, or you"ll never be rid of loafers for life. Wherever mother is, all the rest will gravitate. Mark me, Allen is spoilt for anything but a walking gentleman, Armine will never be good for work, and how many years do you give Janet"s Athenian to come to grief in? Then will they return to the domestic hearth with a band of small Grecians, while Dr. Lucas Brownlow is reduced to a rotifer or wheel animal, circulating in a trap collecting supplies, with "sic vos non vobis" for his motto."

Jock looked startled. "How if there be no such rotifer?" he said. "You don"t really think there will be nothing to depend when we are both gone?"


"Yes, I"ve a chance of getting on Cameron"s staff in India."

"Oh, that"s all right, old fellow! Why, you"ll be my next neighbour."

"But about mother? You don"t seriously think Ali and Armie will be nothing but dead weights on her?"

"Only as long as there"s anybody to hold them up", said Bobus, perceiving that his picture had taken an effect the reverse of what he intended. "They have no lack of brains, and are quite able to shift for themselves and mother too, if only they have to do it, even if she were a pauper, which she isn"t."

But it was with a less lightsome heart that Jock went to his quarters to prepare for a fancy ball, where he expected to meet Elvira, though whether he should approach her or not would depend on her own caprice.

It was a very splendid affair. A whole back garden, had been transformed into a vast pavilion, containing an Armida"s garden, whose of ferns and piles of gorgeous flowers made delightful nooks for strangers who left the glare of the dancing-room, and the quaint dresses harmonised with the magic of the gaslight and the strange forms of the exotics.

The simple scarlet of the young Guardsman was undistinguished among the brilliant character-groups which represented old fairy tales and nursery rhymes. There were "The White Cat and her Prince," "Puss-in-Boots and the Princess," "Little Snowflake and her Bear," and, behold, here was the loveliest Fatima ever seen, in the well-known Algerine dress, mated with a richly robed and turbaned hero, whose beard was blue, though in ordinary life red, inasmuch as he was Lady Flora"s impecunious and not very reputable Scottish peer of a brother. That lady herself, in a p.r.o.nounced bloomer, represented the little old woman of doubtful ident.i.ty, and her husband the pedlar, whose "name it was Stout"; while not far off the Spanish lady, in garments gay, as rich as may be, wooed her big Englishman in a dress that rivalled Sir Nicolas Blount"s.

There was a pretty character quadrille, and then a general melee, in which Jock danced successively with Cinderella and the fair equestrian of Banbury Cross, and lost sight of Fatima, till, just as he was considering of offering himself to little Bo-peep, he saw her looking a good deal bored by the Spanish lady"s Englishman.

Tossing her head till the coins danced on her forehead, she exclaimed, "Oh, there"s my cousin; I must speak to him!" and sprang to her old companion as if for protection. "Take me to a cool corner, Jock," she said, "I am suffocating."

"No wonder, after waltzing with a mountain."

"He can no more waltz than fly! And he thinks himself irresistible! He says his dress is from a portrait of his ancestor, Sir Somebody; and Flora declares his only ancestor must have been the Fat Boy! And he thought I was a Turkish Sultana! Wasn"t it ridiculous! You know he never says anything but "Exactly.""

"Did he intone it so as to convey all this?"

"He is a little inspired by his ruff and diamonds. Flora says he wants to dazzle me, and will have them changed into paste before he makes them over to his young woman. He has just tin enough to want more, and she says I must be on my guard."

"You want no guard, I should think, but your engagement."

"What are you bringing that up for? I suppose you know how Allen wrote to me?" she pouted.

"I know that he thought it due to you to release you from your promise, and that he is waiting anxiously for your reply. Have you written?"

"Don"t bore so, Jock," said Elvira pettishly. "It was no doing of mine, and I don"t see why I should be teased."