Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The doorbell of the shop sounded with a *clang-clang*

“Welcom… . . ah, Arnos-chan welcome back . ”

My mother who was tending the store walked towards me .

Dad’s probably making something in his workshop .

“How…… how’d it go?” my mother asks with a nervous look .

“I pa.s.sed . ”

My mothers face lit up and she hugged me tightly .

“Congratulations! Congratulations Arnos-chan! That’s amazing! To get into the academy after just one month . You’re so clever Arnos-channnn! I’ll make a feast tonight!!”

Yare yare . She wasn’t the one that pa.s.sed so how can she get so much pleasure from this?

Is this a parent thing? Good grief, I can’t understand it at all .

Though I can’t understand it…… . . It doesn’t feel bad at all .

“What do you want to eat Arnos-chan?”

“Let’s see . If possible mushroom gratin would be nice . ”

It’s been my favourite for 2000 years now .

There are more luxurious things and my aides used to tell me all the time to eat foods more befitting of a demon king . It can’t be helped though . I like what I like .

When I used to ask what a demon king should eat I used to get the frightening answer back of [humans] .

What idiocy . It’s impossible for me to eat humans .

They used to get loud saying that the demon king eating gratin was setting a bad example for others . Idiots .

Demon King is the name of the person who can be as selfish as they want .

In other words, I eat what I want to eat .

I’m going to eat mushroom gratin .

“Fufu, got it . Arnos-chan loves mushroom gratin . I knew you’d say that so I prepared it in advance . ”

As expected of my mother . She’s different from my old subordinates .

“Aah, mother we have a guest . ”

“Nn? A guest? Who?”

I turn around and introduce Misha who was hiding behind my back .

“Misha Necron . I met her today at the academy . ”

Misha takes a step forward and speaks in her deadpan tone .

“………Nice to meet you…… . . ”

Misha bows her head .

For some reason, my mothers got a surprised expression on her face and put her hand to her mouth .

“Arnos-chan has………Arnos-chan has………”

Then in a surprised voice, she yells out

“My Arnos-chan has already bought a bride homeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”

Her voice echoes throughout the house .

Misha tilts her head to one side .

“………Is that me…… . . ?”

“No, sorry about this . Hey, mother stop jumping to misleading conclusions . ”

No matter how you look at it she’s misunderstood way too much .

“… . . I see…… . . ”

“It’s fine, it’s fine Arnos-chan . Arnos-chan’s happiness is my happiness . Mother does not object………” she says in tears before wiping the corner of her eyes .

What on earth is going on in your head mother? What delusions are running around in there? I’m afraid to hear the answer .

“Mother, please don’t get so excited… . ”

The door to the workshop was thrown open with a bang .

“Arnos! Good job . As expected . You’re a man now!”

Kuh . It’s my father now .

I need to calm these 2 down .

“Looking back I remember that you were just born the other day . ”

My father puts on a pose and stares out of the window .

“Pappa knew that this day would come but the time still feels a little short . ”

*Haha* my father laughs refreshingly .

It is short . It’s only been a month .

“No, this is a joyous occasion . Isabella, tonight is a feast . Let’s celebrate loudly . ”

“Un, I know that dear . Arnos-chan is starting his new life . ”

My father has a full smile on his face and my mother is filled with tears again .

They face each other and nod *un-un . *

“………Father too…… . misleading conclusion………?”

Misha turns her eyes to me .

“Yeah…… . ”

“Alright, it’s decided . Let’s start cooking right away . C’mon Isabella smile, smile . ”

“Un, you’re right . On Arnos-chan’s happy day mother shouldn’t cry . It’s okay, let’s laugh properly!”

While we stand here dumbfounded my parents get excited .

“Mother, Father can I just say something . ”

“Aah, it’s alright Arnos . You don’t have to help today . Papa will help . ”

Father, even if you say such a thing I’ve never helped .

“C’mon show Misha-chan to your room . ”

My father starts pushing my back to make me go up the stairs to the second floor where my room is .

Once we are in my room my dad closes the door but just before he shuts it his face tightens .

“Listen up Arnos . The cooking will take about 2 hours . Even if you let out a loud voice your mom won’t hear it so do a good job . ” (1)

Fumu . Dad, what are you saying .

“Um, father . ”

“Don’t worry . Leave this to papa . ”

My father then closes the door and just as it closes he says in an indecent voice .

“Take your time . ”

Yare yare . My fathers truly embarra.s.sing .

“I’m sorry Misha . I’ll talk to them later when they’ve calmed down . ”

“……Nn…… . ”

Though not scary it was uncomfortable but Misha’s not bothered by this situation either .

She’s gazing around my room .

“… . . Empty room………”

“We’ve only just moved in . ”

So I say but I don’t intend to increase my possessions much anyway .

“I’m truly sorry for my noisy parents . ”

Misha shakes her head back and forth .

“……I’m used to it……”

Oh yeah, I remember the human who was seeing Misha off this morning .

“I guess there are some similarities with Misha’s father . ”

“…… . Different……”

“Ah sorry, my bad . As expected it’s not . ”

Misha shakes her head again .

“…… . . Not my father……”

“That wasn’t your father this morning?”

Misha nods .

“… . . My foster parent… . . ”

“What about your biological parents?”


I see . It was something like that .

In my old life, I didn’t even have a foster parent .

“…… . Arnos has siblings……?”

“No . Why do you ask?”

“…… . Good terms with siblings……”

“Aah, those things I said to Zepes and Liorg?”

*Kokuri* Misha nods .

“… . . Gentle……”


*Haha* My laughter leaks out .

“… . . That was funny… . . ?”

“No no, sorry . It’s just the first time I’ve been called that . ”

“… . . Why is that…… . ?”

“Well…… . . ”

I look back on my past life .

“For the sake of bringing about this world you now live in I was an oni, a demon, a heretic, what colour is your blood? I was them all . ”

Misha stared at me .

“Were you tormented?”

“Me? No way . ”

Though it was under the pressure of necessity if anything I’d say I was rewarded .

I have no intention of making excuses .

“Meh . I had a cause . ”

Misha denied it flatly .

“… . . People who torment others are bad……Arnos is not bad… . . ”

“No, even if you say that . ”

Misha stretches up and gently touches my head .

“There there . ” (2)

Fumu . I seem to have been misunderstood .

It’s a bit embarra.s.sing and ticklish .

“I was tormenting them as well . In what way am I gentle? Anyway, it seems that my care was unnecessary for those two . ”

That guy Zepes did his best to turn his brother to cinders .

“…… . . It’s a result… . . ”

“It is?”

Misha nods

“……Arnos is gentle… . . ”

They were completely unexpected words but it didn’t feel bad at all .

“Do you have siblings Misha?”

After thinking a little she replied .

“… . . Older sister… . . ”

“Are you close?”

Misha was silent for a while .

“……I don’t know……”

I don’t know? That’s a mysterious answer .

Is that good or bad? Could be either . Are there some circ.u.mstances?

“… . Worry… . . ?”

“Aah, a little . ”


I thought she might tell me about her older sister but Misha just smiled a little .

While waiting for the cooking to be done we chatted about random things .

(1) I love his dad

(2) Okay . Now, this is cute .